symbols of peace

symbols of peace. dove as a symbol of peace
  • dove as a symbol of peace

  • guzhogi
    May 3, 09:12 AM
    I have an external Mac display cerca 2008 with a the apple display port that I hook to my Macbook. When I got a revamped mac book I had to buy a mini display adapter to use it.

    I want to get a the new iMac, and want to use my external display still. But I haven't been able to find info on Mini/Display port to Tunderbolt.

    I know half the charm of these thunderbolts is running HD video from an external drive and separate monitors. But I haven't found what I'm looking for.


    If I understand you correctly, you want to plug a mini-Display port on your MacBook Pro to the Thunderbolt port on your iMac. All you need is a mini-Display Port to mini-Display Port cord. Thunderbolt uses the same connectors.

    symbols of peace. chinese Symbol, peace site
  • chinese Symbol, peace site

    May 3, 08:51 AM
    The biggest question I have is whether the dual Thunderbolt will support 2 external monitors.

    Imagine a triple 27 inch setup! (Brain explodes at thought)
    Displayport is suppose to support daisy-chaining from one port so the external monitor support could actually be higher than just 2 if Apple supported it. I believe the HD6970M can support at least 4 total display outputs, possibly 6?

    symbols of peace. +calligraphy+symbols+peace
  • +calligraphy+symbols+peace

  • SilianRail
    Apr 11, 05:06 PM
    Could this be the eventual end of usb altogether?No way, USB is cheap and there's no reason to replace them for low bandwidth applications like keyboard, mouse, printers, controllers, etc.

    symbols of peace. symbol strength peace love
  • symbol strength peace love

  • Erwin-Br
    Apr 15, 03:42 PM
    The "view" buttons in finder changed back to the old style.


    Best news ever. I hope they roll it back in other menu's as well.

    symbols of peace. several symbols of peace
  • several symbols of peace

  • TuffLuffJimmy
    Apr 25, 12:11 AM
    I have seen some transgenders, and I have nothing to say to them.

    That's pretty messed up. Just because you feel uncomfortable with someone who doesn't identify as their birth gender doesn't mean they're somehow not worth your conversation.

    Is it because of your religion? Christian perhaps? I wonder if Jesus would have been so dismissive of trans people too.

    symbols of peace. Symbols Of Peace And Happiness
  • Symbols Of Peace And Happiness

    Apr 22, 05:43 PM
    I have an iPod Touch and I find it difficult to hold on to the damn thing without a case. The thing might as well be a fish! A phone shaped like the illustration would be an ergonomic disaster, in my opinion.

    symbols of peace. Chinese Symbols for Peace
  • Chinese Symbols for Peace

  • Jason Beck
    Apr 14, 12:08 AM

    Nice! Soft and sharp. Loooove it.

    symbols of peace. Chinese Symbol Inner Peace
  • Chinese Symbol Inner Peace

  • iamthedudeman
    May 3, 08:55 AM
    That was the case for the previous 21.5" too. The smaller enclosure can only fit 2 DIMM slots while the larger 27" can fit 4 DIMM slots.

    False. My current imac 21.5 has 4 dimm slots. And can handle 16GB. Same as the 27. The new sandybridge imacs can handle 32GB. Regardless of what apple says. They all can take 16GB.

    symbols of peace. Egyptian+symbols+for+peace
  • Egyptian+symbols+for+peace

  • stefman
    Oct 24, 09:27 AM
    It was about time......runs to get credit card :D :D :D :D

    symbols of peace. peace love happiness chinese
  • peace love happiness chinese

  • brmaki
    Sep 16, 05:15 PM
    A 2006 Ford Escape, my first car purchase as well!

    symbols of peace. Free Peace Love Symbol
  • Free Peace Love Symbol

  • maclaptop
    Apr 21, 11:47 PM
    Actually, the irony is that the people who are looking at you and judging you based on your phone are the snobs.

    Apple certainly doesn't come across as fools for protecting their designs. And if you know a little bit about how this works, you'd know that by not protecting it, they forfeit the right to protect it in the future if the same thing happens. Then again, that's for corporate lawyers to handle, it's not a marketing decision. And...being a public company, they have an obligation to their shareholders to not allow these kind of infringements. But yeah, I can see how this is easily percieved as bullying, or stupid, by people who can't see the forest through the trees such as yourself.

    Attempted insults show your insecurity.

    You're assumptions prove it.

    Try your tactics on someone else :)

    symbols of peace. The Peace Sign and Satanism
  • The Peace Sign and Satanism

  • renewed
    Sep 15, 07:48 PM
    The bundle is 250gb.

