Postcode Map Greater London

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  • Peace
    Jul 17, 10:38 AM
    Merom to launch July 23rd according to the latest Intel roadmap from this site :

    Postcode Map Greater London. Postcode, map hill restaurant
  • Postcode, map hill restaurant

  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 23, 09:40 PM
    Why does anyone doubt that the new Air will be outstanding? My money is on Apple doing a nice job on the Air as they did with the MBP.

    Postcode Map Greater London. British Isles Postcode map
  • British Isles Postcode map

  • KennyMN
    Sep 19, 06:12 PM
    Is everyone forgetting about the "special" dock kit Apple sells with "yellow" and S-video as well as audio out jacks on it, and a nice little remote AND another charger and sync cable? With the old 320x240 shows, it was barely watchable, lots of artifacts and about like fair quality VCR tape. With the new 640 x 480, the output is VERY watchable, not quite as good as DVD but better than my DirecTV digital signal. And, this little bundle of usefulness costs $99 and is available NOW. I have used one since about Christmas of last year, and it works pretty well. You DON'T have to wait for the iTV or confine your viewing to the computer screen or an ipod.

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  • samiwas
    Apr 18, 01:50 PM
    Amazing! I totally agree, I don't mind paying higher taxes here for better services and better rights.

    I know someone who works in the public sector was told to get his working hours down because he was working more than the amount he was supposed to by law in his job. Was told to get it down to 42 hours a week I think.

    Guess that would never happen on your side of the pond!

    Well, only because they might have to pay you overtime. If they have to pay you extra or a premium overtime wage, they will try hard to not let you get to that point. Not because they don't want you working too much, but because they don't want to have to pay you for your time.

    True story: I work in exhibit installations. One time, several years ago, the install was running WAY behind schedule. My part of the job is not possible to complete until everybody else is done with theirs. Design changes were so crazy that my job turned into a nightmare. Opening day is set in stone, so
    there is no pushing it back. In the end, myself and my assistant had to work seven 20-hour days in a row in order to get everything completed. When I turned in my invoice, with obvious gobs of overtime on it, it was sent back saying "We pay you a day rate. A day is 24 hours. Your rate covers however much you have to work in a day." That lasted all of about 4.3 seconds before I was screaming at someone. I finally got my overtime pay, but not without a fight. And now, it's part of the deal. Just the fact that anyone could even consider that makes me angry.

    Postcode Map Greater London. Click on the map that comes up
  • Click on the map that comes up

  • GGJstudios
    Mar 18, 11:19 AM
    The biggest reason that we have been Virus and attack free in general is because we have been such an exclusive club for so long. ...

    I mean really when 92% of the world runs on Windows, and mere 5% runs on OSX, who would you target?
    The market share myth is exactly that: a myth. It has little or nothing to do with market share.
    But as that percentage begins to increase
    It already has increased, while the number of viruses that run on current Mac systems has decreased... to zero.
    ... and the typical Mac user has more money that the typical Windows user
    You can't determine a person's wealth by the computer they have. Some are millionaires and spend $500 on a computer because it's not that important to them. Some are struggling to survive and spend every penny they can borrow to buy the latest gear. If you measure a person's financial strength by the type of computer they have, Mac users would rank higher in most cases, since Macs are more expensive than PCs with the same specs.

    Your arguments have no basis in fact.

    The Mac Malware Myth (
    Apple market share tops 10%, Windows share lowest since tracking began (

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  • view london railway map

  • Eidorian
    May 3, 10:12 AM
    Dual ports should have been on the notebooks as well.

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  • uk postcode map software

  • millertime021
    Apr 4, 12:52 PM
    Boom Headshot (

    Sounds like they got what they deserved.

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  • Ad - London, Greater

  • Amazing Iceman
    Mar 30, 11:55 AM
    I'm thinkin' Apple should have gone with "iApp Store" (u heard it here FIRST! Let me get a trademark/patent on that) b/c Microsoft is just a big ole' :D

    It's not easy to pronounce "iApp Store". It wouldn't have worked out too well.

    Apple should have patented "AppStore" as one word instead of two words "App Store". Or should have patented both to be safe.

    Anyways, phonetically both sound the same, and that may be a good argument; it worked for Microsoft when they sued "Lindows".

