Vida Guerra Wallpapers

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  • Eidorian
    Jul 14, 02:21 PM
    I'm wondering how the yonah stacks up against this chip...

    Compare Core Duo vs. AMD. At least until someone does a Core Duo vs. Core 2 Duo benchmark.

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  • CJM
    Sep 5, 03:10 AM
    I love those kind of reactions, just look one time at this thread (, and you'll know what I mean


    I don't have a use for such a device right now, but I was also a person that said I didn't want an iPod... I now have 3. So in the future, I might be wanting a video streamer.

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  • Banjhiyi
    Mar 30, 11:54 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-gb) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Microsoft is funny.

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  • ChazUK
    Apr 19, 07:40 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.3.3; en-gb; Nexus S Build/GRI40) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1)

    The Nexus S looks different to the Galaxy S in software and physical looks but is included in the suit. As that is a Google experience device I do wonder why Apple don't target Google directly.

    Google probably have a kickass patent portfolio so they'll just countersue.

    I doubt it considering the Nortel bid. Apple could hit Google hard now and be in a decent position if they tried now.

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  • Vol7ron
    Apr 4, 12:35 PM
    this is crazy....we as a society have become too politically correct. Someone breaks into your house and gets injured, he can sue you for trip and fall on a slippery surface in a mall or restaurant, you can sue, despite the clear sign that says, "caution, slippery surface", Or the famous one, suing because your cup of coffee was hot and you spilled it on yourself. My goodness....Here we have a robbery attempt. The robbers were armed. Now this private security guard see's what is happening, and steps in to stop them. What is he suppose to do, pretend to be like Obama and try to open up negotiations with them? "please robbers, stop what you are doing, it is against the law?" Meanwhile, the robbers are shooting at him...So what if a robber got shot in the head. It is one less criminal to deal with. And what is to say that he was aiming for his head? It might have just been a lucky shot. Will he have to live with that? Of course, but at the end of the day, he was just doing his job. It would be like joining the military not expecting to ever go to war or see combat...

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  • caspersoong
    Apr 22, 05:06 AM
    Useless to me if it is just for iTunes purchases. Please focus on more important things, Apple.

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  • Stridder44
    Jul 14, 03:18 PM
    Whoa!! I feel a lot better that MBP is not getting CPU upgrade anytime soon. I don't want my month-old MBP getting obsolete in another month.

    I know man, I know! High five for us.

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  • 0815
    Apr 20, 12:35 PM
    Doesn't every GPS based phone have something like this?

    Every cell phone is tracked .... don't know how many store it on the local device (out of reach for anyone except you), but the tracking data from every cell phone is stored on the providers servers and/or government servers - law enforcement could access that information in almost real time.

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  • afields
    Sep 12, 02:21 PM
    let the whining begin

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  • Jaro65
    May 3, 10:48 AM
    Dual ports should have been on the notebooks as well.

    At least we can daisy chain.

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  • uwetodd
    Apr 4, 11:44 AM
    You say yes, mall security guard says no.

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  • Spiritgreywolf
    Apr 30, 04:38 PM
    Okay, all the new processor stuff - awesome. Wonderful that it will have some super-fast ports.

    When I got my 27" 2.7GHz Core i7 iMac, I tried boosting some throughput with iSCSI and fatter network packets between my older MBP and my Drobo-FS NAS.

    Alas, that was not the case. I was restricted to the network framesize of 1500 because someone at Apple decided to cheap-out and go chintzy on the network chips.

    Are they going to do the same thing on this round? Gee - one extra dollar might have made a big difference. As it stands, only my OLDER MBP and an ASUS P6T Mobo-based PC I built can handle bigger frames. :mad:

    So tell me Steve - gonna do that again? Cheese-out on something you think *I* don't need? Personally I would e-Bay my 27" iMac and get a new one - but if the Broadcom chipset is chintzed again, a new iMac will never be in my future again...

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  • Warbrain
    Apr 20, 10:22 AM
    So does turning of Locations Services stop the data collection, or just stop applications from accessing it?

    Does turning of Location services delete data already in the file?

    I guess it works both ways, if accused of a crime you didn't commit, bring your phone to work and prove you were not their. And if you are going to commit a crime, leave your phone at home.

    No one has stated if it does or doesn't. Until someone states what happens we can only go with the SLA.

