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  • TravisGood
    Jan 5, 04:53 PM
    It's hard to believe that you guys are making this effort to not "spoil".

    Your sensitivity to readers who want an embargo on updates till they can view the QT stream first is unprecedented. I can hardly believe you're doing it! The niche purist audience you attract can't help but appreciate it.

    Me? I'll be logged on to your live site for up-to-the-minute news!

    Keep up the good work. Travis

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  • tribalogical
    Nov 23, 05:00 PM
    It's interesting that the email ad I received from Apple sort of implies savings across the board (since they show silhouetted images of virtually everything in their product line).

    "one day shopping event", "Joy to the wallet", and images of ipods, macs, mice, etc.... the works, basically.

    I'll be well disappointed if there are no discounts to the Mac Pro, since it too is among that group of images... ;)

    That said, I bought my G5 at a similar event early last year, and used a scratch-off ticket I got at the door giving me 10% off my purchases that day... perhaps this year will offer something like that?

    And, I just got lucky, I guess.......


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  • johnnyturbouk
    Apr 7, 04:37 PM
    can nit wait to play on bootcamp

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  • cmwade77
    May 4, 10:55 AM
    You know, you can always manually install the App on Android or use the Amazon App Store, Easy Tether (it's only USB though) is still there. Competition is always a good thing, as the Amazon App Store shows.

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  • archipellago
    Apr 5, 03:02 PM
    Desperate is as desperate does...

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  • Night Spring
    Apr 22, 03:43 PM
    Same here.
    It was working fine yesterday but today it just takes me to the forum index.
    I got IE9 installed btw.

    Another IE9 here, having the same problem. :(

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  • lorductape
    Nov 16, 02:33 PM
    i think it would be a great idea for apple to merge with AMD

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  • rdowns
    Apr 12, 06:21 PM
    What a joke this illusion of airport security is.

    Video shows young girl receiving full pat-down from TSA (http://www.boston.com/travel/blog/2011/04/video_shows_you.html)

    The TSA's pat-down policy has been widely criticized, but a video that popped up on YouTube today illustrates the possibly absurd levels to which agents take the process.

    Here's a clip of what is said to be a six-year-old girl receiving a full pat-down from a TSA agent, who then apparently leads her to another area of the security checkpoint to perform a drug test. It's not clear whether the girl's parents elected not to put their child through a body scan, however the opening moments of the video do show a woman, believed to be the girl's mother, asking the TSA agent, "Can't you just re-scan her?"

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  • runlsd
    Apr 8, 09:02 PM

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  • smithrh
    Apr 5, 08:40 PM
    Thanks Dejo...

    I may download this app as I've still not encountered an iAd, and it's on the bucket list. ;)

    I can assure you all I'm not an idiot or moron.


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  • trip1ex
    Apr 25, 05:52 PM
    Whew! I was having a hard time imagining what a slightly larger edge to edge screen iphone would look like. Thank goodness for MacRumors.

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  • arn
    Jan 5, 10:31 PM
    I am not sure whether or not this has been suggested, but is it not possible for someone in the audience (macrumors.com) to set up a video or audio feed?

    It's been discussed in this thread:


    It's best summed up here:

    It would be nice, but there are significant hurdles with streaming when you scale up to the volumes that a public keynote stream would attract. There are very few organisations with the infrastructure to serve large numbers of simultaneous streams, and even with donated bandwidth you then have the logistical problem of sending the feed from the source to multiple distribution points.
    Oh it's definitely possible, but really there's only one company that could realistically cope with the traffic - Akamai - and even they would likely have problems. 150,000 people streaming 300kbit video would be about 44 Gbit/sec, which would be about 10-15% of Akamai's entire global bandwidth usage and 50% of their streams. Even audio would be 10 Gbit/sec for a 64 kbit stream.

    Basically, serving up simultanous traffic for a live feed is very resource intensive. It's a very different thing to serve 100,000 people in a day vs 100,000 at the same time.

