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  • flynz4
    May 1, 12:21 AM
    I ahve an older HP wireless printer. The Printer is asking for a WEP for the network 13 or 26 characters. Where can I find the AE WEP?

    WEP is very insecure... and I would not use WEP for my wireless network security. All contemporary equipment (I think since 2004) supports WPA2. I would ditch the old printer before I lowered my security to WEP. Alternatively, I would attach it via wire to your router, or via USB to one computer and then share it.


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  • ravenvii
    Dec 25, 12:48 PM
    Actually, turns out you can't share your AirPort while connected to a wireless network. You can only set the AirPort card to communicate with the wireless network OR create a wireless network of it's own, not both.

    Great. I wanted to play online with my Nintendo DS, but it can only understand WEP security, not WAP, and I'm not going to turn my basestation back to WEP.

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  • chopchop
    Apr 24, 01:39 PM
    Thanks Carlgo -

    I should have mentioned that I tried cleaning too - before I tried a different keyboard.

    Thanks again though!

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  • Applejuiced
    May 4, 11:18 PM
    If you want everything gone you have to restore and setup as new.
    If you restore from your JB backup on file some stuff might carry over.

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  • MrMacMan
    Jul 23, 10:48 PM
    You can also 'install from CD' in the bottom thing in VPC 6 which is what I did, somehow I got no OS installed when it came *wtf*

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  • dpaanlka
    Aug 12, 07:32 PM
    Someone should make a program just for you? ;) :rolleyes:

    I would hardly say it's *just for me* :rolleyes: The SETI@home FAQ says this:

    Q: Is there an OS 9 client?
    A: SETI@home can run on computers that have System 7.5.5 or higher installed. See the download page for the Classic Mac client for other system requirements: http://setiathome.ssl.berkeley.edu/mac.html.

    However, the link is broken.

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  • macstudent
    Nov 18, 12:28 PM
    RE: Object Styles.

    That would be a good work around too.

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  • gigemzach
    Apr 21, 11:17 PM
    I'm pretty sure it is unlimited.

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  • Drucifer
    Dec 27, 01:02 PM
    Question about the InCase Slider. I like to also have a screen protector on my device and I'm wondering if I can get the screen protector on and still use the InCase Slider. I was able to do this with the older Gen iPod Touch but I just want to make sure the screen protector doesn't start to peel around the sides because of the case.

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  • nyprospect
    Feb 1, 11:28 PM
    Hi.I just purchased a shuttle lcd monitor.I took it out of the box and prayed to the lcd gods for no dead or lit pixels.lo and behold one bright yellow or white pixel in the corner.Does any have a problem like this and is fine with it.will there be more?

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  • Kate Hudson | Style Blog

  • efoto
    Dec 9, 08:34 AM
    There are lay-ins from either smalldog or radtech that work well. They work to simply cover the keys from contacting the screen (especially keeping your finger oils off of it) which will help to avoid the bright squares some people have on their screens.

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  • Plumbstone
    Mar 5, 10:46 AM
    The guitar rig mobile is designed to DI your guitar straight into your computer, the output from a mic, especially a dynamic mic like the Shure will be considerably quieter and if you simply crack up the input on the GRmobile you'll probably find that everything gets very noisy.

    Have you tried this set-up yet? if so what issues if any are you having?

    You may need to get a separate mic pre amp, but then that will give you a line level, which is probably going to be too hot for your input.

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  • Nermal
    Oct 12, 04:32 PM
    I have a web app where users can upload listings, and I'm popping up a message asking whether they want to add photos.

    function askAddPhotos(id)

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  • mad jew
    Dec 19, 01:14 AM
    Yeah, but apparently some are better than others. I've heard of people getting replacements for particularly bad ones. The replacements still have lines, but they're not as visible. :)

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  • Kate Hudson Hairstyles

  • dazzer21
    Nov 16, 07:05 AM
    I'm using InDesign (CS3) to create various items of collateral with common elements. Some of those elements contain type with drop shadows on and a lot of the time, the differences between one item and another (say a leaflet and a banner) requires the various elements to be grouped and scaled up or down.

    Unfortunately, when scaling these items, the drop shadows appear to keep their original absolute settings - for instance 100pt copy with a 5mm offset shadow, when scaled to twice the size shows 200pt copy with a 5mm offset shadow, as opposed to the 10mm offset it should be. Am I missing something on the preferences or is this the norm? If so, is there a solution/workaround?

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  • ibook30
    Apr 15, 03:26 PM
    I'm seeing the same ad for Family Dollar. It's obnoxiously large (have to scroll right to X it out.)

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  • Kate Hudson Hairstyle Try on

  • TheOriginalKi
    May 6, 10:21 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    IMAP doesn't sync contacts - you can use your exchange setup to sync mail, contacts, and calendars (and I believe notes, not 100% on that one), is there a reason why you wouldn't do that?

    Exchange wont do notes nor will it allow you to change the delete button to archive. I guess I'll just leave it as it is as it's working fine - I just wondered if I was missing some way to sync contacts via IMAP.

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  • Kate Hudson Hairstyle

  • likemyorbs
    Apr 9, 12:28 AM
    Put the ipad in DFU mode and restore with new firmware. Worked for me.

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  • sarah3
    Feb 26, 07:33 AM
    Thanks. I realized I had the "manually manage music and videos" box checked which I think was messing me up.

    Apr 30, 03:03 PM
    Don't. The original reply was right - you should use Spotlight for searching system-wide.

    Setting a depth of infinity in the Catalog will cause Quicksilver to slow down considerably. Put the folders you most access there, and set a depth of 0, 1 or 2.

    May 3, 06:09 PM
    Alright. I'm pretty sure that it is my 3g connection. It went to Edge for a second and started working SLOWLY.. but working. But when on 3g, it usually tries to load but then says no internet connection...
    How is this fixed, anyone?

    It be nice to get a new phone as my home button doesn't click as well, also my sleep button it pushed in and is hard to push.
    But no warranty when I bought it first day they came out.

    Apr 29, 07:57 AM
    Hey there, I had a question about external hard drives. I have a USB external drive hooked up to my Mac mini that is mainly used to playing media through Plex. It plays back any files just fine directly from the hard drive, but what is kind of annoying is waiting for the initial boot up time that the hard drive has to go through after it isn't used for a little while. Is there a way to tell that USB hard drive to never go into that "sleep" mode or whatever it does? I unchecked checked the box in my system preferences under Energy Saver that says to put the hard drives to sleep when possible, but I guess this doesn't apply to external hard drives. I just need something to ping it every so often so it never shuts off. Would a FireWire 800 hard drive do the same thing?

    Apr 24, 11:14 PM
    Hmm. The card should work fine, in fact I've had that model Mac Pro with that card and have gamed in Windows with it, so I'd guess it'll work. No idea if it'll work with CUDA, it should though. Perhaps others will be able to chime in with more definitive answers.

    Apr 26, 03:30 AM
    if you're jailbreaked use cydia and type screendimmer into search field.

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