Assurance Of Salvation

Assurance Of Salvation. Assurance of Salvation
  • Assurance of Salvation

  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 19, 10:53 AM
    Apple will probably sue them for responding.

    Assurance Of Salvation. 1: ASSURANCE OF SALVATION

  • doctor-don
    Apr 11, 08:41 AM
    Try proofing before posting articles.

    "especially when there it is possible to be an officially licensed AirPlay partner."

    Assurance Of Salvation. The Assurance Of Salvation
  • The Assurance Of Salvation

  • linux2mac
    May 3, 11:19 AM
    At this price point and with these features - they may push even more customers away from the mac pro and towards the iMac. Even for some pretty heavy lifting, it's going to be a beast of a machine.

    I can say from experience that the i7 SB is a wonderful CPU. It competes with or beats the top end 6 core processors in apps that are not heavily multi-threaded.

    It's pretty nice that those dell 30 inchers are almost exactly the same size as the iMac.

    Absolutely. If going Mac Pro route you still need 3 ACD's. Going iMac route you just need two ACD's. I still doubt I will need the power of i7 for my PHP/MySQL coding but I will take it. :)

    Assurance Of Salvation. Assurance of Salvation
  • Assurance of Salvation

  • Dmac77
    Apr 25, 01:52 AM
    nothing wrong? and what if she didnt swerve, hit you in the back, and the collision causes the death of, lets say, 1 or 2 people. but you, mr. safe driver felt obligated to teach her a lesson.

    In that case, maybe she should have moved. On second thought, that's a little blunt of me. Sure I would feel bad, but I wouldn't be wracked with guilt over it. I only punish people with my antics, when they do something to sufficiently piss me off. Had she not brakechecked me I would have just passed, and gone on my way. But she deserved what I did, and had it caused her death, well I guess she deserved it in a way; bad karma happens for a reason.


    Assurance Of Salvation. our assurance of salvation
  • our assurance of salvation

  • maknik
    Nov 13, 01:56 PM
    There is no real-world solution to this problem as long as Apple insists on vetting every app and update. No company can be perfect in such a vast (many thousands a week) undertaking, so every developer runs the risk that his app will be caught in some bizarre limbo while an easily-fixed bug sits out there slowly damaging the developer's name. Unfortunately, there are only two solutions to this problem: customer pressure for Apple to reduce its oversight (followed by complaints by those apparently scared of having to vet applications on their own), or lawsuits. I suspect the latter is the only plausible solution.

    Assurance Of Salvation. assurance of salvation.
  • assurance of salvation.

  • toddybody
    Apr 25, 01:26 PM
    ...which is still a bottleneck.

    So what's your point? You like moderetly better bottlenecks?

    I'd rather eliminate them altogether.


    Have some new tech that you'd like to share with us?

    Assurance Of Salvation. Assurance and Salvation#39;,
  • Assurance and Salvation#39;,

  • MacVault
    Sep 19, 06:19 PM
    ...How do they check their email when you take the notebook on the road?

    iTunes places content into that folder when you download or rip. But you can put content anywhere, just drag it into iTunes from the new location. I'd like to see them support multiple folders in the future, but you can certainly use content without having it in the folder already.

    They don't care about email. They just want to watch the movies I buy from iTunes, etc.

    As for where iTunes puts it's content... the original poster had a good point - how to have the content synched between the external/networked storage device and the local machine, for example an laptop, so when one is on the road they can have access to the content on their storage server at home, although limited by the laptops available hard drive space, etc.

    Assurance Of Salvation. Assurance of Salvation
  • Assurance of Salvation

  • cleric
    Apr 22, 01:45 PM
    I think the big advantage to this downgrade will be buying clearance and refurbished Nvidia-based MBAs for 25% discounts... Unless Apple somehow fits a standard voltage SB CPU in the 13" MBA, I think most will be better off with C2D and Nvidia 320m at discounts.

    Exactly what I was thinking I'd much rather have the 320M it makes youtube and other graphics accelerated apps so much better than the 9400M, can't imagine downgrading to igp.