    Postcode Map Greater London. Map
  • Map

  • prady16
    Sep 19, 02:35 PM
    This report might be a little misleading.
    I am sure that Movie studios planning to invest millions in offering their movies throught iTMS would wait for more than just 1 week to make their decision. It is not a small business move like just some extra cash. It is far bigger than that!

    Also, user satisfaction is important in judging the actual success of the store itself since it would rely quite a lot on repeat buyers and regular customers. And so far, the customer satisfaction does not seem to be highly inspiring.

    Postcode Map Greater London. Greenwich London SE10 0PL
  • Greenwich London SE10 0PL

  • Bibulous
    Sep 19, 04:52 PM
    Don't forget that Apple servers will be the weakest link here. Amazon servers were overcrowded the first days, leading to downloads of 8+ hours (and you can only rent them for 24 hours (or buy them, of course))
    They will have to build/purchase a data center or two

    They did last February -

    Wonder if they are using it for iTunes?

    Postcode Map Greater London. Pm and hangouts in london wb
  • Pm and hangouts in london wb

  • CJM
    Aug 31, 11:38 AM
    ... Who cares about iTunes?

    I've been putting off a new mac for YEARS! Gief Core Duo 2 iMacs!

    Postcode Map Greater London. gt;gt;gt;VIEW FARE ZONES ON A MAP OF

  • gugy
    Aug 28, 12:39 PM
    I dream of a new macbook pro enclosure...

    wake up then, because it won't happen for awhile.
    The current enclosure is very nice, so why change it?

    Postcode Map Greater London. British Isles Postcode map
  • British Isles Postcode map

  • johneaston
    Apr 22, 03:35 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    So this cloud thing will allow me to listen to my music on multiple devices that have an internet connection.

    Well I can already listen to my music on my MacBook, iPad and iPhone so why would I want it?

    Postcode Map Greater London. North London Map - Route
  • North London Map - Route

  • Rhema
    Sep 16, 01:54 PM
    ok, so...I wrote this really really really long message, and by the time I had submited it, I had been logged out, and so I lost the whole message. So I'm going to re-write it, but in a much shorter version

    Basically I listed all the Ideas I had for the Apple Smartphone. What made the message so long was that I also explained why I wanted each type of feature. I'm going to try and stay away from doing that this time and just list the features but keep in mind that I agree that a lot of these things are a stretch.

    - first, call it iMobile instead of iPhone
    - have a full size screen that is a touchscreen.
    - have the screen slide up to reveal the keyboard
    - have atleast 30 gigs of storage.
    - iSight that can rotate. For taking images and having the screen as a viewer, and having the iSight pointed at you for video conferencing
    - Use the EvDO technology that the sony treo700 uses that is supposed to be "near broadband speeds"

    - iPod interface
    - mobile iTunes Store, able to download music, shows, and movies on the go.
    - ability to record sounds and voices
    - ability to record video
    - mobile versions of Mail, Address Book, Calender, iPhoto (displaying photos you take or upload) and able to sync perfectly
    - mobile Safari
    - mobile stickies (more like a notepad type feature)
    - bluetooth ( using headsets, but also using the phone as a remote for keynote and the soon to be released iTV
    - radio tuner ( i know this is pretty simple, but why not?)
    - GPS like system, or atleast a built in mobile google maps? (possibly even mobile google earth
    -mobile iChat (since iChat can connect to aim and other services)
    - mobile widgets (my sidekick has a lot of programs that you can download for it, most of them being a lot more powerful than most widgets) imagine having the "find the cheapest gas station" widget, get our your phone, bring it up, put in the zip code of wherever you happen to be, see where the cheapest place to get gas is.
    - the ability to remote desktop into your mac. (would have to install software on your mac that would create connection for you) gives you the ability just to browse through you desktop's files, if you forgot a file that you need and lets you download it on to your phone.
    - Also, lets you use the phone as a bluetooth modem for your computer.

    I'm sure there is more..but I'll stop there

    Postcode Map Greater London. DELIVERY AREA POSTCODES:

  • Vegasman
    Apr 28, 11:06 PM
    I've always wondered what Windows's market share comes from pirated copies of Windows. There's a lot of pirated copies out there.. a lot..

