pregnant women drinking alcohol

pregnant women drinking alcohol. women drinking alcohol
  • women drinking alcohol

  • craigatkinson
    Jul 24, 05:27 PM
    That may be the problem. You didn't use it enough to become comfortable with it. It was a little weird when I first began to use mine as well, but after a day of using it I was in love.

    I dont know what people see in the Mighty Mouse, I tried one out in a local computer shop and found it VERY frustrating to use.

    pregnant women drinking alcohol. call for pregnant women to
  • call for pregnant women to

  • ghostlines
    Apr 1, 09:06 AM
    C'mon Apple keep it professional and unified. Man they should stick to working on the user experience and internals, not goofy color schemes and such. OS X already looks cool they don't need to make it look kiddy now!:eek:

    pregnant women drinking alcohol. Not all women who drink
  • Not all women who drink

  • Frosties
    Mar 31, 10:44 AM
    Still no way to show week number in the calendar. It makes planning a bother for many people world wide. We need our week numbers! it's just one parameter called week Apple. And it's already there in language and text under format .

    Add it already to our PIM, please Mr. Jobs. It's time.

    pregnant women drinking alcohol. Can Pregnant Women Drink Decaf
  • Can Pregnant Women Drink Decaf

  • motulist
    Aug 18, 06:21 AM
    I have had Leopard... anyone got any questions??

    Yeah, I got a few about iCal.

    1) Is there now a way to shift several events in time simultaneously, so you don't have to change each one individually when you want to move a group of events?

    2) When you select several events from different calendars and copy and paste them do they all turn into the same calendar category like the current version of iCal operates?

    3) Are there any more display options that let you control how events are displayed?

    pregnant women drinking alcohol. Pregnant woman
  • Pregnant woman

  • MacRumors
    Apr 21, 10:10 PM (

    pregnant women drinking alcohol. Pregnant women are blatantly
  • Pregnant women are blatantly

  • stroked
    May 1, 10:34 PM
    President Bush gets credit for starting the military effort that killed him. President Obama gets credit for continuing the military effort that killed him. The people who actually KILLED him are the minds and wo/men of the US military. They get all of the credit in the world.

    I don't know who wrote this, but I agree. I'm going to have a beer to celebrate.

    pregnant women drinking alcohol. Alerts pregnant women to the
  • Alerts pregnant women to the

  • peapody
    Jan 31, 11:36 PM
    That just looks ... well not like something I'd stick in my coffee.

    That tamper actually looks very comfortable to use. :p

    hahah so wrong...

    Anyways, just picked up mass effect 2 for ps3 for my brother who has been good the last few weeks helping me out with my ebay biz.

    *And typing this post on my last purchase - an HP mini 1030nr that I just hackintoshed...everything works great! A little macbook air for $90 bucks! Very happy right now!

    pregnant women drinking alcohol. for pregnant women and the
  • for pregnant women and the

  • Eidorian
    May 3, 08:09 AM
    For perhaps a month before the Mac Pros are released at WWDC.Keep waiting...

    Intel is taking its time with the Xeons and Sandy Bridge-E.

    pregnant women drinking alcohol. Pregnant woman holding a glass
  • Pregnant woman holding a glass

  • mabaker
    Apr 16, 08:24 AM
    Uh please.

    Google has done a helluva lot to Android since they bought it. Android is unrecognisable now to what it was in 05. They have simply bought a brand name to get their product popular.

    In other words, you are talking rubbish sir. Stop accusing people of trolling, when they are simply telling it how it is.

    Google done HELLUVA work after Schmidt got onto the board of directors of Apple and got all the details he needed to copy every single thing?

    Google fanboiis fail to see the reality how it is. Truth hurts.

    pregnant women drinking alcohol. “Pregnant women who drink
  • “Pregnant women who drink

  • darrens
    Oct 23, 06:47 PM
    I first read all this stuff on The Register - sounds like I'll be sticking with XP, even on my PC.

    The fact that you can only install Vista twice is enough to annoy me.

    pregnant women drinking alcohol. Figure 2: Women who would not
  • Figure 2: Women who would not

    Apr 24, 02:54 PM
    There are people who think ignorance is acceptable. :rolleyes:

    Ignorance is bliss. :rolleyes:

    pregnant women drinking alcohol. Alcohol abuse is defined as a
  • Alcohol abuse is defined as a

  • Mac'nCheese
    Apr 24, 10:33 AM
    Black-on-white crime, much more prevalent than the reverse, is one of those open secrets the media doesn't like to report on, usually since they're too busy accusing whites of racism.

    The media always reports on black on white crime, so much so, that they are often accused of over-reporting and fueling white people's fear of the big bad black man!

    pregnant women drinking alcohol. A recent study on alcohol and
  • A recent study on alcohol and

  • KPOM
    May 3, 08:42 AM
    You need some strong suction cups to remove the screen (the whole back chassis is one piece, the only access is via the screen) and more importantly a dust-free environment, otherwise when you put the screen back on (or rather the glass pane in front of the actual screen) you can easily trap dust between the glass and the monitor.
    The difficult thing is the dust-free environment.

