laptop skins

laptop skins. Laptop Skins
  • Laptop Skins

  • lilo777
    Apr 23, 01:05 AM
    Apple certainly can design a phone that supports LTE, but getting good battery life out of it is another thing. This is an area of focus for Apple so they won't make compromises here.

    And that's exactly what's wrong with Apple philosophy. Consumers make compromises, companies make profits. There are plenty of people who would compromise battery life for speed. Are you saying that Apple does not care about them? Because they believe that battery life is always more important? Obviously the real reason is different. They are just trying to maximize the profits in their own way (i.e. keeping the number of models to a minimum) and that's why smart consumer should chose Android. With Android one can pick the phone they need (not the phone Apple think is best). Different people have different needs and with Android one can find a phone with a set of compromises that fits them best.

    What do you don't seem to understand is that most people would rather not have to keep swapping the battery in their phone throughout the day, nor should anyone have to. There is demand for LTE, yes, but 4 hours of battery life is not what i would call good. What good is your phone to you if the battery is dead? You may be fine with switching your battery twice a day, but i think the majority of us would rather have a phone that we know is reliable and wont die on us. Also, 3G is good enough for me for now, and I know I'm not alone. When LTE/3G hybrid chips are here, i will welcome it.

    What do you don't seem to understand is that every individual person does not care what most people need/want. I want to be able to buy the phone I need. If you go with what "most people" need it would be a dumb phone then (with great battery life BTW)

    laptop skins. eBoy Laptop Skins
  • eBoy Laptop Skins

  • seanpholman
    Mar 12, 01:23 AM
    Bummer to hear, I was hoping I would get mine Saturday. I'l be down in SD in the AM, so maybe I will try down there.


    laptop skins. decalgirl-laptop-skins
  • decalgirl-laptop-skins

  • gugy
    Apr 13, 03:17 PM
    Apple Television

    seriously doubt it.

    Too big, too expensive, too many costs associate with transport/housing/shipping.
    Saturate market with great quality products, fierce competition and very low profit margins.

    In another words something Apple basically want to avoid.

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  • pink laptop skins

  • Kissaragi
    Apr 28, 04:02 PM
    Id be interested to know how much thicker it is. Its not issue for 99% of people, but can see how it might mess up some cases

    laptop skins. pink laptop skins
  • pink laptop skins

  • bld44
    Apr 8, 09:34 PM

    laptop skins. Custom Laptop Skins | Computer
  • Custom Laptop Skins | Computer

  • toddybody
    Apr 13, 08:52 PM
    I agree with all the folks here who say it wont sell. I mean, since everyone I know is constantly reading and posting on MR... :p

    laptop skins. A sexy laptop skin can be
  • A sexy laptop skin can be

  • Moyank24
    Apr 29, 07:50 PM
    Look a the bright side. You are also stuck with Plutonius.

    Right you are. Can we vote Appleguy out of the afterlife if he starts annoying me?

    laptop skins. Creating Laptop Skins
  • Creating Laptop Skins

  • spicyapple
    Nov 3, 10:19 AM
    An entire cottage industry around virtualization it seems is slowly springing up... more support for OSX means this is great news for Apple marketshare! :)

    laptop skins. SpongeBob Laptop Skins:
  • SpongeBob Laptop Skins:

  • Tipsy
    Apr 12, 06:27 PM
    I'm still a little puzzled by Apple releasing the Verizon iPhone when it did, 8 months after the previous release and thus 4 months from when people who pay attention to these things would expect it to be superseded. Anyone who bought it want to comment on how they'd feel about their phone becoming out-of-date after 4 months as opposed to 8?

    My guess is that Apple will announce it in September and release it then or in October. If the rumours about production not starting until FY2012 are right they're going to need some time to ramp up production for Christmas, but I doubt they'll hold off til after Christmas when people'll either know a new one is on the horizon or be annoyed that their Christmas present is out of date.

    September would be a nice time-frame. Since iPhones are mostly unlocked/PAG over here, they'd make a nice gift for Christmas. They could benefit from this particular release (closer to Christmas) by expecting greater sales; thus, they may lower pricing.

