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  • moneyman118
    Apr 28, 07:04 PM
    Title still applies:cool:

    Stores will go down on Tuesday May 3rd! Get your plastic ready!

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  • LarryC
    Apr 25, 02:35 PM
    bought the 27 inch quad i5 stock version last august just days after refresh. I loved it but due to wacky screen issue (dust or heat flaw) I got the apple store to just swap it out 3 months after I bought it. Second one had no issues and continues to perform flawlessly. I want to get a new macbookpro with thunderbolt but I think I'm going to hold off until Lion is released.

    I think that a lot of people are going to be doing the same. It just makes sense. 129.00 is not an insignificant amount of money and if there are any issues with this new machine then maybe they will have the bugs worked out by the time that Lion makes its debut. I am also hoping that Apple has the new version of iWork ready by the same time.

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  • FearNo1
    Sep 30, 04:08 PM
    Dropped calls is a feature of the iphone... enjoy ;)

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  • jmcrutch
    Apr 12, 11:29 AM
    Maybe this is already being done (if so, I'm not aware), but it would be very nice if PREDICTIONS for iPhone and iPad were tracked. I'd love to see a chart that shows all the predictions, including the dates they were made, what the prediction was, in terms of speculated release dates, and finally, the accuracy of the prediction.

    We get ambiguous statements in the MacRumors reports, along the lines of "this analyst/reporter has demonstrated viable sources in the past;" however I don't think there's any hard reporting on how accurate past predictions have been. All we have to do is just think about the iPad2 predictions that were being made as late as January to comprehend how wrong they are ... and that was on the practical eve of release.

    I vote for Page 2 as well. Or page 3.

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  • kainjow
    Nov 3, 06:19 PM
    Right, and Cocoa isn't the slightest bit bloated? :rolleyes: (can you say runtime messaging and binding overhead?)

    I'm not saying that the actual virtualization should be done in Cocoa (ha yeah right), but the GUI definitely should. Parallels takes way too long to launch, and the GUI sucks.

    Plus, do you really think a Qt C++ wrapper around Carbon is faster than direct Cocoa calls? :rolleyes:

    I just want a nice documented-based Cocoa app that behaves like a Mac app, with a fast virtualization at its core :)

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  • MacVault
    Oct 24, 08:08 AM
    Here comes the moaning.......... ;)

    Yea... WHERE THE [censored] ARE THE MACBOOKS?! I want a Core 2 Duo MacBook, not MacBook Pro :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

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  • The Xbox Live Preview Hits

  • old-school
    Mar 31, 10:55 AM
    Jesus, not keen on the cartoon look. The animations and fluidness - yes, more please. Cartoon-like interface - no thanks.

    Why don't they make all the UI the SAME?! They seem to like having every app a little different. Different Toolbar/right click on dock/window's surrounds/window manipulation. Just make everything the damn same please.

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  • supremedesigner
    Jul 25, 09:45 AM
    Strange. I check PowerMac section under store and they still don't offer wireless keyboard/wireless mouse.

    That thing is cool BUT I'd rather use Wacom table though.

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  • Hattig
    Mar 31, 11:41 AM
    I hope the gratuitous orange UI can be turned off. Especially that stitching. And get rid of the torn paper too, sheesh. Talk about taking a metaphor too far.

    At least give an option for a black or dark brown dyed leather effect - who would buy a mid-70s style tan leather thing these days?

    It's one thing on an iPad where it's full screen and it's like holding a real calendar in your hand. It's not the same on a computer monitor. And I can't doodle on the blank bits of paper either.

    It might be nice to integrate event invitations in Apple Mail with Apple Calendar too, without that intermediate 'save to downloads folder' step. Sure, there's 'smart filters' that can pick out the date in the email too but they're not immediately obvious. In fact, Mail and Calendar integration is rather poor overall.

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  • -aggie-
    Apr 19, 12:14 PM
    It's better to wait longer before starting if you get more players (should at least have 15).

    "Don't Panic" said he will play but I didn't see his name on the list.

    I'll play and bring some popcorn in anticipation of another "Don't Panic" / Aggie argument :).

    Note: I have a bunch of work coming up so I may not be as active (posting) as usual :(.