    So, no, it isn't possible for the "non-geek" OP. ;)

    pregnant women drinking alcohol. Actress Kate Hudson, pregnant
  • Actress Kate Hudson, pregnant

  • CFreymarc
    Mar 29, 08:25 AM
    Sadly, Vegas will cost you more for a week than SF (if you want to do it "right").

    And doing San Francisco "right" is close if not more. At least in Vegas you have massive competition for your entertainment dollar. San Francisco entertainment venues is this strange, cabal like maze of approval processes with some social engineering objective hidden from the public.

    Hotels, restaurants and other "substance" costs are a hell of a lot cheaper in Vegas than in San Francisco. I did Vegas for less than a grand in a week last summer just to see how far I could stretch my dollar. I ended up with free rooms, free food, complementary shows and spent my money on what matters -- booze, guns and women!

    pregnant women drinking alcohol. women who drink alcohol in
  • women who drink alcohol in

  • ezekielrage_99
    Jul 26, 09:41 AM
    As long as the G6 iPods are less prone to scratches I will be happy :D

    pregnant women drinking alcohol. pregnant women with drink
  • pregnant women with drink

  • Musubi
    Nov 3, 08:36 PM
    Dont count Parallels out. They will eventually have multicore support in their app, and i am sure will keep getting better over time.
    The single core support currently is a design decision. Per a note by Andrew (of Parallels) (, "One core is used by Mac OS X and the other core is used by Windows XP - it brings excellent resource management and optimal performance for both systems running simultaneously."

    Thus it can be presumed they may end up allowing multicore as an option in future releases.

    The good thing about having two companies in this space is the competition will result in two better Mac products. I've just finished installing XP Pro on Fusion but the beta test agreement has a note about confidentiality regarding the discussion of benchmarks/performance data of the beta. Upon starting a VM, a sheet drops down noting there is debug code and logging which affects its performance. Thus, comparing it's current performance against Parallels isn't fair game at this time. Outside of that, the user interface is a bit more spartan (not much configuration options including the ability to tweak an already created VM) than Parallels. The VM setup while not much different than Parallels Desktop feels more streamlined. Fusion also drops down sheets with plenty of information to help make the setup process idiotproof (all of those dialogues can be turned off by checking the provided box).

    pregnant women drinking alcohol. pregnant women who drank
  • pregnant women who drank

  • NickZac
    Jan 12, 09:40 AM
    I wonder how many calories she has consumed since the start of this thread?

    pregnant women drinking alcohol. As articulated above, drinking
  • As articulated above, drinking

  • Corey Grandy
    Jan 28, 09:06 AM
    I missed seeing it in theaters. That's a great deal for the price.

    I actually had never seen it, just didn't get around to it. I just bought it because it was a Michael Cera movie :P

    On-topic, this renewed itself today:

    pregnant women drinking alcohol. Pregnant+women+drinking+
  • Pregnant+women+drinking+

  • tjsdaname
    Dec 4, 10:58 AM
    Why not .223?

    My choice for a 22LR would be the GSG-5. And for the AR platform... the DPMS LR-308 :cool: hell of a gun.

    well, im only 17 and .223 is just to expensive for me to shoot...

    and I dont know why I like the sig so much, I was at gander mountain the other day, and was feeling out all of the other .22's and it just feels the best to me...

    it's going to be ether the sig, or the smith and wesson M&P 15-22. that is a nice gun also...

    Apr 28, 05:04 PM
    This is THE most retarded thread EVER hahaha

    Each new thread on the white iPhone becomes increasingly more retarded than the last. It's a retarded iPhone thread arms race that will eventually consume the world in war.

    Oct 19, 08:41 PM
    Wow, amazing how emotional people always get whenever I make a statement that could sound slightly anti-iPod... I know you love your iPod and all (I am very fond of mine myself), but over the last few years Apple has been focusing a dispropotional amount of energy into their cute little gadget which has massively boosted their profits. For those of us that don't salivate over all things iPod, I think this is too bad.

    That is all.Dude...


    Just because people won't buy a $1200-$4000 computer as fast as they buy a $249 iPod is not Apple's fault. It's economics. Plus the same people who are buying the iPod are oftentimes the same people buying 2, 3 or more 'Pods for their relatives as gifts.

    Give Apple a break. Their computer line-up is excellent.

    Oct 7, 09:38 PM
    well, i am going back online after a long hiatus.

    let's see what kind of numbers I can pull. :P


    glad to have you back! we need ya!

    Maybe I will get my brother going under my username though. He has a 8 core.....

    sounds like a plan!

    Jul 28, 05:43 PM
    I think this is great news~ I mean, really a few things would happen:

    Zune sucks, doesn't do well (good for Apple)
    Zune is well designed, but Apple makes an even better iPod (good for us)
    Zune is really really well-designed, better than the iPod. (good for me, I'll get a Zune over an iPod)

    Jul 25, 01:06 PM
    is this coating as strong as it claims to be? i dont think a plastic could handle steel sponge scratching...

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