people walking away

people walking away. these people walking away
  • these people walking away

  • stevegmu
    Jan 29, 11:59 PM
    Apple has great products, but we are going to be experiencing more than a recession. Donald Trump stated that what was going to happen in North America is going to make Russia look like a picnic during world war 2. The CEO of Wall-Street stated two years ago that there will be a world economic crash worse than what happened during the 1930's due to the amount of debt. The European Union Banks stated 1.5 years ago that they were preparing their banks for a world economic collapse. Unfortunately most of us are living the status quo and do not want to acknowledge that our way of life is going to drastically change. Unfortunately even a company as great as Apple will not be able to retain the level of what the stocks are worth even at todays low. My advice is pay of your debts... sell your stocks while you still have money, sell your home and then when the collapse occurs then invest.

    LOL! The market has stabilized, and the worst of the credit 'crisis' is over. The only recession concerns the housing market- which was inflated due to speculation.
    Maybe a little less NPR would do you some good...

    people walking away. Two people walking up the
  • Two people walking up the

  • WestonHarvey1
    Apr 12, 10:28 AM
    What a bunch on whining individuals you are.

    "this belongs on page 2"

    "enough of this, page 2"

    Yeah, yeah, all we know now is that it's becoming increasingly clear that the next generation iPhone is scheduled for a September release, end of story

    stop whining geez :rolleyes:

    Why? It's good feedback for the owner of this site.

    people walking away. saw people walking away
  • saw people walking away

  • Master-D
    Apr 14, 03:20 AM (

    people walking away. Walking away after it is the
  • Walking away after it is the

  • G4DP
    Mar 31, 03:26 PM
    Team? OS X is actually developed by one guy in the boiler room who was actually fired years ago but still shows up to work... :rolleyes:

    Sad thing is by the way this seems to be an accurate description of OS X development.

    people walking away. Q: Why would people walk away
  • Q: Why would people walk away

  • steve knight
    Dec 31, 01:15 AM
    you gotta feel sorry for the poor abused toilet. I can imagine the reamed out plumbing.

    people walking away. 2 #005 woman, walking away
  • 2 #005 woman, walking away

  • Xavier
    Sep 13, 09:15 PM
    This shipped today, 3 weeks for International Shipping though. Ouch

    I have this shirt. It does attract quite a bit of attention

    people walking away. Gold Person Walking Away From
  • Gold Person Walking Away From

  • MagnusVonMagnum
    Nov 18, 04:38 PM
    Hopefully, the websites that provide their videos through a legacy Flash wrapper will soon be providing their users with a choice.

    I am elated that iOS Safari has no Flash support. I do not want the CPU suck, the identity suck, the unpredictable behavior, and the exposure to Adobe bugs. If you want those things, feel free to get an Android device.

    It would be better if Apple provided its users with a choice of whether they want to enable a flash plugin or not in their devices instead of screwing us all over by making so many web sites unusable (although I'm sure the author of Skyfire is thrilled about that choice since it's making him rich beyond his wildest dreams all because Apple is run by an egomaniac).

    people walking away. People+walking+away+from+
  • People+walking+away+from+

  • likemyorbs
    May 2, 02:52 AM
    So a friend told me there was a gathering in Boston Common a few miles away. I didn't leave my house until almost 2AM so I was a bit late but I stuck around until the police got the crowd to disperse. I only had my on camera flash and there is NO LIGHT there so I did what I could.

    That's awesome. Tomorrow will definitely be a huge day of celebration in the US. The news came kinda late at night.

    people walking away. People+walking+away+from+
  • People+walking+away+from+

  • Thunderbird
    Apr 25, 07:01 PM
    just sold my imac, but with my new Windows 7 pc I built I might be able to hold out until Lion hits. Maybe longer as my Windows 7 pc is pretty nice.

    Yeah, if you are able to hold out until the Fall, that would be ideal as there will most likely be a redesign on the iMac then. Plus it will come with Lion and have Thunderbolt.

    people walking away. People+walking+away+from+
  • People+walking+away+from+

  • ialamo
    Mar 16, 09:34 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Wow I wish I got to brea earlier. About 35th in line. I wonder how much it would take to buy the first spot in line....

    people walking away. Two+people+walking+away+
  • Two+people+walking+away+

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 16, 02:14 PM
    MacBook Air from late 2010 now boots standard with 64-bit Kernel and Extensions enabled!

