Streamlight Tlr 3

Streamlight Tlr 3. Streamlight Launches TLR-3
  • Streamlight Launches TLR-3

  • Spanky Deluxe
    Sep 5, 12:05 PM
    This sure does look interesting. I doubt an Airport replacement will be released just yet, not until the draft gets approved. Although it could explain the delayed Airport Express chips for the Mac Pros. An iTunes Movie service has been a definite since the big data centre was built a few months ago imo.

    Streamlight Tlr 3. WTS: Streamlight TLR-3 (FL)
  • WTS: Streamlight TLR-3 (FL)

  • zenmac
    Jul 15, 07:51 AM
    Have anybody seen a benchmark which compares the core 2 duo with the actuall core duo?

    I can only see benchmarks between core 2 duo and AMD CPU's and standard dual core Pentium 4 cpu.


    Streamlight Tlr 3. Manufacturer: Streamlight
  • Manufacturer: Streamlight

  • kavika411
    Mar 22, 01:19 PM
    Newbie question - please don't flame me.

    How big of a transition is this, as compared - for example - to the Intel chip back around 2006? What I mean is, after the transition to Intel, certain software and eventually the newest operating system itself could no longer be run on the old chip. So, is this transition as significant as that, or is this more of a speed boost kind of thing?


    Streamlight Tlr 3. TLR-3 Compact Rail Mounted
  • TLR-3 Compact Rail Mounted

  • Vantage Point
    Apr 25, 06:43 PM
    Fearing a design change to something like 16:9 ratio for the 2011 refresh, I bought my 2010 in late November. I really hope they remain the only computer company to not go with the 16:9 ratio. I even keep my dock parked on the side, not the bottom to get the maximum vertical space.

    Other than that the current design is simple and elegant and I love it. Having a snap in slot for a second hard drive which could quickly swap to a DVD drive would be great.

    Streamlight Tlr 3. 42013 - Streamlight TLR 3
  • 42013 - Streamlight TLR 3

  • ezekielrage_99
    Sep 4, 10:55 PM
    WO0t! PowerBook G5 tuesday after next!

    I never get sick of that, 12 month later and still is funny :D

    Streamlight Tlr 3. Streamlight TLR-1 Rail-Mounted
  • Streamlight TLR-1 Rail-Mounted

  • ksz
    Jul 14, 09:29 AM
    Conroe benchmarks posted on AnandTech ( are really good. I luv this statement:

    As you will soon see, Intel's new Core 2 lineup has basically made all previous Intel processors worthless. The performance of the new Core 2 CPUs is so much greater, with much lower power consumption, that owners of NetBurst based processors may want to dust off the old drill bits and make some neat looking keychains.

    Streamlight Tlr 3. StreamLight TLR-3 Tactical Compact Handgun Flashlight Attachment
  • StreamLight TLR-3 Tactical Compact Handgun Flashlight Attachment

  • aristobrat
    Sep 5, 11:38 AM
    Hopefully it's not the Extreme that gets the update because my cable modem is nowhere near my TV. ;)

    Streamlight Tlr 3. StreamLight TLR-3 PTamp;#153; 1AA Ultra Compact Tactical Flashlight
  • StreamLight TLR-3 PTamp;#153; 1AA Ultra Compact Tactical Flashlight

  • NebulaClash
    Mar 30, 11:52 AM
    Oooh! Grammar Nazis fighting for high stakes!

    Streamlight Tlr 3. Streamlight: TLR-3,
  • Streamlight: TLR-3,

  • BC2009
    Mar 30, 11:33 AM
    Office and Windows are/were generic words OUTSIDE of the computer industry (like Apple). But app(lication) store is a generic word INSIDE of the computer industry and that the big legal difference here.

    Like I just said.... Mac's had windows (and they called them that) before PC's had "Windows". Mac OS has used windows and trash and all that drag-and-drop and double-click-a-file goodness long before any DOS PC had it. Xerox invented it, sold it to Apple, and Apple used it in the Mac.

    "Windows" was a generic term in the computer industry before Microsoft had any trademark.

