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  • Pravius
    Apr 22, 08:12 AM
    Really not getting this. Storage is a lot more cheap and plentiful than bandwidth. And the amount of music you can carry on an iphone - to say nothing of an ipod classic - is enough to listen to for days on end, 24 hrs a day, without repeat. Well, I'm glad if some find it useful, but I'll stick to local storage, thanks.

    Personal preference really. I would personally pay for peace of mind knowing that my mechanical hard drives are not going to crash. Even backup and being redundant is not enough sometimes. If someone is willing to guarantee that I will never lose my content that I store on their shares then I am all in.

    Personally my thought process will change on this when SSD's start getting more popular and larger.

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  • FriarNurgle
    Mar 29, 02:11 PM
    The only way that would happen would be for the phone to be GIVEN away at a price so LOW that nobody would refuse it. And it would have to include a data plan that costs practically nothing. And it would have to be contract free.

    Oh, look! There is an ad below this for HTC Aria� for just 1� - Free shipping - AT&T.

    That's kind of where I was going... but businesses would switch from Blackberrys to Windows Phones. I wouldn't put it past MS to offer some sort of crazy business discount to get companies to change.

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  • zero2dash
    Jul 14, 10:44 AM
    Conroe benchmarks posted on AnandTech (http://www.anandtech.com/cpuchipsets/showdoc.aspx?i=2795) are really good.

    The overclocking features are even more impressive.
    The $316 E6600 with a 2.4ghz cpu clock speed was air overclocked to 4ghz stable. ON AIR. I shudder to think of what they could do with liquid cooling.

    This brings me to think another thing - conceivably Apple could forego the whole "Quad Woodcrest" setup (which will undoubtedly cost a boatload) and they could simply take a Core 2 and (with Intel's help) overclock it with the current air flow setup of the G5 case, and probably double cpu clock speed at a cheaper price.

    But they won't do it. :( a) retail systems (save for the overpriced Dell XPS lineup) aren't usually overclocked and b) it would screw up their whole price scheme. It does bring up another interesting point though...people could coincidentally *possibly* overclock their [Core 2] Macs (since the technology is there in the cpu itself)...for the first time ever? We could see iMacs potentially being overclocked to outperform a Mac Pro. (if someone figures out how to do it that is)

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  • *LTD*
    Apr 28, 08:51 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8H7)

    It's very, very telling. MS is riding the coattails of their universal licensing racket while Apple keeps changing the face of consumer tech. This day was bound to come.

    This is the post-PC era and we'll see MS in decline.

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  • BigPrince
    Apr 20, 11:22 AM
    Over in the UK not remembering passwords can sometimes land you in prison. Just remove the incriminating files frequently and regularly.

    In the US you have the right to not self incriminate...they can make you turn over a physical key to a safe but since a password is not physical and in your head they can't compel you to turn it over....its considered testifying against yourself...a few court cases have faced this issue.

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  • manu chao
    Apr 11, 11:44 AM
    This makes no sense. Not everyone needs or desires an Airport Express. I never asked Apple for free hardware.

    And not everybody needs the free WiFi router you got from your ISP.

    Do they license Airplay technology to software developers? I don't think so.
    Show me an app on the Mac App Store (or wherever) that acts like an Airport Express and i'll buy it at once.

    As said 100 times already, Airfoil Speakers. Yes, you need the Airfoil app but to me that is close enough to acting like an Airport Express unless you want to stream music from your iPad to your iPhone.

    What you should think about is: How hard is for a Mac to act like an Airport Express with the proper software? It shouldn't.
    Why it there no software like this? Apple does not want to.

    Again, what scenario cannot be solved with either the remote app, plugging in your or some guest's iOS device or iPod or connecting to guest's iTunes library via Home Sharing?
    Let's see, a guest's iOS device or iPod would have to 'controlled' from your Mac and not from the device itself, ditto for a laptop (though the trial version of Airfoil should transmit a song or two without problems for free wirelessly from anybody's computer to your computer).

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  • JoeG4
    Apr 25, 01:38 AM

    Sadly, this sorta thing only reinforces the stereotype about BMW drivers. .. and teen drivers too!

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  • hdsalinas
    Aug 28, 03:27 PM
    my cat has told me that there will be a 23" chin-less iMac with the new Core 2 Duo chips, 1gig std, wireless kbd and mouse std. Or he is just hungry - hard to tell just what he is saying but he has friends in high places (trees mostly)

    still heres hoping he's spot on

    This would be great.

    Apple, offer the 23" screen at the same price the 20" is now and the "new" 20 with the 17�s price. Also, go ahead and surprise everyone by releasing Leopard for Christmas. Oh, and BTW, if you upgrade the memory to 1GB, make it just a single1GB stick and not two 512. (I want to be able to buy a sencond 1GB stick later on without wasting memory)

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  • braddouglass
    Mar 30, 11:31 AM
    Microsoft.. You're stooping to a low level. If they have a patent they have the right to uphold it the word "APP" was NEVER used, until the app store for iOS devices. So to me, Microsoft is just upset and stomping around all angry because they're constantly steps behind. Stop crying Bill, Steve has you beat.

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  • rtharper
    Sep 14, 09:59 AM
    Why do people seem convinced Apple won't release something like an SLR or video camera?

    Because, AFAIK, there's no market for a "Think Differently" camera. A professional photographer doesn't need a camera to match their MacBook Pro, they want one that was made by a pro camera maker.

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  • MacCheetah3
    Apr 11, 02:21 PM
    Not completely on topic but...

