Amnesia The Dark Descent Monsters

Amnesia The Dark Descent Monsters. %IMG_DESC_1%
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  • xionxiox
    Apr 4, 11:56 AM
    Was It really necessary to kill him?

    The robbers were armed and dangerous. So yes, it was necessary.

    Amnesia The Dark Descent Monsters. %IMG_DESC_2%
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  • relimw
    Sep 14, 10:21 AM
    Yup. I agree. And I bet the new MBPs will ship immediately as well. What would be really cool is if Apple lowered the price of Aperture to $199 or so to make it more affordable to the photo piddlers among us. After all, surely Aperture 2 is going to have massive hardware and GPU requirements (read: QuadCore Mac + 4GB RAM + X1900 video card). That is really where Apple makes it's cash. Just dreaming, of course, because I can't justify a $300 software package when I'm just a dabbler. Lightroom beta has been fun though.
    No MBPs.

    Obviously, you didn't buy Aperture when it first came out, only to find out you were beta testing software for Apple. Now, if I can just figure out what to buy with my $200 store rebate. Maybe update from PS7 to CS2...hmm.

    Amnesia The Dark Descent Monsters. %IMG_DESC_3%
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  • dukebound85
    Apr 11, 03:43 PM
    To some extent, sure.

    The big difference is that in the UK you can get cars which do 55 miles per US gallon, one that does that - the �17,345 1.6 Econetic Ford Focus does nearly 62 miles per US gallon.

    And that car is made by a US company.

    wtf, my bike gets in the low 40s! and it weighs 4xxlbs!

    Amnesia The Dark Descent Monsters. %IMG_DESC_4%
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  • spacemanspifff
    Apr 20, 10:28 AM
    Just downloaded the app and had a quick look. All I can say is this data would be pretty useless if you're trying to work out where I've been. As a lot - and I mean more than 60% - of the dots are in places that I've never even been! In the FAQ for the app they say this will happen, but some of these places are like 30-60 miles from where I actually was during the weeks in question.

    So I wouldn't worry about it too much, if it was actual GPS data and not Cell Tower triangulation then it would be much more accurate, but as it appears [at least from my cursory glance] you couldn't really tell where I was with any degree of accuracy. In fact, there was one week where it put me in Bristol UK with lots of dots all over the city and I was actually in Spain!

    Amnesia The Dark Descent Monsters. %IMG_DESC_5%
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  • freeny
    Sep 5, 12:48 PM
    Gonna need a few more shares to make any money, but good effort. ;)
    If the stock goes up $10 he'll have himself a free ipod. not all that bad.

    Amnesia The Dark Descent Monsters. %IMG_DESC_6%
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  • *LTD*
    Apr 29, 06:08 AM
    That can be viewed another way. Apple is too cheap to bother risking anything that is not a sure bet.


    The exact OPPOSITE is true.

    Apple takes some serious risks. How else do they move the entire industry in new directions?

    iPhone. iPad. Both massive risks. Both were dismissed by major industry players. The iPad especially was dismissed by a lot of folks on MR. Vertical business model in an industry where everyone in in a race to the bottom and where some version of Windows dominates on computers. Big risk. Completely ditching OS 9 overnight and moving to OS X. Big risk as well. Apple is really the only one on the block that bothers to try new things.

    Here's some claim chowder. Mmmm, deeeelish!

    Am I the only one who thinks Acer is right and they are not worried nor expect the iPad to do little to no damage to their netbook market.

    The iPad is basicly nothing more then a iPod touch with a bigger screen. Yes the bigger screen offers some extras stuff but still you suffer the same limitition of the iPhone/iPod Touch OS and are trapped in apple's sand box.

    The iPad is not going to replace a traveling computer because it is just way to limited. It has piss poor way of connecting to USB/SD card. You are still required to carry a dedicated keyboard if you want to get much work done that way and so on.

    The Netbook on the other had is a great for business travelers. It is a full flege computer. Yeah it has a small screen but it is the same size a the iPad and a full size keyboard and more powerful OS.

    iPad is a consumer level devices. Netbook is a bussiness/Enterprise level device. That is 2 very different markets. The Netbook is not designed to replace a deticated desktop/Main laptop neither is the iPad. Netbooks are designed to make traveling with a computer a hell of a lot nicer.

    Lets compare the 2.