    EDIT: I still think neither should be allowed, but given the precedents out there I would give Apple the "App Store" trademark. Certainly MS is the pot calling the kettle black here. Considering their windows-based operating system is called "Windows" and their Office productivity suite is called "Office". These guys should all have to come up with better names for their stuff if they want a trademark. Like.... why not just stick an "i" in front of it? iApp Store (see how easy that was).

    Streamlight Tlr 3. SOLD Streamlight TLR-3,
  • SOLD Streamlight TLR-3,

  • toddybody
    Mar 22, 03:25 PM
    Hey. A boy can dream, right?

    Remember when Apple put the latest and greatest GPUs in their computers? /looks back to the blue and white G3 keynote

    Im with you dude...I see NO reason that apple couldnt pony up for a legitimate GPU. Especially since the 27iMac has alot of pixels to push...heck, the base GPU should have a GB of frame buffer at least. Ahhh, base 6850, 150.00 upgrade gets you a 6950 :D

    Streamlight Tlr 3. Streamlight TLR-3 Tactical
  • Streamlight TLR-3 Tactical

  • silverblue3
    Aug 28, 12:36 PM
    Thats a bummer. Any info whether there will be a 7600 GT GPU in these babies? Coz the Alienware comes with them.

    Streamlight Tlr 3. Streamlight TLR-3 and Pachmayr
  • Streamlight TLR-3 and Pachmayr

  • wpwj40e
    Sep 13, 10:16 PM
    Maybe the reason for not having a traditional keypad is that this is actually the iPhone Shuffle.

    Apple's market research team has concluded that people get tired of talking to the same people all time. And since the iPod Shuffle is such a hit playing songs randomly,
    the new iPhone Shuffle will randomly dial numbers, so every call you make is never boring.

    Got more than 240 numbers in your adressbook? No problem. Let iTunes autofill your iPhone shuffle and get a new telephonic experience every time. Mom follows Work. Home follows Pizza Parlor. iPhone shuffle loves to improvise. Take the Shuffle switch, for instance. Even if you�ve synced a particular call-list, you can shuffle numbers with a flick.


    My phone does that now. Little did I know it is a *feature*.


    Streamlight Tlr 3. Streamlight TLR-3
  • Streamlight TLR-3

  • bdj21ya
    Oct 12, 03:30 PM
    This will probably go over like a lead balloon, but there is something to be said for natural selection. NOW BEFORE YOU START SCREAMING, hear me out...

    AIDS is an awful thing, especially to the proportions it has affected the people of Africa. But there is also a reason AIDS has taken over there the way it is, and it's only partially to do with poverty. AIDS has exploded in that population, because it is a population that is extremely traditional, rudimentary, and in many ways archaic. There are many wonderful things about the African people, but there were also many wonderful things about the Dinosaurs, the Dodo bird, and numerous others.

    Please don't take this to mean I'm equating the people of Africa with wild animals. I'm not. But in many ways, the people of Africa are in the situation they are in because they have not evolved the same way as most of the world, and in that respect, they are paying a price. Yes, it is our responsibility as human beings to try and help people in need, and that is a wonderful thing. But at the end of the day, if we did nothing, there would still be a small percentage of African people who will survive this epidemic, and they will be more educated and elightened than the ones who do not.

    Much in the way that forest fires, although terrible in some respects, are essential to the rejuvenation of the population and ecosystem in that area, so too are epidemics and catastrophes. And this not a bash-on-Africa comment... the Black Plague was the same idea. Too many people, living in too close quarters, with too little regard for health or wellbeing. Millions died, but many survived, and the ones that did were smarter and wiser for it.

    The people of Africa are not necessarily as helpless as the may seem from the outside. They just have a different culture and mindset than Western people do. Right or wrong is not for us to decide, but adapting to nature is part of life on Earth... and sometimes that means that large numbers of people or animals die, needlessly or otherwise. Just my two cents.