    And they still managed to sell 350 million licenses of Windows 7 in 18 months. That's insane! I am telling you... I would like to sit in that room in either Redmond or Cupertino where you see the profit tote board being updated every second, or every minute or whatever. It must just make someone dizzy. It's like 45,000$ a minute. Of profit! Ridicurous. :)

    Postcode Map Greater London. Raphael House Ilford Postcode
  • Raphael House Ilford Postcode

  • Mattsasa
    Apr 30, 06:47 PM
    Glad, hoping for a redesign, but probably unlikely, also would be great to see the yellow tint issue resolved..

    Yea I don't think I redesign is likely, Apple likes the current one still, and it is pretty nice IMO

    Postcode Map Greater London. London Postcode and
  • London Postcode and

  • nick9191
    Apr 14, 03:35 PM
    Why doesn't Intel just not support USB 3 and allow Thunderbolt to be used on other manufacturers chipsets? I mean I'm all for competition, but if one port is obviously superior but could potentially fail due to lack of adoption..

    Postcode Map Greater London. File:Greater london outline
  • File:Greater london outline

  • 08Hawks
    Mar 23, 04:53 PM
    Tell them NO ! No ! NO ! The States/Cities do not enforce the Law to the extreme like they should after the 1st offense !!!!! What difference does it make if all you are going to do is smack their little hand the first few times !!!! The folks that are going to break the law are going to break the law no matter what !!! Also I might add that I have seen here in the greater Kansas City Mo area that the newspapers post the areas anyway ...

    Postcode Map Greater London. Address, Postcode, Map and
  • Address, Postcode, Map and

  • tortoise
    Sep 20, 02:40 PM
    The only reason why CDMA is basically only in the US is because it was still being developed while the EU jumped on GSM and endorsed it for every country. If your reason why CDMA is terrible is due to limited use, then, that's at best poor reasoning.

    Finally, someone gets it right.

    CDMA is technically superior to GSM just about any way you care to measure it. GSM's widespread adoption in Europe was by fiat as a protectionist measure for European telecom companies, primarily because the European technology providers did not want to license CDMA from an American company. CDMA was basically slandered six ways to Sunday to justify using GSM. It was nothing more than a case of Not Invented Here writ large and turf protection. This early rapid push to standardize on GSM in as many places as possible as a strategic hedge gave them a strong market position in most of the rest of the world. In the US, the various protocols had to fight it out on the open market which took time to sort itself out.

    Ultimately, the GSM consortium lost and Qualcomm got the last laugh because the technology does not scale as well as CDMA. Every last telecom equipment provider in Europe has since licensed the CDMA technology, and some version of the technology is part of the next generation cellular infrastructure under a few different names.

    While GSM has better interoperability globally, I would make the observation that CDMA works just fine in the US, which is no small region of the planet and the third most populous country. For many people, the better quality is worth it.

    Mar 23, 06:36 PM
    I prefer to see the apps pulled. Some apps are best not available. Maybe we could add others, like the locations of the various whorehouses, and best corners for buying drugs.

    It certainly doesn't hurt to add to Apple's No Porn standards.
    But why? Trapster has been around for a long time telling people about red light cams and speed traps. Haven't heard any complaints about it warning people about these things.

    So how is warning someone about a DUI check point any different? I mean if I want to run red light and speed today I would want to know where the red light cams and speed traps are right? These things are illegal too :rolleyes:

    Sep 14, 08:04 AM
    Most likely. I'm not a betting person, but Apple usually rolls out new pro machines during these types of events and what better way to show off the MBPs running C2D than a demonstration of Aperture 2.0. :)

    Sep 5, 10:43 AM
    Wow, AppleInsider is making a lot of predictions! (And it's usually the most accurate source because it tends to be rather conservative). Either it's going to be an exciting month, or there will be a lot of disappointed MacRumors readers...

    Apr 4, 12:12 PM
    The suspect was killed? Good.

    Western society is far too soft on crime.

    I feel sorry for the security guard for what he has been through / will go through.. but not the suspect.

    American Tax payers money has been saved for the suspect's jail time, who will probably re-offend again after he gets out.

    Apr 4, 12:06 PM
    Was It really necessary to kill him?

    Actually, yes it was necessary. He was trying to protect his own life.

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