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  • Eldiablojoe
    Apr 28, 10:26 PM
    Opps, my mistake. That would have made the story go very wrong had your part not ended prematurely.Hmmm, Nies was going to be a dancer at Moyank's strip club, and Appleguy123 was her pimp-daddy?

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  • diamond.g
    Apr 27, 08:16 AM
    SATA is also bi-directional....

    Pointing out that TBolt speed is of the same order of magnitude as SATA speed isn't trashing - it's countering some of the TBolt hype. Some people seem to think that TBolt is infinitely fast.

    Agree with you that the real promise of TBolt is to bring PCIe expansion to systems without PCIe slots.

    On first glance I was hoping it would be a reasonably cheaper replacement for FC, but that doesn't appear to be the case...

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  • MrNomNoms
    May 5, 08:24 AM
    3 months... Or more, we don't know, that's the problem. Meanwhile, the Galaxy S2, an outstanding phone(reviews say), will be in the market. Apple, wake up.

    Too bad the phone will be on the market for 6 months without a single software update then release a new phone telling customers if they want bugs fixed they'll have to buy a new phone rather than expecting a free software update. The fact that people take seriously Samsung's mobile phones really shows what a legion of drones there are out there - if Samsung aren't abandoning their Android users at the earliest instance they're screwing up WP7 updates.

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  • meepm00pmeep
    Oct 24, 07:46 AM
    i mean for everyone who waited this long, Santa Rosa is coming up soon, so why not wait for that as well? i say get what you need when you need it... there will always be newer tech down the line

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  • Plymouthbreezer
    Apr 13, 09:19 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_6 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8E200 Safari/6533.18.5)

    And immediately upon delivery of the first thousand white iPhones, 75% will end up concealed in cases...

    The other 25% left caseless will be abused and scratched by their owners (mainly teenage girls). :p

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  • retrorichie
    Apr 21, 03:28 PM
    Personally I could care less about the graphics downgrade if the MBA gets sandy bridge. It is slightly disappointing at face value to downgrade anywhere with a new generation of machine, but I can live with not being able to do any gaming on this thing if it is excellent at everything else. i5 or i7 CPU combined with 512 GB of storage would be frickin' amazing. Throw in an anti-glare display and a backlit keyboard and I would just about roll over and die.

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  • Snips
    Apr 22, 05:02 PM
    I would be really disappointed to see a metal backing like iPod Touch has. My previous iPods from the past are so jacked up on the backside with scratches and dents. I know I'm not alone with this.

    I'd prefer if the iPhone retained a glass backing like on the iPhone 4; I think it's just so sexy. But if they were going to move to metal I'd prefer an iPad-style backing.

    I really hope they don't adopt the shiny InstaScratch backing, that would suck bad.

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  • mac jones
    Apr 28, 08:24 PM
    this sounds really really insane :D

    Do they weigh more? is it cream filled?

    Thick creamy new iPhone!

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  • akac
    Nov 4, 01:19 AM
    Whatever dude. 2Ghz\2GB RAM\256MB Video\160GB HD and there is NOTHING instantaneous about Parallels at all. It takes anywhere from 1-2 minutes to resume a session and another 2+ minutes to suspend it. This is with multiple images, several OS X installs, and I know how to tweak Windows with the best of them.

    Sounds like you're not talking about Parallels starting up, but a virtual machine either resuming or starting up from scratch. For me WinXP starts in about 15 seconds on a 2.16Ghz 2GB RAM or about 2 minutes if resuming. But that has NOTHING to do with Cocoa, QT, Carbon or what not. The difference between those frameworks in speed is in milliseconds and would have nothing to do with the above. Those would have everything to do with file writing to disk.

    I can say that when Parallels has its VM Flags set to VM Cache as the primary caching logic, its disk speed is near native, but OS X apps slow down dramatically. Change that to Mac OS X primary caching logic and the VM's disk access slows down noticeably, but not horribly.

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  • fly75
    Jan 30, 03:05 PM
    Liberal banter = common sense and simple logic for the intelligent.... Too many people are so caught up in their lives that they forget the trauma of the past. History repeats itself and the market is like a roller coaster... remember the 1980's? Or even worse the 1930's.... Tech Stock is not going to hold. I am betting on Gold to hit at least 1500.00 in the next coming months and then upwards to the 2000.00 range.

    I remember the Hunt brothers being pretty bullish on silver in the 80's.

    Only cost them a few billion:eek:

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  • syc23
    Apr 26, 03:28 PM
    You wouldn't work for your boss for zero salary so why would you expect Apple to invest millions in their data centers and give this away for free?

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  • SchneiderMan
    Jan 26, 02:12 PM
    I knew I should have ordered more than one last night. It was a good deal.

    Exactly! You see my post on twitter about tinyurl not working? I think you fixed it though...

    No sure what you are talking about lol

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  • cult hero
    Apr 24, 02:49 AM
    What product will the T-Mobile chic bash now??? :rolleyes:

    The same one: AT&T's network. The phones never really mock the phone so much as they mock the slow network.

