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  • markw10
    Nov 24, 07:09 PM
    and now it just came up and I don't see any sales. Am I wrong? It seems they are gone and had the idea this is a 24 hour sale. I wasn't going to cut my order close to midnight but it's 6PM mountain time now.I never expected it to end this soon. I'm hoping this is a mistake. I was going to order some products anyway so that won't stop me but yet I don't want to order and see the prices back in 10 minutes.

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  • Schmye Bubbula
    Mar 24, 03:50 PM
    Ten years, and TheWormyFruit� still hasn't FTFF (!

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  • iOS v Android
    May 3, 02:04 PM
    Why is it that Google always touts how open is so good, then they realize that, oh, guess we should tighten things up a bit, maybe being too open is not such a good thing.

    this has nothing to do with google or openess. it is the carriers restricting access to the apps. This is the carriers and their policies. They see the apps as a threat to the plans they sell so they blocked them

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  • QuarterSwede
    Oct 13, 08:19 PM
    Just noticed something at work (large retailer). The iPod case is unusually empty of iPod videos. We may have 15 total when the case usual has 50-100. The iPod Nanos on the other hand are completely stocked full. Usually this only happens when Apple is going to release a new version and stops sending the store product. I know it sounds weird because they just upgraded the 5G but it was a very insignificant update. Just thought I'd add that to the rumor mill.

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  • dsnort
    Aug 4, 07:56 AM
    Still can't agree with ya on the cd thing for one reason, I went to a movie theatre this past weekend. I may be showing my age, but i can remember when the hue and cry was that the availibity of movies on VHS was going to put the theatres out of business, but it didn't. There are always going to be those who want the latest and greatest right now, without having to wait, and these people are willing to pay a premium. Some type of physical media will allow them to do that.

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  • vwcruisn
    Apr 5, 03:28 PM
    Probably, but as I am in the Marketing and Advertising business I will find this quite useful. Many of you are so quick to dismiss the usefulness of this App simply because you don't understand its true purpose.

    "doesn't apply to me so it's useless" mentality. guess the world revolves around them :p

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  • Hephaestus
    Mar 17, 05:33 PM
    Today I've had some pretty interesting exchanges with other smart phone owners. I personally have an iPhone 4, I've had it for ages and love it. Pretty much everyone else I know has an Android phone of some kind. Now, people are always so damn keen to try and compete with my iPhone! I mean seriously, these people just come out of nowhere! I don't even show it off either, people just see me use it and start coming out with stuff.

    For instance, one guy comes out with - "Oh so you have an iPhone 4, my HTC Desire is way better". When we ran some comparisons he was obliterated but refused to accept it lol. All I got was, "well you paid �500 for an overpaid Apple product that you need a case to use". Personally I've never had any antenna problems so anyway, moving on.

    Another guy comes out with "You don't have a removable battery so if your phone crashes then you're screwed". Anyone here had their iPhone crash? If yes were you unable to get it sorted at an Apple store? This explanation didn't bode well with said Apple hater. :p

    Some one else came out with "iPhone 4 is a brick". At first I thought he was joking but he soon turned serious, saying that the phone literally is shaped like a brick and has sharp edges which hurt your hand.

    Another guy claimed that iPhones are awful because they don't have flash. To be honest, I don't really care for flash. The only thing I need flash for is Youtube which has its own app, and most shopping sites have their own dedicated apps anyway. Flash is a resource hog that would kill the battery. This of course was nonsense to the nexus owner.

    I could go on but the shots people took just kept getting cheaper and cheaper, most reverting to "well you paid �500 for a phone, you must be crazy". I don't understand this. It seems that most people feel some kind of envy to me because I own an iPhone 4. Its pretty sad, at the end of the day its just a phone. But people actually seem to hate Apple because they can't afford their products. Most of them admitted that had the iPhone been cheaper they'd buy one, hence they can't afford it so they are bitter.

    Anyone else experienced this? I get similar problems when people see my Macbook Pro lol.

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  • micahR
    Nov 8, 07:33 AM
    I got my copy on my desk right now. I will check it out tonight and see what's up. I'll post more tomorrow.

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  • pjo
    Sep 25, 11:23 AM
    4. Apple never releases hardware on Tuesdays, so there is no hope for any MacBook Pro updates tomorrow.

    You are kidding right? There's a whole guide on "next Tuesday" right here on MR.

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  • testcard
    Sep 29, 08:32 AM
    Man, that is a crummy little house by Silicon Valley standards if I ever saw one. I live in the neighboring town (Portola Valley), which is essentially the same as Woodside, and hence know many homes in the area (including the one I live in). And by current standards around here, not having a private bathroom for EACH bedroom, and a LARGE closet, is pretty substandard. Also, to only have *1* walk-in in the master rather than 2 is not good. No home theater? Large gym with panoramic views? Sauna/steam room/? Sun room? Library? Detached guest suite or guest house (in-law/nanny quarters, etc.)? Swimming pool? Hot tub? This honestly doesn't look like a place where a man of his caliber would be living full-time. Of course his house in Palo Alto isn't huge, either, but at least it is charming, historic, enchanted.

    He has a number of kids, so I'm not sure how they would all fit into this small space with their friends when, e.g., everyone comes home for summers, holidays, etc. Typical houses for higher level people in the Woodside area would have at least 6-7 bedrooms, a bathroom for each bedroom, plus several additional half bathrooms, and probably about 10,000 squ. ft.

