Siena Hannah Montana

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  • Manic Mouse
    Sep 13, 06:48 AM
    A stop-gap update to keep iPod sales flowing, while they work on the real update, if I ever saw one: Minor and irrelvant upgrades, price lowered.

    The "true" video-iPod will be here within 6 months.

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  • Hunts121
    Jul 14, 09:56 AM
    Right except iMac.... it'll go to Merom which is a drop-in replacement for Yonah (Core Duo)

    Although I agree that eventually Mac mini and MacBook will be Merom, I think it may be many months later..... I think the mini with the Core Solo might get upgraded to Core Duo tho' ... so that Apple can boast to be the _only_ major manufacturer to use dual-core across the whole product range!

    Note that if I'm right (trust me!), then there's a gap.... no Apple box with a Conroe? I don't think so.... Apple will introduce a new system with support for a single Conroe. Hopefully it won't be the MacPro with a different mobo, but a completely new box (fingers crossed).

    Oh.... the recently released educational iMac won't get Merom at first either... it'll get left behind so as to make the proper iMacs better value and worth splashing out for! :)

    I really think the iMac should use Conroe now. I think the reason they used the Yonah chip is that they had no desktop "Core" architecture chips available. While using Merom is the easy thing to do, I hope they don't do it. The iMac is supposedly a desktop, it should use a desktop chip.

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  • mkrishnan
    Sep 19, 04:19 PM
    I disagree. Dolby Digital is no longer reserved for rich �ber-geeks. Many "regular Joes" have a Dolby Digital setup now, and you can get a Dolby Digital receiver (all 5 normal channels powered) for under $100.

    I think you have to draw a distinction between uber-geeks, also, and people who know what they like but who are not necessarily technophiles. The latter market has always been a core market to Apple. What I mean by that is that I don't think that the cost of the collateral equipment would stop Apple -- say only offering support for nicer TVs -- but I do think complexity could potentially stop them.

    Even in this thread, it's clear that the switch from the relatively contained hardware world of Apple Macs and iPods to the TV world is going to be very complicated and confusing to a lot of people. While we're at our Macs, we have the luxury of "It Just Works." With all the different audio and video standards and so on in the TV world, it's not so simple at all.

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  • guet
    Nov 13, 05:08 PM
    Obviously the images are copyrighted by Apple, and those images they don't want people using. Ok, well, that is their rights, they designed them and copyrighted them.

    For the benefit of others who don't bother to read the article, the images in question are provided by a system API on OS X. The API is *provided* to give developers images they can use to represent the current computer, and is supposed to be used that way. All RA have done is used those same images to transmit from the desktop to the iPhone, to show the user which computer they're connecting to.

    Some idiot reviewer at Apple has seen the images and decided that since they're displayed on an iPhone they're infringing one of the many incredibly vague rules in the SDK. Given the completely borked review process, it's unlikely to be rectified, and has wasted a lot of everyone's time - there's no way to know in advance which rules the reviewer may decide to impose - almost every app could be seen to infringe one of them. Like the iPhone book app rejection and many others for different obscure reasons, this is a case of a sensible rule interpreted in an insane way.

    Can't blame the developers at all for walking away from the frustrating, capricious waste of time which is iTunes store approvals, and good on them for publicising this; taking three months to even give a firm reason for rejection is a real failure on Apple's part, and the entire process is a train wreck.

    If Apple doesn't defend their copyright, then they can lose it, so they HAVE to fight for it.

    I think you're confusing copyright and Trademarks. This is not the case with copyright at all.

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  • jouster
    Aug 31, 06:14 PM
    I am NOT sold on portable video as a unique selling point...

    Obviously, since it wouldn't be unique. There are plenty of PVPs on the market.

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  • Temporal
    Apr 20, 12:01 PM
    Don't rely on encryption to protect you in any way. The police can crack it, as can hackers, and they can simply demand with a court order that you give them the password. Then you're forced to essentially testify against yourself. No, pleading the 5th won't help.

    That's actually not true in any case I have read about. You can't compel encryption passwords.