    Checking Email-- I give that to the iPad.
    Responding to Email - Netbook due to keyboard.
    Over all email - Netbook

    Surfing the internet - Netbook due to flash support

    Reading the news - iPad.
    Reading books - iPad.

    Getting real work done (word documents excel sheets ect.) -- Netbook.

    iPad - Consumer device something apple has proven it is damn good at.

    Netbook --Enterprise/ Bussiness device -- Something apple has shown time and time again it has craptactor support and does not really even bother making stuff to into that market.

    So what happened? This "oversized iPod Touch" did this:

    In its quarterly filing, Microsoft indicated that the consumer PC market was the primary culprit for the decline � pointing in particular to a 40 percent decline in netbook sales in the consumer market. That�s more evidence of the iPad�s impact on the market. Many consumers are opting for the Apple slate rather than Windows-based netbooks to fill the gap between the PC and the phone.

    40% decline in netbooks, huh?

    Remember seeing articles like these a while back?

    David Carnoy, February 2009: "Why Apple Must Do a Netbook Now"
    Preston Gralla, March 2009: "Why Apple Will Have to Release a Netbook"
    Charles Moore, March 2010: "Apple Still Needs a Sub-$700 Conventional Notebook"

    Apple TOOK A RISK and did the iPad instead. And look what happened.

    Cheap netbook junk is circling the drain and major players are suddenly in the tablet game full-tilt. AFTER Apple laid the groundwork. Apple's big risks pay off. Whether Apple thinks they're a "sure thing" is a different story. They're likely pretty confident in what they produce because they know better than everyone else, whether it's the other major industry players, pundits, etc.

    MS' backbone is their universal licensing racket. Winblows on PCs. No need to innovate. Blame netbook decline. Blame a "market reset." Blame your mom. But never blame your aging cash cow whose udders are now almost completely dry. MS is NOT a risk-taker. Especially in the enterprise. Especially in operating systems. Especially by copying Apple 3 years late ALMOST EVERY TIME. Let Apple take the risks, and then Zune it! Or release a smartphone no one really gives a damn about.

    Please, don't go talking about risks. Because the only one to have any friggin' shred of creativity in the industry and the power to mass produce the fruits of it is Apple. Their moves for the past decade have been nothing less than complete and total daring. They often come out of left field with products that no one initially understands, that are laughingly dismissed by other major players (Ballmer on the iPhone, nearly everyone on the iPod), but that we end up using and everyone else ends up copying shortly after. Part of the reason an industry player that does the exact opposite of the other major players is about to surpass Exxon Mobil as the most valuable company on the planet.

    Amnesia The Dark Descent Monsters. %IMG_DESC_7%
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  • thedbp
    Oct 12, 08:25 PM
    well here's the kicker for the fools who fall for these gimmicks.
    you can donate directly and it's a tax write off as a charitable contribution.
    or, you can buy the same boring lollipop, in 10 different colors, and see this 5% go towards the charity which apple will gladly pony up as it will benefit them after their returns and reports are done.

    so i gotta ask, why bother justifying your purchase as "good will"?
    why not just call a spade a spade and say...durr durr durrr?
    Because in America, philanthropy is an afterthought to consumerism.

    Where have you been since 1945? You gotta keep up with the Joneses. Now can out-Jones them by saying you CARE. In addition to having purchased the latest hot toy, of course.

    Amnesia The Dark Descent Monsters. %IMG_DESC_8%
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  • seashellz
    Nov 13, 01:54 PM
    99% of these are in a huff self important 'tempest in a teapot' stories;
    its not required-nay not even helpful to be a fanboy to point this out-just 2 good eyes and a brain;
    Alway been complainers, always will be;
    If the rules are clearly spelled out and they dont follow them-then they shouldnt be crybabies in public
    CAREFULLY read APPLEs developers rules
    follow them
    dont try to breach them

    you dont need a PhD to understand this

    Amnesia The Dark Descent Monsters. %IMG_DESC_9%
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  • CheeseFrog
    Mar 23, 05:55 PM
    I agree with you. if someone is drunk and is still able to operate the app they could be a hazard if they avoid these points.
    That's GREAT. Call me crazy, but I actually want to know where these streets are that drunks are avoiding so that I can take them and not have to worry about getting t-boned by Drunky McDrunkerton.

