park jung min ss501

park jung min ss501. Park Jung-Min#39;s (from SS501)
  • Park Jung-Min#39;s (from SS501)

  • charlituna
    May 4, 11:09 AM
    Ok a couple of things

    Assume Apple and Amazon have the same deals with the record labels which is most likely the case.

    Sure, they both have a deal that lets the labels set the prices. And the labels are underselling their digital copies on Amazon.

    It is actually more likely they don't have the same deal. MP3 like Kindle files are loss leaders for Amazon. They are there and cheap to draw folks to the website where they will buy other more profitable things. That can only be done if Amazon has price control.

    That they are being used that way has gotten the public ire of the publishers and soon the labels will probably start talking smack as well

    park jung min ss501. Park Jung Min will release his
  • Park Jung Min will release his

  • Mord
    Apr 25, 03:15 AM
    While no one deserving to be rape or rob no matter what they are doing/ wearing and the person who did said things should be punished to the full extent of the law it does not remove a factor that some people do a very poor job and managing their risk profil.

    We can not control how others will act but we can control our risk profile and our behavior.
    Examples of managing our risk profile is saying out of bad parts of town if possible and avoid it at night. Girls avoiding wearing clothing that gets them to be a target and travel in well lite places and have a male escort.

    It is about managing the risk profile. Now if someone gets raped I am not going to blame the victim but people should try to avoid being an easy target because even though legally and morally you are complete in the write still does not remove the fact that you have to live with the results of what was done to you.

    Think about this. Lets say you get in an auto accident and T-Bone some dumb ass who ran a red light and nothing you could really do to avoid it and sad dumb ass is killed. Even though you could not do anything to avoid it you still have to live with that guilt that you killed another human being and many people that is really hard on them even though there was nothing they could of done to avoid it.

    You're well meaning Rodimus so I'll tone down my response. Do you not think it's a little misogynistic to suggest women stay under the protection of a man? I also don't think that clothing even makes all that much difference as a rapist would typically forcibly remove it anyway. I've been the victim of a few sexual assaults in the past and I wasn't dressed particularly noteworthily at the time. Though every time I go out clubbing I don't really wear much at all, yet have never had trouble walking back through leeds at 5AM.

    If I wished to take every precaution against such things happening again it would utterly devastate my social life, where do you draw the line? Personally I'd rater be an occasional victim of unwanted attention than a constant victim of my own fear.

    I do though take your point, but only upon the condition that victim blaming is utterly unacceptable in any form and that encouraging people take such precautions should never ever mean that we should stop every effort to bring such people to justice and make every effort to stop these things from happening.

    I would beat the hell out of any dude that was in the same bathroom as my daughter.

    I'm curious as to what exactly you think any such person would do exactly? You ignoring your obvious prejudice here on a pragmatic level where on earth is the harm? They'll see your daughter wash her hands? Maybe touch up some makeup?

    If someone was set on molesting your daughter they'd do it, they wouldn't dress up as a woman to make their way into the female toilets to do so, they'd just do it. Besides, do you like beating up cleaners? Plenty of female loos have male attendees.

    If you don't have a daughter, then you don't have a clue.
    I have seen some transgenders, and I have nothing to say to them.

    So, you've seen some people who fall under the very broad category of "transgender", a category that includes various people who dress as female who don't and quite rightly don't use the female loos and thus you feel entitled to judge them all out of hand, and you're not going to admit that this is anything but prejudiced bigotry. Because you've "seen some"

    I'd bet you've also seen and talked to a couple too just without knowing it. I know I have over the years only to find out later on. One of the great PR issues for transgender people is that whenever they start to blend with regular society they become invisible, though I guess with people like you around it's more of a blessing than an issue.

    the fact is nobody knows the facts ... it could have been a Man trying to disguise himself as a Woman to gain access to the Woman's washroom.

    maybe he was not a transgender and was a threat to young girls in the bathroom.

    I don't think anybody has all the facts ... he was hardly beaten to the point where this thread is labeled "almost killed"

    Not that I accept that surgery even matters but how do you expect to tell exactly? A mandatory full body scanner before entering? I'm going to refer you to my earlier question, where's the harm?

    Why on earth would a potential rapist bother "disguising" himself as a woman? I challenge you to cite a single case where this has actually occurred.

