house md

house md. House M.D Seasons 1-6 DVD
  • House M.D Seasons 1-6 DVD

  • inkswamp
    Apr 15, 02:16 AM
    I believe that it isn't suggesting anything at all. When you go to list the devices that your application is compatible with, that is likely just an exposed extra field for if you wanted to include another device that is capable. It is in my opinion, nothing but a little bug. (Though emulating iOS apps om my Mac would be cool :P)

    That's what I'm thinking. I bet the code that generates that list of devices was just cut and pasted from somewhere else and someone got an extra one in there with this mysterious ix.Mac... thing in place as boilerplate code. I bet it means nothing.

    However, if I were told it was indeed a new device and had to take a guess, I'd say it's becoming more and more likely that Apple is going to try to leverage the popularity of iOS to sell more laptops. Imagine a laptop with a touch screen that somehow could lay down flat and switch into an iOS mode, not emulated, but the real thing. Basically, it would be a laptop that could convert into an iPad. I can imagine a lot of interest in a single device that can run both OS X and iOS.

    house md. House Md Season 6 Dvd Cover
  • House Md Season 6 Dvd Cover

  • Aduntu
    Apr 14, 06:18 PM
    Those IP addresses are practically useless.

    house md. Dr. House: A Medical Sherlock
  • Dr. House: A Medical Sherlock

  • appleguy123
    Apr 28, 08:04 PM
    I'm not a she
    Maybe it's a reference to this?

    house md. A House, MD and Sherlock
  • A House, MD and Sherlock

  • allpar
    Apr 29, 03:01 PM
    Remember when tiered pricing was announced, Steve said more songs would be available for $.69 than $1.29...I have yet to see a $.69 song.

    I've seen numerous $0.69 songs. If you're always looking at brand new stuff you may not see them.

    house md. Gallery gt; House, M.D.
  • Gallery gt; House, M.D.

  • Jony Mac
    Mar 31, 10:38 AM
    wow..that looks ugly

    house md. House - House M.D. Photo
  • House - House M.D. Photo

  • MattG
    Jul 24, 10:10 PM
    I want an iPod that can read my mind...I'll bet Apple could do it

    house md. House MD DVD,
  • House MD DVD,

  • maclaptop
    Apr 21, 10:36 PM
    Take the fight to them Sammy! Don't give in to the bully that Apple has become.

    Even more entertaining is the fact that Apple is so arrogant they fail to realize how stupid they look.

    Suing their biggest vendor.

    It doesn't get any more stupid than that.

    house md. House MD Script
  • House MD Script

  • GilGrissom
    Jul 25, 10:27 AM
    This is great but I do have a question..
    Since it's bluetooth and Apple says it works within 30 ft.What happens if you're in a starbucks and other people have bluetooth turned on ?
    Will they be able to "hack" your Mighty Mouse?
    I pressume it's no different from every other bluetooth device, other bluetooth mice, mobile phones, headsets etc etc.

    There is bound to be a way, but not common place. The usual code pairing should do the trick like every other Tom, Dick and Harry (or even Alvin, Simon and Theodore!) BT device.

    house md. quot;House M.D.quot; (2004)
  • quot;House M.D.quot; (2004)

  • Platform
    Oct 24, 09:00 AM
    For the "why only MBP's and not MB's too"

    As said, less press coverage, but also maybe more important is that now there is a gap between the [rosumer line and the consumer line ;)

    750GB drives in iMac's , Mac Pro's , Xserves....!

    house md. House MD returns with new
  • House MD returns with new

  • Carlanga
    May 3, 11:37 PM
    pfft, this should not be front page news, hell not even second page... just a bunch of hearsay from a CR that knows nothing about it and speculates BS.

    house md. House Season 7
  • House Season 7

  • Eriden
    Mar 16, 10:37 AM
    Brea had a good number of Verizon models and a few WiFi, but no AT&T. GSM models are obviously being saved for the international launch.

    house md. House MD, has touched the
  • House MD, has touched the

  • 840quadra
    Dec 1, 02:48 PM
    I'm pretty sure that any time you use Personal file sharing, you are using AppleTalk.

    EDIT: More info... Personal File Sharing is based off of Apple Filing Protocol ( From wikipedia:

    I was about to correct your first post (politely) by saying that you can use AFP with AppleTalk disabled.

    house md. Gregory House, M.D. Season 4
  • Gregory House, M.D. Season 4

  • appleguy123
    Apr 17, 08:55 PM
    Read post #3 in this thread :)

    I really don't know how I missed him in the list. I swear, I did read it. :eek:

    house md. Screenshots from House M.D
  • Screenshots from House M.D

  • al256
    Jun 6, 08:58 PM
    As usual American's (yeah I'm American) love to blame someone for their own responsibility. It's so weird how people on here fight for freedom from the lockdowns that Apple puts on it's developers, freedoms from the limitations and restrictions Apple puts on the iPhone (hence why people jailbreak). Yet when a parent doesn't take accountability for their absence of judgement and legal obligation to be responsible for their child, everyone goes off on Apple for not having the protections in place to prevent this?

    There are so many hypocrites in this country, probably because nobody wants to take accountability for their own actions. What if it were a gun. If the parent left it on the night stand with a bullet in it, and the kid picked it up and shot & killed someone, would you all be blaming the maker of the gun? No, you'd be going after the parents for failure to supervise their kid which led to actions causing someone's death.

    So why is it different here?

    IT'S NOT.