    [citation needed]

    I'd be surprised if the majority of iPhones sold in the UK are sold unlocked/are on Pay As You Go. I doubt most people would want the higher up-front costs for the small overall savings available with the main networks and the inconvenience involved. I'm personally considering going with Giffgaff because I'd save more money, but they seem to be in a league of their own.

    laptop skins. Laptop Skin
  • Laptop Skin

  • appleguy123
    Apr 25, 04:49 PM
    And forget about cheap're paying double for lapdances!

    But iBlue doesn't have to pay at all!!! :rolleyes:
    What am I going to do? I've got chickens to raise!

    laptop skins. Laptop Skins
  • Laptop Skins

  • Surely
    Feb 28, 01:41 PM
    I disagree. He's seriously ill. Just look at the guy. He's one year older than I am and he looks ten years older.

    I'm not saying that I don't think he's abusing some serious drugs, but I think he has more control over what he's doing/saying than we think.

    laptop skins. Laptop Skin Firefox
  • Laptop Skin Firefox

  • arkmannj
    May 3, 08:09 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Mac Mini: Core2Duo

    :( :rolleyes:

    maybe our day will come soon,

    laptop skins. Laptop Skins Gallery
  • Laptop Skins Gallery

  • sporadicMotion
    Nov 24, 03:26 PM
    A pair of these

    and one of these

    laptop skins. Laptop Skins by Schtickers
  • Laptop Skins by Schtickers

  • Young Spade
    May 4, 02:55 AM
    Good so.
    It's the return of the Mac, Steve Jobs said it so, so let's focus on Macs now and iPhone in second plan for this year at least; it's already a huge success, so...

    I don't think Apple can continuously afford to do that though. Everyone can see that Android is making a stand and a strong one at that. Improving market share more than others still while some are even declining. Spec wise, Android phones are the highest on the market with quite a few dual core handsets out right now.

    I'm personally waiting for the Galaxy S 2 to hit the states so I can upgrade to that.

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  • Â A laptop skins costs 20

  • Odysseusdk
    Feb 1, 09:03 AM
    Base spec 13" MBP


    Selling my windows desktop and replacing it with this.

    Now I just need a dock for my Ipad and a minidisplay -> dvi adapter and a wireless apple keyboard.

    Pictures of finished setup will be available in the setups thread!

    Cant wait for the mbp to arrive

    laptop skins. change your laptop skins
  • change your laptop skins

  • Compile 'em all
    Apr 14, 12:19 PM
    Jailbreaking hole plugged?

    EDIT: Hole used by the untethered 3.2.1 Jailbreak has been patched.

    laptop skins. your laptop skin lasts and
  • your laptop skin lasts and

  • Stella
    Jul 24, 03:59 PM
    come on, Apple! what we're all really waiting for is a mouse with force-feedback. for all these games.

    Logitech did that years ago with two range of mice.

    Now, they are no where to be seen. They were a gimmic.

    laptop skins. laptop skins (art, design,
  • laptop skins (art, design,

  • damixt
    Mar 15, 09:40 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    Cerritos has none today

    laptop skins. Mac Laptop Skins
  • Mac Laptop Skins

  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 22, 08:59 AM
    Samsung, what's going wrong?

    Apr 22, 04:20 PM
    Well, there's someone else saying something else. Great. :rolleyes:



    Jul 25, 08:36 AM
    Is there an education discount for the US? I can't seem to find it. At least not yet. It is listed in the Education store but at $69.

    See you guys around NEXT TUESDAY.

    Apr 28, 04:15 PM
    I could have sworn my iResq back was bigger than the stock black one. That's funny it's in spec of the actual OEM one now haha.

    My Vulcan still fits but its a tighter fit.

    Mar 16, 08:06 AM
    So pissed right now. So pissed.

    FWIW there's 20 people in line at Brea. I'm number 9 now.

    Nov 3, 02:06 PM
    all i have to say is that vmware is a strong company financially with a very good long term vision/proven track record, there's no way parallels will survive. there's no way all the hardware companies will fully cooperate with parallels, i don't see them lasting, you're better off putting money in vmware, they'll give you a good product, they've been doing it longer and better. but i understand how it is with firsts, it's always hard to part with them. ;)

    even though i didn't get an invite into the beta program, i'm shocked at how quick they're actually executing. that indian exec at vmware said it would be coming soon at the last wwdc, but this is great.

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