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  • katewes
    May 3, 07:53 AM
    No matte antiglare screens on the new iMacs. If you need matte screens, there's something you can do - add your voice to 1,300+ petitions at Unlike personal emails to Apple - which Apple just ignore, asserting everyone loves glossy screens - make it count by adding to the online petition where your voice will remain visible on the net until Apple listens. Remember, adding your comment to transient news articles on the net is fine, but those articles go out of date in a few weeks, and also there is no long-term accumulation and consolidation of numbers, like there is at a petition site.

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  • SuperCachetes
    Dec 31, 10:48 PM
    ...God, not religion...

    I'll be honest: I don't know what the heck that even means.

    ...I read every post and I understood them all...

    No. You didn't. I am not judging her, and there are many here who aren't. I merely want all people to be accountable for their impact on society. For example, you are probably more healthy than I am. That's awesome. I truly hope you have the ability to pay lower insurance premiums than me. Why would I begrudge you that - I outweigh you by 50 lbs, and smoked for 25 years. But I'll tell you one thing - I run 15 miles a week now, trying to reclaim every last smidgen of lung capacity I can find. And, I've dropped 15 pounds in the last 6 weeks. And all just because I know I should. Think of how great it would be if there was financial incentive, to boot! argument is not that she isn't a liability. It's that no one here has a right to decide where the line is between what lifestyle is so selfish that it is your personal concern.

    Please stop assuming there is a "line." It can be a sliding scale. "Healthiness" can be measured with a variety of metrics (BMI, blood pressure, blood chemistry, etc) and there is no reason that numbers compared to numbers have to be judgmental. It doesn't have to be "healthy" vs. "unhealthy." That said, countless government agencies and private groups have decided what qualifies as "obese." The info is out there. People blow it off because there are no repercussions, no liability one way or the other.

    I would argue that accepting a lifestyle that has a much higher likelihood of illness or death doesn't necessarily mean mental illness. What about adventure seekers? Is climbing Everest a sign of mental illness? The likelihood of dying is high, and honestly, some would say that you have to be crazy to do it, but people still praise the behavior, and don't label the person with a mental illness.


    Guys, it really is possible that she just LOVES food. I've met people like that. They are great chefs and are very over weight because they love food. Not because they have some kind of mental deficiency.

    I really LOVE alcohol. I have been known to drink three bottles of wine, a half-bottle of whiskey, or a twelve-pack of beer in an evening. I don't do it to get drunk, I just really like the stuff. Are you cool with chipping in for my liver transplant? :cool:

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  • stroked
    May 1, 11:45 PM
    Osama is dead, so what? The U.S needed him alive.

    for what?

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  • Art Deco Fonts. Release date:

  • deannnnn
    Apr 23, 06:57 PM
    Maybe they're testing this so that when AT&T and T-Mo combine, future iPhones will be able to use the T-Mobile 3G bands, even though the phone would still be exclusive to AT&T (and of course, Verizon).

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  • Miguel0019
    Jul 27, 11:11 PM (

    Along with the recent encouraging 3Q 2006 financial results ( from Apple on Wednesday, independent research firms Gartner and IDC have recently reported on 2Q 2006 market share ( (via MacWorld). Both firms report solid gains from 1 year ago, with IDC reporting a jump from 4.4 to 4.8% U.S. Marketshare and Gartner reporting a jump from 4.3 to 4.6%, making the Mac maker the 4th largest maker of computers behind Dell (32%), HP (18.9%), and Gateway (6.2%).

    This is the first reported gains in marketshare for Apple since the Intel transition, as last quarter saw minor losses ( From last quarter, it appears as though Apple has gained an entire percentage point in market share (up from 3.5-3.6% 1Q 2006).

    Digg This (

    is that good or bad?

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  • BruiserB
    Apr 14, 08:34 AM
    i = iOS
    x = OS X
    Mac = Mac
    Marketing Name = something they haven't thought of yet (or that violates someone else's trademark)

    So it's obviously the hybrid iOS/OS X Mac!