    Still living the American Dream over there? ;)

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  • JKK photography
    Apr 10, 11:06 AM
    Lion will contain Mac OS X Server. So there, there's your new features.

    As an Apple user, I'm thrilled that I'm not afflicted with the need to put down Windows in order to boost my ego.

    He's not putting down Windows. He's simply talking about the Windows NT version, which (for Windows 7) is currently 6.1. It is unknown as to whether or not MS will go to 6.2, or maybe to 7.0.

    So, when you insult someone, have your facts straight. A simple Google search usually suffices.

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  • Eidorian
    Nov 16, 03:03 PM
    And one more thing....

    Introducing the Macbook mini AMD edition!

    AMD 4x4 processors at 2.6ghz
    Nvidia 4x4 compatible chipset
    AMD x1950 graphics w/ 512 memory
    12in sxga screen
    2 gigs memory standard

    Liquid Nitrogen not included...

    :pSome Dvorak love.

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  • AlphaDogg
    Apr 21, 04:15 PM
    Where did the buttons go?

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  • *LTD*
    Apr 11, 07:04 AM
    You are aware that the Core2Duo 'requirement' is because Lion is 64-bit, right?

    Excellent sig. ;)

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  • PhoneyDeveloper
    Apr 26, 10:39 PM
    You should have used Philip Endecott's code.

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  • mpw
    Jan 10, 06:39 PM
    ...I did this once at school, but only once, and I was 14 at the time...
    Me too!:D

    I took the remote that came with my first TV into town and turned the volume of every TV in one shop to maximum one night after close. I also once saw somebody switch a window display to 'Red Hot Dutch' over night, there was a huge crowd of drunk guys with kebabs leering in from the street.:D

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  • Maccus Aurelius
    Nov 16, 12:44 PM
    this is totally bull. Apple is in no position to stab Intel in their back at this time. Plus, Intel is being very reliable delivering on schedule the chips Apple needs. Maybe in few years if their relationship deteriorate I might consider seeing Apple moving into AMD. But it is not happening anytime soon.

    I don't see any deterioration of Intel/Apple relations anytime soon, since the xeon and C2D chips are way better than anything on AMD's lineup. Plus, I doubt apple will bother making an obscure laptop model just to have AMD in its stable. It probably wont be pro status, and the fact that there are 3 different macbooks in the consumer level line makes the addition of another simply superfluous nonsense.

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  • obeygiant
    Apr 25, 05:25 PM
    Same two girls at a burger king? (

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  • dalvin200
    Sep 12, 04:44 AM
    It's going to be a good day but for me Apple is being upstaged (sort of).

    3pm - Ashes squad announced at the Oval

    6pm - some Apple thing


    Didn't they spoil the news of freddie being announmced as capt.. personally i think it should be strauss, but this is off topic now :P

    May 4, 09:02 PM
    Sure, and I could easily find stats for deaths caused by automobiles and speeding.

    While I'm with you on the speeding, let's take a look at deaths caused by automobiles.

    44,128 [2007 WISQARS (]

    So for every 4 people that die due to motor vehicles, 3 die due to firearms.

    Did you know that?

    It's especially frightening when you consider the utility motor vehicles bring to our lives. They not only get us to work, they deliver our goods across the country. Motor vehicles are an integral part of our everyday lives. They get us to the grocery store, the soccer field and haul massive amounts of material across the nation.

    Guns, if stored properly, sit locked away in a cabinet, rarely seeing the light of day.

    Yet they kill nearly as many people as all motor vehicles.

    Is that insane?

    Yeah. That's what I've been trying to tell you.

    Apr 27, 01:53 PM
    I really never meant to come across as having any sort of problem with or thinking anything less of transgendered people.... But I can understand how Mord would get that impression given some of the previous posts in the thread...

    I think it's all cool now. :)

    Jan 12, 12:57 AM
    Everyone is making comments that suggest that the Gizmodo guys are professionals and have broken some code of ethics.

    They are BLOGGERS. There are no rules in blogging. There are no codes of ethics.

    Sure they were over the top, but that drove traffic to their site. The only thing they are worried about is traffic to the site, that is how they make money.

    Should they be banned? Why? It's not like they are journalists.

    They were there with a press pass.

    Anyways, according to a story that just went to the digg frontpage, the Gizmodo employee who did it has been banned from future CES events and they're still discussing actions against Gizmodo and Gawker media.

    I say ban them. That was retarded. Companies pay tons of money for these shows trying to get them to go off without a hitch. Having displays randomly turning off is bad for them. It could cost them millions of dollars and could have even cost the people who set everything up their jobs.

    Additionally, there's still a debate about whether bloggers are journalists... personally I'd say they are. But some idiots doing this just gives a bad name to bloggers everywhere.

    I hope their whole company is banned from CES and other events so that they go out of business.

    Nov 16, 10:18 PM
    I threw up in my mouth a little bit�...You can't TM that... I remember Jack saying that on Will&Grace like 3 seasons ago. :D

    Jan 14, 08:56 PM
    Now, Gizmodo just posted another editorial. They are not just refusing to apologize, they are actually proud. Supposedly this is a an act of civil disobedience, a sign of their independence. Not only are they being immature jerks, but exhibit this self righteous attitude. It is just a prank, (actually it is not even a creative one) so it is not that big of a deal, but their new editorial makes them seem even more immature. I wonder if somebody is going to play pranks on them to show some independence of his own.

    Linky (

    They should be writing political speeches, I had a tear rolling down my cheek thinking about how they're standing up to corporations

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