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  • Hunabku
    Jul 28, 12:01 PM
    Honestly Microsoft will fail, and it's not because they are going to take forever to show anyone anything. Microsoft will fail because it doesn't understand the demographic it is trying to produce a product for. Microsoft may cater to business and such, but in the eyes of teenagers, many of whom are anti-establishment, Microsoft is simply not cool. Not only is Microsoft uncool, it doesn't understand what IS cool.

    True, but as i have send in a previous thread about MS, the people behind their XBox division are actually "cool" and creative and MS is said to be giving them lots of freedom. Let's not wholeheartly disregard our competition here - even though it feels good to do so!

    background patterns green. If you need Green Pattern
  • If you need Green Pattern

  • Full of Win
    Apr 24, 03:43 PM
    Yeah... and based on sales, not surveys, the iPhone sure is hurting now given it just had it's best sales quarter ever. :rolleyes:

    Win... why don't you get it? There is the iPhone and then there is everything else. Android is a good smart phone OS... IMO, the best alternative to the iPhone. But the reality is, people buy an iPhone because they want an iPhone. People buy an Android based phone because they want a phone and it's on sale this week.

    Android is not going to slaughter the iPhone. It's a huge market out there and there will always be multiple alternatives for the OS's. If anything, the companies with the most worries are RIM and Microsoft. They continue to loose market share like crazy to Apple and Android based phones.

    But please... If you want to fantasias about Android OS phones taking over the world, I'm sure there more people like you over on the Android forums that also have this twisted view. Besides, why does the iPhone worry you so much? It's great that it's there and it's great the Android is there too. The competition is making both solutions better.

    There is a difference between sales and market share. Without a doubt, part of the appeal of android is cost - it's just cheaper to buy. However, it's not as simple as you suggest

    People buy an Android based phone because they want a phone and it's on sale this week

    Some people buy it so they can have a larger screen, some because they want a keyboard, some because they have specific hardware needs (e.g. The US Army), some because they do not want to live under of the heel of Steve Jobs twisted moral code. I could go on, but it's become the proverbial dead horse. Sure, Android has pitfalls in that it can run almost anything, but I would rather have the freedom to make a bad app choice than to live in the walled garden that iOS is becoming.

    In short, the freedom to make choices, even bad ones, is superior to being spoon fed like a baby as Apple tends to do.

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  • Jswoosh
    Apr 26, 12:19 AM
    So this tomorrow right? :p

    Ok I guess I'll have to wait another week. (Assuming this is accurate).

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  • netdog
    Jul 11, 05:17 PM
    Apple leveraged iPods to sell iTMS, and iPods to sell Macs, but Microsoft can use MediaPlayer/Vista/Urge to push its WMA players. Controlling 90%+ of the world's desktops with XP and soon with Vista, they have an opportunity to push the iPod and iTMS right off the map. It already seems well on its way to happening with movie downloads.

    I am not saying that MS will do any of the above, but they are sure well positioned to do so. If Vista manages to successfully push people to register their credit cards at Urge, and WMA playback capability becomes a must-have feature, Apple will have a lot of trouble on their hands.

    Say a prayer that Jobs manages to not only deliver must-have sexy devices, but that he makes iTunes a whole lot more impressive for Mac and especially for Windows so that people won't even want to use Media Player. If people adopt the new Media Player 11, and quietly infect the world with WMA/WVA media, watch out. In truth, the player doesn't have to be that good. It just has to play the media that people actually have. Hence their rumoured willingness to swap protected AACs for WMAs. That along with OS dominance is where the danger to iPod/ITMS exists.

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  • tny
    Oct 24, 08:04 AM
    Slightly off-topic: does anyone have an opinion on getting software (in this case logic express) preinstalled? Is there any benefit or would it be better to just buy the app seperately?

    The only benefit it gets you is the time savings of not having to install it yourself - and of being able to jump right in and use it when you get the machine.

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  • nies
    Apr 28, 12:09 PM
    This just got real crazy

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  • lmalave
    Oct 19, 08:18 AM
    Its clear Apple is missing something in the midrange desk top line. Its time for the Cube or Macintosh or headless iMac or Max Mini or something. iMac isnt for everyone and the world has billions of big beautiful displays just waiting for a midrange Mac but if Apple prices it again the same as the towers it will be another failure. Its way past time for the next Macintosh. Needs a real GPU, at least 1 expansion slot and should be priced right along with ugly iMac:D or a pinch below.

    This is not beyond the realm of possibility. I could see Apple modifying the Mac mini at some point to make the graphics card more accessible and upgradeable. But of course it would be a laptop graphics card and not a full desktop graphics card. Do ATI / nVidia sell something like mini-PCI graphics cards to consumers?

    But anyway, althought it's a possibility I think it's a slim one, since gamers are just not Apple's focus right now...

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  • patrickvanzandt
    Sep 30, 09:51 AM
    The headline for this story is misleading based on the data provided.