    If he still has "parts" down there ... he belongs in the Men's washroom

    Her parts are none of your business, or anyone's really.

    IMO the Men's washroom ... until he finishes with the transformation ... he is still just a cross dresser

    Ignoring the fact that she by her own omission has finished with it, even if she had not she would not be a crossdresser. There's more to sex and gender than an inny or an outy.

    park jung min ss501. Park Jung Min SS501 Vocalist
  • Park Jung Min SS501 Vocalist

  • Stridder44
    Dec 1, 04:20 PM
    I do, and so does anyone who has a classic environment of System 7 and earlier for classic compatibility reasons.

    Granted you can use TCP/IP on some of these, however the reliability of such extensions on early versions of Classic leaves much to be desired. I however turn off Appletalk when I am away from my home network.

    lol system 7? Why?? No one runs Windows 95 for fun...

    park jung min ss501. Tag:Facebook, Park Jung Min,
  • Tag:Facebook, Park Jung Min,

  • vincenz
    Apr 28, 04:57 PM
    Imagine if someone at Foxconn accidentally hit the number next to the one he was supposed to hit ;)

    park jung min ss501. SS501′s Park Jung Min has set
  • SS501′s Park Jung Min has set

  • iShater
    Sep 26, 11:11 AM
    I'll bring my systems back online 24/7. I kinda got tires of the locked up core on my macs so I fold only on my pc laptop during the day.

    park jung min ss501. Park Jung Min, SS501 Tags:
  • Park Jung Min, SS501 Tags:

  • Nemesis
    Oct 23, 05:33 PM
    This is great news!

    So more and more people will finally realise that running Mac OS X only is far, far, far cheaper, more stabile and less troublesome.

    Way to go Microsoft, we love you! Please make Business Edition three times more expensive too, make software registration five time more complicated and annoying as hell, include more ironcurtain restrictions, so people can buy more and more Macs.

    park jung min ss501. SS501 Park JungMin 07
  • SS501 Park JungMin 07

  • Mr. Chewbacca
    Mar 31, 10:29 AM
    As long as it still syncs with mobile me Ill stay happy :D

    park jung min ss501. SS501′s Park Jung Min has set
  • SS501′s Park Jung Min has set

  • anthonylambert
    Apr 14, 04:02 AM
    The next operating system version of Mac Os would be XI as in 11. That isn't very Apple like and could easily be changed to iX could it not?

    I'm going for Lion being able to run iOS apps.... using a rosetta like Arm emulator connecting to a native Intel compiled IOS library/cocoaTouch layer.

    park jung min ss501. Tags: Jung Min, ss501
  • Tags: Jung Min, ss501

  • StealthGhost
    Mar 17, 12:50 AM
    Was at Brea this morning and it was pretty good. They received about 50 or so iPads with a lot of 16GB Black Wifi. I'd recommend getting there no later than 5:30 if you want to be in the top 15. First person in line arrived at 4:30 today. Insane.

    Also, last word of advice on Brea, make sure you get INTO the mall. Find an employee entrance to enter through. The line starts AT THE APPLE STORE! Not outside the mall. Good luck.

    Lastly, don't plan on picking one up at Best Buy. There is a huge list to get them already and Best Buy will not have inventory for quite some time.

    Ouch that is early. I could probably make it an hour before they open but not 5 lol. Don't know if it would even be worth it at that point. Maybe a week from now?

    park jung min ss501. SS501 member Park Jung-min
  • SS501 member Park Jung-min

  • Prom1
    Oct 19, 02:01 AM
    Quite a bit here. And this coming from Proud Mac owners, and Apple supporters.

    1 > The Intel CPU or platform change is gonna make HUGE strides over to Mac OS X. Multiple OS' on one machine is just pure bliss. I've got 3 ppl at work considering the switch all because of the XEON cpu & the ability to run 3 OS (MS Vista, Linux of their choice, and finally MAC OS X); but their just considering because they'll need to upgrade their hardware regardless.

    2> The MacBook Pro is due for a case colour change or revision. Its basically the PowerBook G4's case with an iSight, save for MagLite and few other things. But what will Apple make of the case? Polycarbonate, Magnesium Alloy with carbonfibre chassis? Better heat dissappation?

