jordan 13 fusion

jordan 13 fusion. Air Jordan 7 Jordan 13 Fusion
  • Air Jordan 7 Jordan 13 Fusion

  • azentropy
    Apr 25, 11:47 AM
    Best case scenario is that the proximity is close enough that they offer some kind of discounted deal, but I doubt that. (apple has been known to offer discounts for products that are purchased right before product launches, though).

    They usually offer OS upgrade vouchers after an actual release date is announced for those who purchase systems from the announcement to the release date.

    jordan 13 fusion. Air Jordan 13 Fusion Grey
  • Air Jordan 13 Fusion Grey

  • opeter
    Oct 28, 07:11 AM
    All I want is a real, good friend.

    jordan 13 fusion. Nike Air Jordan 13 Fusion
  • Nike Air Jordan 13 Fusion

  • realitymonkey
    Apr 15, 03:22 PM
    Well they have fixed the chrome not closing when you quit it fault. (And also preventing the shutdown)

    jordan 13 fusion. Nike Air Jordan 13 Fusion
  • Nike Air Jordan 13 Fusion

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 12, 10:14 AM
    TB isn't redundant right now, it's dormant. The TB port on the MBPs right now is effectively useless until there are peripherals to connect to it. But as this thread demonstrates they are coming. First to the pro market but it will drip down during the course of the year. I think Mac OS X 10.7 and iOS5 are going to provide more urgency for TB in consumer markets as well. WWDC will be the big kick off.


    First has to be first somehow. ;)

    I hope that iOS 5.0 and Mac OS X 10.7 (esp FCP) make TB much more clear to the peripheral makers and to the mass consumer.


    jordan 13 fusion. Nike Air Jordan 13 Fusion
  • Nike Air Jordan 13 Fusion

  • whooleytoo
    Apr 14, 10:33 AM
    Sorry, not likely to happen given the razor-thin profit margins for televisions nowadays, especially when you have Samsung, Sony, VIZIO, Panasonic, LG and a couple of other brands fighting it out already in the large-screen flat-panel market.

    I don't know - Apple has a history of working very well with high margins in markets which traditionally had low margins. They've proven a few times over that quite a few people are willing to pay more for design & integration.

    jordan 13 fusion. Air Jordan 6 Jordan 13 Fusion
  • Air Jordan 6 Jordan 13 Fusion

  • baryon
    Apr 11, 01:23 PM
    Could someone clarify this for me: Aren't hard drives too slow to make use of Thunderbolt anyway? In a typical USB 2.0 external hard drive, what is the bottleneck in speed: The speed at which the hard drive spins, or the USB 2.0 connection? If it's the USB, then why do people even care about the RPM of a drive? If it's the RPM, then isn't USB 2.0 fast enough to run a hard drive at its native speed?

    jordan 13 fusion. Jordan 13 Fusion Air Max 2009
  • Jordan 13 Fusion Air Max 2009

  • dscuber9000
    May 1, 11:13 PM
    Twitter is the best news organization.

    I first heard the news while randomly checking Facebook. And then the ESPN iPhone app alerted me. :p

    And then the CNN app did last. :D

    jordan 13 fusion. Air Jordan 6 Jordan 13 Fusion
  • Air Jordan 6 Jordan 13 Fusion

  • itsmemuffins
    Apr 29, 04:50 AM
    i hope this turns into a class action suit. I'm so frikken sick and tired of apple making all these tiny mistakes and playing the silent game about it. So sick and tired. They are not god, they need to take responsibility for their mistakes.


    jordan 13 fusion. Air Jordan 13 Fusion White
  • Air Jordan 13 Fusion White

  • bartonlynch
    Apr 23, 06:56 PM
    does anyone know if the dual GSM/CDMA chip supports T-MO 3G?
    if so, yee boiii

    jordan 13 fusion. Air Jordan 13 Fusion Black
  • Air Jordan 13 Fusion Black

  • Fotek2001
    Aug 15, 04:40 PM
    Still... meh.

    Care to explain why? From what I've seen (as someone who's used Leopard and not just looked at screenshots), it's a huge leap in many subtle ways...

    People seem to want new gadgets and gizmos yet the most requested changes are subtle improvements to current features like grid spacing in the Finder and simplified backup... What do you want...?

    jordan 13 fusion. Air Jordan 13 Fusion Grey
  • Air Jordan 13 Fusion Grey

  • daneoni
    Oct 24, 09:26 AM
    Apparently the 160GB HDD's performance is on par with the 100GB 7200RPM and a tad faster than the 120GB??

    jordan 13 fusion. Air Jordan 12 Jordan 13 Fusion
  • Air Jordan 12 Jordan 13 Fusion

  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 28, 11:31 AM
    There was a discussion on "banning". Gone now. LOL

    Remember. Just don't respond.

    jordan 13 fusion. Air Jordan 8 Jordan 13 Fusion
  • Air Jordan 8 Jordan 13 Fusion

    Apr 29, 10:47 AM
    Ah.... I cry foul. Not real at all.

    I did not cry foul. I did not photoshop this picture. How would i even go about doing that. There was no keyboard or mouse. and you can obviously see that the virtual keyword is present on the screen in the picture. :apple:

    jordan 13 fusion. Air Jordan 9 Jordan 13 Fusion
  • Air Jordan 9 Jordan 13 Fusion

  • cjgonzales1900
    Apr 28, 05:10 PM
    How on earth could you feel the difference in your hand? I'd like to see a photo with calipers.

