Fat Kid Eating Cake

Fat Kid Eating Cake. Eat (Nonpartisan) Cake
  • Eat (Nonpartisan) Cake

  • toddybody
    Apr 4, 10:53 AM
    I know its trite...but ATT really does suck.

    Fat Kid Eating Cake. Having his cake and eating it
  • Having his cake and eating it

  • Alisstar
    Apr 6, 11:45 AM
    Petabytes didn't exist in my dictionary until today. Thank you, MacRumors.

    How many gigabytes is a petabyte anyway?

    Fat Kid Eating Cake. My fat kid inside feels very
  • My fat kid inside feels very

  • mikeschmeee
    Apr 5, 02:50 PM
    And last but not least. (sorry if I've posted to many, I just love taking photos) :o

    Here are some modified Honda's they had at the show.

    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5110/5584475116_6ee1cfa022.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/mikeschmeee/5584475116/)

    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5011/5583882483_824d888fec.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/mikeschmeee/5583882483/)

    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5171/5584469978_bae2534bee.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/mikeschmeee/5584469978/)

    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5260/5584467614_718cb7e5c3.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/mikeschmeee/5584467614/)

    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5051/5583876233_41181cd734.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/mikeschmeee/5583876233/)

    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5142/5583873977_a07b22886c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/mikeschmeee/5583873977/)

    Fat Kid Eating Cake. Fat people eating cake.
  • Fat people eating cake.

  • alphaone
    Feb 13, 09:04 PM
    I can't remember for sure, but I think there was some debate about this when leopard or snow leopard came out. Either activity monitor or the OS changed how the nice processes are reported.
    I'm pretty sure it's normal and folding still gives up processing when required.


    That's what I thought, just thought I'd ask in case I had some weird bug.

    Fat Kid Eating Cake. then an obese cake eating
  • then an obese cake eating

  • anarchist
    Jan 18, 02:42 PM

    Nice app that (in my experience) flawlessly finds missing info on any song in your iTunes directory including artist, album, genre, track number, album art, etc. Even if you don't pay and have the program do your work for you (3 at a time without license) it's still a LOT faster than finding all the information accurately yourself. :cool:

    A license is $20 USD.

    Fat Kid Eating Cake. Eating, drinking, acting as
  • Eating, drinking, acting as

  • Stig McNasty
    Apr 7, 08:29 AM
    I'll go with the poorer batt life since 4.3.1. Mine's notably down.

    Fat Kid Eating Cake. The Fat Kid
  • The Fat Kid

  • gugy
    Jul 28, 04:44 PM
    Interesting that you had problems with your cds. Usually I never encountered such a thing. I take care of them but not spend too much time worrying about it. Lots of my work are backed up on cd's and dvds as early as the 90's.
    I agreed that having a Hard Drive backup is a good thing. I am interested in the high capacity of the BR and HD-DVD discs, but I refuse to pay $50 for a disc. I rather buy at Fry's on promotion a 300GB hard drive for $89. Much better deal.

    Until then I think Hard drives are the way to go to archive huge files. It will be interesting when these new dvd discs cost around $5 for 50GB, then I will jump on it.


  • bigandy
    Nov 29, 01:26 PM
    I still don't understand what the issue is here. I can buy a DVD for almost the same amount and play it on as many devices as I want. The DVD has much better quality than the Apple downloads and has extra bonus features as well.

    Oh, and part of the reason movies are now costing so much is for the exhorbitant salaries that certain actors get paid.

    agreed. maybe DVDs should explode after being inserted into five different players :rolleyes:

    also, maybe instead of paying Tom Cruise et al $25m a film (a quarter of this average 'budget'), why not get decent actors? or the studios agree more reasonable salaries. i mean, i couldn't even spend that much money. there are only so many apple products :D

    Fat Kid Eating Cake. happy cake eating baby!
  • happy cake eating baby!

  • Grade
    Sep 8, 06:37 PM
    I'll always remember this as the place that cracked my original iPhone 2G's screen :D

    Ah you visited Portugal. Did you like it?

    Fat Kid Eating Cake. A girl eats chocolate cake for
  • A girl eats chocolate cake for

  • Doc Horrorshow
    Mar 19, 02:34 PM
    Thanks in advance, this is kinda urgent.

    Fat Kid Eating Cake. Acute Albino Fat Kid With
  • Acute Albino Fat Kid With

  • Eevee
    Feb 14, 04:50 PM
    Hey Thanks! :D

    oh wait ... you probably meant the new mods i guess. :o :p


    Yeah, I meant the new mods.

    But that's cool. Congrats to you, too Neut! :D

    Fat Kid Eating Cake. Kids danced.
  • Kids danced.

