Young Money Bedrock Album

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  • ChazUK
    Mar 29, 12:36 PM
    All of you W7 humpers please try and "snap" two excel or word files next to each other. Oh that right you cant, because heaven forbid I would want to do that and work simultaneous on two MS office files.

    Have I just done the impossible? :D ( (

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  • HecubusPro
    Sep 2, 05:18 PM
    Is it weird to have a special event in SF on the day the Paris Expo starts?

    Perhaps is just being done in conjunction with the Paris expo. That's what I gathered anyway.

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  • mkrishnan
    Sep 19, 01:35 PM
    Looking at some financials, I think Disney sells on the order of 100M DVD units per quarter, which comes out to about 7-10M units per week? 125k units through the online channel in one week isn't so bad. :) If they hit their $50M revenue target, that means they will see sales on the order of 1% of total home video sales? That's a fair start.

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  • iStudentUK
    Apr 19, 07:15 AM
    So what? They're already getting sued by Apple, so what's another lawsuit? Point is, contract breach or not, Samsung could cripple Apple's whole ecosystem within days by halting all processor shipments.

    Big businesses aren't usually personal. Law suits happen, it shouldn't mean it turns into fisty-cuffs!

    (Breach of contract isn't simple, if Samsung did pull out and cripple Apple they could be made to pay damages to cover for that as it is foreseeable. It is obviously much more complex than that, but you get the point.)

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  • gkarris
    Apr 11, 01:11 PM
    The US Government bailed out Wall Street and the Auto Industry. Then, they almost shut down themselves... :eek:

    The US Government almost couldn't even bail itself out... :eek:

    Yes, it is getting worse, you can tell, the media says we are no longer in a recession... ;)

    Yes, my friends did find work, but they can barely make ends meet and a 1/2 car ride each way turned into a 1.5 hour car/train/walk each way.

    They're not happy... (2 hours extra of commuting for a job where you need to whip out the credit card for essentials like food and gas).

    It will definitely be interesting how things will churn out...

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  • TheKrillr
    Sep 5, 05:53 PM
    Tell ya what..If I want to watch a full length movie I'm gonna do it in my living room in front of my TV NOT wherever the computer is.

    Exactly why there'd be the video equivalent of airtunes... haven't you been paying attention?

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  • LCC
    Sep 21, 03:18 AM
    Let's hope there is the ability to import large address books with multiple contact numbers. Most cell phones allow you up to 500 contacts; some up to 1,000 (with a maximum of three numbers per contact).

    The memory is there for the music, allow Power Users the choice of dedicating it to contact numbers and other data. The only other option is to carry around a bulky PDA phone.

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  • Peace
    Jul 19, 07:58 PM

    Cloverton and Kentsfield coming 4th quarter 2006

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  • Mattie Num Nums
    Apr 19, 09:18 AM

    While I didn't buy my HTC Android because it "looked nice," I did buy it because it was the most iPhone-like phone experience at Sprint at the time. I now pay for that decision everyday (iOS 1.0 puts Android 2.2 to shame) and cannot wait for my contract to be over. Steve Jobs would put someone's head on a pike in front of 1 Infinite Loop if Apple ever released an OS this half-baked. Say what you will about Apple's walled garden, but the Android market is more like a flea market complete with grifters. I've given up buying apps after too many that caused frequent crashes.

    Verizon iPhone 5, you cannot arrive soon enough.

    iOS 1 puts Android 2.2 to shame?

    Now you are just talking out of your @ss. In all honesty the difference between iOS and Android is so subtle.

    Young Money Bedrock Album. %IMG_DESC_10%
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  • karansaraf
    Apr 15, 12:54 PM
    So Apple have just released MBPs with Sandy Bridge and will now be releasing Ivy Bridge MBPs in 2012? I was really planning on getting an MBP this summer...

    Young Money Bedrock Album. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • EagerDragon
    Sep 9, 06:59 PM
    I stopped at the Apple store this morning and tried out the 24 inch iMac and the Mac Pro. These are sweet machines. No did not buy anything.

    The systems both had 1 gig on them and I compared them to a MacBook Pro. One weird thing.... the 24 incher had some stuttering on the iMoviedemo they all had. However the second time I tried it it was smoth as silk. I think it was not cached in memory and since the second time it was it ran smothly. I was also plesantly surpriced that the 24 incher screen was very readable at it highest setting even with my bad eyes. Nice screen realstate and resolution with nice easy to read fonts.

    Im still waiting for Leopard to release these powerful anymals of their chains. By them the systems will be even better, maybe even incluse Santa Rosa.

    Young Money Bedrock Album. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • kas23
    Apr 4, 12:14 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2 like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C134 Safari/6533.18.5)

    These guys knew there was going to be a component of danger in their heist. Hence, they brought loaded guns with them. If they did want to run the risk of being shot and killed, they should've stayed home in bed.

    It just amazes me how many idiots are on this board crying foul because a person in law enforcement killed a criminal who was trying to not only rob a store, but also trying to kill him.