    Actually I could feel that it was slightly heavier as well. I weighed both the black and white model and indeed the white is a little heavier but I really dont care, all my cases that I love (SGP) still work fine so its a "Who Cares" kinda thing as said before.

    jordan 13 fusion. Air Jordan 12 Jordan 13 Fusion
  • Air Jordan 12 Jordan 13 Fusion

  • res1233
    Apr 29, 01:04 AM
    You need a larger sample size though.

    With only one data point for each, you need Poisson statistics. The standard deviation would be the square root of the value.

    So the two values are:
    138.8 +/- 11.8
    141.2 +/- 11.9

    So the error bars are large enough that we can't say for sure.

    Also the difference is small enough that oils from touching them could be the difference.

    Its good data though. Just need some more for better statistics.

    Dude, you're thinking too much... There should be very little difference between two white iphones as well as two black iphones since they're made exactly the same. I'd say one test is fairly reliable in this case assuming those are the same scales.

    jordan 13 fusion. Air Jordan 12 Jordan 13 Fusion
  • Air Jordan 12 Jordan 13 Fusion

  • maclaptop
    Apr 15, 08:26 PM
    I hope this OS is to be bought & downloaded through the App Store.
    Why the app store?

    jordan 13 fusion. Air Jordan 12 Jordan 13 Fusion
  • Air Jordan 12 Jordan 13 Fusion

  • Lesser Evets
    May 4, 06:47 AM
    I wonder if the iPhone and iPod will all release together in Aug-Oct every year. Makes sense since the iPod Touch, the major iPod, is just a castrated iPhone, so to speak.

    jordan 13 fusion. Air Jordan 7 Jordan 13 Fusion
  • Air Jordan 7 Jordan 13 Fusion

  • wordoflife
    Apr 14, 01:00 AM
    I originally waited for the white version (back when it was only delayed until "late summer".) but once September rolled around, I just decided to wait until the 5 came out. With the rumors of the 5 being delayed until fall, I might have to seriously consider some backup plans. I'd prefer to stick with an iPhone, but the 3GS is getting long in the tooth and I will not sign a contract for outdated hardware.

    It's not really outdated in the sense that it is still the best and latest iPhone out there. But I know what you are getting at.

    jordan 13 fusion. Air Jordan 13 Fusion
  • Air Jordan 13 Fusion

  • pmz
    Apr 22, 05:32 PM
    Yep, a touch sensitive home button is the way to go. Will act as the unlock button too. It was about time we got rid of that nasty plastic which breaks very easily.

    Um no, they do not break very easily. Maybe a gorilla might break it easily.

    Don't panic
    Apr 17, 11:58 PM
    i'll play, mostly to annoy aggie. ;)
    but i won't ask any clarification on the rules so the usual suspect can keep complaining about being ambushed.

    i am on vacation with family, therefore there will be little posting till next tuesday (not sure when the game will start). i'll make sure to at least vote.

    Aug 15, 03:04 PM
    Does anyone else get a kitten ichat image with the third spotlight image? Is that a new feature? (/me missed something.)

    It's the new Kitten War ( integration in 10.5--supposed to be a top-secret feature but I guess the cat's out of the bag (pun intended for my enjoyment only--I'm in a lonnng meeting).

    May 1, 05:34 AM
    And the differences between iPad / iPod / iPhone are orders of magnitude less than the differences between the ultra-high and ultra-low ends of what is being counted as Android "phones".

    You do realize that there are a set of minimum requirements that an Android phone must adhere to to be granted access to Android Market?

    I don't know how long you have been into Smartphones but smartphone marketshare has always been calculated this way, even in the old days of Symbian and Windows Mobile which also ran on non smart phone PDA's.PDA's were excluded from smart phone market share despite running the same OS.

    "Smartphone OS" market share has been around before Android and iOS even existed as a platform and isnt some tool to belittle Apple's perceived performance in any way. Its just a metric in a sea of metrics that count things to different cirteria.

    Jul 12, 07:25 AM
    Steve Jobs knew about this in January... this says a lot about his vision. I'm confident that he is already well-prepared for this and has something up his sleeve to counter it.

    There will NOT be a sudden exodus to Argo from iPod. If it ever happens, it will be gradual and easy to fix.

    Sounds a bit like the CEO of Sony when the Xbox was released...lets just hope microsoft doesn't do to this industry leader what it did to Sony

    Jul 31, 08:35 AM
    I've seen the blue screen on XP. It's funny because I've been told by Windows users that it doesn't exist in XP, yet I witnessed it two weeks ago when a colleague of mine was trying to do something with Adobe Acrobat. The program just spazzed and the blue screen came up.

    Entirely possible, but not necessarily a problem with XP. The operating system will immediately blue screen if an application attempts to write into an illegal memory area, which I've seem Acrobat do, and a Java application that used a native dll. I believe it's a security feature built into newer processors.


    The MS tactic will probably be the same as the one they used to defeat IBM, Apple and Palm; just keep throwing money at it, make gradual improvements until the competition makes a huge gaff and falls flat on it's face. They don't actually win; everyone else just kind of ... loses.
    They've come from way behind before (remember when Palm had 90% of the PDA market) and ended up on top, but rarely on their own merits. Apple just has to keep up the marketing and keep adding value to the brand, and that should be enough to keep them ahead.

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