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  • Ommid
    Apr 24, 06:36 AM

    The new iPhone 4S!!

    But who finds their iPhone 4 slow anyway!?

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  • Images vestidos 1ª comunion

  • dmr727
    Dec 30, 01:38 PM
    I'm sorry, if you struggle to lose weight, you're not doing it right. Losing weight is dead easy.

    I don't have a dog in this fight, but the question that runs through my mind is: if it's so easy, why do people struggle with it? Why are there entire industries built around people that struggle with losing weight on their own?

    vestidos de primera comunion en mexico. Vestido para primera comunión
  • Vestido para primera comunión

  • lifeofart
    Jul 12, 05:20 PM
    That's more or less what I've done. The issue is this. If you envision a twenty page booklet, it will consist of five pieces of paper. On the front of the first piece of paper, the left panel will be page 20 and the right panel will be page 1. On the back, the left panel will be page 2 and the right panel will be page 19. And so on. It is this non-sequential printing of the pages that I'm struggling with. How do you tell it to print pages 20 and 1 on the first piece of paper, other than having it print page 1, then putting the paper back into the printer and having it print page 20.

    (A big reason that I'm trying to get away from the manual solution is that I want to save this as a PDF so I can hand it to a copy shop to print out multiple copies for me. But, unfortunately, you can't print to a PDF page twice. :) Oh, and I've tried using the Layout option in the print dialog, but it reduces that page image dramatically, so 10pt font becomes 6pt font. So that wasn't a good solution...)

    Too bad you don't have a professional app such as the latest MS Word!:eek:

    Then you could just open the new brochure wizard. Set it up for four quadrants per page, front and back printing. Place your images & text in the proper quadrant in the proper orientation. Autopage number the quadrants, and email the doc file to your printshop.

    Almost all professional printshops except word doc files and can print your brochure out on their professional quality printers on your paper of choice.

    But I guess you are stuck with a worthless .pages file and if you fart around with it long enough you might just be able to get something out that a print / copy shop could use.

    vestidos de primera comunion en mexico. Trajes Primera Comunión
  • Trajes Primera Comunión

  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 24, 07:39 PM
    And rape victims deserved it because they wore miniskirts too.

    Being drunk in a 'bad part of town' and flashing whatever is one thing. But that's no excuse, reason, or justification for you being attacked as a result.

    Being a transgender, drunk, and in a rich country club isn't going to be very bright either.

    Just being transgender is more than enough.

    Especially with bigger issues in this world and people would rather prod each other out of a perceived sense of sensibility or lack thereof. Indeed, in the ideal environment, everybody would flash cash and could do so in absolute safety. I think they're currently called "gated communities". I wonder why.

    While no one deserving to be rape or rob no matter what they are doing/ wearing and the person who did said things should be punished to the full extent of the law it does not remove a factor that some people do a very poor job and managing their risk profil.

    We can not control how others will act but we can control our risk profile and our behavior.
    Examples of managing our risk profile is saying out of bad parts of town if possible and avoid it at night. Girls avoiding wearing clothing that gets them to be a target and travel in well lite places and have a male escort.

    It is about managing the risk profile. Now if someone gets raped I am not going to blame the victim but people should try to avoid being an easy target because even though legally and morally you are complete in the write still does not remove the fact that you have to live with the results of what was done to you.

    Think about this. Lets say you get in an auto accident and T-Bone some dumb ass who ran a red light and nothing you could really do to avoid it and sad dumb ass is killed. Even though you could not do anything to avoid it you still have to live with that guilt that you killed another human being and many people that is really hard on them even though there was nothing they could of done to avoid it.

    vestidos de primera comunion en mexico. De un sueo, al lossu bsqueda
  • De un sueo, al lossu bsqueda

  • chrmjenkins
    Apr 22, 03:12 PM
    Really? So the fact that they did not have laptops with mainstream mobile quad core CPUs before Sandy Bridge when every other computers manufacturer had them is "immaterial" now? With LTE it's the same story all over. After they finally get in a year or two you'll probably be able to say again that it's immaterial. I bet it's very material to those who want iPhone with LTE now. Another major problem here is that Apple sticks to having just one model of iPhone (CDMA vs GSM differences aside). As if all people wanted the same thing. They don't.