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  • rmitchell
    Sep 13, 09:57 PM
    Ok Guys,

    I know I've never posted before and I have 0 credibility in the apple rumors field but I've been sitting on something for about a month now that I wasn't sure when to let out.

    I have a friend who was at a mobile conference on computing about a month ago who let me in on a demo of the apple iPhone that he saw. It had a covered company logo which he caught a glimpse of (it was a Samsung system.) The kicker on the whole system is the method of display built on the phone.

    It has a built in projector that puts the display of the screen on any local area (such as a wall.) That is the secret to the apple iPhone. I'll understand if I'm bashed on here and have no support but I'm just reporting the information that I've been given (admittedly second hand but hopefully I'm on the right track.)


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  • DudeMartin
    Mar 29, 12:23 PM
    Mac's are far from the top of the market share for computers... no one thinks any less of them?

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  • mdntcallr
    Sep 26, 12:20 PM
    well, im a cingular customer. so no problem there. but im hoping that Apple has a model with is a smartphone/pda ie to replace my Treo 650.

    unless they have a smart model with a large hard drive, say 60 or 80 gb, with that, i don't think ill buy one right away.

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  • twostep665
    Apr 4, 12:11 PM
    Only in America.... Bad form unless it was in defence. How about non lethal take downs, fair courts and appropriate justice, such as jail with community service, get criminals doing something constructive for society and trying to get them back on track?

    The right to carry guns and to kill absolutely baffles me. Surely shooting and killing is a worser crime than stealing? The threat of being shot/killed sounds too authoritarian/totalitarian for me.

    I can't believe the mentality of people on these forums sometimes! Each to their own I guess... Democracy and all...

    I work in a Jail. I am in a room by myself with 144 inmates (many of whom are in for murder, rape, etc). I can tell you from experience that most of the time the community service, constructive for society stuff DOES NOT WORK. I can't tell you how many repeat offenders I have come through

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  • Tonewheel
    Apr 20, 10:18 AM
    So how would I go about encrypting this backup file on my Mac?

    Plug in your iPhone, open iTunes, and in the SUMMARY window check the box related to backup encryption.

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  • DaveK
    Sep 13, 09:38 PM
    There are a lot of sound business reasons for Apple to release an iPhone. But the biggest reason is that Steve must have a cell phone and you know he probably hates the industrial design and functionality.

    I think that they were supposed to announce this in one of the "one more things" on the 12th and something happened at the last minute. Two items lead me to this conclusion.

    1. They never used a satellite link of the keynote to London(think Vodafone), which they mentioned before the keynote. Maybe it was just so London could watch. But then why not the folks at the Apple Expo in Paris.

    2. Is it just me, or did the "pre-announcement" of a product that has an "internal" name of iTV, which may or may not be the products real name, strike anyone else as very un-Apple like.

    Mar 22, 01:16 PM
    Finally some Mac rumors.. :D

    Mar 30, 12:49 PM
    back here in the UK Hoover were able to trade mark Hoover as their name despite the fact that hoover is the generic term for a vacuum cleaner!

    Isn't "Hoover" the reason why the word "Hoover" became a generic term for a vacuum cleaner? The power of the brand name itself. Much like its common in the states to hear "Xerox" to describe a photo copier? Or to "Google" to search on the internet..

    Or, Sallatape ( spelling ) for "sticky tape"...

    Mar 30, 12:28 PM
    I think the fact that Microsoft is spending so much money to fight the trademark so they can use it rather than just coming up with their own name (after all that would be much cheaper) says they don't think it's generic.

    If it was generic, the name wouldn't have so much marketing power that Microsoft is willing to spend this much money so they can use it too... Microsoft obviously feels that the marketing power of being able to use that name will draw enough users in to make up for the money they are paying to fight Apple claiming no one else can use it. Otherwise, they'd feel it was not worth all that money to spend rather than just getting one of their employees to come up with a name or even a simple contest amongst employees (or even the public) with a reward (That most likely would be cheaper than the lawyers) for who picks the winning name.

    The fact that MS is willing to spend all this money alone says that the name is not generic.

    Aug 28, 12:25 PM
    I hope we see a MBP upgrade soon. I'm getting restleless since I'm getting a new one as soon as they're updated. My 17" 1ghz PB is starting to show it's age :) .

    Oct 12, 02:40 PM
    It makes me so happy to know that there are still plenty of stupid people in the world.

    Thank you

    no need to respond to such obvious bait


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