Jls Aston Merrygold

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  • toddybody
    Mar 22, 03:51 PM
    THIS, is the apple i miss :(


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  • HecubusPro
    Sep 17, 04:27 PM
    Hi people. Take a quick look at this working prototye.


    I understand that Synaptics is a company Apple already has a working relationship with.

    It kinda gets the juices flowing when you consider the possibilities. No more crap mobiles, I hope.


    Yeah, that candy bar picture has been floating around awhile. I'm just not a fan of it though. It doesn't look comfortable unless you use a hands-free device, and it seems as if all kinds of fingerprints, dust and dirt, and muck would show up way too easy on its' surface. All the pretty lights and images just make it too busy looking.

    Jls Aston Merrygold. %IMG_DESC_3%
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  • calculus
    Aug 23, 05:55 PM
    Putting 4 periods after a paragraph doesn't make up for no periods in the paragraph itself.
    You made me laugh out loud!

    Jls Aston Merrygold. %IMG_DESC_4%
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  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 22, 11:36 AM
    I wonder if it will include the tracking software? :D

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  • bitfactory
    Oct 27, 09:27 AM
    I'm a Green Peace supporter, but with Bush in the Whitehouse, don't they have bigger fish to fry?

    It took almost 20 posts before GWB was mentioned. It seems the attention span of some folks is actually getting longer.

    Now back on point, please.

    The only reason GP is targeting Apple is because they think they actually have a shot at getting them to do something, and once Apple moves in response to GP, then they have ammo to go after the others.

    GP is a dead movement - we need a fair, equitable organization to take its place.

    Jls Aston Merrygold. %IMG_DESC_6%
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  • apolloa
    Apr 20, 10:19 AM
    LOL at everyone freaking out!! So Google can take pictures of your house, back garden, car etc and post them for the entire world to see without asking you first, Facebook would sell your soul for profit if it could, and your worried about Apple tracking your phone, most likely for it's Find My Phone feature? hahahaha.

    I suggest the majority of you cancel all your services, never have an internet, car, bike, phone, anything, never leave your house, in fact don't have a house and live in a cardboard box, that way you may not need to worry about the way your personal information is handled without your knowledge! Then again you'll still be recorded somewhere and nearly every movement you make caught on a camera.

    Jls Aston Merrygold. %IMG_DESC_7%
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  • MacinDoc
    Sep 14, 03:29 PM
    There's now way Apple would call a press event just to announce an incremental upgrade of Aperture (Although this will be part of it). There has to be at least "one more thing". The question is, what does Apple have up its sleeve?

    1. C2D MBPs? Unsure about whether Apple will introduce them before or during the event, but with Dell C2Ds now shipping, you can bet that it will be happening in the next week or two. They'll come with a new drive bay, so the HD can be easily upgraded, since this is one of the limiting factors for a professional-grade laptop. RAM upgradable to 3GB or 4GB to maximize performance. Shipping immediately.

    2. New displays? Probably. They need to be upgraded to match the brightness of the new iMac displays. Built-in iSight? Only if it can be disabled in a verifiable fashion.

    3. iPhone? At Photokina? Not a chance!

    4. PhotoShop killer? I don't expect a new professional photo editing app, but Apple could add plug-ins to Aperture to move it in that direction. I suppose there is room for a lite version of Aperture to fill in the middle ground between the professional grade program and iPhoto, something along the lines of PhotoShop Elements.

    5. C2D MacBooks? Don't thinks so, but I expect to see them before the end of October, once Apple uses up its supply of CD chips and the supply of C2Ds eases.

    Jls Aston Merrygold. %IMG_DESC_8%
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  • exFictitiouZ
    May 4, 03:57 AM
    I'd seen that. Confused, also...

    The reason why i7 seems slower than i5, and 6970M seems slower than 6750M is because they have different baselines. They compared SB i5 2.7GHz (I believe it's i5-2500S) to the previous gen i3 3.2GHz (i3-550), and compared SB i7 3.4GHz (i7-2600) to previous gen i7 2.93 (i7-870).

    For the graphics, they compared Radeon 6750M to 4670, and 6970M to 5750. No wonder why 6750M shows a greater performance increase.

    This information can be found at the footnote (:

    Jls Aston Merrygold. %IMG_DESC_9%
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  • coal
    Sep 26, 09:41 AM
    No iPhone for me then. Cingular blows, we're leaving in December when our contract is up. They have to the the worst cell company in the US, both customer service and the actual cell service

    Agreed. From the reviews coming from JP Power and the like, those aren't merely opinions but generally accepted as true traits of Cingular as a company. What do you really expect though from a company that aquired half of its customers through purchase? They basically doubled their user base by acquiring AT&T Wireless and not through honest signups of people enticed by their good service and reputation.

    Stan Sigman is seriously the anti-Steve Jobs.

    Anyhow, it would be easily unlockable for use on T-Mobile here in the U.S. as well as any of the GSM carriers abroad. At most it would be a $10-$15 charge at your local independent phone dealer.

