Yonge Dundas Square

Yonge Dundas Square. Yonge/Dundas Square in Toronto
  • Yonge/Dundas Square in Toronto

  • kalsta
    Mar 20, 07:53 AM
    I'll probably do the business card for this guy, but if he approaches me with any larger projects, I'll most likely turn him down. :)

    The larger projects are the ones you make your money on. Little jobs sometimes hardly warrant all the time in initial consultation, doing quotes, invoices, possibly banking cheques and other admin. So don't necessarily turn down good work, but just make sure you're setting your prices, not him. Charge him for every minute of author's corrections too, and make sure that's written on the quote that he signs to accept the job.

    Oh, and I forgot to say before, if you do decide to take on any more work from him, make sure you get paid for these jobs first! He could be a non-payer, and then you'll really know what a nightmare client is all about!

    Yonge Dundas Square. Yonge-Dundas Square is slowly
  • Yonge-Dundas Square is slowly

  • whoami
    Apr 27, 05:13 PM
    Try enabling Certificate Revocation checking on your fully updated Mac OS X install and see how long it takes for Mac App Store to show up and how long it then takes to go through the various tabs.

    Also for fun - try enabling password for the screensaver and 60 minute idle logout. Then put your laptop to sleep and come back 60 min later only to have hung login window that accepts no input - works that way every time for me.

    For all the jabs they took at Windows - Apple's is most untested OS after Linux distros. Looks like they only do surface tests - only the defaults are covered.

    just out of curiosity.. do you file bug reports?
    i'm pretty guilty of not...

    Yonge Dundas Square. Toronto Yonge Dundas Square 70
  • Toronto Yonge Dundas Square 70

  • patrick s.
    Dec 7, 09:29 AM
    those arent themes. the temp and weather are done by using GeekTool (http://projects.tynsoe.org/en/geektool/).

    HERE (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=628023&highlight=geektool) is the thread on this site describing all the scripts that are used.

    and the iTunes info is done by using BowTie (http://bowtieapp.com/).

    thanks :)

    I'm reading the thread now while I download geektool

    Yonge Dundas Square. Woodpigeon @ Yonge Dundas
  • Woodpigeon @ Yonge Dundas

  • jent
    Feb 9, 02:19 PM
    Here are the questions that remain to be officially answered:

    � Which voice plans qualify and which don't?

    � For those using Google Voice, is your own Google Voice number (since GV can be configured to call you) considered landline or mobile? What about the GV passthrough numbers for your non-GV contacts?

    � So the A-list and rollover minutes essentially became useful only for U.S. landline numbers, correct?

    Yonge Dundas Square. Busy Yonge Dundas Square with
  • Busy Yonge Dundas Square with

  • Mal
    Oct 1, 02:26 PM
    Same as September for now.


    Original from here: blog site. (http://nojunkjustjesus.blogspot.com/2010/09/recently-large-group-of-gay-christian.html) Not sure where they got it from, if it's not originally from there (hard to tell).
    EDIT: Just want to point out that I don't endorse and have not read all/most of what's on that site. I found the image through a google search. Just wanted to make that clear.


    Yonge Dundas Square. at Yonge-Dundas Square to
  • at Yonge-Dundas Square to

  • Hellhammer
    May 4, 12:58 PM
    At least the one iFixit took apart had Z68 chipset.

    Yonge Dundas Square. at Yonge-Dundas Square,
  • at Yonge-Dundas Square,

  • Mr. McMac
    Sep 5, 09:56 AM

    Yonge Dundas Square. Torontonians in Yonge-Dundas
  • Torontonians in Yonge-Dundas

  • noone
    Aug 1, 03:20 PM
    Mine for a while

    Link please!

    Yonge Dundas Square. dem Yonge Dundas Square
  • dem Yonge Dundas Square

  • Jeepfirez
    May 3, 09:51 AM
    I would donate but I am not eligible since I am in a committed relationship with my partner :(.

    Yonge Dundas Square. at Yonge Dundas Square.
  • at Yonge Dundas Square.

  • tigress666
    Apr 6, 12:56 PM
    I cut it off b/c it was irrelevant. Not because I was avoiding it...and come to think of it, what exactly was avoided? If some want to go to Verizon, so be it. It may cost them more money but some leave for the principal of it. If my unlimited got cut off, I would move to Verizon in a heartbeat even though it would cost me a bit more. I would not want AT&T getting my business anymore.

    You mentioned people hissy fitting (for whatever reason) and I mentioned that many do throw but many others are throwing them for legitimate reasons

    Because I was aiming that at people who were throwing a hissy fit and going to Verizon. So your point had nothing to do with mine!! I wasn't addressing everyone upset with the price increase. ANd yes, I do think going to some one who will end up being worse than the company you are pissed at in the regards of what you are pissed at as throwing a hissy fit! It would be one thing if you were changing and Verizon cost more but you were pissed at AT&T cause you hated their customer service. But being pissed cause they made a deal they had less of a deal and going to a place that doesn't even offer that deal in the first place? I call that throwing a hissy fit and making no sense.

    Oh, AT&T isn't doing this for money? What exactly went up cost wise with AT&T and the iPhone 5?

    Oh, cost of running business? Cost of upkeep of equipment, cost of upkeep of building and building rent. Cost of wages because as prices go up everywhere cost of living goes up therefore you end up giving people a pay reduction if you don't reflect cost of living increases in wage increases? Not everything is tied down to just the prices of the phones (after all, it's not just the iphone that is increasing in price). And their cost of running a business will reflect in their prices. They aren't a charity and if their costs increase, they will reflect that in prices to the extent that they can do it without losing too much revenue (they do keep in mind what will keep them the most profit and that does include losing business).