    Guns don't kill people, iPod Touches making a $1,000 purchase kills people...

    house md. Watch House MD TV show Online
  • Watch House MD TV show Online

  • Thomas Veil
    Mar 4, 06:32 PM
    It would be nice if his family would round him up and get him some help before something truly terrible happens.Didn't Charlie say that he's not listening to his dad? That would imply that Martin is trying to clue him in. But as any cop will tell ya, he's an adult and unless he's a clear and present danger to others....

    ...Chris was not my favorite person. He was extremely rude and abusive when he was using. In that short time he was clean before he died, he tried to be really nice to me, but I wasn't having it and was rather curt. Looking back, I don't think I should have done that. I think he was maybe really trying, but I was not close enough to him to know and he had pissed me off enough at that point that I doubted his sincerity.You have many good qualities, lee, and you just showed us another one: a capacity for introspection; for looking back, recognizing and admitting that you might've made an all-too-human mistake.

    A lot of us would probably have done the same thing, were we in your shoes. I take a looooooong time to let people who've wronged me back into my life.

    house md. Housemd Season 7 S07E08
  • Housemd Season 7 S07E08

  • heehee
    Oct 21, 03:15 PM
    My College has a trip there every winter for five days. Luckily I am able to go this year so I am pumped big time.

    We went last year for 4 days, got a major snow storm on our way there with a rental car with all season tires and the GPS told us to go up the mountain route instead of the highway. Took us about 8 hours instead of 5. It was well worth it, fresh snow. :D

    house md. House Md Season 1
  • House Md Season 1

  • joris538
    Apr 14, 02:47 AM
    Interesting, think it's Apple TV, seems most logic.

    house md. House-MD.jpg picture by
  • House-MD.jpg picture by

  • JackSYi
    Oct 24, 08:15 AM
    3-5 days here.

    I got 2-4 days to Ship. 2 Day shipping. Hope it ships by 5pm tomorrow.

    house md. House M.D.
  • House M.D.

  • Thunderhawks
    Apr 13, 07:10 PM
    Why won't this rumor die?! Seriously. It makes MUCH more sense to make a set top box that is compatible with any tv, and thus have wider appeal and adoption than to make a TV that has to compete with every other TV manufacturer out there. This is not Apple's game. Their game it to look at a market that is not currently being exploited to its full extent, figure out what people may want, then come in and redefine that niche. Worked with the iPod, iPhone, and iPad. There were predecessor in each of these markets but Apple came in and completely dominated it because they redefined it and tied it into a (relatively) easy to use ecosystem. Ok, it a really easy to use ecosystem, just slow and bloated. :D

    The rumor won't die, because Apple has a history to arrive late at a party, but leaving with the best looking girl (Read that someplace:-)

    If that happens here with TV's that have to be a more mature Lady. LOL!

    Dec 3, 07:23 PM
    .....<text removed>.......

    Perhaps a few of the people who said yes may think that, but don't assume all of us are like that! Please feel free to look into my post history, not that it is any of your business anyway. You will find that I am a true Apple and Mac fan through and through!

    I do not assume any such thing. There were two issues involved in my post. One was about the motivation, and reaction about security. The other was more generalized about the disinformation campaign (FUD), I am witnessing on this board. I did not reference any particular post, content, or person in this thread. So, I am unclear why you seem to feel I have attacked you, or (collectively) everyone.

    Apr 13, 08:16 PM
    Might get this, might not. Don't do contracts so it would be a simple case of buying and selling. Something most people I know do. You lot (Americans) should start doing the same and stop being beholden to 24 month contracts.

    Supposedly it keeps our costs down to sign up for such long term contracts.

    My monthly bill is $50 for unlimited texts, unlimited data, some number of minutes (I'm splitting a family bill with AT&T,) plus the $300 upfront for the iPhone itself. What's your bill come to?

    Dec 29, 10:56 PM
    I have to agree it would be interesting to watch her consume all of this.

    Apr 22, 12:25 PM
    This is why Android phones are creeping up on iOS...they are offering more features and constant innovation in the hardware. iPhone users (and I used to be one) only enjoy hardware innovation once a year.

    When does a single user actually get more than one new phone a year? You're creating a false scenario for a single user. As a community, android users have more choice, but a single user isn't negatively affected by the amount of innovation given that they can only buy once a year.

    Maybe we will see an LTE iPhone in 2012, maybe not but I can say with all the certainty in the world that Android will have kick ass dual core LTE phones with large screens and probably something retina like in resolution by then. I wouldn't be surprised to see 12 MP cameras, 2-3 MP front cameras all running Android 2.4 Ice Cream Sandwich.

    The forthcoming iPhone will likely be the dual core A5 processor. There is no faster SoC out there right now. 12 MP is irrelevant. It's all about the quality of the sensor, of which Apple is ranked one of the absolute highest. You're falling for the numbers game and assuming bigger means better.

    For instance, only camera I've seen rated higher than the ip4's is a nokia's. Who's using nokia smartphones these days? The ip4's screen is considered among the best. The only one that will outright beat it is probably the upcoming SAMOLED + from Samsung. However, I bet the iPhone 6 or 7 will probably make the jump to AMOLED too. In terms of battery life, the droid x and atrix are pretty much on par. You have to get a blackberry to get better battery life.

    Apr 15, 01:22 PM
    Any news in the latest build of Lion? When can I install it and be sure most works? :D

    (on Snow Leopard)

    1. Pay $99 to get into the Apple developer program.
    2. Download and install in new partition.

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