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  • txr0ckabilly
    Apr 13, 05:35 PM
    i've got an ATVclassic and the the ATV2. i don't need a $2000 apple cinema display. what i do need/want is an apple double din car stereo with built in wifi, 3g, touchscreen, ipod and maps. i want to pull up in my driveway every night and be able to wirelessly sync songs from my mac to my car's stereo. i want 3g for pandora or maybe mobileme (if that cloud storage thing ever comes to fruition). i want more mobile not stagnant, sit-in-front-of-the tv crap.

    honestly, since getting the ATV a few years ago, i watch tv less. i listen to more music streamed through my entire house. if i sit down in front of the television its almost always for the purpose of watching a movie. i love the mobility of apple products now and i always have my mac for a base station to come back to to do work.

    my .02

    i think i post this same junk every time i see the rumor of an apple branded television.

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  • torbjoern
    May 2, 12:47 AM
    Right about now Bin Laden is sitting next to the furnace in hell

    Nah - probably in Heaven with his 70 virgins on the magic mother-of-pearl bed where not even the angels can see what he's doing...

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  • Pegamush
    Apr 14, 03:46 PM
    In the mean time, might get the white one for my girl, she's still on my old 3G and it hurts me to see her still using that thing.

    just because a new device is out doesn't mean your old one dosen't work anymore / you suddenly need it..

    Give me some wise decision guys�

    I am badly in need for a new iDevice. My last device was the iPod Touch 1st Generation. I am planning to get both the iPhone and iPad, but will only get one now and wait for the other one in the next update.

    So which is better now?

    Get iPhone 4 White, and wait for iPad 3�
    Get iPad 2, and wait for iPhone 5?

    I am leaning towards the first option because the iPhone 4 feels like a revolution while the iPad 2 feels like a small upgrade and I wish it has a retina screen. But on the other hand, the iPhone 4 feels old now and iPad 2 just released.

    badly in need of something and you don't even know what you need? iphone and ipad are two completely different things...

    seriously, it really seems people buy apple eyes closed, without even thinking about their (supposed) needs. if you want to be cool, and you can afford it, then it's ok, otherwise you're just victims of the advertising and rumoring.
    didn't want to offend anyone, just want to make people think a bit before spending their money.

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  • CFreymarc
    May 4, 12:25 AM
    One more time boys and girls.

    iPhone 4G release on keynote of WWDC this summer.

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  • Popeye206
    Apr 13, 08:49 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Brown is the new white is the new black. As evidenced by the raging success of the brown zune.

    Yeah, seeing the brown Zune gave me chills.... just like the ones you get before you get the flu and hurl! :p

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  • 0815
    Apr 26, 01:25 PM
    i'm following the thread....the guy pays for 2TB drives to store his music on. music that he probably never paid for considering he has 2TB worth. your point?

    A little harsh here - you don't know if he payed for the music or not and it might also contain movies and other stuff. I know many people that collect lots of music CD's and movie DVDs over the many moons they are on the planet and ripping that in high quality needs lots of storage. Many people try to rip at highest quality possible and that is expensive storage wise. Just don't assume it's is stolen - might be, but you and I don't know.

    Why do people get so angry about the hypothetical details of a rumoured service?

    Because many people get angry about just anything that Apple does ... so I'm not sure why they go to a MacRumor site which is apple biased - but that might be just a way for them to vent off their frustration with life.

    Apr 24, 10:58 AM
    It says it used different frequencies... but then how can people jailbreak/unlock their iPhones and use it on T-mobile?

    Apr 12, 04:28 PM
    I hate being a party popper but this is exactly the same hype when Firewire was first released. I hope TB won't suffer a similar fate and end up being the port used only by a small segment of the market because of price and availability issues. TB is just too fantastic and I really want it to succeed but as you guys all know, its not the best tech that becomes the most successful and dominant.

    Wouldn't matter anyway if you were using a ThunderBolt external hard drive. Very few mechanical hard drives can even reach 1Gbps-2Gbps. You'll need several of the fastest SSDs in RAID to even reach ThunderBolt speeds.

    USB 3.0 FTW. More practical.

    If TB can I/O data from a platter drive as fast as an internal SATA II/III connection that would still be a significant improvement versus the current external hard drive connection speeds we have today.

    Sep 17, 12:25 PM
    Creedence Clearwater Revival - Cosmo's Factory

    Oooh! Nice! Well done!

    The Beatles - Abbey Road

    Oh dear, nevermind;)

    Jul 11, 03:15 PM
    I'd wager that the photo is probably fake, but the info sounds real. It makes sense that M$ would cash in on their successful XBox name. The problem with Origami is that they had other people do it and that the Windows name doesn't hold much clout nowadays. You would think that Microsoft would actually put some of their R&D team on Vista so they can release it within a decade of XP instead of coming up with all these other hair-brained ways to waste their money.

    May 1, 10:23 PM
    It's going to be midnight on the East Coast by the time the President makes the official announcement. I could make a celebration pumpkin pie and it will get done before the official announcement.

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