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  • Art Deco One

  • Doctor Q
    Dec 1, 02:02 PM
    iAdware apparently works by silently installing a system library. That sounds like a vulnerability that Apple could easily fix, by requiring Admin privileges, issuing a warning, and/or prompting for an Admin password.

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  • Posted in Fonts N-Q

  • camomac
    Mar 2, 12:24 PM
    best quotes ever on being charlie sheen...

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  • flopticalcube
    Apr 11, 02:15 PM
    Could this be the eventual end of usb altogether?

    Unlikely. USB still retains advantages in ubiquity, cost and far more devices supported per connection (128 vs 16). I would see WiFi and Bluetooth as bigger USB competitors.

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  • ebow
    Aug 16, 08:06 AM
    UNO has massively improved Tiger by banishing the metal and aqua stripes.

    Also, the sidebar is a retrograde step too. The drawer in Preview can be resized without changing the size of the content in the main window. You can't do that with a sidebar. It's also white, unlike Mail's light blue. Wrong, wrong, bad, ugly, inconsistent and stupid.

    They seem to be throwing out good UI design and entire elements of OSX just for the sake of something new to show.

    Amen! And Apple deserves to have their very own HIG Book thrown at them. It's like the different application teams are working in relative isolation. I can see the Preview folks saying "Hey, the Mail team had some extra hours for their UI guys and came up with this new look! Cool, let's use it next time around so we can be cool, too. Oh, and we'll change that blue area to white for our own flair." The drawer UI element was one of those things touted as a novel and useful feature of OS X, way back in the DP and 10.0 days, but it's been a steady march away from common UI elements since then.

    Back to the toolbar for a moment, has anyone seen or made a mockup of what a window would look like with the "unified" appearance combined with more traditional toolbar icons (not outlined by buttons / ovals)?

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  • sprtnbsblplya
    Sep 17, 08:04 PM
    Picked this up at Georgetown University's bookstore today, they had it beside the new models and it was marked down to $27 brand new.

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  • brepublican
    Jul 21, 11:26 AM
    If joe pc-user becomes joe mac-user, then macs wont be fun anymore :(

    That said, i'd like to see market share go up in certain areas. A lot more scientists are switching (mostly switching back, after ditching around late 90s) these days.

    It's hard to be an elitist mac user if you're no longer in the minority...
    I'm not too sure I agree with the reason you give though. My main concern is quality control. Even with the paltry share increase Apple has seen during the past year, quality control has become an issue. Would not like to see how much poorer with a 10% share thats all :rolleyes:

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  • Surely
    Jan 26, 11:01 AM
    I don't think you had anything to apologize for, jessica..

    You did what was supposed to be done. If I had noticed before you, I would have started the new thread. Closing threads and starting new ones after the 2,000 post mark is typically what is done around here.

    Who cares who the thread starter is...... all that matters is that there is a thread for everyone to show off their consumerism.;)

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  • iBug2
    Apr 15, 04:59 PM
    Actually apple often doesn't directly post changelogs for devs either. It's more a list of where they want you to test with many releases. They're kind of famous for that...

    They used to publish changelogs before they switch to the new ADC.

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  • Art Deco Font

  • Loves2spoon
    Mar 10, 07:14 PM
    Poor Jon Cryer... They should give him a spin off!

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  • Art Deco poster lettering.

  • IndyJones
    Apr 26, 03:23 AM
    Add a third option, 24" with a 16:10 ratio and a matte option. Easier on the eyes and more vertical space. The 27" was murder on my eyes and I had to sell mine.

    I love my 27' so much!! I will buy another hopefully next week, even though I don't need it.

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  • SciFrog
    Oct 18, 01:53 AM
    This is not a bigadv unit... The fastest machines out there do a frame in 22 mins...

    PS: I am folding on an air, good for 800PPD...

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  • inspired by Art Deco and

  • KnightWRX
    Dec 30, 10:43 PM
    Under normal circumstances, you're more or less right.