    My point wasn�t we need to start; it was that we aren�t getting players. I figured I�d bump it to maybe get the thread some notice.

    When do DP and I argue?:confused:

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  • SonGoku v2.5
    May 4, 04:53 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8A293 Safari/6531.22.7)

    Can the front page print a retraction?...

    AT&T CSRs don't receive any official information about ANY phone releases prior to general public... Let alone an iPhone release.

    We weren't informed about the iPhone 4 being released until AFTER Apple's official press conference last year.

    Even though I know this is a site for rumors... I've found this site to make sure the BS rumors were weeded out before it would become front-page news... But making an unsubstantiated statement by a random AT&T CSR front-page material is just plain bad journalism.

    BTW: AT&T has been cracking down on customer's upgrade eligibility dates. If you downgrade/remove features/plans on your account odds are the date will be changed.

    AT&T makes no promises that the date is constant and it can really change at any time...

    The customer related to the article probably was suspended too many times for non-pay and that's the reason why the date was changed... Not because of some crazy conspiracy to correlate with the next iPhone release...

    So you wouldn't know by now that vacation days are mysteriously blacked out between June and July for employees such as yourself? That has ALWAYS been the giveaway for employees at Apple, AT&T, and Verizon for iPhone releases. Usually, reports begin trickling in during May that employee vacation days are out for a certain period of time, usually around WWDC, so that all hands can be on deck for a major event (like an iPhone release).

    I'd be willing to bet that for the first time in quite a while, you - an AT&T rep, are able to schedule the 3rd and 4th week of June off.

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  • kbmb
    Apr 12, 09:51 AM
    TheRegister seems to reckon it's not due until 2012:

    There's been some debate on whether these articles are talking about Apple's fiscal year 2012 which begins in 2011....or the calendar year 2012.

    Personally, I tend to think maybe these rumors are right and Apple is shifting the iPhone announcements to the fall moving forward. That would give them more time to focus on software at WWDC each year, with new hardware in the fall, in time for the holiday season.


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  • mattnotis
    Apr 30, 12:46 AM
    Torrents are free! :D

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  • robeddie
    Apr 21, 07:14 PM
    So your link is to an article where the writer has no clue why it wasn't done? Not very useful. Again, I don't get why people don't get this. A backlight keyboard takes more room. Not a lot but some. The new MBAs are thinner with larger batteries than the first. Seems pretty reasonable it wouldn't fit. Note this is Apple, which do you think they would chose, thinner or a backlight keyboard?

    Cool. Then in a couple months, when the new macbook air is released and its as thin, or thinner than the current model AND includes a backlit keyboard, you'll come back here and admit you were ignorant, right?

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  • AppleFreek
    May 3, 08:43 AM
    Excellent news!

    I'm looking to spend some grant money and 4 x 27" iMacs and a couple 2 TB Time Capsules sounds like a great idea!

    Do you want to buy 4 iMac 27''? Really nice :rolleyes:, but why??

    And also, a couple of Time Capsules? What are you planning to do with a computer?

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  • Tones2
    Apr 22, 10:50 AM
    I still haven't seen the "killer app" that makes this higher mobile speed something I can't wait another year for. I know that's not the smartest way of looking at it - the higher speeds bring the innovations we haven't imagined yet. But I'm not seeing them on the Android platform, either.

    It seems to mostly benefit tethering - but tethering benefits other devices and not the mobile handled experience.

    Fast access to these new cloud music storage services is interesting, but the data caps practically kill their usefulness.

    Then you have never streamed video onto your phone from home or Netflix or Slingbox. It's not pleasant over 3G onto the iPhone - looks and responds even worse on the iPad.

    We need 4G NOW!


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  • Snowy_River
    Jul 12, 05:39 PM

    Any professional copy shop should be able to take your sequential, 5.5" x 8.5" size pages and turn it into a booklet with binding in the middle. My understanding is that they have super-expensive machines that can do that without much effort.

    I don't think you need to futz around with a non-sequential layout unless you plan to print this out yourself without the use of fancy $40,000+ copiers.

    You know, that's a good idea.

    Here I was so caught up in the idea of getting it to be a final version, I didn't even think of that. Let the machines that are designed to do this do the work....