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  • MacRumors
    Apr 30, 01:08 PM (

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  • KPOM
    Apr 22, 02:18 PM
    Been waiting to get one for a while now. :o

    I do hope that the backlit keyboard comes to the 11.5 inch.:rolleyes:

    Bummed about Intel's graphics. I was hoping in some kind of settlement. :(

    There was a settlement. Intel gave NVIDIA $1.5 billion to go away. Unfortunately, that means Intel integrated graphics for the foreseeable future.

    Young Money Bedrock Album. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • musiclover137
    Aug 23, 11:06 PM
    Apple makes money off of iTunes Music Store - they won't tell us how much, but it is a money maker (all be it insignificant compared to the iPod)

    Right, insignificant.

    Sure, a few cents a song. But not the reason for the iTMS. It's all just fodder for the iPod machine.

    I don't think he is joking, it is about more than sales, but 100m songs on Itunes did make apple roughly 100M. So I think he is speaking solely about the moetary aspect of the Itunes sales. So no joke: money is money.

    The money from each iTunes song DOES NOT go to Apple. It is split up widely amoungst publishers, record labels and the artist, and if there's any left, then to Apple.

    100 millions songs sold DOES NOT EQUAL $100 million

    Young Money Bedrock Album. %IMG_DESC_16%
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  • BlizzardBomb
    Jul 14, 12:22 PM
    Yes, the Core Duo (Yonah) is a mobile chip. The Core 2 Duo equivalent is Merom.

    What? You said the word Merom but didn't include a link to the guide? :p

    Well anyways, if Apple could get Conroes into iMacs it would be great. A challenge I know (and I still personally think it is more likely to be a Merom iMac) but it would help to be that little bit more competitive. The rest is pretty much predictable, Merom for MBPs and eventually MacBooks and Mac Minis. Woodcrest for Mac Pro and MacServe (Macs in everything right ;) ). iMac's future is a big ?.

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  • AidenShaw
    Sep 9, 10:33 AM
    He is talking about reliability data from at least the last 10 years, Aiden...
    You mean Powerbook hinges, iBook logic boards, MacBook Random Shutdown Syndrome (RSS) (, eMac logic boards (, Powerbook memory slot, White spots and lines on Powerbook screens, chipping paint, cracked cubes, iMac G5 video and power problems,Apple repair extensions (,...

    I see your point!

    Young Money Bedrock Album. %IMG_DESC_18%
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  • SwiftLives
    Aug 31, 10:05 PM
    I don't think we're getting the movie store or movie iPod just yet.

    The sites that claim to have gotten an invite are French. (Not sure about Your Mac Life, though). Also, this event is being broadcat in London and Paris. This makes me think this announcement will be for downloadable European TV shows and not the iTunes Movie Store.

    But - in the spirit of contradicting myself and being hopelessly optimistic, go check out the iPod refurb store. $100 off the 5G iPods instead of $50. That makes me think they're clearing inventory.


    Also - In terms of branding - Quicktime Move Store perhaps?


    I'm also guessing that we'll see speed bumps to the iMac and MacBook Pro (since they're the oldest) this Tuesday. The rest we may see during Apple Expo Paris.

    Keep in mind that Steve doesn't do a keynote for speed bumps. Just tech advances.

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  • Stridder44
    Jul 14, 01:37 PM
    You're impressed that a chip not even available yet beats a chip from june 2003?

    No Im amused that people still think (more or less wish really) the G5 is better.

    Oct 27, 10:04 AM
    Thank you, Greenpeace. Public awareness is what it's all about. If Apple does not like it, maybe it's time to shape up and actually try to live up to the "environmentally friendly" image that they have been trying to create.

    ender land
    Apr 20, 12:29 AM
    For all the bleeding heart liberals I've spoken with over the years, who want crazy amounts taxed in order to support social uplift programs, I never see any of them giving away 50+% of their income to charity. It's a lot easier to ask the government to give other peoples money to charity.

    I can tell you right now that my family gives >50% of its total income.

    However, if you think that taxes = charity, what incentive do you have to give? (to the organizations that are 90+% efficient rather than whatever the crap the government is)

    You know, this is so true. I spend a ton of my time volunteering and doing things that are relatively generous for others in spite of being incredibly financially conservative (for example, the guys I live with hosted a dinner for a fair number of younger college students tonight, a few days ago we had a homeless guy spend the night, yesterday I volunteered all night at a local community center, etc).

    Maybe this is why I take such issue with the idea of governmentally run "welfare" type programs because I do this sort of thing on a regular basis.

    Sep 10, 09:51 AM the new realeased merom iMac will last for how long:confused: :confused:

    worth it to buy now???

    thinkiNG of getting one...cant bear with my 3 yrs old of centrinO noteBook...:mad:

    I think it's worth buying now. There will always be something better out there. If you're suffering with a 3-year-old Centrino, make your computing life better now with a new iMac.

    Sep 26, 08:54 AM
    Include all the functionality of the Apple remote to allow the iPhone to drive your iTV and Front Row.

    "Mom, hold on a second, I need to change the channel..." :D

    *runs to local patent office*

    Apr 4, 11:44 AM
    Achievment unlocked!

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