Lollipops And Gumdrops

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  • Lefteous
    Mar 22, 04:17 PM
    Anti-glare anyone?

    Would give a boost in companies and on my desk.

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  • Billy Boo Bob
    Mar 30, 01:38 PM
    I don't claim to know a thing about trademark law, but looking at this simply I find it difficult to understand how the term "Windows" can become a trademark but "App Store" cannot.

    Amen, brother... M$ wants to have it their way but not allow anyone else to do the same.

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  • kurtsayin
    Oct 12, 11:08 PM
    Education to teach how to prevent the spread of AIDS costs money too.


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  • jeremyb66
    Apr 4, 12:01 PM
    This is what you get when you (criminals) don't want to be part of society!! Take note criminals there will be REAL! repercussions for your actions.

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  • Warbrain
    Sep 14, 09:06 AM
    Aperture update.
    Possible MacBook Pro update. Keeping the MacBooks the same as they are.

    That's all I see.

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  • FinderUser213
    Mar 29, 03:08 PM
    UHM... iOS is far more open-source than windows is. Nice try... Android might be more open-source though, I'm not sure.

    You are 100% right; OS X/iOS are much more opensource than windows. I wasn't talking about Windows though.

    And android is FULLY opensource :)

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  • Steve121178
    Apr 20, 10:49 AM
    What does this even mean? "Apple has never cared about the user?" Perhaps you can teach us, then, how Apple has enjoyed so much success despite "never caring for the user."

    Or was it simply fun to write those sentences?

    Apple does not care about us, they just enjoy us lining their pockets full of cash. They get us hooked on using their products and we go and buy more and more of them. They just enjoy getting our money, like any business.

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  • portishead
    Apr 30, 02:53 PM
    iMac with SSD is awesome. I want thunderbolt, but will probably wait until there are devices released.

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  • robotx21
    Sep 13, 10:19 PM
    Here is another possible mockup of the iPhone. This sounds more like the description:

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  • ucfgrad93
    Apr 25, 01:08 AM
    The simple fact is that I should not have to obey a 70mph speed limit if I don't want to. Why would I even bother driving a car that can hit 186mph (with the speed governor removed, with the governor top speed is 155mph) at 70 mph? A Ford Fiesta can hit those speeds, what's the point of fast cars if you're going to follow the speed limit in them?

    Once again you provide further evidence that you do not belong in the driver's seat of a tricycle much less a car.

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  • Silentwave
    Sep 6, 10:37 PM
    hey, don't knock the cube! you can get a dual 1.6Ghz G4 cube nowadays :rolleyes:

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  • Rocketman
    Aug 31, 03:30 PM
    Google is buying up Dark Fiber. That means no end points into homes like Verizons FIOS has. The bottleneck for full length high resolution movies will be from decentralized distribution centers to the homes. Dark Fiber is helping, but not by much.

    Apple bought Worldcom's new telecom switch center.

    Google is buying Nortel's dark fiber.

    Google's CEO is on Apple's board.

    Nobody is going to run fiber to the last mile.

    The solution is Intel wimax and Samsung 4G.

    I told you so.


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  • Kaafir
    Oct 27, 12:56 PM
    I lost all respect for that character when he fed Scott Tenorman's parents to him in chili.

    He is a sick little freak, no doubt about it. Making anyone, even your supposed nemesis, consume their parents in a bowl of chili is just messed up.

    I've not seen the latest Steve Irwin episode - I have a feeling I'm not going to be amused by a parody about his death. Still, I'm reserving personal judgment until I see it.

    Of course, they've never really cared if people get offended, even their own voice actors (Issac Hayes).

    Loved that one to, b/c TCLTC.


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  • maclaptop
    Apr 19, 07:51 PM
    Apples sales volume is staggering, as is their income. These are clear facts that are growing weekly.

    With that in mind, the fact that Apple insists on fostering negative energy, launching a law suit, and showing their pro war position to the world, is very revealing of who they are.

    Unable to be a good corporate citizen, unable to satisfy their greed as they rake in more profits than the competition, Apples looking rather desperate. Nothing will ever be enough.

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  • Multimedia
    Sep 10, 08:20 AM
    The iMacs will NEVER see Kentsfields. Apple would have to have put Conroe in the new iMacs for that even to be a remote possibility. Even if they had I would still say it would never get Kentsfields.

    I mean people are saying that Conroe is too hot for the iMac as it is (I don't think they are) but Kentsfield is two Conroe dies on one package. Meaning almost double the power consumption and heat generation.You appear to have no imagination. Kentsfield Will Go Into A New iMac Redesign. Have you not seen this mock-up yet? There are options in design that can make the iMac much cooler even with more heat producing elements inside.The iMac is huge (relatively speaking), are you telling me such a huge enclosure won't be able to dissipitate an extra 30W or so? It is only around 30W more!

    Like it or not Apple will have to somehow fit the Kentsfield into their lineup, cos their advertising campaigns are going to look very lame when Dell simply cops their "switch" campaign style and come out with a "PC" with 4 heads and a "Mac" with only 2.

    When Kentfield replaces Conroes and every $999 Dell ships with quad core, it is quite hard to justify buying a dual (in Apple's case, a $2000+ quad)Exactly generik. Bravo.

    I don't buy the notion that the iMac will continue to look like it has for these past two years. The G4 iMac design lasted 2.66 years. We are at the 2 year point of the current design. Why does everyone think the iMac is going to look like it does now in a year? I will be shocked if it does and not surprised at all when it's design changes radically to accomidate more heat from the likes of Kentsfield and Tigerton.

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  • Huntn
    Apr 20, 08:40 PM
    We need unions to protect people from abusive BS like this ( Either that or we just need to have a limit on how big a company can get before it has to become the property of the employees.