    No, you're trying to bring attention Apple's lack of using the latest components as why they won't use LTE. That's not the case anymore. They use mobile quad cores now. Therefore, your argument is irrelevant. It doesn't matter what they used to do if their most recent action is different. You need a complete history of them not doing it to support your point. That history doesn't exist.

    Apple has no interest in making different sizes/models of iPhones. If you don't care for that, apple isn't for you. They are a greatest common denominator company.

    vestidos de primera comunion en mexico. Imágenes de vestidos de novia
  • Imágenes de vestidos de novia

  • Toonbay
    Apr 28, 05:24 PM
    Surely by now there is someone out there with a White iPhone, a messuring tape or calipers that can just tell us these photos are nonsense? Please? Pretty please? Xxx

    Surely there is an app for that :):)

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  • Los trajes pret-á-porter de

  • IJ Reilly
    Jan 30, 10:43 AM
    PE's historically range between 7(bear lows) and 18 (bull highs) so 10 would be about the point where the weekly P&F chart (54) turns bearish.

    However you must consider that AAPL is 100% discretionary consumer spending so when recession hits consumers will cut back in favour of things like food and oil. Want another negative, here is one, 18 billion in cash...held in a fast depreciating currency (lost half its value over the past 6 years). Or how about this, DRM free music, sure to result in more file sharing and less iTunes sales. And on the topic of iTunes, another negative, all that new of them is sure to break the AAPL hold on that market.

    That weekly P&F chart is the worst I have seen in the past 5 years :eek:

    You are using generalizations about P/E for the entire stock market and applying it to one company. This is chart-driven nonsense -- it's like looking at the forest and believing you can describe every tree. Divining the future using charts isn't as easy and foolproof as you suggest.

    As for the cash being held in dollars -- this of course has absolutely no impact on Apple's value as a US corporation. In fact if Apple holds some of its cash in other currencies, which they almost certainly do, this would only increase the value of their cash holdings in dollars if the dollar depreciated. We should also know that the depreciated dollar helps exporters like Apple tremendously.

    vestidos de primera comunion en mexico. Vestidos y Mas Vestidos Mexico
  • Vestidos y Mas Vestidos Mexico

  • winty03
    May 3, 07:54 AM
    I was hoping for i7...c'mon apple WHY!

    oh, BTO option, I hope they have i7 in stores

    BTO i7 3.4

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  • Tipo de producto: Vestidos de

  • motulist
    Aug 15, 09:43 PM
    While their at it, the same feature could not only order the ram or hard drive for you, but using the the new iCal server features could have at look at the nearest Apple Store and give you list of free booking times to drop in and have the upgrade done for you.

    That would be another useful feature for users which would also be profitable for Apple. Jobs should be paying us money for all these great ideas!

    vestidos de primera comunion en mexico. VESTIDOS PARA PRIMERA COMUNION

  • ifjake
    Aug 15, 10:04 AM
    it's the little things...

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  • Tags:trajes comunión

  • HiRez
    Apr 28, 03:50 PM
    Sounds like a "who cares?" kind of thing, but that's actually kind of a big deal if it creates case fragmentation. Not good. Hopefully inaccurate.

    vestidos de primera comunion en mexico. |Denunciar Anúncio. VENDO
  • |Denunciar Anúncio. VENDO

  • n00bst3r
    Oct 18, 05:00 PM
    Maybe if they weren't making a grand on each MBP..

    vestidos de primera comunion en mexico. VESTIDO DE PRIMERA COMUNION

  • Parkin Pig
    Apr 9, 08:22 AM
    From the decommissioned power station at Thorpe Marsh, UK.
    It reminded me of the door Jim Carrey used to exit his 'world' in 'The Truman Show'.

    vestidos de primera comunion en mexico. Primera comunión 2
  • Primera comunión 2

  • Rogue.
    May 3, 07:36 AM
    And the specs?

    UK store still down at this time...