    Have to say, I'm jealous of the Reach buyers. Getting ready to move so need to stick to essential expenditures :(

    I just got an email that says mine has shipped. I cannot wait! Luckily I get my 50" Plasma back tomorrow so good timing!

    symbols of peace. Vintage Peace Symbols T-Shirts
  • Vintage Peace Symbols T-Shirts

  • edenwaith
    Apr 12, 10:25 AM
    For ATT, Verizon and Sprint.

    No, it will be exclusively available for T-Mobile USA and be running Android 3!

    symbols of peace. Black Peace Dove - symbol of
  • Black Peace Dove - symbol of

  • Legion93
    May 1, 11:17 PM
    Why does it sound like you are hoping something like this will happen? Bitter much?

    What do you expect?! If a very important leader like the president got killed by the Taliban, the Americans would be very angry and would want revenge. Same goes to the Taliban. It will only make situations worse. Let's just hope that it doesn't.

    symbols of peace. Peace And Tranquility Symbols
  • Peace And Tranquility Symbols

  • steadysignal
    Apr 13, 06:07 PM
    Yawn. What is the point? Seriously? A TV with a gyro and shake to undo? :rolleyes:

    agreed. i just don't get it. margins in the streaming business are razor thin...

    symbols of peace. Picture 1, -, Peace symbols
  • Picture 1, -, Peace symbols

  • lordonuthin
    Nov 29, 06:14 PM
    nice. both 275s? how do you keep up with the wattage?

    I have my fingers crossed! one of them is connected to the power supply for another machine :eek: it seems to be working for now but I will have to get some bigger psu's soon. The one you are getting looks like a good deal.

    symbols of peace. Jewish+symbols+of+peace
  • Jewish+symbols+of+peace

  • AlphaBob
    Jan 30, 03:05 PM
    Liberal banter = common sense and simple logic for the intelligent.... I am betting on Gold to hit at least 1500.00 in the next coming months and then upwards to the 2000.00 range.

    I had an engineering friend that did exactly that in the early 1980s. He sold his house and all of his investments, and purchased gold. At the time it was trading right around $900/oz. Needless to say his expectation of the demise of the US Economy and upswing in gold value didn't pan out in the long term.

    I saw him at a party over the holidays this past year and asked if he was excited to finally be near the break-even point again. He was not amused.

    Gold goes up because of investor fears about market uncertainty and global uncertainty (and the bulk of global uncertainty is driven by US geopolitical actions). When the predicted global calamity doesn't happen, the price of gold declines again. Since we have been fortunate enough to be unable to test what happens after a global calamity, we can't be certain what will happen to the price of gold then. My guess is it will be worth slightly more than paper, and less than a loaf of bread.

    symbols of peace. Gay Peace symbols Sticker
  • Gay Peace symbols Sticker

  • SciFrog
    Oct 16, 08:55 PM
    With all of my machines (8) I am pulling 25k ppd. The '09 mac pro 2x2.66 is doing 4-5 min per frame for normal units - I'm afraid to change anything right now so I don't lose momentum.

    You should be able to pull 20k ppd with that machine only with the bigadv units...

    symbols of peace. STG Chinese Symbol - Peace
  • STG Chinese Symbol - Peace

  • tjanuranus
    Apr 22, 04:31 PM
    I seem to remember everyone saying ip4 looked ugly and horrible before it came out. Let's just wait and see!

    Apr 26, 05:41 PM
    No thanks Apple. I'll keep my music locally for free.

    Mar 15, 05:56 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    Well I got to see Mystikal and Hasan Daddy get theirs after my failed attempt at Irvine spectrum. I was the Asian guy with the buzz cut hair. Unfortunately I got to Fashion Island to late. Congrats to you two!

    Same here, I was the guy who went to south coast plaza first.

    Apr 29, 08:26 PM
    Sorry, I'm actually being sarcastic, but you will find a lot of users here who behave just as I have described. You'd think that they sat on the board of directors. I agree with you, competition is good and it is good to be open minded and not have blind loyalty to one company. But the majority here will disagree with that.

    LOL pretty sad when I couldn't read that as sarcasm as it is not unheard of that people are like that on this board.

    May 2, 01:32 AM
    I highly doubt anyone at Fox News is crying. Some of the message boards I browse that are predominantly Republican are even tipping their hat to Obama for accomplishing it.

    For this rare and special day everyone can set aside their politician differences and just celebrate as Americans, not political parties.For one day we are all one.

    May 1, 11:12 PM
    It is good that Chloe got the information to Jack's screen in time.

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