porsche 996 wheel

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  • W1MRK
    Apr 16, 05:20 PM
    Heres mine for April

    Might I ask where you found this picture please ?

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  • drewsof07
    Oct 10, 07:45 PM
    Just a snapshot from last year :)



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  • bigbadneil
    Apr 24, 04:41 AM
    Bump bmp

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  • akrocker29
    Mar 6, 01:59 AM
    Hi, I have unsuccessfully searched the internet for the past 3 hours trying to find a way to jailbreak my ipod in order to play NES games. Help please? I have a PC, if that makes a difference.

    Also, does jailbreaking lower the battery life.

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  • robbieduncan
    Sep 24, 01:26 PM
    I'm using this (http://www.scan.co.uk/Products/ProductInfo.asp?WebProductID=117458) in my 15" PowerBook. �85 (+around �10 for delivery)...

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  • Mr. Anderson
    Aug 19, 12:15 AM

    damn, I like that - but few if any will really understand.

    Nice one, gets my vote :D


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  • maya
    Jan 12, 02:30 AM
    Open Safari--->Preferences--->General-->drop down menu default browser and choose. :)

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  • santaliqueur
    May 2, 04:53 PM
    Except that the question "male to male sex" is discriminatory. It doesn't ask you "received anal sex", it asks you about your sexual orientation. Plain and simple, discriminatory and non-scientific because male-to-female sex has the exact same risks.

    Has the exact same risks on an individual basis. But statistically, gay males have a higher-than-average ratio of HIV. Not sure about other STDs, but I would guess it's the same as HIV. Not passing judgment here, just pointing out that as a whole, gay males have a higher rate of HIV.

    Disclaimer (or flame suit): I don't care about gay marriage one way or the other. In fact, I wish the government would stay out of ALL marriage, gay or straight. Apart from identifying domestic partnerships for tax purposes (something any two adults should be able to enter into), the government has no business establishing marriage definitions. Your church may vary, and you may choose to believe whatever you wish, but our tax dollars should be used more effectively, than to ban two gay dudes from getting married. Stay out of my business, and I will stay out of yours. Promise.

    Rant over! :)

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  • rtdunham
    Nov 20, 09:43 PM
    This second version would incoporate Apple's iChat software and may be dubbed "iChat mobile". According to Wu, Instant Messaging (rather than email) would be the focus of the device.

    i think i'm missing something. my cheapo sprint phone text messages. my daughters' phones do. the person sitting next to me at the football game yesterday was IM'g. is the ability to IM something that belongs in the second version of an apple phone? how many new phones lack that ability, as the first version iPhone presumably would? i need a perspective. thanks.

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  • NathanMuir
    May 6, 06:20 PM
    Everything you need to know is in this thread (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=487856).

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  • Burger King
    Apr 27, 08:20 PM
    I am trying to decide if you are serious. I suspect most people here understand what a cache is. I think most have a pretty good idea about cell tower triangulation. We are the people SJ is talking about. I'm not sure what the point about understanding technology is about - why do we NEED to know how a smartphone does what it does? It would be nice to understand what features can be turned off if we feel it is outside our comfort zone.

    A user may not be bothered about his firewall, he wants it to do what it supposed to. Do you think that the average person would be happy that it sends a feed of the traffic back to the OEM to target the owner for advertising? I seem to remember Belkin had a similar issue some years ago and hurriedly rushed out a firmware update after it was caught.

    There are a few Chicken Littles on this forum who masquerade as mind readers of Apples true intentions pertaining to the use of technical data but obviously need remedial education.
    Hopefully it would enlighten them before they continually regurgitate their same tiring drivel over and over.

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  • Vegasman
    Apr 27, 12:49 PM
    Apple's attitude about this stuf has always been very positive. I'm totally willing to believe that all this stuff was an oversight since believing that matches what they've said in the past.

    Weren't they made aware of this almost a year ago? That's a long time to address an oversight.

