Jan 2, 04:52 PM
MINI John Cooper Works 2009
Mods include OZ Alleggerita HLT wheels, Yokohama Advan Neova tires, and Alta CAI & turbo inlet hose.
Makes around 230 HP (which is not bad for 2600 lb. curb weight).
Mods include OZ Alleggerita HLT wheels, Yokohama Advan Neova tires, and Alta CAI & turbo inlet hose.
Makes around 230 HP (which is not bad for 2600 lb. curb weight).
Apr 21, 05:57 PM
If this was about Microsoft or Google it would already be 20 pages long.
Dont Hurt Me
Mar 19, 03:23 PM
I don't argue that their strategy is wrong. They are a profitable, debt-free company. They obviously have some clue as to what's going on.
However, as a Mac lover on a budget, I hate only having the option of an iMac or an eMac. I dislike both of them. I dislike the design and I dislike that they are essentually unupgradable. If I am going to spend money on a product, I had better like looking at it. I also don't want to have to use a G4 MDD as it's old technology. Granted, it's life is far from over but I get the impression that Apple is telling me that unless I am willing to pony up $2500.00 - $3000.00, that my only options are either old or unupgradable products.
A Bargain PC may be a POS, but for a good group of people, it's all they can afford...and I am almost to that point. My old computer can only take me so much farther.this is exactley why marketshare has dwindled for Mac, they tell you its our way ( powermac) or if you dont submit then we will cripple the Hell out of the othermacs and leave you wanting, so the world says screw you Apple and buys a PC with everything they want in it and makes do with a OS that is less then perfect. This is why Apples new computer sales went to 1.7% of all new sales. Apple is a dictator mini monopoly.
However, as a Mac lover on a budget, I hate only having the option of an iMac or an eMac. I dislike both of them. I dislike the design and I dislike that they are essentually unupgradable. If I am going to spend money on a product, I had better like looking at it. I also don't want to have to use a G4 MDD as it's old technology. Granted, it's life is far from over but I get the impression that Apple is telling me that unless I am willing to pony up $2500.00 - $3000.00, that my only options are either old or unupgradable products.
A Bargain PC may be a POS, but for a good group of people, it's all they can afford...and I am almost to that point. My old computer can only take me so much farther.this is exactley why marketshare has dwindled for Mac, they tell you its our way ( powermac) or if you dont submit then we will cripple the Hell out of the othermacs and leave you wanting, so the world says screw you Apple and buys a PC with everything they want in it and makes do with a OS that is less then perfect. This is why Apples new computer sales went to 1.7% of all new sales. Apple is a dictator mini monopoly.
May 2, 02:45 AM
Deader than the hobnails on a centurian's boot, but actually much of English grammar is derived, sometimes mistakely, from Latin forms so it's not a complete waste of time.
Okay maybe it it, but now I know what ergo sum propter means and that quid pro quo is actually gibberish. I must have missed something. What does latin have to do with "Saving" Apple? :confused:
Okay maybe it it, but now I know what ergo sum propter means and that quid pro quo is actually gibberish. I must have missed something. What does latin have to do with "Saving" Apple? :confused:
Doctor Q
Jul 18, 12:53 PM
Rentals are definitely the way to go.I think rentals are sometimes the way to go. If I want to watch a movie once, a rental is perfect. If I want to watch it 2 or 3 times over many years, I might as well rent it more than once. But I want to watch it many times, month after month or year after year, I ought to own a copy, to save the expense and trouble of renting it. I already have both choices in "hardcopy" format. I'd like to have both choices online too, as conveniently as possible.

