Emo Chick Hairstyles

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  • Apple OC
    Mar 28, 01:22 AM
    I never said I wanted the seller to lose his life or be seriously injured. Show me where I said that.

    I'm not talking getting hurt either ... maybe $500 dollars damage to your car would be a fair price to pay for your foolish lane change? ... fair enough karma for wishing that on the buyer?

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  • TopToffee
    Oct 10, 08:01 AM
    I'd rather pay and get upgrades than have the developer abandon the app because it isn't profitable to do anymore free updates. What should Loren do when everyone that will buy Tweetie already has it? Develop updates out of the goodness of his heart?

    The app store has a problem, and that's the amount of crap and cheapness of that crap. It drives the price of everything down. Factor in that ALL upgrades are free and you have a major problem for devs. You can sell an app once to each user, at next to nothing cost, and that's all you get. Yes, initially it's good when you're selling 100K apps a week but what happens when everyone's bought your app? The app store has a sustainability problem, and it will soon rear it's ugly head.

    Compare it to desktop software where even the most basic apps cost $10+ and all upgrades are paid.

    I'm quite happy to pay Loren �1.79 every 8-12 months for his work on Tweetie because frankly it's amazing and �1.79 is pretty much nothing.

    The problem with most whambulance drivers such as yourself is pretty much the same problem with society at large. You only care about yourself and what you can get for yourself regardless if it's at the expense of others. You have no social responsibility. People's inability to look past their own nose and care about others is really quite pathetic. You don't care if Loren gets paid for his work, or for a sustainable app store. Rather you simply care for how cheaply you can get apps and updates. The self-centredness, the "me me me"-ness of society has become quite a problem IMO.

    Hear f'n hear

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  • Warbrain
    Apr 28, 06:09 AM
    Agreed, and I think that Android devices finally grew up into a decent alternative many people got tired of waiting and are now under contract with something else. So the available market shrunk as more people got under contract.

    Even though the iPhone4 is a great phone, the iPhone 5 is needed soon to energize things. Too many people realize that the iPhone4 is nearing the end of it's life cycle.

    This is the issue with a yearly product cycle. People begin to understand when that cycle starts over, avoid new purchases of the product, and even tell their friends and family to not buy right now.

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  • MattyMac
    Sep 26, 10:42 PM
    Just in time for my renewal:D

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  • DougY
    Apr 27, 09:12 AM
    I like the idea about ePrint. May even go out and buy a compatible HP Printer. Can anyone tell me if using this service would cost me extra? I know that the printer would have its own email address, would that involve extra phone charges? Need information...thanks. :confused:

    Emo Chick Hairstyles. Emo girl hairstyles 2009
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  • iCrizzo
    Apr 27, 12:35 PM
    This tracking stuff is all the Apple haters fault. All the non-iPhone owners are the one's making a big deal about it. Can't wait to buy a white iPhone tomorrow so Apple can track 2 phones I own.

    Emo Chick Hairstyles. From Emo Girl Hairstyles
  • From Emo Girl Hairstyles

  • DaMob
    Dec 18, 08:09 AM

    Well I think my question is obvious.
    Is it safe to update my iTunes and still be able to synchronize it without problems?


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  • Rojo
    Oct 16, 04:16 PM
    It's up from here, and it's still the old interface.

    Still down for me.

    Anyone else having this problem, or is just me? :confused:

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  • WillEH
    Mar 19, 10:56 PM
    Don't include me. Your reasoning is as confused as your conclusion. There is absolutely no logic in maintaining that killing is wrong and then appealing to that principle to justify more killing.

    I think someone shouldn't play god, but at the same time I agree that if you take a life, your life should be taken ( I know I'm contradicting myself, but that's just HOW I feel ) But I'd also rather someone rot in prison for 50 years. But then again, it's like a holiday camp in prisons here. Playstations, internet, TV. The UK is a complete and utter joke. We're the laughing stock of the world. We're so scared of human rights, we bend over backwords for any prisoner. I'm SO happy that common sense what introduced for prisoner votes.

    Justify more killing, I could use the same old line, "I bet their victim didn't want to die", all that crap, but I won't. All I'm going to say is that countries need to show that if you kill, you're not going to get away with it lightly.