    3> Mac Pro; great case. Its not gonna change anytime soon, and I for one realize its Apple's Monolith machine. Heck if you dont want your G5 PowerMac or Mac Pro I'll be more than gratuitous in receiving it as a hand-me-down.

    4> I think this qtr we'll see a slowdown of iPod Nano sales due to the new aluminum enclosure, doesnt have that esthetic appeal to it; but its personal preference.

    With MW07 quickly approaching, I think the Mac Pro will get significant sales from those that are waiting, due to recent purchases - cleaning out their old G4 PowerMac closets to make way for new Xeon Core 2 Duo machines.

    With Vista awaiting to be released, I really think Apple should align their Marketing campaign to be double sided. Either cheeky to poke fun at lack of innovation and revolution to the Vista OS - but NOT at the user! Remember its actually a benefit that the end user can use the Mac Pro or Mac Book series & iMac to install Vista should the user choose to. Market this as a choice something the end user doesnt get at the office ;) Secondly I think Apple should REALLY push the features, power, security, frequent updates to improve an owners system, ALL as a viable reason to own & use both the Mac & OS X! I thought OS X is supposed to sell the hardware, well damnit Apple ADVERTISE IT!

    Bring in the big guns Apple to SHOW consumers, small business', family's etc. Get Software companies to advertise how powerful, efficient and productive their products are. How efficient users are USING the Mac. Come up with a low budget, effective direct perspective of how the Mac OS X is. Appeal to the IT Professional, appeal to the family, appeal to the rebel youth, appeal to the manager of a SOHO business, highlight business partners success that use your hardware to make their success.

    park jung min ss501. Tags: park jung min, SS501
  • Tags: park jung min, SS501

  • chameleon81
    Apr 25, 08:13 PM
    iMac with thunderbolt! (but I want macbook / macbook pro with hi-res screen more)

    Btw, do Apple usually give free updates to customers who bought the computer a time period (say 2 months) before new OS release?

    Thunderbolt port for nothing? There isn't a single product on the market yet.

    park jung min ss501. On 3rd Apr 2011, Park Jung Min
  • On 3rd Apr 2011, Park Jung Min

  • appleguy123
    Apr 30, 10:07 PM
    Which is why the real party begins after we know you are gone. When the kids are away, the adults will play. ;)

    Do words have no meaning? There can be no party without me there!

    park jung min ss501. SS501′s Park Jung Min will be
  • SS501′s Park Jung Min will be

  • applemagic123
    Apr 23, 07:21 PM
    Finally, is all I have to say. People have been unlocking and jaibreaking their iphones ever since 2007 to be on tmobile. Apple is finally catching up with the rest of society. It's absolutely ridiculous it has taken this long for tmobile to have the iphone in the usa.

    park jung min ss501. SS501 member Park Jung-min
  • SS501 member Park Jung-min

  • GilGrissom
    Jul 25, 10:27 AM
    This is great but I do have a question..
    Since it's bluetooth and Apple says it works within 30 ft.What happens if you're in a starbucks and other people have bluetooth turned on ?
    Will they be able to "hack" your Mighty Mouse?
    I pressume it's no different from every other bluetooth device, other bluetooth mice, mobile phones, headsets etc etc.

    There is bound to be a way, but not common place. The usual code pairing should do the trick like every other Tom, Dick and Harry (or even Alvin, Simon and Theodore!) BT device.

    park jung min ss501. SS501#39;s Park Jung Min has high
  • SS501#39;s Park Jung Min has high

  • cgriff44
    Jul 28, 11:31 AM
    There are many reasons why I think MIcrosoft's efforts are not going to top Apple:

    First off....Zune? WTF is Zune? What meaning does it have? Just from the name it sounds like they are trying way too hard. At least iPod works in conjunction to Apple's other line of products and it makes sense. Zune isn't even a word. iPod is a much friendly and cooler name than Zune.

    Second, the Zune looks like a cheap knockoff of the iPod, and its already been deemed the "iPod Killer". Ok, you aren't going to kill the iPod by imitating it. Knockoffs are never cooler than the original. Plus we are talking about Microsoft here, when is the last time they ever did any innovation in the computing industry?

    Third off, since they suck at innovating and all they can do is immitate, they will always be one step behind Apple and Apple is already years ahead of them and have a stronghold on the music download industry.