  • ABernardoJr
    Apr 24, 11:49 PM
    I was considering the white iPhone a few days ago and just got the black one, I actually don't know if I'd even switch (just a restocking fee to worry about) to the white iPhone now though because I really like the black one a lot (probably more than I expected). I might still get the white iPhone 6 when that comes around though because I still think the white one looks good. But really you can't go wrong either way, the iPhone looks awesome with either color way. I'm just hoping they stay close to the form factor of the iPhone 4 for the next few iterations, unless they manage to find a big redesign that tops it (which I'm sure they are more than capable of lol) :apple:

    Fat Kid Eating Cake. us in eating a little cake
  • us in eating a little cake

  • ranviper
    Apr 13, 06:42 PM
    Mine for April:


    Not included is my second monitor, but nothing special. Lol.

    Fat Kid Eating Cake. weekend to score our cake.
  • weekend to score our cake.

  • marcello696
    Jun 19, 11:30 AM
    Anyone else going to the Promenade?

    I have a reserve and I plan on arriving at 5am. I was only able to get 1 reserve so I am hopeful to get a 2nd walk up upgrade for my wife.

    Fat Kid Eating Cake. Fat Kid Eating Harry Potter
  • Fat Kid Eating Harry Potter

  • tsvb
    Aug 2, 11:10 AM
    Unopened brand new 4GB iPhone.

    $500 shipped. Save yourself the tax.

    long shot but if it doesn't sell by the 17th I'll take it. :)

    Fat Kid Eating Cake. 3 cups sifted cake flour (I
  • 3 cups sifted cake flour (I

  • angusslo
    Feb 4, 03:59 AM
    https://img.skitch.com/20110204-8p8y8y7mtrwurb1a26215x5nrt.preview.jpg (https://skitch.com/lukarojnik/rc69y/fullscreen)Click for large view (https://skitch.com/lukarojnik/rc69y/fullscreen) - Uploaded with Skitch (http://skitch.com)

    Fat Kid Eating Cake. Bieber as a tuff fat kid.
  • Bieber as a tuff fat kid.

  • Nuvi
    Nov 12, 02:14 AM
    For feature films and television these days, Final Cut is ABSOLUTELY the industry standard. Oh and in the 8 years I've lived in Hollywood, I never met one person in the industry who uses a Windows PC (maybe a writer or two).

    False. Avid Media Composer is by far the most popular professional editing system. I work in moving image industry. Many turn key high end systems are Windows based.

    Fat Kid Eating Cake. almost finish eating
  • almost finish eating

  • someone28624
    May 3, 09:23 PM
    Platelet donations take longer than blood donations (at least an hour longer in most cases). You can donate platelets much more often because your body regenerates them so quickly, in a matter of days instead of months. Some people feel temporarily light-headed after donating blood, which is why they insist that you rest and have a snack afterwards. That happens less often with platelet donations.

    One thing I didn't know until recently: A lot of donation centers encourage platelet donation because platelets have a shorter shelf life than whole blood and supplies can easily run low. But if your blood type is O negative (you're a "universal donor") and you volunteer to donate platelets, they'll likely ask you to donate blood instead!

    Where I work our blood center does double-donations. You can donate blood and platelets at the same time. I'm not eligible to donate platelets because I'm diabetic and they use an anticoagulant in the platelet donation that is dextrose based. We run out of platelets fairly commonly, but I've never seen us run out of blood.

    Fat Kid Eating Cake. that eating certain foods
  • that eating certain foods

  • JeffTL
    Sep 26, 10:10 AM
    and if the girl isn't 18 yet, then it is rape

    Not necessarily -- age of consent is often below 18; for example, it's 17 in Nebraska, so an 18-year-old and a 17-year-old getting it on is not statutory rape.

    I am not a lawyer; this is not legal advice. No priveleged relationship exists between us.

    May 1, 10:20 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Fortress. In casual conversation people will say their stuff's "in the Fort".

    It's a little more grown up than castle, less preteen fairytale? (although until this thread I liked Castle better than iCloud; heck, probably still do).

    Apr 28, 06:11 AM
    You should see the bruised ego when a gay man tells a straight man he's not attracted to him. Trust me, that one stings. For some reason, straight guys think we all think they're hot or something.

    But you do all think I'm hot.


    Oct 5, 09:55 PM
    The resizable text box will be awesome. There is nothing worse than some lame brain web designer that only lets you see one or two lines at a time when you need to see a lot more.

    The solution that was shown on the blog site looked simple and elegant. Its about the user. Listen up you snot a$$ designers. :D :p ;)

    Apr 14, 06:05 PM
    The only electric cars I would consider are the Tesla and Fisker Karma. Personally, mpg does not enter my train of thought when purchasing a car. And it MUST growl when on the throttle ;-)

    Why the Volt appeals to me is because 90% of the time I would be driving around in electric only mode as my commute is at most 16 miles. But when I go to the airport, I have that gas engine to keep me going after that initial 40 mile charge is gone.

    And unlike the Leaf where it takes 20 hours to recharge on the standard outlet, the Volt takes 8 hours to recharge.

    Apr 6, 11:57 AM
    How much is that?

    Not much really when you stop and think about. You can get 12TB of storage on Newegg (let's say 4000 3TB drives) for a couple hundred grand. Of course Apple is buying more than just drives.

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