    The lower we sink, the more popular unions will become, that is if Republican's don't succeed in outlawing them.

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  • Eidorian
    Jul 14, 12:41 PM
    Yup, I know Apple's marketing loves to be ridiculous. :p 95% of customers* wouldn't notice the difference. I'm one of the 5% who will notice it but its not like I'm buying one, my iMac G5 will keep me happy for another 2+ years.

    *75% of statistics are made up on the spot ;)Yeah, considering we get so many posts about "Will this RAM work?". It seems like the populous is clueless about DDR/DDR2 and FSB.

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  • charlituna
    May 3, 11:05 AM
    So when is the ACD gonna support thunderbolt?

    Likely never. At least by Apple. That is old school tech that they want you to replace.

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  • Chundles
    Sep 9, 09:05 AM
    Well, wasn't the iMac G5 restricted to 2GB, yet it was a 64-bit processor?

    The last revision of the iMac G5 (the one with the iSight) had the option of 2.5GB of RAM. It had 512MB built-in and you could option a 2GB stick for the 1 open slot it had.

    That 2GB of course cost an arm and a leg...

    Sep 2, 05:18 PM
    Is it weird to have a special event in SF on the day the Paris Expo starts?

    Perhaps is just being done in conjunction with the Paris expo. That's what I gathered anyway.

    Apr 29, 07:55 PM
    Microsoft is still doing very well. They're making the best products they ever have done and as a customer I am very pleased with all of my Microsoft purchases.

    All great products and deserve to be class leaders if they are not already. I can't think of another company (including Apple) that has put out such a fantastic range of very good products.

    You forget one thing neiltc13.... not many people seem to share your views:

    � Zune Desktop Software.... way more people prefer the iTunes ecosphere (which isn't perfect either mind you).

    � Zune Hardware... This is clearly a product flop... just like M$ and it's PlaysForSure DRM. Apple's iPod after 10 years still blitzes the portable music device market.

    � Windows Phone 7... Yes, Windows 7 is a significant improvement over any previous boost phone OS from M$... a shame that they had to really copy the whole "multi-touch" concept from someone else. But M$ has a long way to catch up with Apple and Google with their offerings and as yet, it would suggest that Apple and Google are still better than M$.

    � Windows 7... It's a LOT better than anything M$ has released in the past. All credit to them on this one. But it's uptake hasn't really been all that good though and Microsoft continues to do the "value-add" model by charging more for greater feature sets across it various Windows editions... Too many choices for people that don't understand. Just make one version and price it at $99 and they'll get a much better uptake.

    � Office 2010... Yes, it's WAY better than any offering from other companies (for Excel at least). Not sure that Office 2010 is necessarily better than Office 2007 though.

    � Office 2001 for Mac - Yes, especially Outlook 2011 for Mac. There was never any reason why Microsoft could not have upgraded it's old Classic Mac version of Outlook 2001 all along rather than develop it's Entourage product which in my opinion was always Microsofts half-assed way of limiting Mac Support in an attempt to marginalise the Mac platform. Guess what? It hasn't really worked so now Microsoft have realised that the best approach is to try and embrace the fact that Apple's Mac OS isn't going away anytime soon so it might as well support it properly.

    � Xbox 360 - It's a pretty good product, but compared to the other two 7th generation Game Consoles (PS3/Wii), XBOX trails in third place in all markets except the US where it is second behind Wii.

    � Xbox Live - Still an immature product (along with Sony's and Wii's equivalent!). I don't think ANY of the current offerings are that good really but Microsoft has a LOT more experience in internet technologies so you'd expect that Microsoft should be able to come up with something that is better than it is.

    Microsoft's problem is that it struggles to actually invent something that appeals to consumers in a way that allows them to command a higher price until the market matures. Technology is a tough market to be in because most technology products fall in value dramatically when a product matures, and margins become very thin and in many cases unsustainable. The only real way to make a lot of dosh in technology is to continually be innovative and invent something new that captivates people. Simply copying someone else all the time won't cut it.

    Apple started it's revolution with the iPod well before most other MP3 players came out and so it commanded a higher price (therefore profits) than conventional music devices of the time (CD Discman, Minidisc etc) had. Then just as all the me-too players jumped on the bandwagon, Apple move onto it's next innovation... iTunes Store... then iPhone... then App Store... and now the iPad.

    When Microsoft goes back to it's heyday and starts being innovative like Apple and Google are now, they'll again start making a lot more money again.

    May 3, 11:08 AM
    What do people prefer? I've heard quite bad things about the Magic Mouse, the majority of people saying they find it uncomfortable etc?

    As I already have a good Logitech wireless mouse, would it be a better combination to use that plus the Trackpad?

    Personally I really like the Magic Mouse, but I know a lot of people do find it uncomfortable. But either way, if you've already got a good mouse then I would definitely go with the Track Pad �*it makes general use (surfing the webernet and such) much more comfortable.

    Apr 11, 09:11 AM
    Because the 3rd party device could be in your neighbours house so your neighbour can see or hear anything that is played through AirPlay from your devices without you knowing. And you might be playing stuff that you wouldn't want your neighbour to see.

    Nah, Steve's universe is clean... nothiung for the neighbours to gossip ;)

    Westside guy
    Sep 5, 03:16 PM
    This could be either really big or really bad.

    Well, based on past experience here - no matter what is announced, there will be people on this forum complaining that it isn't enough. :p We'll have to wait and see how it (whatever "it" is) plays in Peoria over time.

    Personally I'm hoping for the AV streaming device; and if it ties in with my Tivo that'll be a big plus. :D

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