Apr 3, 10:42 AM
Since the iPad does nothing useful this appeal to the wimpy "feelings" crowd is no surprise. Replace the iPad with a pair of pants and this could easily double as a Levi's commercial.
I don't think you understand how this works.
Ads like this create mystery, excitement, and ultimately pulls customers into Apple's retail chain out of pure interest.
I'd rather have ads like this than ads that shout specs in my face and exaggerate their knockoff plastic crap.
I don't think you understand how this works.
Ads like this create mystery, excitement, and ultimately pulls customers into Apple's retail chain out of pure interest.
I'd rather have ads like this than ads that shout specs in my face and exaggerate their knockoff plastic crap.
Mar 20, 04:57 PM
Homeopathy does actively harm people, as it causes them to forgo medicine that actually works, possibly causing premature death from a curable ailment.
25% of Amercans are evangelicals, and wouldn't consider this hate speech. This is a form of the love of god.
No. Homeopathy does not require people to forgo medicine that actually works.
25% of Amercans are evangelicals, and wouldn't consider this hate speech. This is a form of the love of god.
No. Homeopathy does not require people to forgo medicine that actually works.
Aug 6, 09:08 PM
Haha, I love the digs at Vista. Vista's been getting so much bad press recently this is fantastic. They should simply have this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QdGt3ix2CQ) video on repeat on screens throughout the event!!
hahah i was just watching that. but it was the shorter version.
hahah i was just watching that. but it was the shorter version.

Unggoy Murderer
Apr 3, 02:54 AM
That's probably one of the most powerful adverts I've ever seen. Apple really are geniuses, no wonder competitors think "How the ***** do they do it?".
Apr 3, 05:01 AM
I've never in my life voluntarily watched an ad for anything four times in a row. Ever. I watched it, sat with a "wowed" face like I just watched a really good movie, then clicked "replay" three times. G'job. I will agree with others in that the new iPhone ads are a bit sassy, and that's all good and makes you kinda smirk if you have an iPhone, but it has a tinge of disrespectfulness, even though android wouldn't even exist if the iPhone hadn't come out, but slight disrespectfulness nonetheless. This new ad just plays the nice guy method with really, really good camera angles, lighting, and true content illustrating how many miles ahead of the competition they really are. Bravo.
Jul 19, 06:41 PM
Here are historical Mac sales by quarter.
1Q2000 - 1,377,000
2Q2000 - 1,043,000
3Q2000 - 1,016,000
4Q2000 - 1,122,000
1Q2001 - 659,000
2Q2001 - 751,000
3Q2001 - 827,000
4Q2001 - 850,000
1Q2002 - 659,000
2Q2002 - 813,000
3Q2002 - 808,000
4Q2002 - 734,000
1Q2003 - 743,000
2Q2003 - 711,000
3Q2003 - 771,000
4Q2003 - 787,000
1Q2004 - 743,000
2Q2004 - 749,000
3Q2004 - 771,000
4Q2004 - 787,000
1Q2005 - 1,046,000
2Q2005 - 1,070,000
3Q2005 - 1,182,000
4Q2005 - 1,236,000
1Q2006- 1,254,000
2Q2006- 1,112,000
3Q2006- 1,327,000
what happened exactly in between 2000-Q4 and 2001-Q1?
1Q2000 - 1,377,000
2Q2000 - 1,043,000
3Q2000 - 1,016,000
4Q2000 - 1,122,000
1Q2001 - 659,000
2Q2001 - 751,000
3Q2001 - 827,000
4Q2001 - 850,000
1Q2002 - 659,000
2Q2002 - 813,000
3Q2002 - 808,000
4Q2002 - 734,000
1Q2003 - 743,000
2Q2003 - 711,000
3Q2003 - 771,000
4Q2003 - 787,000
1Q2004 - 743,000
2Q2004 - 749,000
3Q2004 - 771,000
4Q2004 - 787,000
1Q2005 - 1,046,000
2Q2005 - 1,070,000
3Q2005 - 1,182,000
4Q2005 - 1,236,000
1Q2006- 1,254,000
2Q2006- 1,112,000
3Q2006- 1,327,000
what happened exactly in between 2000-Q4 and 2001-Q1?
Mar 20, 05:50 PM
There actually is a fair correlation here with homeopathy. Both involve "cures". Homeopathy claims that their process will (or might) treat or cure a specific ailment that is troubling you. This Exodus thing misrepresents a natural condition as a problem that requires curing. Both of these "therapies" require co�peration on the part of the victim.
Then, of course, is the fundamental problem with the app store itself. Apple's unbridled pursuit of maximum profit to the exclusion of any sort of side-loading option (short of jailbreaking) makes this an issue in the first place. If there were app ghettos and app alleys, this issue would not come up.
Then, of course, is the fundamental problem with the app store itself. Apple's unbridled pursuit of maximum profit to the exclusion of any sort of side-loading option (short of jailbreaking) makes this an issue in the first place. If there were app ghettos and app alleys, this issue would not come up.
Sep 20, 07:17 PM
I hold strong on my opinion of Consumer Reports too.
I took their advice on the best vacuum cleaner to buy, some years ago.