    (I'm not even going to dignify the other snide poster with a response :rolleyes: )

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  • informed Xbox 360 Fanboy

  • inaka
    May 4, 06:01 PM
    Dont worry release a white iphone and people will buy it instead :rolleyes:

    I just did.
    Ordered the white iphone 4...ships in a few days.

    And when the iPhone 5 comes out, i'll buy that in a year or so too.

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  • the Xbox Avatar Widget.

  • SirOmega
    Oct 24, 09:13 AM
    One thing that is buried in all of this is that Apple is FINALLY offering a magsafe airline power adaptor for their laptops, for $59.00. I have been doing a ton of cross-country flying recently, and carting two batteries to try to keep my laptop juiced up on the trip. I have waited for months for an in-flight power solution. Apple has finally come through with this! :D

    I could have used this this past summer. Took forever to come out.

    Apr 14, 04:33 PM
    Calling people "douchebags"? Seriously, get some grown up patter ... honestly to God, what is this? US TV Stereotypes Vol.1?

    It's not "beyond picky" based on two FACTS.

    1. It wasn't present or an issue in iOS 4.0 to 4.2.

    2. The stock Apple apps don't do it, so to say it's Apple making the apps launch quicker would require 0.0002 seconds of brain power to realise, "Oh wait, if they were making apps load quicker, it'd be across the ENTIRE operating system".

    Think. Think some more. Then consider typing ...

    I completely echo this comment. When I got my iPhone 4, I was completely ecstatic with its speed in every app. It was so fast that I would send myself text messages as quick reminders, rather than using any app to do the same. Now, however, it no longer runs fast enough for that. I'm used to Wintel products running slower over time, but I don't expect this from Apple.

    May 1, 10:46 PM
    I'm expecting Call of Duty: Mission Bin Laden

    Apr 24, 03:23 AM
    Their are many factors why this is true and I will list the them in order of which ones I think are the most important.

    1. The people who will jump to any carrier just to have the iPhone will, and have done so in the last four years. Those people have iPhones already. They are not likely to pay 100-300 dollars to break contract go to T-Mo then pay another 200$ for an iphone with contract.

    2. Android: Yes I have to say it but it is true. People feel less of a need for an iphone when they can get android Phones cheaper. Also people are being lured in by many of android's commercials that make the phones look so good. When a T-mobile customer sees a commercial for a thunderbolt they want that phone. They end up getting a High end phone on network. It is even getting more popular on the iPhone networks, AT&T for the most part ignored the android because it had the iPhone. Then after millions of customers came into the stores demanding not iPhones but Androids AT&T had to reconsider. Face it android is changing the game. People are seeing the android as less of an alternative to iPhones if you can't afford it or not on your carrier but more as a real iphone beater.

    Yeah it will not help if they where to obtain the iPhone. But for the most part it will not make a huge difference to them. Also Verizon did not need apple to put the iPhone on the its network, Apple needed to Put its iPhone on Verizons network. Verizon's droid line was becoming a major threat to iPhones.'

    In all it will help T-mobile to get the iPhone as much as me getting into a steady relationship: It will help but it will not change things in the long run.

    Oct 24, 08:07 AM
    I think it is £50 cheaper for the base model in the UK
    yep nice little price drop and spec bump combo
    old >> New
    Core Duo 2.0 >> Core 2 Duo 2.16
    512Mb >> 1GB
    80Gb HD >> 120Gb HD
    4xDVD-R >> 8xDVD-R

    Jan 31, 10:06 PM
    ^^^ Nice purchase! Boring, for sure... but I definitely need new tires on my '06 Grand Prix. I'm still on the factory Hancocks. But, I plan on getting a new car in the summer, and don't feel like spending the ~$500 to replace them for just a few months of use.

    Anyhoo... I have had QUITE the spending spree the last couple days. :p Unfortunately, that means I won't be buying anything else anytime soon.

    40" Samsung 1080P LCD:

    160GB PS3 Slim, which came with UC2, Karate Kid on Blu, and Pixel Junk Shooter:

    NBA Jam and House of the Dead Overkill for Wii:

    A new, crappy (Protip: spend the extra money on a decent shelf) shelf for my stuff:

    Comply pro foam tips for my Triple.Fi 10s:

    ... and a crap-ton of groceries and water to prepare for the Winterpocolypse! :D

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