    I admire your commitment to the evolutionary approach. I would just like to point out that evolution has also created the compassion (or at least social conscience) that inspires this sort of effort. Perhaps this compassion is a trait that increases the survivability of our species in a way too. (I'm not suggesting that all traits increase survivability, but evolution has been going for some time now, and compassion has been a human trait for some time as well, so perhaps the two are friends for some reason).

    Streamlight Tlr 3. *SOLD*Mint Condition Streamlight TLR-3. Comes with the box and all original accessories. Works perfect, not a mark
  • *SOLD*Mint Condition Streamlight TLR-3. Comes with the box and all original accessories. Works perfect, not a mark

  • Vegasman
    Apr 19, 09:18 AM
    LOL even the clock icon look the same, that's just cheap copying.

    10:10 has been the primary way to show time on a static clock and watches for decades. The 10:10 position of the hands is used to highlight the logo which is usually located below the "12".

    I wonder where Apple got the idea from?

    Streamlight Tlr 3. *May include Streamlight TLR-3
  • *May include Streamlight TLR-3

  • haddman
    Mar 22, 01:17 PM
    Balls! I just bought a new 27in iMac like 3-4 weeks ago! Oh well, I have been wanting replace my PC with a mac for like over a year, and I love it.

    Streamlight Tlr 3. (Streamlight TLR-3® Ta)
  • (Streamlight TLR-3® Ta)

  • nemaslov
    Sep 15, 06:10 PM
    then why can't McGiver (MacGiver) make it right now?:D

    Streamlight Tlr 3. Brand new Streamlight TLR-1
  • Brand new Streamlight TLR-1

  • toddybody
    May 3, 11:08 AM
    Would be great to have dual out on 11" MBA too. This way I could have dual displays at my remote office.

    You think SB IGP could drive 2 Cinema Displays? :eek:

    Streamlight Tlr 3. StreamLight® TLR-3® PT™ 1AA Ultra Compact Tactical Flashlight
  • StreamLight® TLR-3® PT™ 1AA Ultra Compact Tactical Flashlight

  • Peterkro
    Aug 23, 04:49 PM
    Creative's stock up 30% in after-hours trading. The $100 million is a drop in the bucket for Apple, but it will certainly help Creative...

    Methinks a creative person involved in the negotiations could have made a fortune buying Creative stock at the right time.It would be illegal of course.:rolleyes:

    Streamlight Tlr 3. with a Streamlight TLR-3
  • with a Streamlight TLR-3

  • w_parietti22
    Sep 15, 05:33 PM
    3mps???? :eek: are sure its not supposed to be 1.3?

    Sep 18, 01:34 AM
    You're right it's just like the ages old Mac verses PC debate can't really compare them.

    It really comes down to want you need to do and how much you are prepared to spend.

    It's not even the technology's price that's the difference, that's decided by another company. it's the technologies that are hard to compare.

    Apr 19, 08:01 PM
    This is just another pissing contest to result in a settlement and some bizarre technology sharing or nothing in particular.

    It's posturing.

    this is the only comment that made sense in this entire thread.

    Sep 15, 06:33 PM
    What is NIH syndrome?

    NIH = not invented here. apple was notorious for this behavior in the 80s and 90s, much to their detriment, and success.

    Just to further clarify -- NIH syndrome is when a company chooses not to use technologies invented by other companies in its own products. They prefer to design and build the entire package themselves, in-house.

    I'm not that interested in an iPhone. Apple would need to add some very unique features for me to consider buying one.

    Apple Shmapple
    Sep 12, 04:19 PM
    I have a 30 GB video already, but these new ones look good to me. I think I will have ordered one by the end of the week.

    Why in the name of all that's holy would you replace your current 30 gig with the "new" 30 gig? You'll end up paying $100 for a search function and a slightly brighter screen. Wow.

    Sep 14, 06:19 PM
    Don't cry - a tablet would be the absolute worst interface for edit digital photos, so there's absolutely no chance that'll be happening at photokina.
    Would it?
    How is it different than using a Wacon Tablet?
    Would seem like there would be a lot more control. But maybe I am wrong. Still would love to try it.

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