    When I say "we", I don't speak for everyone, I maybe misworderd it a little..

    Republic of Ukistan, if that were a real place (which I have a feeling it is...) I'm sure they would have capital punishement! :p

    P.s, I tend to stay away from political threads, but I just couldn't help myself! I always end up getting seriously bashed in them! meh.. :(

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  • Err
    Sep 18, 02:08 PM
    Any other day traders here? I'm looking into setting up my mac to trade. Scottrade has low fee's but the lack of level II quotes is a downer. I have heard SOME good things about Ameritrade. guess I'm not opposed to using a Windows machine. Any reviews of online firms would be great. Thanks.

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  • TuffLuffJimmy
    Apr 25, 01:07 AM
    Reason it isn't a disgrace: The white enclosure apparently was causing trouble with the camera due to light leakage. You would most likely be calling that disgraceful if they had indeed released a 500$ phone with that rather huge flaw, so I guess they can't win.

    The camera issue actually only occurred in white iPhones where people bought unofficial knockoff parts to modify their black iPhones. People who were lucky enough to get the few real deal Foxcon parts experienced no issues. However, I do believe that white was delayed because (among economic reasons) the backlight bled through the glass and was very noticeable in dark settings.

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  • macAllen
    Aug 13, 05:00 PM
    Here's the original.


    I'm guessing the poster photoshopped the man on the bike out and thus explains your question. :) By the way, would anyone be able to do the same and re-post this wallpaper? I would appreciate it.

    Sorry guys went away for awhile, yeah theres no vanishing point but I think its awesome how it lines up to the water line... anyways

    Here you go (http://i38.tinypic.com/muisd4.jpg)

    Emo Chick Hairstyles. Emo Girls Hairstyles
  • Emo Girls Hairstyles

  • KiraDouji
    May 3, 01:41 AM
    The question asked of heterosexuals =/= asked gay and bisexual men. The risk factor for straight people is risky sex, the risk factor asked for gay men is not risky sex, but sex at all - even once. Its not the same thing. If there was no bigotry behind the question it would be raised this way to all, no matter what orientation "have you had unprotected sex with more than one partner in the last 5 years, if yes have you been tested for HIV?"

    This. About ten million times. :apple:

    Emo Chick Hairstyles. Emo Short Hairstyles
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  • techfreak85
    Aug 6, 09:07 AM
    Wow, I feel depressed just looking at that.:p

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  • kalsta
    Mar 20, 12:33 PM
    Hi. Thanks for the advice and kind words. I would actually love to work for a firm or design company. I would prefer the steady check and the opportunity to learn the ropes. I need to network more. I send out a lot of resumes but no real nibbles yet. I think networking and knocking on doors will probably get my farther than the monster.com approach I've been using :)

    Okay� Firstly, you need a great portfolio. Above all else, you're a designer, so they're going to want to see that you can design. If you're confident in the quality of your portfolio, great. Next step� Find out the name of the person or the owner or manager if you can, and send them out something creative that also demonstrates your design skills � not just a standard resume and letter; anyone could do that, and you need to show them that you're not just anyone. Let them know that you would like an opportunity to meet and show them your portfolio, and you could even say when you'll call them � that way you're not waiting for them to call, but you're showing initiative and following up. If they say they don't have any available positions right now, say that's okay, you'd still love to meet with them and show them your work in case a future position becomes available. Once you have a meeting, the rest is up to you and your portfolio! :)

    Emo Chick Hairstyles. emo girl hairstyle
  • emo girl hairstyle

  • phillymjs
    Oct 3, 08:51 PM
    One of my clients is a huge, global corporation (that shall remain nameless), and they use Notes. I only support a smallish design department that uses Macs, and I quickly learned to loathe Notes.