    Is it possible to stream audio and video from a mac to the iPad? If so, is the feature included or does it require an app?
    Refer to my post just before yours. Both solutions will work for streaming videos to your iDevice from iTunes. My previous post had a link to the iTunes instructions for Home Sharing, but here are the iOS instructions (http://support.apple.com/kb/ht4557).

    It isn't 100% free, but not too pricey. Air Video (iOS app) (http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/air-video-watch-your-videos/id306550020?mt=8) will allow you to watch movies, in nearly any format, that are stored anywhere on your computer -- not just iTunes. Air Video Host software for Mac OS X and Windows (http://www.inmethod.com/air-video/download.html)

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  • zz5555
    Sep 9, 09:00 AM
    The fact that the new iMacs can't address more than 3Gb of memory and are therefore operating on a 32bit logic-board makes me doubtful as to whether or not these systems are really 64-bit capable... It seems like some kind of hybrid 32/64bit system.

    Will the C2D iMacs be able to run 64bit code, despite not having the 64bit address space (and being able to access over 4Gb or RAM)?

    I would expect so. I would think that userland apps will get a 64bit address space that's just mapped to 32bits in the kernel. But I've been known to be wrong before. :)


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  • roland.g
    Aug 28, 02:33 PM
    I too am waiting for a revision before buying. But it is somewhat ridiculous. Like saying I could date this girl now, or I could wait until next month when a faster one turns 18.

    On another note, anyone notice that Mini's are gone from the refurb store...

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  • Skika
    Mar 30, 12:05 PM
    As i recall apple was the first to call applications apllications. Windows uses programs. So why dont they use program store? Or prog store? They never used apps or applications nor they didnt complain before, they just hatin couse they want to profit from the name apple made famous and everyone thinks of apple's app store when the term is being thrown around.

    They want to copy again thats the bottom line, and becouse they cant they want to play childish games.

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  • CJM
    Sep 5, 02:22 PM
    Why isn't Mr. Incredible on that logo? Am I the only one who thinks he should be?

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  • M2M
    Apr 11, 06:55 AM
    Because the 3rd party device could be in your neighbours house so your neighbour can see or hear anything that is played through AirPlay from your devices without you knowing. And you might be playing stuff that you wouldn't want your neighbour to see.

    Only if i set my neighbors device as a speaker in iTunes...which would happen not too often without me knowing.

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  • dondark
    Sep 13, 11:46 PM
    9) Quit asking about live iChat video chat, it AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN. A possible related item would be iChat texting (similar to current AOL, Yahoo, ICQ).[/QUOTE]

    Its just some kind of 3G and Skype technology, It s not hard to do it. But I think Apple isnt rich enuf to do that in the market.

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  • Macnoviz
    Sep 14, 10:03 AM
    Could they BE any more obvious ?

    still, hoping for Core 2 MBP, not for me, but for a friend and "co-worker"

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  • ascender
    Oct 12, 04:54 PM
    Wow, can't believe some of the posts on here!

    Its a limited edition iPod and by buying it, it looks like a donation will be made to a charitable organisation set up by people who are trying to make a difference, which wants to help people less fortunate than us. Where's the problem?

    Apr 20, 06:12 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)


    He's even got an awesome interview with Julian Assange. His documentary "The War You Don't See" is a must watch though.

    What does he say about the coming New World Order that Bush and Obama keep talking about, and also the coming North American Union + Amero?

    I'll personally give you 1 million Ameros if that happens in my lifetime (hopefully another 60 years!).

    I'm still finding it hard not to believe this is a parody.

    Sep 26, 07:28 AM
    i REALLLLLLLYYYYYYYYY hope its orange...

    as the choice of mobile phones they have at the moment is the poorest i have ever seen in the UK.

    ive been waiting on a p990i since march.....still dont have it on orange, was told yesterday it could be end of october now.

    i am gauranteed a free upgrade on any handset, so come one apple!!

    Apr 22, 08:43 AM
    This is exciting, since my music library already tops 16 GB and isn't shrinking any time soon. Now, I saw a little bit about it in the article, but does anyone else know if the general consensus is that ALL of ones music could be stored? As opposed to just iTunes-purchased songs. That's crucial.

    knowing how apple is.....probably itunes purchases only.

    Sep 26, 02:04 PM
    I hate to say this folks, but even an iPhone wouldn't be worth having to deal with Cingular's godawful service. Reception is poor in areas where it's supposed to be good and even when you have good reception, you get dropped calls due to network error/rejected/dropped. I've had Cingular for a while now, and I am preparing to drop it with eagerness, even if that means a $200 contract termination fee. I want to slug that twat who says Cingular has the least dropped calls, because it's a ********* LIE.

    Settle down Beavis....

    Hellooooooooo...reception is going to depend on your specific location!!! I'd have to Google what the latest survey results are, but I'll bet ranking of overall national average quality of coverage is:

    1) Verizon Wireless
    2) Cingular
    3) T-Mobile
    4) Sprint

    ..so I'll bet that on a national basis, Cingular is not as good as Verizon Wireless, but certainly not the worse.

    Also, are you using the older phones that they are trying to phase out? If you are, then I sympathize with you and I think that those Cingular customers got a raw deal. But realize that Cingular did NOT really fully integrate the Cingular and AT&T networks, and that a new phone like the iPhone will probably get quite good reception on average (as per my guesstimate rankings above)

    Oct 27, 04:07 PM
    They should be kicked out of every place all the time. They are almost as bad as the Sierra Club. Liars, cheats and thieves -- they lie about everything, trick you into giving them money for a cause and spend the money on their ridiculous liberal agendas based on flat out falsehoods and lies.

    I love the environment and volunteer twice a month for environmental restoration and preservation projects. But I can't stand the scare tactics of these types of groups that use junk science and fear to steal your money and make themselves rich and powerful.


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