Holliston Town Hall

Holliston Town Hall. Christmas,”and Holliston
  • Christmas,”and Holliston

  • iGary
    Mar 25, 05:56 PM
    This is a great thread.

    I now use ONyX on all my machines versus forcing maintenance in Terminal, and Clutter is a great app, too.

    Anyone know of an app that will let me run my iPhoto library off an external HD?

    Holliston Town Hall. Holliston, MA, 01746, us
  • Holliston, MA, 01746, us

  • robbieduncan
    Apr 9, 01:09 PM
    Can you post a screenshot of what you mean?

    Holliston Town Hall. Halifax is a town in Plymouth
  • Halifax is a town in Plymouth

  • notromeel
    Mar 31, 01:07 PM
    Maybe I'm the only one that thinks this, but, while it's a cool demo, I'd probably never use this. The iPad would have to reach at least the amount of control and sensitivity of a Cintiq to make this useful. So it's cool that Adobe is working on it, and maybe with future revs of hardware, the iPad will get to that point (I really hope it does). But it all still seems like finger painting to me until you have control with some sort of drawing utensil. The funny thing is, Steve Jobs - the man who spouts and gushes over creating tools by artists for artists, and - is the one man leading the fight against any sort of stylus for use with the iDevices. While I agree with him on use throughout the iOS interface, all artists are NOT created equal. I've seen fantastic work by some of the guys using their fingers with those paint programs, but I'd say for the majority of artists out there, the real key is going to be getting a stylus that works properly in a drawing or painting app on the iOS.

    At the studio I work at, the day the iPad was announced, there were about 40 people that were willing to blow up to $1k on the iPad had it come out with some sort of stylus support - not for interface, but for drawing. These are people that use Cintiqs day in and day out. When the price point of $499 was announced their jaws dropped in unison. SOLD! But when no stylus was announced and when Jobs said "If you are using a stylus, you are doing it wrong", there was a collective sigh and gnashing of teeth. Not a single person purchased one.

    So while it was a cool demo, it's still a hard sell to people who do this stuff all day, everyday for a living. Let's see a real stylus for artwork from Apple that is meant to work with the touchscreen on iOS and let's see it blow everything else away!

    Until then, maybe this is the best we can hope for.

    The Cosmonaut (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/danprovost/the-cosmonaut-a-wide-grip-stylus-for-touch-screens)

    I agree with most of what you're saying... but I think it's adobe's goal to push the most creative software on whatever they can. It's Apple's goal to provide the best experience for most people. Way more people are interested in using an iPad without a stylus - why sacrifice all those people for the minority of artists.

    You want to draw, grab a wacom and mac.

    Holliston Town Hall. Celebrate Holliston.
  • Celebrate Holliston.

  • caspersoong
    Apr 28, 01:14 AM
    This is awesome news. Apple does take care of privacy.

    Holliston Town Hall. Mendon Town Meeting Likely Use
  • Mendon Town Meeting Likely Use

  • Macman756
    Jun 9, 11:24 PM
    Me and a few friends are waiting out at the Lenox mall Apple store. Anybody going?

    Holliston Town Hall. Kingston Town Hall
  • Kingston Town Hall

  • Gugulino
    Apr 6, 01:11 PM
    AppleInsider claims that this 12 PB are used for iTunes Movies. Would be great, if the HD Movies got a better quality -> higher bit rate -> bigger file size �

    Holliston Town Hall. The Framingham Village Hall
  • The Framingham Village Hall

  • Multimedia
    Nov 1, 06:54 PM
    Does it come with the new or old earphones?Old. You have to buy the new ones alacarte.

    Holliston Town Hall. Town Hall!
  • Town Hall!

  • Whistleway
    Oct 22, 03:51 PM
    I just d/led the newest build from webkit and it is really a great improvement. It is very fast and responsive and is not a memory hog. I encourage you to try it out.

    I never been happy with safari. But this newest build, 419.3, suprised me.

    Holliston Town Hall. Holliston, Massachusetts
  • Holliston, Massachusetts

  • wywern209
    Sep 11, 12:45 AM
    Would you be so kind to post this wallpaper please? Thank you!

    link (http://wallpaper.skins.be/kelly-brook/38364/1280x800/) hre you go. I used tineye.