    We're incorporating near-real time photos in this year's MacRumors coverage... so it shuold be pretty enjoyable.... barring any unforseen circumstances. :)


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  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 16, 07:20 PM
    I love that video. Cracks me up every time I see it.

    First time viewer.

    So, Honey Badgers are gay, or what??

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  • dethmaShine
    Apr 12, 07:06 AM
    For the anti-virus, yes, for office no you get the complete version, as well as MS live.

    Depending on where you buy, you actually can get more "full" versions of applications then you do with a mac. I'm not knocking apple or iLife, they're great apps, but you cannot say that a new PC is unusable until you download a lot of apps and such. Dell, HP, etc all come with office and/or other apps. Yeah there's crapware installed and I won't dispute that, but you also get full version apps


    I don't think so. Really office for free?

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  • inkswamp
    Mar 24, 09:09 PM
    I remember the first time I played around with OS X. It was on one of those colored iBooks at the only store in my town that carried Macs back then. I really hated it. It seemed so pointless at the time. I remember the toolbar buttons were gigantic (remember the big square buttons with the home and heart icons on them?) It was actually sort of depressing thinking that was the future of the Mac. I still didn't find it tolerable until Jaguar 10.2 but even then, there were so many little annoyances with it compared to OS 9. Now, I couldn't ever dream of going back to the Classic Mac OS.

    rihanna 2011 hairstyles. rihanna 2011 hairstyles. Rihanna Hairstyles 2011; Rihanna Hairstyles 2011. ~Shard~. Aug 25, 04:29 PM. the vocal minority are always the ones
  • rihanna 2011 hairstyles. Rihanna Hairstyles 2011; Rihanna Hairstyles 2011. ~Shard~. Aug 25, 04:29 PM. the vocal minority are always the ones

  • plenderj
    Apr 4, 08:24 AM
    1) If you want to contact someone senior in Microsoft, contact an MVP first. There are MVPs for XBox. MVPs have many contacts inside Microsoft, and if they see fit, might forward your request.

    2) If you have a wireless network, and other devices can connect to it, then chances are you are using NAT. If you are using NAT, then both your own computer and the XBox360 would have the same public IP address, in which case you already know your public IP. Therefore, the IP address of the XBox is irrelevant - in this case.

    3) If the thief in question has left the area, and connects to the internet again through another network, then they will obviously have a different IP Address, and you can possibly use route #1 to track down the individual.

    You also mentioned that you know the device has been on the internet because of certain internet services. If you can contact one of those - after the device reconnects - it might be easier to get the device's IP address from those individuals rather than Microsoft.
    (bear in mind, Microsoft might be legally bound to not give out user-identifiable information, irrespective of the circumstances)
    So if you can get the IP in question, you now know the ISP in question, and the ISP would (should) be able to track which user account or telephone number or address was using that particular IP address at that particular time.
    This of course brings you back to the original problem of tracking down where the unit is etc. etc., but it makes more sense to do this now.

    I'm sure there is something you could have done or will be able to do in relation to checking signal strength from other devices by walking around with a laptop in order to figure out a rough location of the wireless device.
    They could do this in the 40s with radio transmissions so I'm sure it's not beyond the realms of possibility to do it in the 21st century :)

    Just my €0.02 :)

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  • John Purple
    Jan 15, 04:37 PM
    SJ announced 4 m iPhones sold. I believe I read some days ago that 5 m have been expected??
    Maybe I'm wrong. But if not, we learned today that iPhone and Apple TV aren't doing well. Apple should refocus on their core business before to many Mac customers leave disappointed.

    rihanna 2011 hairstyles. rihanna 2011 hairstyles.
  • rihanna 2011 hairstyles.

  • Cinch
    Oct 10, 09:15 PM
    I think this a typical engineer/geek/nerd wet dream. I also think the current iPod is too big for the gym (I use the Nano). Watching TV shows or movies on the iPod doesn't appeal to me. Imagine watch a TV show on a screen a little bit bigger than a business card, fabulous, good times!