    No, I'm 100% right. Weight control is about calories. End of story. Calories in < Calories out and you lose weight. Opposite and you gain weight. There's no more or less here, that is the very basic premise. You want to discuss specifics that affect calories in/calories out, but that's flawed. Teach people the base first, and let them balance themselves out. You can very easily test your metabolic rate.

    However, many supersize people have participated in crash diets, drugs and other questionable regimens over the years in search of quick-fix thinness. Doing so can, after a while, sabotage the body's normal metabolic rate and endocrine output, making it much harder for these people to find the balance in their caloric equation without depriving themselves of needed micronutrients (vitamins, minerals).

    So you're saying these people have abnormally low "Calories out". It still comes down to that very simple equation. These people first have to fix their calories out, get their metabolism back straight, then they can fix their calories in.

    It is that easy to lose weight. People don't know this very simple and basic concept, they think "Fat/Sugar" has to do with weight, which is completely false. "Low Saturated Fat!" on a box of cookies means squat if the cookies are 170 calories for 3 vs 180 calories for 3 of the same cookies with normal saturated fat. You still can't eat the whole box in one sitting and think "hey, it's low fat, I can't gain weight from this".

    You'd be surprised how many people think this way.

    I don't have a dog in this fight, but the question that runs through my mind is: if it's so easy, why do people struggle with it? Why are there entire industries built around people that struggle with losing weight on their own?

    People struggle because like someone pointed out, they lack willpower and I'll add that they lack education. Calorie control is the only way to lose weight. There's seriously no other way, since weight is based off of calories and calories alone. To lose weight, you need a calorie deficiency. To be more precise, 3500 calories = 1 lbs, each way. So you need to create a calorie deficiency of 3500 calories before you lose 1 lbs. My metabolic rate is around 1740, that's what I burn each day without lifting a finger. Add in my normal routine, and I'm around the magic 2000 calorie diet. Let's not add in my gym routine. So to lose 1 lbs in 7 days, I need to go on a 1500 calorie diet per day. That's going to give me a deficiency of 500 per day, times 7 days, 1 lbs lost.

    There's entire industries because they profit from it. Some people like to buy "instant" solutions. 1 lbs in 7 days ? Bah humbug, too long, I have 100 to lose! There's no instant solutions to weight loss, quite the contrary, the entire weight loss industry makes money by keeping people fat and coming back for miracle cures. Their proposed plans of "1 shake/bar for breakfeast, same for lunch and a balanced diner" is awful. First, it should be the opposite, a good breakfeast and then their bars/shakes for lunch and diner. Breakfeast is where you get your day's energy. Second, that's not calorie control since it doesn't explain that it is trying to create a calorie deficit. So people just still overeat, they compensate the calories they didn't eat at breakfeast/lunch with a huge "balanced" diner.

    I'm going to just assume you are young and have time on your hands. Because when I was young and had time staying trim was quite easy., Let's talk when you're in your 30's and are a busy professional :rolleyes:

    I'm 32, work 35 hours per week in IT (sitting down on my ass), am on call with tons of pages coming in once every 2 weeks. I have a girlfriend, a mortgage and a dog.

    Again, staying trim has nothing to do with having time or being busy or not. If you spend less calories, eat less calories. Balance your calories in to your calories out and you'll stay trim. Sure it means doing a bit more research into what you're eating, but that's not impossible. It also means listening to your body. Feeling "stuffed" means you overate. You should never feel full or stuffed. A donut is not faster to mow down than an Apple. It's not more filling either. It's tons more calories though.

    You made an assumption about me and you were wrong. You should look at yourself and what you are or aren't doing that is making you fat, not make up excuses.

    look. I'm not trying to make excuses. I'm not THAT out of shape. I do bikram yoga 4 times per week and walk a lot. I just can't be as extensive about it as I was in my youthful years. I'm very healthy but I do need to drop 20ish lbs. per doctors orders. I've completely cut out any sugar drinks other than water and a few organic smoothies and an occaional glass of wine here and there. But at my age and with my busy schedule it's just not as easy as it was when I was 25. Not an excuse, just a simple fact.