    But, I'll invite Zune into the market. Since Apple doesn't really have any competition this could create enough competition to make the iPod lineup even better than they arlready are.

    park jung min ss501. Tags: park jung min, SS501
  • Tags: park jung min, SS501

  • formerpc
    Apr 16, 01:20 AM
    I feel bad for all of you GSM iPhone users. I really do.

    Meanwhile I'm enjoying a flawless iPhone experience on my CDMA iPhone 4. ;)

    I upgraded to 4.2.7 four hours ago and my battery has gone down from 52% to 48% (with moderate usage). So.. yeah. Pretty much unchanged at this point. :D

    park jung min ss501. Park Jung Min
  • Park Jung Min

  • DotCom2
    Apr 13, 09:48 PM
    Meh. Too late.

    park jung min ss501. Group SS501 Park JungMin
  • Group SS501 Park JungMin

  • meepm00pmeep
    Oct 24, 07:46 AM
    i mean for everyone who waited this long, Santa Rosa is coming up soon, so why not wait for that as well? i say get what you need when you need it... there will always be newer tech down the line

    park jung min ss501. SS501#39;s Park Jung Min reveals
  • SS501#39;s Park Jung Min reveals

  • blevins321
    May 1, 11:38 PM
    You know, I really wish that Osama wouldn't have died in the firefight. As a country, we could have come with a more unique sendoff that would have struck fear into our enemies a bit more than a quick gunshot. Reruns of Jack Bauer's tactics come to mind.

    Apr 21, 04:13 PM
    I'm happy with my 2.13 Ghz 13" MBA right now.
    I have and enjoy it now - that's what counts!

    So, it's only my lust for 11" might push me to "upgrade" this year .... and only if they add SD reader and keyboard backlight :p

    But a year from now, I certainly will be happy to switch to Intel GPU
    I hear it'll be much upgraded in Ivy Bridge - twice as fast and stuff

    Apr 29, 01:50 AM
    Ok, that works if you are thinking of getting a cellphone vs. not getting a cellphone.

    But when you are thinking of getting what type of cellphone, no, it doesn't count. Cause by deciding you are getting a cellphone but trying to decide which type, you already committed to buying the plan,what type of cellphone does not affect the cost of the plan, you are going to pay it regardless. So the cost of the plan really doesn't count for the cost of the cellphone when you are comparing cellphones together.

    Maybe if we were comparing getting a landline to a cellphone (where the costs of the service for the landline are going to be drastically different).

    Or even if we were comparing going from AT&T to Verizon there might be some small difference. So only if the cellphones are on different networks (with the iphone though, this only matters if you are comparing to a T-Mobile or Sprint phone as you can get an iphone on either AT&T or Verizon so the plan cost will be the same for the iphone as whatever other phone you want to get on either network).

    You still don't get the point.

    The point is when we are comparing different cellphones to each other, the service doesn't matter cause if you are getting the cellphone, you are going to pay the service regardless and which cellphone you get isn't going to affect the service's price. Therefore it is irrelevant when talking cost of one cellphone vs. another to bring in the cost o the contract.

    Total cost matters. And since you are going to have to pay the monthly payment even if you don't use the phone one second or download even one byte, then, yes, the plan is part of the total cost of the phone.

    Without the plan, the 3GS costs $449 not $49.

    The monthly cost for a 3GS will be higher than the initial payment. And my example is with the cheapest plan I could get, with a more expensive plan the difference in what you pay for the phone will matter even less. And mccldwll has an excellent point about the value of the phone at the end of contract period.

    Anyone who is unable to pay the extra $150 up front, probably shouldn't get a phone with a plan that will at least cost you $55/month. And if go for the cheapest plan, then what's the point of getting a smart phone?

    Is there actually anyone here who would buy a 3GS over a 4? Anyone who thinks that's a good idea? For themselves? Considering that most people here are talking about waiting for the 4S/5.

    Oct 24, 09:27 AM
    It was about time......runs to get credit card :D :D :D :D

    Apr 14, 01:00 PM
    As always, jailbreakers should not update to this software... it is an obvious release to patch up PwnageTool exploit.

    Apr 22, 07:16 AM
    Record-breaking quarters and the position as the trend-setter in consumer tech.

    These legal skirmishes haven't and won't result in any major untoward changes to Apple products. We all know this already.

    Are you seriously suggesting that Apple is beyond the law because of record breaking quarters? :rolleyes:

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