    So enough of the speculation, and post when you have something worth posting ;)

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  • Vestidos Primera Comunion Mexico middot; Vestidos Para Primera Comunion middot; Vestidos De Primera Communion middot; Invitaciones De Primera Communion

  • Surely
    Feb 25, 09:50 AM
    That`s not a sit-com, it`s a fly on the wall documentary :D

    It's not a sitcom, because:

    sitcom = situational comedy

    That show is/was not funny.

    vestidos de primera comunion en mexico. mis suscripciones
  • mis suscripciones

  • Thunder82
    Oct 1, 04:37 PM
    Blame Verizon then. Apple approached Verizon first, and Verizon was unwilling to allow Apple to have full control over the OS, the design of the iPhone .

    Don't believe everything you read on the web, this is 100% not true. If Apple was in the business of limiting devices sales to the US market, Verizon would have been a great option. Fortunately, or unfortunately, (depending on how you look at it) GSM is essentially the global standard for 2G, so AT&T or T-mobile would have been the only possible carriers for the iPhone

    vestidos de primera comunion en mexico. VESTIDOS DE PRIMERA COMUNION

  • cupcakes2000
    Apr 8, 12:57 PM (

    Morzine, France.

    ISO 200||


    vestidos de primera comunion en mexico. Vestidos de Primera Comunión
  • Vestidos de Primera Comunión

  • mingspace
    Oct 24, 08:59 AM
    Mac Store employees *don't* know anything specific about product updates.

    There's almost 1000 Apple store employees worldwide. If they knew details, don't you find it really, really odd that none of them leaked any?
    Yes. But not so much about product updates. More about the history of the updates in the paste was what I was talking about.

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  • vestidos de primera comunion a

  • (marc)
    Apr 24, 02:21 PM
    Surgery isn't a magic wand.

    Some transgender people "pass" better than others. It's not just transgender people who have their gender challenged either, it happens plenty to anyone that appears gender ambiguous.

    Bullies latch onto any and all perceived insecurity and take advantage of it, in this case it had profoundly unpleasant consequences.

    Why are you trying to turn the assault into bullying / an LGBT hate crime? I know MacRumors PRSI is obsessed with the issue, but there's no evidence for it.

    Aug 15, 01:44 PM
    i like the new Preview look :)

    Apr 26, 01:35 PM
    nothing has even been released yet. why does a cloud have to run across multiple geographic locations? as long as it's online in the cloud it doesn't matter where it is.

    It'll be a pathetic excuse for a cloud if it'll only stream in the US (which if they continue with this 1 datacenter model will be the case). Amazon will beat them here, hands down. Have you seen how many datacenters they have?

    ^ That vs 1 datacenter...lets think...who's going to get the better performance...

    Also, the point of the cloud is redundancy. What happens WHEN the 1 datacenter goes down (e.g power problems, network problems, natural disasters, etc)? Apple's will be wiped out in one move, Amazon just fail over to another DC location.

    Apr 26, 12:10 PM
    I just hope they charge enough so that they make a big profit so that they can continue the service.

    Apr 26, 11:05 PM
    I bought an iMac April 16. If apple releases a new model May 3rd, will they pity recent buyers and allow exchange/return for the new iMac????

    Yes. Be nice and say the new iMac fits your needs better.

    IJ Reilly
    Jul 10, 04:09 PM
    A bit harsh, aren't you? They're supposedly integrating better search features into the next version of Pages precisely to improve the researching component of writing. So it's not like I'm the only one who thinks that Pages needs more to better compare to Word. As it stands, I'll give Pages a shot if I need to do something fancier than writing for MFA workshops.

    Plus, I save a couple of bucks.

    Pages isn't Word. It doesn't try to be Word. For those of us who use Pages every day, this is actually a good thing.

    As for being harsh, it seems like every time a thread on subject gets started, someone says Pages is only really suitable for newsletters, and not for "serious" writing. I find that most of the people who say this haven't gotten much past the template selection window. They see all those newsletter and flier templates and assume that this all Pages is good for. They've probably never created a template of their own and so are missing one of Pages' most powerful features.

    Also, it almost never fails in these threads that someone says they'd be using Pages today if it only had certain features that it already has. I don't know that it's being "harsh" to correct the record, but if that's what it is, then I guess that's what I am...

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