    Amnesia The Dark Descent Monsters. %IMG_DESC_10%
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  • callme
    Mar 29, 12:59 PM
    Considering that, when the iPhone was first announced, Jobs stated he would be happy with a 1% share of the market, Apple isn't doing too badly. If MS gets their act together with the Windows phone, I can see it getting a larger share. I guess how big a share depends on how Apple and Google respond with their own innovations.

    He said he would be happy with 1% of the TOTAL MOBILE PHONE MARKET SHARE, not just SMARTPHONES!

    What % of the total do Apple actually have?
    The latest figure I could see was 1.5%, not that much over the target the Steve set.

    Don't read the % figure of the Smartphone market as being the target Steve was after!

    Amnesia The Dark Descent Monsters. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • ayzee
    Mar 24, 06:32 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Nice to see a substantial rumor to keep us going for the next few weeks. I've been waiting to upgrade from my 2008 C2D iMac for the last 6 months.

    I have a plasma running off my iMac for home theatre purposes, and I must say it really struggles now with 1080p content. iMovie is unusable and my big iphoto library freezes constantly. When trying to access My 1.5TB iTunes library the beachball greats me with every click.

    Still this iMac would be perfect for your average user.

    My biggest wish would be the SSD for a quick start up, I just hate to see 1k worth of kit being sluggish!

    I also love the way the apple displays look, if apple could somehow rid the iMac of the aluminium chin it would look so much better

    They should also come with 8gb ram as standard, especially the i7

    Amnesia The Dark Descent Monsters. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • BC2009
    Mar 30, 11:33 AM
    Office and Windows are/were generic words OUTSIDE of the computer industry (like Apple). But app(lication) store is a generic word INSIDE of the computer industry and that the big legal difference here.

    Like I just said.... Mac's had windows (and they called them that) before PC's had "Windows". Mac OS has used windows and trash and all that drag-and-drop and double-click-a-file goodness long before any DOS PC had it. Xerox invented it, sold it to Apple, and Apple used it in the Mac.

    "Windows" was a generic term in the computer industry before Microsoft had any trademark.

    EDIT: I still think neither should be allowed, but given the precedents out there I would give Apple the "App Store" trademark. Certainly MS is the pot calling the kettle black here. Considering their windows-based operating system is called "Windows" and their Office productivity suite is called "Office". These guys should all have to come up with better names for their stuff if they want a trademark. Like.... why not just stick an "i" in front of it? iApp Store (see how easy that was).

    Amnesia The Dark Descent Monsters. %IMG_DESC_13%
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  • WildPalms
    Sep 5, 07:15 PM
    Why isn't Mr. Incredible on that logo? Am I the only one who thinks he should be?


    Amnesia The Dark Descent Monsters. %IMG_DESC_14%
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  • toddybody
    Apr 30, 08:06 PM
    not as cpu/gpu demanding

    Compared to what?

    Its MUCH more "cpu/gpu" demanding than say

    Amnesia The Dark Descent Monsters. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • citizenzen
    Apr 17, 01:47 PM
    Published in USA today. An article titled "Are Lives Really an Acceptable Price for Fuel Efficiency?"

    Actually, I doubt that's where you read it.

    A google search of the terms: Are Lives Really an Acceptable Price for Fuel Efficiency + USA Today comes up with this as a top hit: Arguing with idiots: how to stop small minds and big government By Glenn Beck, Kevin Balfe, Steve Burguiere, which apparently references the 1999 USA Today article.

    Are you a Glenn Beck fan perhaps?

    That would explain so much. :rolleyes:

    Amnesia The Dark Descent Monsters. %IMG_DESC_16%
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  • Wilz
    Oct 27, 04:44 PM
    hahaha, Greenpeace kicked out

    I was at that expo all day today and they didn't turn up

    I got free google t-shirt :)

    Amnesia The Dark Descent Monsters. %IMG_DESC_17%
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  • WestonHarvey1
    Mar 23, 05:57 PM
    It really infuriates and frightens me when senators play the "Do what we ask voluntarily, or we'll force you to" card.