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  • MrSmith
    Oct 18, 07:09 PM

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  • Shaved Kitty
    Jun 15, 10:09 PM

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  • Lord Blackadder
    Jan 10, 05:55 PM
    The car market here just plain sucks. There are not many useful models available. Mostly gas guzzling garbage or expensive luxury trash SUV's. Well each people gets the cars that they deserve..........

    I'm not a one-dimensional eco-freak, but I would like to see more economical cars on the road. A couple years ago I was in the market for a used car and was shopping for either a Golf TDI or Golf 1.8 T. Very different engines, but both gave something - in one case good economy, in the other case good performance. I ended up being unable to find either and got a Subaru Forester.

    I'm still hoping Subaru make good on their original promise of bringing the diesel over to the US.

    Still, some of the new small cars coming to the US are promising.

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  • akrocker29
    Mar 6, 03:44 AM
    Nvm. figured out how to JB. However, once I got loader on there, i was unable to get it to download Cydia. It said I had no disc space, but I had just restored, so the iPod was empty. Hmm..

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  • r.j.s
    May 1, 08:43 PM
    Yes, System Preferences > Security > General > Disable Automatic Login

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  • JGowan
    Aug 13, 01:08 PM

    I recently designed publicity for the play, HARVEY. Many might be aware of the movie of the same name starring Jimmy Stewart. The play is about an eccentric guy who starts seeing this 6-foot White Rabbit that wears human clothing. Is he crazy or does he really have a new best friend?

    The actual poster is here (http://www.gowan.us/harvey). It was put together with eight different source photos.

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  • OdduWon
    Nov 23, 01:19 PM
    Looks like Apple has some new competition (http://www.jitterbug.com/promotions/101106_landing.asp) :D

    lol TelePod clam shell

    Feb 20, 04:50 AM

    Mar 8, 03:09 PM
    Hey everyone,

    CafeMacs.com is a website/forum for all Mac users! It's a great site, and we're not too big yet, but we're looking to grow. We "need" more members to make the forums more active, so if you have some free time and feel like checkin it out, don't be afraid to register and make some posts!

    Ryan, a.k.a Plymouthbreezer :)

    Jan 12, 04:58 PM
    The 2.0T engine is cool, since it effectively did about 230hp at the crank, very impressive for a 4cyl engine. It made the V6 look bad.

    My qualm isn't the engine, it was the way they packaged it - and they DID fix this on the later runs (I think on the 2009 models you could get the I4s equipped every bit as well as the V6).

    But in it led me to buying a 300C instead - and after hearing about stuff on vwvortex I really didn't feel bad about that decision. As for the 5cyl, it is competent but I don't see the point to it - people should be buying a TDI instead, and the 5cyl is a noisy odd engine. >>

    Apr 28, 07:26 AM
    Dude... if you're dropping 90% of your calls on the iPhone 3G then you should have talked to AT&T. They would have given you a personal cell tower to fix your signal issue. Your iPhone has nothing to do with your poor signal strength.

    The reason I drop so many calls is that most of my phone calls are made on the drive home from work and AT&T has several dead zones along that drive. It's not like I'm out in the boonies, either. I'm never more than a couple of miles away from an interstate.

    The thing that pisses me off more than anything is the fact that I'll look at the phone immediately after dropping the call and see 3-4 bars of 3G signal. I think AT&T's towers are just overloaded or poor quality. I'm well aware that it isn't the phone's fault, which is why I want to switch to Verizon. But I refuse to pay to switch to a new carrier just to get a phone that is 10 months old and has a well-known problem with its antenna. Not to mention the fact that almost every other manufacturer will have a 4G compatible phone by the time Apple gets around to producing one.

    I don't want to lock in a 2 year contract on already obsolete technology.

    Apr 9, 10:39 PM
    Try this one:

    tell application "Mail"
    set latestMessage to content of first message of inbox
    end tell


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