Funny Movies 2009

Funny Movies 2009. Funny movie pictures of James
  • Funny movie pictures of James

  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 27, 10:39 PM
    Without even stepping into the whole "they're lying/they're not lying" debate, and since iOS and Android are the only really choices out there, I'm going with the option that doesn't have its sole business model built on knowing as much as possible about me and sharing it with third parties.

    To anyone that thinks Google is giving that OS away for free for altruistic reasons, I have a bridge you might be interested in. ;)

    So you go with the company that has shown that is will look for any way to make an extra buck.
    I trust Google a hell of a lot more than Apple.

    Now that Apple is in the ads game I can tell you they will be a lot worse about sharing your data than Google ever was and will be.

    Funny Movies 2009. Make Another Funny Movie?
  • Make Another Funny Movie?

  • TheMonarch
    Dec 23, 01:12 AM
    My first attempt... :) :o


    Funny Movies 2009. Funny People @ Movie Smackdown
  • Funny People @ Movie Smackdown

  • weitzner
    Nov 29, 12:53 PM
    The best way to avoid the experience of the music industry is to respond to a changing market and give people what they want before they get mad enough to expend the effort to just take it and feel justified.

    I couldn't agree with you more. The current model that the MPAA and the RIAA are trying to preserve is simply irrelevent with the advent of digital media as a realistic and easily obtainable alternative. They had a chance to embrace it and make serious changes to the way they do things (i.e. find some way to deliver content at essentially no cost to the consumer but still turn a profit through ads and other sponsorship, which would work because the cost of producing the content is decreasing really quickly) but they chose to fight it and they can't win. The iTS is a compromise between the two, but I'll stick to free media and pay to go to concerts for bands I like and see some movies in the theatres.

    Funny Movies 2009. funny movie quotes 2009
  • funny movie quotes 2009

  • Mintin8
    Apr 8, 07:24 AM
    You'll be getting one?!?

    Firstly, thats ridiculous

    Secondly, the Fiesta looks way better ;)

    Firstly, as well as school i've worked 20 hours a week for nearly a year at around 6.50 an hour. I'll leave you to work out how much i've got. So no, it's not really ridiculous.

    Secondly, my parents are happy to pay insurance. I find that fair to be honest.

    Yes the new fiestas look great but sadly are too expensive.


    Funny Movies 2009. Is a funny movie,
  • Is a funny movie,

  • ucfgrad93
    Aug 4, 12:27 PM
    On my iMac.

    Funny Movies 2009. gallery_main-meganfox-2009-mtv
  • gallery_main-meganfox-2009-mtv

  • mad jew
    Dec 19, 01:13 AM
    That's very interesting. Is the pattern symbolic (apart from the Apple logo)? :)

    Funny Movies 2009. Movie, Cinema, Movie Trailer,
  • Movie, Cinema, Movie Trailer,

  • mikeschmeee
    Apr 5, 02:50 PM
    And last but not least. (sorry if I've posted to many, I just love taking photos) :o

    Here are some modified Honda's they had at the show. ( ( ( ( ( (

    Funny Movies 2009. Posted by jphebert in Funny,
  • Posted by jphebert in Funny,

  • arn
    Jan 11, 04:53 AM
    I added a Workout category

    right now there isn't functionality for you to automatically nominate existing songs to the categories.

    Just use the "Report Link" feature and ask it to be placed in whatever category u would like, and we'll add it in manually for now.

    I'll add that functionality in before long

    Any other category suggestions?


    Funny Movies 2009. funny movie quotes 2009.
  • funny movie quotes 2009.

  • res1233
    Apr 4, 10:55 PM
    Well, this is macrumors and i try to stay away from economic theories, but you asked for it, so here we go:
    Monopolies cause "allocative deadweight loss" (although its main argument applies towards state-owned enterprises)
    What does that mean?

    In a competitive market, producers dont have the freedom to set a price because the rival can always undercut them until the point where lowering the price will cause in a loss.
    BUT the monopolist firm can decide the price it charges by varying the quantity it produces, so it will produce only up to the quantity where its profit is maximized. UNDER NORMAL CIRCUMSTANCES, the level of output is lower than the socially optimal one, which is where the max price a consumer is willing to pay is the same as the minimum price that the producer requires in order not to lose money.
    When the amount produced is LESS than the socially optimal quantity, it means not serving some consumers who are perfectly willing to pay MORE than the minimum price that the producer requires but who are unwilling to bear the price at which the monopoly firm can max its profit. The unfulfilled desire of those neglected consumers is the social cost of monopoly.

    So basically, monopolies will start losing more money when they start raising the price since consumers will either 1) not be able to access such services (since they will only make the MIN amount for MAX price and by using calculus, you would rather spend a little more in the amount produced and make a little less profit rather than having an EXACT amount although you would make the best profit IF you sold ALL items) or 2) consumers will just stop using it since cell phone devices are not a NECESSITY but instead a WANT. do you think you will pay whatever cellphone company if the price exceeds a certain comfort zone in your income bracket? you wont.

    Furthermore, I will take it one more step. Monopolies can be good. If you look at the Mexican carrier, Telcel. The year Telcel was monopolized by Carlos Slim (riches man in the world now) coverage in Mexico grew more than it did in the hands of the state. According to the "monopoly=bad" argument, service in Mexico should have dropped in every other city that is not important in Mexico's economy while service should have exploded in cities such as Mexico City and Puebla. No, it exploded in the main cities while it also exploded with the whole country

    In conclusion, monopolies are only dangerous IF the monopoly is a necessity based. i.e. lets say one man owned the whole united states food supply. Then yes, monopolies would be the worst. But not cell phone companies, cmon if monopolies were SOO good for the company why would Bell even break up his own company? just for the lulz? I dont think so. Because the government told him so? I certainly dont believe it since Bell probably would have had the power to lobby his way out and in case nothing worked he couldve just brought it up to the Supreme Court.