    But again, it's just because you don't understand your caloric need for a day and you either overeat or eat just the right amount to maintain your weight. You don't even need to exercise to create a calorie deficiency. I think you're the perfect example of what I'm talking about, you don't understand the very basic concept, which has nothing to do with time spent, but rather food ingested.

    People need to get it out of their heads that it is about exercise. It's 10% working out, 90% food. Get your nutrition right and you won't need to exercise a day in your life. If you want to get fit however, make sure to balance your nutrition around your added caloric need to not drop weight too fast or at all if your goal is maintaining.

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  • twoodcc
    Oct 13, 01:29 PM
    well we just got passed again. we are now ranked #59 as a team. and there are plenty more teams on our heels

    Oct 1, 02:36 PM
    AT&T has hands down the worst service I have ever experienced.

    It is as though they were operating in an emerging mobile phone world sometime in the early 80's when phones were the size of a Sat phone or you carried it in its own portable case.

    In all the years I was with Verizon I had maybe 10 dropped calls.

    They should be ashamed of themselves. But really what do they care, they have the iphone exclusively for the time being.
    I must say this reflects poorly on Apple who picked these idiots in the first place.

    Honestly, on a day to day basis, I think about going back and just giving up, the service is just terrible and I live in NYC! Where there are towers everywhere, and I usually have 5 bars.

    Despicable profit seeking, customer service unfriendly whores is what they are!Blame Verizon then. Apple approached Verizon first, and Verizon was unwilling to allow Apple to have full control over the OS, the design of the iPhone

    itself, or to make concessions regarding profit sharing. CDMA would not have been an ideal choice for a global phone, in any event.


    I'm thinking of switching from Verizon to AT&T to get the iPhone. However, I'm hearing horror stories of up to 30% dropped calls in the NY area.

    For all iPhone/AT&T users in northern NJ and NYC area, can you verify that you experience around 30% of dropped calls?? is this true??

    I want the iPhone, but not if it comes with such bad service!!

    Thank you,

    olimits7Northern NJ: zero dropped calls, excellent coverage overall.

    Apr 11, 02:52 PM
    if by "internal" you mean "inside the box," that seems unlikely. The main benefit of fiber optics is over distances greater than those inside a PC. Signals on PCB's travel at something like 25% of the speed of light (depending on dielectric), which may seem slow, but is very speedy compared to the long cables used to connect PCs to external peripherals.

    Ah, gotcha. Guess I misread/misunderstood the info. So it's truly meant for peripheral devices and will not replace internal components. For some reason I thought it was a universal (internal/external) system. Oh well.

    Still bummed there will not be a "Light Peak" PCIe for Mac Pro's.

    Mar 15, 04:40 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    Well I got to see Mystikal and Hasan Daddy get theirs after my failed attempt at Irvine spectrum. I was the Asian guy with the buzz cut hair. Unfortunately I got to Fashion Island to late. Congrats to you two!

    Oct 2, 06:32 PM
    yeah 30% of calls are dropped sounds about right...

    I worked in NYC for a while too. Seems right on par. Way to go AT&T.

    Apr 8, 09:10 PM

    Rowbear: Wow! That must have been incredible to have been there! (

    Today's shot was taken from a boat underneath a bridge. I totally got lucky on this one. :rolleyes:

    jeevesofRKdia: I would say a shot like this takes more than just luck!

    Here's my luck shot for today:

    I was floating in water was somewhere between 3 and 4 feet deep when this stingray swam underneath me. Part of the luck was that we backed up the camera's every night. When this camera went AOL two days later, we still had our memories from this day. :)

    Olympus S1030SW (Waterproof! Forerunner of the Olympus Tough)
    ISO 80, 5mm, f/5, 1/640

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