    Oh, and let me add, yeah, you're right, they are doing it for the money. So is Verizon, so is Apple. Everything a business does is for the money. That is what they are there for. To make money so their employees can afford to buy stuff and make a living. You're living in a dream world if you think any business is there to be nice to you.

    Yonge Dundas Square. Yonge-Dundas Square
  • Yonge-Dundas Square

  • Prom1
    Sep 12, 08:11 PM

    I guess that's the G-Rated version ;).

    Yonge Dundas Square. Yonge Dundas Square Toronto
  • Yonge Dundas Square Toronto

  • See Flat
    Apr 7, 02:59 PM
    Come on now. Other than a VERY select few, Atari games are terrible and don't hold up at all.

    It's a nostalgia trip for us old farts. Cheap way to remember how primitive it all was, but on the other hand, how ingenious game designers were way back when. All games were not just running around blowing up and shooting stuff.

    Yonge Dundas Square. at Yonge-Dundas Square
  • at Yonge-Dundas Square

  • closin
    Jan 8, 05:57 PM
    I want to add an mp3 file into my project. It adds fine, however it stops playing after about ten seconds. Garage band shows that the whole file is still there, but it is limited to the first ten seconds.
    Please help this is quiet frustrating.

    Yonge Dundas Square. from Yonge-Dundas Square
  • from Yonge-Dundas Square

  • Blakeco123
    Mar 23, 09:44 AM
    that looks like he's demoing leopard because he's using an old cinema display and the "Aurora"

    Yonge Dundas Square. Yonge – Dundas Square
  • Yonge – Dundas Square

  • Hustle
    Jun 20, 03:59 PM
    I'm after genuine Apple iPhone Headphones from Apple. Mine broke and they won't replace then with the warranty. :(

    Please post price here. Thanks.

    Yonge Dundas Square. at YONGE DUNDAS SQUARE

  • lilo777
    Mar 31, 01:43 PM
    Soon we will only have one OS called iOSX

    OSX 10.7 has iOS features that were sent "Back to the Mac"
    iOS is getting OSX apps (Photoshop, Garage Band, iMovie, Pages, Numbers, Keynote, Photo Booth.......)
    OSX is getting apps originally designed for iOS

    If you imagine iOS and OSX on a line


    They are moving in opposite directions toward each other.


    Eventually, they will meet in the middle and we will have either 2 similar operating systems or simply a mix of the two.

    I think Apple thinks that by taking the best of the two worlds they are creating a "better" user experience. I don't know if this is the case but I think that this is clearly the inevitable long-term outcome. Time will tell.

    Yes, I want to have the same OS on my phone and my desktop.

    Yonge Dundas Square. Video: Yonge-Dundas Square
  • Video: Yonge-Dundas Square

  • pourhadi
    Jan 22, 11:37 PM
    Thanks for the link!

    Oddly though, I see the link on MacRumors, but not on MacBytes.com...

    Yonge Dundas Square. Yonge-Dundas Square?
  • Yonge-Dundas Square?

  • scotty96LSC
    Feb 2, 06:50 PM
    this is awesome, what's the modification... luv the icon and bottom info display...
    Running geek tool to display computer and itunes info. Whole thread on that here (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=628023&highlight=geektool)

    Yonge Dundas Square. Post *run to the Yonge-Dundas
  • Post *run to the Yonge-Dundas

  • maclaptop
    Apr 28, 11:08 PM
    I own a Samsung Mythic, and I suffer lag input problems

    Using Steve Jobs logic, you're using it wrong.

    My Galaxy S is fast, fun, and one of my absolute favorites.

    But then again, my iPhone 4 would be number one if it had a good phone. I'm hoping my belief in Apple is reinforced when the next iPhone is released.

    My first choice is an iPhone as my primary smartphone.

    Perhaps Apple will get this one right. :)

    xi mezmerize ix
    Oct 9, 07:28 AM
    I have ten that rotate every minute:

    Oct 18, 01:49 AM
    Anyone from Bruges can meet up at the GCA in the Geldmuntstraat. There's a Leopard Night from 6pm to 8h30pm. There will be demos of Leopard (I don't have more information yet)

    link: GCA (http://www.gcab.be)

    Jun 22, 11:38 PM
    I'll take Oblivion.

    PM me your PayPal address. Payment sent.

    Apr 14, 12:14 PM
    My dream car is a 350z in which I would modify, painted all black:

    No one ones the amount of d*** I would suck, or people I would kill, to get behind the wheel of an GT-R35....

    If only... If only...

    Valet happens to be one of the few departments I oversee at the resort I work at... ive driven a few that have come through here and must say, certainly one of the top 3 cars ive ever driven.

    the others in the list of top cars, are easily 3-4 times the price of the GTR

    Mar 5, 09:58 AM
    Well the one that came with my chip was this one:

    So I wouldn't have any big expectations for that. Good thing I'm not using it.

    Yeah, that's what came with mine - its the same as what came with all the previous socket 1156 CPUs by the look of it.

    I think some of the early review samples did come with a better cooler - a tower cooler like the one from the hexacore 1366 CPUs. It's a shame they didn't continue to supply them with the k series as standard.

    Anyway, good luck with the overclock. That CM cooler should be plenty good enough.

    All the best

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