    Awesome news. Anyone test this with the old Unibody Macbook/White Macbook ? Is everything now booting into 64-bit by default ?

    people walking away. People+walking+away+from+
  • People+walking+away+from+

  • monaarts
    Apr 14, 02:24 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I am going with either universal apps for iOS and Mac or appletv. Nothing else makes sense.

    people walking away. of people walking away
  • of people walking away

  • aly
    Oct 24, 08:04 AM
    I'm about to get my card out and spend spend spend!!! I was going to get the 17" due to the fw800, DL superdrive and screen space of course. Now I wonder, the 15" is attractive being that bit smaller. Anyone got any comments on either? Still like the screen on the 17" but I'm thinking 15" would be a bit more portable.

    people walking away. miraculously walking away
  • miraculously walking away

  • Eidorian
    May 3, 08:09 AM
    For perhaps a month before the Mac Pros are released at WWDC.Keep waiting...

    Intel is taking its time with the Xeons and Sandy Bridge-E.

    people walking away. of people walking away.
  • of people walking away.

  • twoodcc
    Nov 25, 04:17 AM
    By "small render farm", I mean small! It's made up of 6 Dell GX270, running P4 2.4ghz single core, with my MP as the Que controller (Ubuntu via Parallels). But they should working out pretty good for continuous folding for the time being. I'm building 5 dual processor, dual core Xeon servers (all 2.66ghz) to replace the Dells but that won't happen until the end of December (i'm getting ready to move from Japan back to the States in two weeks and I have most of my stuff packed up). Once I get settled back in the States and have the new servers running, I should be able to commit some good firepower towards the team effort.

    sounds good.

    people walking away. actually walking away from
  • actually walking away from

  • cherry su
    Jan 2, 01:15 PM
    Emphasis mine. Let's put corn ethanol for vehicle fuel and soy biodiesel aside for a minute. You may be shocked when you find out how much corn and other food is given to livestock to bulk them up for human consumption as meat. It's quite possibly the most inefficient calorie conversion we humans can conjure-- just because we like meat too g**d*** much.

    Vegan: The New Ethics Of Eating by Erik Marcus opened my eyes quite a bit about this kind of thing.

    (Disclaimer: For a period of time, I was vegan because of what I read in that book and other resources. Nowadays I'm "flexitarian", eating meat for only about 10% of my intake, mainly in the interest of family harmony; I could "go veg" again rather easily.)

    Agreed. The documentary Food Inc. brought this to my attention. It's quite freaky, feeding corn to cows. o_o

    people walking away. 2 #061 girl, walking away
  • 2 #061 girl, walking away

  • DTphonehome
    Jul 24, 03:49 PM
    It's about time. But I've had a wireless mouse/keyboard set when I got my iMac G5 Rev. A back in the day, and I quickly got rid of it. I was sick and tired of changing the damn batteries every few weeks. I never mouse or type away from my desk, so I had no use for it, and I'd rather have the ugly wires than deal with the annoyance of buying/changing batteries often. Now, if they were rechargeable (in a dock, I don't want to have to take them out and put them in a seperate charger), I could see using them.

    people walking away. PEOPLE WALKING AWAY SILHOUETTE

  • rockosmodurnlif
    Apr 12, 12:24 PM
    iPhone 5 rumors are more all over the place than the white iPhone 4/PowerBook G5/iTunes subscription rumors

    people walking away. steps people walking away
  • steps people walking away

  • sixstorm
    Oct 21, 08:17 AM
    My wife and I are going to get 15" MBPs around Christmas time.

    Dec 29, 10:56 PM
    I have to agree it would be interesting to watch her consume all of this.

    Jul 11, 07:21 PM
    Today magnesium Nanos means tomorrow ...

    ... transparent aluminum iPods !!!

    And I predict wireless disposable earphones :eek:

    So no one will EVER find anything interesting in MS products :p :D ;)

    Jan 25, 06:58 PM
    Apple just released its quarterly, and while it was higher than apple's expectations it did not meet analyst's expectations.

    louis Fashion
    Apr 11, 02:02 PM
    Probably not to far off. what will be funny is all the people who bought a 2011 mbp, I am guessing probably will not choose to pay premium for the drive and will upgrade their laptop prior to buying affordable TB drive for thier machine.

    I hope I am wrong, But I think 500 might not be to far off from actual price.

    500? That IS expensive!

    Lord Blackadder
    May 2, 02:53 AM
    That's awesome. Tomorrow will definitely be a huge day of celebration in the US.

    Rather macabre, in my opinion...

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