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  • iMeowbot
    Sep 14, 06:25 PM
    How is it different than using a Wacon Tablet?
    There are a few nice features you get with a separate tablet. First, your hand doesn't interfere with your view of the screen. Second (and kind of related), you don't get fingerprints all over your screen. Third, there is no need to calibrate the pointer with the display (it's maddening when the cursor is a few pixels away from a stylus).

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  • Steve121178
    Apr 20, 10:39 AM
    Apple goes to all sorts of lengths to protect media files with FairPlay, yet they don't care about stuff like this. Shows where their focus is; protecting their own stuff and not giving a flying f--- about the user. :mad:

    Apple has never cared about the user, this is not news. Apple only care about one thing: money

    As for being tracked, I couldn't care less. In the UK, there are so many CCTV cameras, you can't do anything without it being recorded. No point getting upset about it...

    Siena Hannah Montana. %IMG_DESC_9%
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  • mr.suff
    Sep 18, 04:45 PM
    By definition, 10MP phone cannot be as grainy as a 3MP phone. You do realize when someone says 10MegaPixel phone what they mean right?.
    10 million pixels per square inch (before the tech police come out, this is a basic definition. I am aware an image does not have to be a square).

    its not 10 million pixels per square inch. 10 million pixels is the overall size of the image ie x by y, at about 150-300 dpi, i think, but its defo not 10mp per inch^2
    but anything above 3-5 mp in a phone becomes a useless waste because the sensor is stupid small.


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  • applebro24
    Mar 22, 01:19 PM
    Come on Mac Mini update; well overdue for a refresh. That Core 2 Duo is keeping me from buying.

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  • FleurDuMal
    Sep 14, 08:38 AM
    If Apple can show a version of Aperture which will run smoothly on a Mac Pro, then my two grand is practically theirs already...

    An iCamera (CameraPro?) of some kind would be nice, though highly unlikely.

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  • tigress666
    Apr 25, 01:13 PM
    I'll wait to see what it is before I say whether I like it or not.

    I really like the current case design so hopefully they keep the good elements (like I like the black bezel and the light up keyboard both for aesthetic reasons though the aesthetics I think are practical when talking screen though the keyboard is purely just I like how it looks lit up :) ).

    I wouldn't mind if the whole computer was a darker color, that would be nice.

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  • w00master
    Nov 13, 02:42 PM
    Obviously the images are copyrighted by Apple, and those images they don't want people using. Ok, well, that is their rights, they designed them and copyrighted them. Either they have to license those images from Apple (which I doubt Apple would do) or make their own. Just like every other copyright, you don't have the right to breech. If Apple doesn't defend their copyright, then they can lose it, so they HAVE to fight for it.

    Again... you clearly did not read the developer's side.

    Btw, those "copyrighted images?" Programmers use them all the time on OS X. Why? Because THEY'RE FROM OS X APIs.


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  • displaced
    Sep 26, 11:06 AM
    Wonderful... why would Apple choose the carrier with the worst coverage and customer service (well, besides Sprint)??? T-Mobile or Verizon would be better choices...

    You know, if Cingular didn't spend the $$$ to get all of the cool phones first, I think they would be out of business by now... If someone has had a different experience with Cingular, please let me know ;)

    I still think Apple should go the Mobile Virtual Network Operator route ala Virgin Mobile, Helio, Amp'd, mobile ESPN, etc.

    Wow... by the sounds of it, there's no single network in the US that actually works for everyone everywhere. Nasty. So perhaps exclusivity's a strange strategy - I hope it's only a short term plan for you guys' sake.

    I take it Verizon = CDMA? There's no way Apple would consider a CDMA model since it'd be a serious disadvantage in the global market.

    [edit] Also, setting up as a MVNO in each country in which they want to operate would cost a fortune. Besides, they've also then got to market and sell a network - establish a reputation in the mobile phone market as a carrier, and not just as a brand of phone.

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  • cmaier
    Nov 13, 03:59 PM
    I don't know about you, but I have done it many, many times, and I have never encountered a client who doesn't want to tweak and add and tweak and sometimes reject, then conditionally approve, their way to deployment.