    Amnesia The Dark Descent Monsters. %IMG_DESC_18%
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  • Multimedia
    Sep 1, 10:32 AM
    I don't think Core 2 Duo is realy all that much of a big deal for Apple in the grand scheme of things. It's a small speed bump, with 64 bit as a bonus extra.I think 31% Longer Battery Life, 20% more power at same speed, 4MB L2 cache, significantly cooler ( is a very big deal.I don't believe any of this. The intel MacBook Pros just came out, and the main advantage of the 2 Duo is it's socet compatible with it's predecessor. Why screw aroud with a proven design, when there's absolutely no need. You do that sort of thing when the chipset and whatnot changes and you have to redesign the internals anyway.MBP announced January 10 shipped February. Needs redesign to add the easy access HD Bay they put in MacBook in May. Whenever Apple adds a Pro feature to a consumer system it means the next pro system will have it too.Finaly, Merom whatnot are being very much overhyped. The main tech advancements for most users came with Core Duo. iMac and mac Mini prices dropped in the UK in the summer so when Core 2 Duo gets announced you can bet they'll be back up at the release price of the respective hardware platform (iMac, Mini, PBP, etc). Thus you will get more power, but you'll pay for it so bang for buck wise I realy don't think it will make a massive difference.PC Perspectives Editor's Choice Award: ( "We can now say without a doubt that Intel's latest mobile CPU has nailed the holy grail in mobile computing - it performs faster, consumes less power, and generates less heat. What else is there to say besides that?...

    Not only that, it has technology improvements under the hood like a larger level 2 cache (4MB) and 64-bit extensions to support 64-bit OSes like the upcoming Windows Vista. If you've had reservations before about getting a laptop, the Core 2 Duo should have you convinced. Intel's track record in this arena is strong, and their latest CPU just solidifies their lead."

    Read these charts and tell us how it won't make a big difference again:

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  • GFLPraxis
    Jul 14, 10:27 AM

    Why 2 negatives over 1 positive? Wow.

    Is there a way you can upgrade this new chip on previous intel mac? Just wondering. This is new to me.

    No, but when Merom comes out (the laptop version of Conroe/Core 2 Duo), you can upgrade the iMac to that.

    Conroe and Merom are 64-bit, right?

    I know what you mean, and I agree, but Apple has had to work to a pretty tight schedule. I doubt they've had time to redesign the iMac from scratch. Merom will be pretty good performance wise.... especially near the top end. The heat contraints of the iMac might infact force Apple to go the "mobile" route. The Conroes might be good, but they still produce a fair amount of heat.

    I'm hoping they'll plonk a bog standard Intel mobo into a nice pretty box and stick the Apple logo on the side for a Conroe based "MacPC". :confused:

    I'm really hoping for a Conroe iMac. It's not a huge redesign, they'll just need a motherboard of the same form factor with a different socket.

    Apr 25, 01:22 PM
    Umm, you do realize the processor can be 10000000x faster, the system is still completely hammed by the 5600rpm hard drive they put in there. Most tasks are faster on an Air then a 17" Pro. And if you're doing heavy lifting get a Mac Pro. People who bought the new processors don't enjoy the benefits 90% of the time.

    You must be a spec sheet reader, not someone who intelligently analyzes what they buy.

    ...and you think most people who buy a MBP won't swap out the drive for a 7200RPM drive or an SSD and max out their memory? genius level thinking!

    Mar 29, 11:40 AM
    When Windows starts to come close to SL in terms of ease of use and functionality let me know ;)
    You have clearly never used Windows 7.

    Command Shift 4= snap selection
    Command Shirt 3= full screen.
    And neither have you.
    Oh wait, you're the same person!

    Aug 28, 04:20 PM
    yea, with tons of problems to the machines.

    i love apple, but everytime i buy one of there laptops, they suck!

    Then I pose the following:

    a) Why are you still buying them?
    b) Why are you still here?

    Apple Shmapple
    Sep 12, 04:59 PM
    At these new lower price points that reads pretty UN-educated to me.

    Whoopidedoo, a whole $50 off. They HAD to do that because of the lack of actually updating anything worthy on the device. One could argue that it isn't enough of a price cut the way competitors music players are priced.

    Anyone with half a brain will avoid these 5th G Part 2 devices like the plague, unless they want to waste money that could be spent 4 months later on a widescreen model.

    Should we set up the thread now for the people that rush out and buy this version of the iPod then get burned just after Christmas when the real new iPod comes out? They'll need someplace to vent, and it's usually all over these threads. It would be nice to condense it.

    Apr 22, 05:55 AM
    Sounds good if it's true! I wonder when they'll release it for me to use!

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