    Assurance Of Salvation. Assurance and Salvation
  • Assurance and Salvation

  • Al Coholic
    Apr 25, 06:55 PM
    Well crap.

    I suppose this new design will be shaped like an onion dicer a.k.a. "Air" style. I hate the "wedgie" look. If so, looks like the OD will go as well.

    Double crap.

    But I don't like change in general. (They changed the label on my bourbon bottle 10 years ago and it hasn't tasted the same since :()

    Assurance Of Salvation. Henry Mahan Assurance of Salvation Video
  • Henry Mahan Assurance of Salvation Video

  • dp351
    Oct 27, 04:32 PM
    I'm glad they were ejected. Green Peace is a joke anyway. Very few poeple take them seriously. The envitonmentalist movement is a joke as well. Nothing but a collection of displaced communists.

    Assurance Of Salvation. assurance.2 I will take my
  • assurance.2 I will take my

  • fetchmebeers
    Sep 12, 03:17 PM
    There are no major differences but if i were you i'd go back and trade for the new one or just return the iPod and order a new one. Your windows is close not to upgrade..

    It doesnt look like the new software features will be added to current 5G iPods. My iPod software just updated and only game functions were added.

    what do you mean my windows is close not to upgrade??

    and also, is there any chance that i might be succeeding in returning it... or even getting a refund??? i mean i took the vinyl cover off and just totally used it... can i return it right back to the apple store??

    Assurance Of Salvation. Assurance of Salvation,
  • Assurance of Salvation,

  • jzuena
    Apr 11, 07:55 AM
    Is anyone here educated enough to explain to me how to compile and run this thing?

    I can't find a way to install avahi. Tried installing it via fink - no luck.
    MacPorts requires xcode, but I don't really want to install xcode. takes up a lot of space.
    Even though I know some things I'd still prefer if someone would make a step-by-step how-to for me.

    Thank you in advance.

    The only prebuilt gcc compiler I know of for OSX is the one in xcode, so you will be stuck installing it at least temporarily in order to compile a standalone version of gcc.

    Avahi is Bonjour, which is already part of OSX. Therefore I doubt the makefile bothers to have a configuration for OSX.

    Assurance Of Salvation. Assurance amp; Salvation
  • Assurance amp; Salvation

  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Sep 14, 08:17 AM
    Cross the 8GB black iPod nano with a decent phone, add bluetooth earphones, and maybe even put in GPS, and we have a winner.
    Exactly! Just how hard can that be??? All the technology has been available for years. I just dont get what is holding back Apple.

    Assurance Of Salvation. Assurance of salvation can be
  • Assurance of salvation can be

  • Xian Zhu Xuande
    Mar 30, 12:06 PM
    At least this is entertaining to watch.

    Microsoft aren't selling windows called Windows, they're selling an OS called Windows. It is a generic phrase, but it's not a generic phrase for the object it describes. App Store is (to me at least!) a generic phrase for an application store.
    And Apple has a online software store called the 'App Store'.

    It may seem silly at first, but view the history of 'app' and the argument materializes.

    Assurance Of Salvation. Lessons On Assurance
  • Lessons On Assurance

  • mrgreen4242
    Sep 5, 01:54 PM
    Well fudge. I've been holding off on getting an Airport Express for literally a year, waiting for an AV version. I finally had to get one when I moved (no cable drop in the office at new house, so needed a wireless router) and then like 2 weeks later they release the AV model. Bastards.

    Oh well, probably can't afford one anyways - seeing as the AE w/ AirTunes is still $100. Does Apple price match refurb hardware? I'm assuming the AE price will drop when they release the AV model.

    Hmmm, I might be able to talk my wife into letting me get one for the theatre room if I can make it send cable TV up there too... Have to wait and see what the product actually is.

    Also, $10-15 for a d/l movies is a ripoff. Unless they are going to do HD quality movies at $15, DVDs will remain a much better value. Now, HD download service, with an affordable playback mechanism, at $15 per movie they will clean up... SD though? Forget about it.

    Assurance Of Salvation. This is our assurance!
  • This is our assurance!