    Anyways, enough with the economics jargon. Enjoy your economics class :P

    I like you.

    Funny Movies 2009. Man were funny movies,
  • Man were funny movies,

  • marcello696
    Mar 6, 04:00 PM
    figured I would go ahead and start a thread to see what the locals are doing for the launch on Friday.

    I plan on being there around 2pm and looking to score two 16GB 3G iPad's

    What is everyone else doing?

    Funny Movies 2009. Wizards
  • Wizards

  • Ramsteiner
    May 6, 09:13 PM
    My prayers are answered. This was a long time coming - works as advertised. Second most favorite app after LockInfo.

    Funny Movies 2009. list of funny movies
  • list of funny movies

  • Funkymonk
    Apr 28, 11:22 PM
    let the soulless evil multi-billion dollar companies sue each other to the grave :D

    Funny Movies 2009. how funny this movie was.
  • how funny this movie was.

  • zen.state
    Mar 31, 01:48 PM
    Well i'm waiting on one of these comming from Oz and one of these as well thats a bit more local!

    Both from fleaBay at way less than the OWC prices. The 2 port will run 2x 2.5 inch drives to become the main HD for the G4 and possibly its time machine backup. The 4 port will look after my itunes, photos etc and general backup duties.

    I post some pix once it looks different from stock with a load of drives whirring away :D

    Just got my ram ordered as well. $26 for 4x 512mb sticks

    Those Sonnet SATA cards are also made by FirmTek for Sonnet. My 2 port card is exactly the same but has a red PCB and says FirmTech rather than Sonnet. This one:
    Great card and works 100% seamless with 10.5 and 10.4.

    Great price for the RAM!

    Funny Movies 2009. 2009 Movie Megapost – The Top
  • 2009 Movie Megapost – The Top

  • Macdaddy1129
    Sep 4, 12:51 PM

    How do you make your dock just a black strip like you did?

    Funny Movies 2009. FIlms Funny Movies 2009
  • FIlms Funny Movies 2009

  • toddybody
    Apr 27, 01:30 PM
    dude....give it up...please sell your iPhone and 3g iPad and ANY apple device you have and LEAVE MACrumors for good. its for the better

    Really, youre beating him up for his perspective? Yes, FullofWin is critical of Apple; but this is a discussion forum with varying opinions (which I appreciate).

    Perhaps you should start posting your own comments in a private Word least theyd be valued by one person.

    Funny Movies 2009. funny people 2009
  • funny people 2009

  • mr evil brkfast
    Oct 30, 11:54 AM
    I just checked out the USA Apple Store web page and for the basic ibook and powerbook configurations there is a 3-5 day wait.

    Anyone think this is a good indicator that this novemeber 5th date for an update seems a little more possible?

    Funny Movies 2009. funny movie quotes 2009
  • funny movie quotes 2009

  • shingi70
    Apr 14, 08:10 PM
    If you don't like me, don't read my posts. I was not put on this Earth to please you or anyone else.

    Any comments I make toward anyone are based on their actions, and the actions of any particular group to which they may belong that attacks people like me. If you find that to be disrespectful, well then I don't know what to tell you. There are plenty of people here who do that just as much as, if not more, than I.

    Some of us are sick of taking crap from the majority and refuse to sit still for it any longer. I'm ****ing tired of it after 25 years of fighting it. Deal with it or don't. The choice is yours. But don't expect me to there and take it if someone calls me ****** or anything like that. I'm not going to. No more Mr Nice Gay. If social conservatives, such as some Christians and Republicans, want respect, they could start by showing a little- something they have NEVER done for us, no matter how much we've tried.

    Doesn't violence once begat more violence? I mean by any means necessary isn't all that great to help your cause.

    Funny Movies 2009. Sunday, August 2, 2009
  • Sunday, August 2, 2009

  • djgamble
    Apr 7, 04:45 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-gb) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    $17.99 in Australia although $1 AUD = $1.05 USD... I'm getting sick of this! Not only is our dollar worth more, but we pay more too... the 2 just compound on each other.

    What a farce!

    Funny Movies 2009. this very funny movie!
  • this very funny movie!

  • Vivid.Inferno
    Sep 10, 08:41 PM
    Been using this one for a while now.

    link to the original please =]

    Jessica Lares
    Oct 11, 11:29 PM
    I was rotating the screen and I heard like a crack. Now it folds back and forth easy. What did I break?

    Sep 26, 08:32 PM
    Sweet. As an adamant dotmac user this looks really cool. I use my web-mail frequently at work and it's nice to see it getting a major update! Hopefully they update the rest of dotmac too. As is it works great, but it could use some new features.

    Dec 7, 03:41 PM
    Please share this wallpaper.

    Here you go :)

    Oct 9, 12:03 PM
    built in search sounds pretty cool:cool:

    Jan 21, 02:14 PM
    looks like Ferrari desperatly needed their own Panamera ...

    Hardly... the 612 remains the better car & Ferrari have been producing 4-seaters for decades. ;)

    Regarding the design, personally I rather like the fact that they've gone for a Shooting Brake aesthetic rather than an ungainly 4 door one. Remember, Ferrari's are almost always controversial (entirely unlike Porsche). :)

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