at your fat, ugly face

Now I have seen some ugly

fat ugly baby pictures. of

of ugly fat attractive?

ugly fat baby

fat ugly baby pictures. fat
I took their advice on the best vacuum cleaner to buy, some years ago.
Nov 27, 07:05 PM
Haven't started Christmas shopping yet (unlike Surely) so I haven't got any good karma, but nevertheless picked up a new pair of jeans for myself. D'oh. :(
I haven't started yet either...... just taking advantage of this weekend's sales. :D
Also, I just bought this office chair from Office Depot:
It's ACA approved, so my back also approves.
I found a 20% off coupon online, so yay.
I haven't started yet either...... just taking advantage of this weekend's sales. :D
Also, I just bought this office chair from Office Depot:
It's ACA approved, so my back also approves.
I found a 20% off coupon online, so yay.
Sep 6, 07:45 PM
I have the feeling that movie distribution is going to be a tougher obstacle than music.
It's too bad that these Hollywood execs will not let Apple handle how movies will be distributed.
It's too bad that these Hollywood execs will not let Apple handle how movies will be distributed.
Chris Bangle
Jan 12, 11:31 AM
I figured out the secret air message!
What falls out of the air? ... Apple (s)
Who do they fall on? ... Newton!
It's the new Newton :apple:
I'd bet nothing on it!
thats quite clever actually... remember apples first logo.
What falls out of the air? ... Apple (s)
Who do they fall on? ... Newton!
It's the new Newton :apple:
I'd bet nothing on it!
thats quite clever actually... remember apples first logo.

Aug 18, 06:05 AM
Hi, here's an excited essay for you all!
You've read some talk about apple releasing the iPhone concurrently with the next gen iPod... I'm going to make a prediction (read: wish) of what I see as the ultimate convergance of all the rumours I've seen lately. If I'm right, I'll keep talking about it for quite a while :)
I predict that the "iPhone" is the next-gen-iPod. I think that apple will happily combine both devices if/when they could be satisfied that both sets of functionality were covered.
I forsee a (3G?) phone which is also the next gen ipod (has a none-touch screen over it's entire face). This timing would tie in well with Leopard's release timing. My reasoning is that if Leopard's rumored ability to call any Phone is true, why not speak of it at the wwdc06 keynote unless they had integration with a smart new phone that they hadn't released yet? (the tech itself isn't anything new)
I therefore think the iPhone (combined with iPod or not) has to come before Leopard's release.
It is the talk of wireless iPods which has made me think that iPod/iPhone will eventually be combined. If a combo device has bluetooth/wifi, it also means it can function seemlessly with front row - also not mentioned in wwdc06 keynote and begging for an update given Apple's obsession with Macs as media devices.
For the record, I'd also like to see something like elgato's eyetv incorporated into front row - record from tv and send to your phone/iPod while using the device as a remote control for tv - but that probably counts as a second wish.
You've read some talk about apple releasing the iPhone concurrently with the next gen iPod... I'm going to make a prediction (read: wish) of what I see as the ultimate convergance of all the rumours I've seen lately. If I'm right, I'll keep talking about it for quite a while :)
I predict that the "iPhone" is the next-gen-iPod. I think that apple will happily combine both devices if/when they could be satisfied that both sets of functionality were covered.
I forsee a (3G?) phone which is also the next gen ipod (has a none-touch screen over it's entire face). This timing would tie in well with Leopard's release timing. My reasoning is that if Leopard's rumored ability to call any Phone is true, why not speak of it at the wwdc06 keynote unless they had integration with a smart new phone that they hadn't released yet? (the tech itself isn't anything new)
I therefore think the iPhone (combined with iPod or not) has to come before Leopard's release.
It is the talk of wireless iPods which has made me think that iPod/iPhone will eventually be combined. If a combo device has bluetooth/wifi, it also means it can function seemlessly with front row - also not mentioned in wwdc06 keynote and begging for an update given Apple's obsession with Macs as media devices.
For the record, I'd also like to see something like elgato's eyetv incorporated into front row - record from tv and send to your phone/iPod while using the device as a remote control for tv - but that probably counts as a second wish.
Aug 7, 04:48 AM
Not too brag or anything :D but it works out great for us in UK. Get in from work 5.30pm / open a beer / macrumors / keynote 6pm / tears of joy / rob bank 9pm / buy mac pro :D
South Africa here, leave work-> go to gym and work up a sweat -> macrumors -> have dinner during keynote -> go to bed and have sweet dreams about new iphone! :D :D Life is good! LOL
South Africa here, leave work-> go to gym and work up a sweat -> macrumors -> have dinner during keynote -> go to bed and have sweet dreams about new iphone! :D :D Life is good! LOL