    All we have is ONE Apple engineer's case notes mentioning
    Proposed Resolution: this is a basic trouble shooting case so that the customer may report back to ATT to show that the phone is fully functional and the problem is consistent with the service provided by ATT

    All the tech is saying is "the iPhone is fully functional", or in other words: there is no evidence of a hardware issue on this customer's iPhone.

    Nowhere does it say anything about what AT&T considers "normal". This engineer does not even work for AT&T. She's simply saying that she confirmed that this particular unit seems to be OK on a hardware level and referred the customer to AT&T for resolution.

    Move along...

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  • Thunderhawks
    Apr 13, 02:18 PM
    Will there be a Matte option? :D

    Will it come in white?

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  • FX4568
    Apr 20, 04:22 PM
    Ah, that clears things up a bit.

    But as stated, I'd like to see the power draw for the C2D+320M. Certainly then, in taking out the other power-suckers in the machine, that C2D+320M combo would draw more power than the LV i5 processor alone, would it not?

    Its a difference of 5-10W. Dont remember exactly. might be a little less since its not a full clocked C2D.

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  • Background Patterns For Girls.

  • Reason077
    Apr 14, 04:26 AM
    Once you get over the delusion of Macs running iOS apps

    You might just have to get over your delusion that this is a delusion ;)

    Imagine cleaning fingerprint smudges off a 27" iMac display. I hope Apple doesn't go there, and I don't think they will.

    Right, they won't go there. But what if UIKit (aka Cocoa Touch) was ported to OS X, so that it was easier to write a universal app that runs on both iOS devices and Macs?

    Obviously developers would still have some work to do to port their apps, much like porting an iPhone app to iPad, but having much the same UI APIs available on both platforms would make everything a lot easier.

    One might give such a technology a codename like "iX", and announce it at an upcoming developers conference.

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  • Damtoft
    Apr 22, 04:31 PM
    yuk, looks awfull :eek:, I highly doubt its gonna look like that

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  • YoNeX
    Nov 3, 09:49 AM
    Okay, they fixed the Portal, so I was able to download it, a 79.4MB file, lets see how this runs compared to parallels.

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  • JLL
    Apr 1, 03:35 AM
    I thought that the inverse scrolling was a bug, but in Lion Dev Preview 2 it is still there :eek:

    It's user selectable.

    background patterns green. Black ackground with motion
  • Black ackground with motion

  • JAT
    Apr 18, 01:00 PM
    thats nothing I show 15 hours.

    Dialup? Download took a few minutes for me. 4.27 for Verizon.

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  • simple olive green pattern

  • coder12
    Apr 28, 11:55 AM
    Anyone else find these stories on market share to be completely boring?!?

    Can MacRumors setup a Page 3 section to put these on and keep the interesting rumors on the first page (new Macs, new iOS, etc)?

    Until Apple announces they are stopping production of the iPhone due to low sales.....I don't care who sells the most. :rolleyes:

    Thank you! I was thinking the same thing here...

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  • ackground design patterns

  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 26, 01:04 PM
    I do not care to put my itunes media on the cloud. However I would really like to see mobileme have more storage and a lower annual price. I am using the gallery more for posting old home videos for family to view with AppleTV and other devices. Besides email and a small web site, that is the most I've utilized this service. The price is just too high even with the recent increased usage I've had.

    If they plan to offer large capacity media storage for itunes media at $20 a year then mobileme needs to be around the same price or part of that over all deal.

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  • Maximillian
    Mar 29, 07:56 AM
    Does anybody else see the 9.6 inside the apple?
    Sept. 6th?

    Whatever it means, it's interesting.

    After you point it out, yes, I do, but I can't imagine that Apple would give ANY clues to future release dates/announcements.

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  • June 17, 2008 | Backgrounds

  • appleguy123
    Apr 27, 08:54 PM
    Ok appleguy :p

    Glad you agree.

    Mar 15, 10:54 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_6 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8E200 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Looks like the show is over in Fashion Island folks

    The four of us up front have vouchers - no more shipments today - no other iPads today :(

    Apr 22, 08:13 PM
    Lies Lies Lies

    Don't believe it. The reports about it keeping the same design make sense.

    The article says it was wrong about Ipad 2 having a memory slot.

    3"7 funny..if they were going to make it bigger it would be a 4". I reckon if the other reports are true it should stay 3.5".

    May 4, 02:57 AM
    i would rather have a better feature and higher quality phone than just squeezing into the usual deadline. If apple thinks it is necessary to push back the release than I think there is always some reason behind it.

    Apr 28, 07:05 PM
    Actually I could feel that it was slightly heavier as well. I weighed both the black and white model and indeed the white is a little heavier but I really dont care, all my cases that I love (SGP) still work fine so its a "Who Cares" kinda thing as said before.

    Oh, jeez, I can't believe you don't know this...charge the black one up to the equivalent level of the white phone and they will weigh exactly the same. ;)

    Jul 24, 09:06 PM
    Wave your hands in the air controls?

    Wait, I've seen that before somewhere?! Hmmmmm.

    As long as I don't have to wear those gloves. uuugh.

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