    An iPod that plays Movies and TV shows on a bigger screen like your TV sounds more plausible. But think how complicated this scenario is. Lets keep it simple, lets watch TV shows on our TV beam via cable/satellite. If you have to make a decision to download TV shows (note the one that you like and ignoring the rest) then download it to your TV then simplicity is lost. The product i.e. video iPod is dead on arrival.


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  • rihanna 2011 wallpaper.

  • jagolden
    Sep 12, 07:00 AM
    Daffy Duck is from Warner, not Disney.

    Sufferin' Soccatacsshhhh!!!!

    Sep 12, 08:04 AM
    They appear to be movie trailers.

    I thought tht too, but there's already a section on the page for trailer. Just about the iTunes Videos

    Oct 19, 07:07 PM
    When one considers Dell's quality of their computers, why are they still #1?

    corporate sales. When you have large IT staffs and reserves of machines, reliability is less of an issue.

    Apr 25, 11:44 PM
    I don't know if I'd even want them to bother if it's only going from 3.5 to 3.7. Doesn't seem like the difference would be noticeable.It's The Dual Core A5 Inside And The Better Rear Camera That Are Most Important. While I'm all for up to a 4" screen within a similar to the current size form factor, I know from iPad 2 experience that the A5 is the most important new component. Performance is radically better with A5 inside. :)

    I would really appreciate a 64GB storage model even if I had to pay $399 for it. I don't know what the market is for that much storage capacity. Might be too small for Apple to bother offering. But I keep wishing for this each year.

    My guess is it will ship in the September-October time frame - early Fall. I also think they may add T-Mobile as a carrier then, perhaps even Sprint. I think it's only a matter of another year or two at the most for iPhones to be on all major US domestic carriers.

    Sep 12, 08:06 AM
    I wonder how much Apple are set to lose by closing an international purchasing site for much of a day...?

    I can imagine it will have a lot worse impact than closing the Apple Web Store, as it lends itself more to impluse buys...

    Espically with big hitters like Justin Timberlake coming out this week... maybe Napstar et al have seen a spike in their sites?

    just a thought!

    Oct 20, 12:09 PM
    I believe Apple always in reality wanted to go with AT&T - I think they talked to both companies so they could create a form of competition to get what they wanted out of the deal. So why did they want AT&T - it was really simple it was that AT&T used GSM and UMTS that allowed them to make a single device that they could then roll out to a large part of the rest of the world with out a lot of reengineering. This has turned out to be a good decision for them.

    If you're so sure this has been such a great thing for AT&T look at their stock price vs apple's and verizon for that matter during this time. While it has represented a huge amount of revenue for AT&T it has also increased their cost by orders of magnitude. Its also forced them to upgrade substantial parts of their network far ahead of plan which has also come at significant unplanned expense. They're currently rolling out the 850mhz and the 7.2gb HSPA overlay framework at least a year ahead of their original plans - all of this is reportedly because essentially Apple made them.

    The majority of AT&T's network issues are likely caused by the massive increase in bandwidth consumption which can almost all be attributed to the iPhone. Had Verizon gotten the iphone they'd be in a similar situation.

    As for CDMA iPhones, Apple has already announced that they'll be offering the iphone with Bell Canada and its been widely reported that they will offer iPhones with both China Unicom and China Mobile which will force the creation of a CDMA/EVDO iPhone so the technical barrier to entry for Verizon no longer exists. Reality of course is that Verizon represents a big enough customer that creation of a CDMA hardware version would be a minimal barrier if Apple didn't continue to see more benefit from the prime vendor relationship that they have with AT&T than they would get by breaking out and offering the product with Verizon. My guess is that if the volume of complaints about AT&T's network don't start going down soon Apple will be forced to expand to other carriers.

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