    Allow me to quote a rant I wrote about it on 10/8/02, after coming home from a long day of battling Notes issues at that client:

    "Lotus Notes [6.0] for the Mac is a turd that they just keep trying to polish. Whoo hoo, it's finally Carbonized and sports the Aqua interface-- that's like putting a fresh coat of paint on an outhouse. This is the most half-assed Mac port of a Windows app since Microsoft Word 6-- scads of 8.3-named library files, a terribly unMaclike interface that is possibly the worst mangling of the 'web browser' metaphor that I have ever seen, and a complete inability to accommodate more than one user per machine, even on a multi-user based OS like Mac OS X. You'd think a company like IBM could actually assemble a team of competent Mac programmers, but judging by the quality of Notes for the Mac, they can't. Memo to IBM/Lotus: Half-assed Mac support is worse than none at all. Rebuild Notes [for the Mac] from scratch, or take it out back and shoot it. It makes Outlook/Exchange look like paradise, even with all the security and virus problems."

    That client is now using 6.5.4, and I still hate it. Four years later, and it *still* wants to put the user data folder inside the Notes application folder by default when you install! Last week I ran Migration Assistant to move someone's data back to a PowerBook that had returned from being serviced, and Notes got messed up somehow. It was set to spellcheck all outgoing messages automatically, but lost the location of its dictionary. How do you think Notes would handle that? Just inform the user, "I can't spellcheck, but would you like me send out the message anyway?", right? Wrong! It wouldn't let the user send any mail at all, until I remoted in and disabled the spellcheck entirely. When I was back on site today, I had to reinstall Notes on her machine to fix it.

    Which brings us to the problem of support. The only solution I can find for 99% of Notes issues on the Mac is to just reinstall the damned thing.

    I could keep on going, but you get the picture.... Notes is a godawful abortion of a software program, and I would lead a much happier life if I didn't have to deal with it. IBM claims they want to improve it? Well they've certainly got their work cut out for them, don't they?


    Emo Chick Hairstyles. Emo Hairstyles Color
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  • liamkp
    Jul 3, 11:41 AM
    Most likely not but you should probably use OEM cables and such instead.

    Emo Chick Hairstyles. type of emo hairstyle that
  • type of emo hairstyle that

  • zen.state
    Mar 30, 06:09 AM
    Thanks zen.state. I'll look it up once the blasted screen turns up!

    This thread http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=1127873 is asking about drive sizes for PPC machines but the thread on the apple site pointed to doesn't seem to answer the question definitively - at least to me but I'm kinda new.

    what is the max drive size for a PPC with with a ATA controller in one of the PCI slots?

    I have heard of the 2TB limit per drive before. I cannot confirm this 100% though as all my drives are less than 2TB. I have 3.5 TB total but it consists of 3x 1TB and 1x 500GB.

    I think 2TB drives are a great option for you. They can be had for as little as 75-80 each these days and 4 of them would give you 8TB in your file server. Not too shabby.

    I myself plan to buy a couple 2TB drives soon as I am running out of space even with 3.5 TB.

    Emo Chick Hairstyles. Emo Hairstyles For Asian Girls
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  • JDOG_
    Dec 16, 01:18 AM
    Well done. It really cleans up nice.

    May 6, 01:33 PM
    I am using win7 through bootcamp, but i can't use the two fingers-right click on the track pad and also the fn key doesn't work.
    Does anyone here have any idea why i can't use them ?

    Jun 18, 06:53 PM
    This is not the place for that.

    Jan 9, 03:30 PM
    I think what most people are missing is that we've seen the future of the iPod with the iPhone. Look for a revamp of the iPod by the end of the year or early next. Same size but with the features of the iPhone but without the iPhone stuff. The new iPod interface is slick and Apple's not going to limit it to just the iPhone. The rest of us who are locked into contracts with Verizon and Sprint, or don't want an all-in-one deal still want the cool features of the new iPhone. I wouldn't be surprised if we see a revamp of the enitre line. iPhone, iPDA(no phone but PDA like features), iPod, iTablet, etc. all based on this new technology.

    It's too cool to think it will stay only on the iPhone. That's what I think anyway.

    Mar 27, 09:56 PM
    All those stupid free cloud based services is easy to replace. If Apple can make a better map than google, even Steve died, Apple can go on and on its own.... I hope Steve can lead Apple and amaze me once again.

    Dec 25, 04:12 PM
    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5004/5290840511_9545941f54.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/heyjuliette/5290840511/)

    Are those Sprinkles (http://www.sprinkles.com/) cupcakes?!

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