    Holliston Town Hall. The Hopkinton town hall is one
  • The Hopkinton town hall is one

  • Laird Knox
    Apr 7, 12:08 AM
    Here. I always like the home cloud concept, where you get your own personal server and can transfer data/sync through the cloud. So you own your data instead of trusting it to someone else.

    I'm moving in the opposite direction. I ran my own server for years. Now my web site resides on App Engine and my data will be backed up off site. Much less hastle than before.

    Holliston Town Hall. Holliston, Massachusetts
  • Holliston, Massachusetts

  • Vector
    Aug 21, 11:57 AM
    Awww! Thanks. :)

    Holliston Town Hall. hosts town hall meeting on
  • hosts town hall meeting on

  • h00ligan
    Mar 17, 01:24 PM
    Last I checked it wasn't available for iPad...did I miss something?

    Double checked and tapatalk is iPhone only :/ thanks though.

    Holliston Town Hall. Massachusetts town hall
  • Massachusetts town hall

  • onlyminsik
    May 6, 07:40 AM

    Holliston Town Hall. Milford, Mendon, Upton Town
  • Milford, Mendon, Upton Town

  • iKwick7
    Nov 1, 07:53 PM
    Camera phone, bad quality- but the picture says it all. :)

    Holliston Town Hall. Sherborn, Holliston,
  • Sherborn, Holliston,

  • nathanschafer
    Apr 23, 05:10 AM

    I have noticed my iphone 4 gets hot after recording for more than 2 mins, and it also heats up when taking pictures. However, it only heats up towards the right of the front speaker (it heats up on the front top right corner) on the phone. It heats up on the front, where the camera is situated directly beneath it. It is not unbearably hot. Anyone else have this problem? Is this normal?

    Holliston Town Hall. Burlington is a town in
  • Burlington is a town in

  • theGAPkid
    Oct 12, 06:27 AM

    I love the photos featured on fiftyfootshadows.net (http://fiftyfootshadows.net). His photos are stunning, and they are all perfect desktop pictures! :cool:

    Holliston Town Hall. Holliston foundation donates
  • Holliston foundation donates

  • Hisdem
    Jul 31, 09:02 PM
    Not August here yet but I already updated :)


    Holliston Town Hall. Holliston
  • Holliston

  • DTphonehome
    Sep 26, 09:16 PM
    OK, this is nice, but they need to light a fire under the collective ass of the .mac development team. That service is in dire need of a complete and total overhaul.

    Holliston Town Hall. forum at Town Hall Oct. 1
  • forum at Town Hall Oct. 1

  • kronos2611
    Mar 21, 10:36 AM
    does anyone know if edmug came into being?

    Mar 23, 09:26 AM
    Does this make Jony Ive the only European at the top of Apple now? Can't think of anyone else.

    Dec 25, 10:15 AM
    I got a Power Mac G5 as an early gift from my mom a week and a half ago. Been loving it since. I also got a thing of Danish butter cookies and an Old Wisconsin meat sampler.

    Dear old Mommy got a pack of smokes, a thing of Maxwell House coffee, and a box of Whitman's chocolates. The smokes and coffee she actually asked for. Chocolates were my idea.

    Apr 10, 04:15 AM
    So simple as that ?



    Apr 4, 11:05 AM
    FT? Who? Guess it doesn't matter.

    Jul 26, 11:08 PM
    Nonsense. I record facing South from North tower off air signals with the Terk TV5 amplified low-profile antenna and it works like a dream. Don't need no stinkin' cable nor satellite. All the rabbit ears were useless. This antenna, availble from Circuit City, is in a class of its own.

    Maybe where you live. I tried it in La Jolla, CA with Terk TV5 and I just was able to get couple channels and very choppy.
    Sorry Multimedia. I even joined your yahoo group and I was very excite about the possibilities of the EyeTV500. I just turned out to be not the way you said.
    It works maybe for you, but in some cases like mine require way more than what your are just saying.
    I am just trying to make sure people are not going through the same hassle and disappointment I had.
    so be aware!

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