    The difference is that Apple can veto the very concept of the app, after the fact. E.g.: google voice clients, podcast receivers, etc. (the list of examples is quite long). There's a difference between requiring a late tweak and vetoing the core functionality of the app.

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  • NT1440
    Apr 10, 08:01 PM
    People have been but are written off as being "out there"

    Exactly. Anyone not participating in making the problem worse (aka, our political system as currently structured and the media) is immediately cast out by those of influence.

    Until a radical shift in our system happens, such as 3rd parties somehow becoming viable, these things will only continue. Institutions are self perpetuating and reinforcing, unless changed from the bottom (the only place such a change can possibly occur), the problems this country faces will only be contributed to and not combated.

    Siena Hannah Montana. %IMG_DESC_17%
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  • amols
    Sep 12, 02:28 PM
    Album art browsing is beautiful. Now that's one more reason to get art cover for all the songs in my library.

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  • techficiency
    Mar 29, 03:09 PM
    hilarious! balmer's standing around somewhere squirting himself into a false sense of security. microsoft is a dinosaur and about as hip and cool as an 8track.

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  • DPazdanISU
    Sep 14, 09:21 AM
    i heard somewhere that there was going to be a "dizzying" amount of apple events/releases in the near future. Looks like that is becoming true. Woot gimme a MacPod please:confused: :eek: :D

    Sep 12, 02:11 PM
    I hope Apple releases an iPod software update so those of us who already own 5th generation iPods can take advantage of all these new features.

    so do I, because I bought a game thinking it would work with my 5th generation ipod and it doesn't :(

    Feb 26, 12:45 PM
    They say EVERY YEAR that apple is under attack from more threats.

    Mar 22, 08:06 PM (

    As tracked in our Buyer's Guide (, the iMac has reached its average update interval, suggesting that we might be able to expect refreshed models to appear some time in the relatively near future. Expectations for revamped iMacs include a move to Sandy Bridge processors and implementation of the new Thunderbolt connectivity standard that debuted in the MacBook Pro last month.

    In a series of Tweets (via (, CNET's Brian Tong claims ( to have received word from a reliable source ( that new iMacs should debut in late April or early May. The updated iMacs are said ( to feature Sandy Bridge and Thunderbolt as expected, but no major cosmetic changes are reported to be included.iMac rumors have been relatively sparse in recent months, although DigiTimes indicated ( in mid-December that Apple was expected to update both the MacBook Pro and iMac in the first half of 2011 with the iMac featuring a new panel size and price points. Just days before the MacBook Pro update in late February, DigiTimes reiterated its claim ( that may change the screen size on new iMacs, claiming that the new models could debut alongside or soon after the MacBook Pros.

    Article Link: Potential iMac Update to Sandy Bridge and Thunderbolt in 4-6 Weeks? (

    More surprising than this rumor is the fact that it's the first actual MAC rumor (beyond "we've found that the Early 2011 MacBook Pros have quirks" posts) in weeks. None of that is surprising though. I wonder if there will be any surprises with this refresh? I'm guessing no Blu-Ray, which means I'm not buying one. Though I'm still curious as to what'll be under the hood.

    Sep 12, 02:07 PM (

    Apple today announced an update to its full-sized iPod line ( Among the enhancements are new games (Bejeweled, Cubis 2, Mahjong, Mini golf, Pac Man, Tetris, Texas Holdem, Vortex, and Zuma), Gapless playback (#1 request according to Jobs), a 60% brighter display, and longer battery life. The new iPod is available immediately in the following models:

    30 GB: $249
    -Black or White
    -14 hr music playback, 4 hr slideshow, 3.5 hr video

    80 GB: $349
    -Black or White
    -20 hr music playback, 6 hr slideshow, 6.5 hr video

    Sep 11, 12:34 AM
    Have you seen the benchmarks?

    The Xeon systems scream, even with the "slow" memory.

    While some contrived tests showed real latency issues with the FB-DIMM memory, for real-life applications the faster busses and large L2 caches make it a non-issue.

    Focus on *system* performance, not on a particular detail.
    Aiden, it's just not like you to make a statement like this without adding the links...

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