    Jls Aston Merrygold. %IMG_DESC_10%
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  • TimTheEnchanter
    Mar 23, 04:22 PM
    ...meanwhile... Rome burns. :rolleyes:

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  • zz5555
    Jul 14, 06:04 PM
    Whether IMac takes Merom or Conroe, it's still 64 bit. Does anybody have any feeling whether the IMac will be able to handle > 2GB of memory (assuming 2GB dimms are for sale)? That would make me very happy :)


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  • IntelliUser
    Apr 11, 07:30 AM
    Why can't we finally all switch to metric?!

    Why not to imperial?

    Jls Aston Merrygold. %IMG_DESC_13%
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  • davidw
    Apr 22, 11:45 AM
    Ooh, I wonder what the other upgrades will be. Macbook Airs are becoming really awesome notebooks. Hopefully it someday takes over the macbook. iPad <Macbook (Air) < Macbook Pro < iMac < Mac Pro

    That's what's going to happen, I'm sure of it. And I'm honestly kind of impressed that the MacBook Pro still doesn't give you an option to buy one without a DVD drive; I have a 2011 MBP and I swear, it doesn't get any use whatsoever. Apple's obsession with using every square millimeter of space on a portable device apparently ends when it comes to optical disk drives on MBPs.

    I'd much rather have additional battery life. QC i7s eat battery for breakfast, even Sandy Bridge.

    Jls Aston Merrygold. %IMG_DESC_14%
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  • EagerBatucada
    Apr 25, 06:03 PM
    Suppose it is liquid metal? How do you suppose the currently 0.50 stock LQMT (Liquid Metal Technologies) will react?

    Jls Aston Merrygold. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • TheIguana
    Nov 13, 11:50 PM
    Which law firm please. We'd all like to know for future reference, who to not trust our cases with. While most law has to do with the letter of the law, jury trials often are won or lost based on what the jury believes to be the intent or spirit of the law.

    The british common law legal system was never intended to be like this. The lawyers have destroyed and twisted it beyond all recognition. It was originally supposed to be based on judeo-christian morals and ethics. There is not supposed to be a grey area. You are either deliberately infringing on the rights of others or you are not. The original intent was to have a court case as the last resort where parties would first try to solve the problem by talking to each other, then go to arbitration and then court as a last resort.

    Come off it, cmaier has a darn good point. Apple is being utterly ridiculous in this debacle between themselves and Rogue Amoeba. There was no reason at all that such a debate should have evolved into a 3 month conflict, nor was it necessary that it should have ended with Rogue Amoeba having to indulge their customers in a battle with Apple over icons. Having user interface unity is something Apple strives for in all of their products. By giving 3rd party developers the ninth degree over something so ingrained in this product is simply stupid. It does nothing to help the end user, ingrain the confidence of developers, or aid Apple. It just brings out end users and developers with grievances and sharpened pitchforks.

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  • Island Dog
    Apr 22, 06:50 AM
    I could care less about the streaming aspect of it. What I do want is a way to re-download purchases I made on iTunes in the event a song or something is accidentally deleted.

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  • shecky
    Aug 28, 09:31 PM
    Although I agree the post was condescending, Apple did in fact add MacPros to the iPod promotion when they were released.


    yeah... and what about the past years when they have run the promotion and not added newly released product to the rebate? thats what i was referring to.

    Jls Aston Merrygold. %IMG_DESC_18%
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  • Number 41
    Dec 30, 09:55 AM
    At least be honest with the headline:

    McAfee Hopes 2011 Brings Reason for iUsers to own McAfeee Products

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  • haddman
    Mar 22, 01:17 PM
    Balls! I just bought a new 27in iMac like 3-4 weeks ago! Oh well, I have been wanting replace my PC with a mac for like over a year, and I love it.

    Apr 25, 01:29 PM
    ...and you think most people who buy a MBP won't swap out the drive for a 7200RPM drive or an SSD and max out their memory?

    Intelligent...no genius level thinking!

    Great. Since Apple puts that crap hard drive in there, instead of simply using the computer someone has to go through all that trouble to get what they paid for (i7 processor)? Are you for real? That sounds great. I'm sure all those random people who buy from the Apple Store also buy the Apple torx screwdriver kit and get to work when they get home. :rolleyes:

    Sep 19, 03:15 PM
    FWIW, the average size per minute of Apple's 720p trailers are 50MB. So a 120 minute movie would be around 6GB to download or about 2 hours on an 8Mb connection. Almost watchable in real time providing perfect network conditions.

    Mar 23, 05:38 PM
    Stay classy Austin :rolleyes:

    As for the Senator's request, they cannot be required to take it down. If cops are so overt that apps can bust their checkpoints, maybe they should be floating checkpoints?

    It's illegal. Police need to publicly announce check points before setting up. Ironic they would want to pull the app since this is the basis that makes them legal in the first place.

    Aug 28, 12:16 PM
    I think Apple will try to get these out prior to the Paris expo. Why give up sales to announce the product at a later date?

    Sep 19, 03:39 PM
    From what I've heard, the quality is pretty close to DVD. Have you compared the two? What is your complaint about quality?

    First of all I am not complaining. So don't jump to conclusions.
    I am stating the obvious. DVD frame size is better than 640x480 frame size.
    I acknowledge that the itunes movies are probably good. I just saying that I rather have the DVD frame size and quality. Plus I can have a physical DVD for back up with bonus, extras etc. It's just a preference.

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