Sep 18, 10:38 AM
CR often solves the wrong problems. Its rarely disclosed criteria are often off the mark.
did they compare the iPhone to the competition?
did they compare the iPhone to the competition?
Jan 6, 03:49 PM
My teggy
Mar 23, 10:08 AM
Do people seriously have that many songs?!!! seriously?!!!
220gb = 50,000 songs?!!!!! That is totally not necessary.
Apple discontinue that dinosaur! It makes you look bad to just have it on your website.
I currently have 34,000+ songs in my iTunes Library, just north of 205GB. I'd buy a 220GB in a heartbeat. I realize not everyone needs that much space, but I currently have to swap out older material (usually live albums and alternate versions) whenever I get a new album (I tend to buy or rip a couple of new albums a week.) And I do indeed listen to everything on my iPod at least occasionally. New albums get a solid two or three day rotation, but most of the time I have it on shuffle. I don't consider this a problem, I just really love music, and variety is important to me.
220gb = 50,000 songs?!!!!! That is totally not necessary.
Apple discontinue that dinosaur! It makes you look bad to just have it on your website.
I currently have 34,000+ songs in my iTunes Library, just north of 205GB. I'd buy a 220GB in a heartbeat. I realize not everyone needs that much space, but I currently have to swap out older material (usually live albums and alternate versions) whenever I get a new album (I tend to buy or rip a couple of new albums a week.) And I do indeed listen to everything on my iPod at least occasionally. New albums get a solid two or three day rotation, but most of the time I have it on shuffle. I don't consider this a problem, I just really love music, and variety is important to me.
Apr 21, 11:14 AM
This really is not a issue in my opinion. Smart phones have tons of data stored on them and if its really not being sent, whats the harm. If someone were to get my phone and read my info, they will be as excited as I used to be in PE class. First the DUI checkpoints now this. Is there something more important for them to look into? Like a Budget and ( insert concern here ) :)
Now if your a bad boy or girl, I can see this becoming a Court Evidence Issue in the near future. But until then, remember the NSA scans calls randomly for "our safety" Bigger issues than this in the world of privacy.
Now if your a bad boy or girl, I can see this becoming a Court Evidence Issue in the near future. But until then, remember the NSA scans calls randomly for "our safety" Bigger issues than this in the world of privacy.
Nov 25, 09:30 AM
No clue but could you please tell me where to purchase it? Its exactly what Im looking for!
Any Army surplus store will carry it.
Any Army surplus store will carry it.
Aug 30, 10:54 AM
Apple Store Refurbs.
A few days ago all the Mini refurbs disappeared from the Apple Store refurb list. After the Think Secret announcement, not only did they come back, but they added PPC models and a 1.66 Core Duo with 1GB RAM & 100GB HDD. Today, there is only one PPC model listed and that's it. Might be just coincidence, but that's a lot of activity.
Anyone know - Do current models usually disappear right before a speed bump and then reappear at a reduced price when new models are available?
A few days ago all the Mini refurbs disappeared from the Apple Store refurb list. After the Think Secret announcement, not only did they come back, but they added PPC models and a 1.66 Core Duo with 1GB RAM & 100GB HDD. Today, there is only one PPC model listed and that's it. Might be just coincidence, but that's a lot of activity.
Anyone know - Do current models usually disappear right before a speed bump and then reappear at a reduced price when new models are available?