  • Bomino
    Apr 25, 01:51 AM
    I really don't think it is necessary to call me or any member of my family "pathetic." There's nothing wrong with manipulating the system to your advantage, if you do it for a valid purpose (such as teaching a crappy driver a lesson).

    nothing wrong? and what if she didnt swerve, hit you in the back, and the collision causes the death of, lets say, 1 or 2 people. but you, mr. safe driver felt obligated to teach her a lesson.

    Assurance Of Salvation. Assurance of salvation-a
  • Assurance of salvation-a

  • Eidorian
    Jul 14, 10:08 AM
    Because the mulitplier is unlocked , making it very easy to overclock.Yeah, otherwise it's FSB antics.

    The goal was to reach the highest possible speed that was benchmark stable. Super Pi, 3DMarks, and several game benchmarks were run to test stability. The 2.93GHz chip reached 4.0GHz on air cooling in these overclocking tests. That represents a 36% overclock on air with what will likely be the least overclockable Core 2 processor - the top line X6800.

    To provide some idea of overclocking abilities with other Core 2 Duo processors, we ran quick tests with E6700 (2.67GHz), and E6600 (2.4GHz). The test E6700 reached a stable 3.4GHz at default voltage and topped out at 3.9GHz with the Tuniq Cooler. The 2.4GHz E6600 turned out to be quite an overclocker in our tests. Even though it was hard-locked at a 9 multiplier it reached an amazing 4GHz in the overclocking tests. That represents a 67% overclock. Not that the locked chips aren't that bad either.

    Assurance Of Salvation. Assurance Of Salvation
  • Assurance Of Salvation

  • Chef Medeski
    Sep 12, 05:11 PM
    Kind of a huge gap, don'cha think? For an extra $100 I can nearly TRIPLE the capacity? Why would I even consider a 30 GB model?
    Or you could purchase a 8GB Nano for the same price which is less than 1/3 the capacity.

    Assurance Of Salvation. Assurance of Salvation--Where
  • Assurance of Salvation--Where

  • zin
    Apr 30, 01:36 PM
    Apple always seem to use good CPUs. I just hope that their GPU choices don't stoop low this time.

    Jul 19, 11:03 PM
    another update in Q1 2007? damn. So fast, but screw it, once the new MBP design is out, I'm ordering. I wish it was the 7th, but now most likly the 12 of September.

    Sep 2, 12:17 PM
    Hey guys, just hope some stuff comes out on the 5th, like new MBP with some C2D, i guess that should show up... and doesn't need any kind of keynote show.... and maybe the mini ... to with some improved specs ... as far fot the MB, that is what I'm waiting for ... shouldn't show up at least by the end of the month !!! But who KNOWS ..... ???? :rolleyes: A litle suprise would be nice !!!!

    Mar 29, 11:32 AM
    Windows 7 kicks ass, it's every bit as good as Snow Leopard if not better.

    When Windows starts to come close to SL in terms of ease of use and functionality let me know ;)

    Sep 5, 03:40 PM
    Quoted from an older thread that has been left behind:

    Somebody cast doubt on the HDMI thing, I don't know - just seemed like the easiest option to get video into an iMac. You don't have to worry about all the different methods of getting TV (free to air, digital, cable) because if you have a HDMI-enabled receiver it would just plug into the back of the iMac. You'd need to use the receiver's remote to do all the channel changing but Apple could offer some sort of recording program. EyeHome could do something with it too? I'm no expert, just trying to look at a simple solution for a complicated, fragmented problem.I'm also not sure about the bittorrent thing. It's nice in theory, but even with bittorrent, movies will take a while to download. The problem with that is that you can't watch a bittorrent movie until the whole thing has downloaded, whereas with traditional quicktime downloads, you can start watching as soon as you have a decent enough buffer. And iTMS is all about instant gratification.

    Oct 27, 11:14 AM
    Also people fail to point out that we don't know the other company's contracts. Someone said that other booths had free range and were giving out things all around. For all we know they negotiated for a larger handout space. If companies like LaCie and Adobe threatened to pull from the show unless they could hand out things all over the expo I'm sure MacExpo would have allowed it. If did the same, MacExpo wouldn't have any problems with not giving them a booth. They could have easily handed out fliers across the street.

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