Tinsel Hair Extensions

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  • Pravius
    Apr 22, 08:45 AM
    knowing how apple is.....probably itunes purchases only.

    Highly doubt it. I really hope not to be honest. They need to be competitive with Amazon if they do iTunes purchases only I believe they will lose a ton of Market share to Amazon. I think (hope) that Apple is smarter than that.

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  • Evangelion
    Sep 5, 08:40 AM
    Maybe Apple wants to be ahead of the rumors. :)


    Finnish store is still up. As is UK. Only US store seems to be down.

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  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 25, 01:11 AM
    EDIT: @ Rodimus - Had she hit me when I slammed on the brakes, she would have been at fault. All I have to do is tell the cop that I thought I saw an animal run across the road. She is supposed to keep enough distance to be able to stop if I slam on the brakes. Doesn't matter than I cut her off, she has to prove that I did, and she also has to prove that I slammed on the breaks with malice.

    umm good luck with that. My father has a ticket to prove other wise. He made the mistake and cut off a guy who was speeding by mistake. Cop handed him a ticket for illegal lane changed and the other guy a ticket for doing 20 over the limit.
    It was declared a no fault and both were on their own. Both cars totaled.

    You cut her off therefor made an unsafe lane changed. Legally you should of given her enough room to be able to adjust for you. Add to the fact you are 16 and chances are would be a witness or 2 saying you were speeding. Your word vs hers and your word is pretty worthless.
    And if you did if they can prove malice or road rage you just increased your charges and heck could be nailed for insurance fraud as well.

    You are proving to us all that you should not have a DL. You just are increasing the case that you should not be behind a wheel of a car.

    On and do not use the argument that the car can do 186 mph. Sorry that is for another country. Top it off I am pretty sure my car can out handle your car.

    I've seen people like the OP get pulled up and receive whopping great tickets from the cops. To say the least they look terrified about what their mum will say when she finds out. It makes me laugh.

    Funny story. One time when I was driving back to TTU some idiot in a purple VW blew past me like I was standing still a little north of Houston. At the time I was doing 5-10 over the limit (75-80 mph). Scared the crap out me as they wiped right around me.
    about 30-45 mins later I see the same purple VW pulled over and the driver was in hand cuffs. It was priceless.

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  • toddybody
    Mar 30, 12:23 PM
    No one refers to McDonald's as Burger Store. Their brand name is so strong that people actually say McDonald's because that logo and name is pretty much seared into everyone head.

    You dont say Burger Store? Thats weird. I and everyone I know always say that...like, "hey dude, want to grab a big mac from Burger Store" or "hey, how about a nice Burger Store Egg McMuffin". Get with it dude :p

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  • freeny
    Sep 5, 01:00 PM
    $10 !!??? :eek: It's already at $70. It won't go up much more. But good luck, and I hope it does.
    I bought at $50 and it went up to $80+ in only a few months. It could happen....

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  • cmaier
    Nov 14, 12:14 AM
    LOL. Please tell us which law firm you work for. That was quite funny. Are you a historian now too? Would the real cmaier please stand up?

    So the arbitration system comes from the roman law as well? Do tell.

    I'm not interested in what revisionist historians have come up with the justify this perversion of justice that you call "law". The roman empire fell a long time ago and while Roman law may have influenced much of our legal proceedings, including the structure of civil cases, I was talking about how civil disputes are generally dealt with. Lawyers arguing a case are supposed to be the last resort, not the first.

    This process is based on Judeo-christian principles on how you settle disputes over land or labour. It has nothing to do with criminal law.

    Here is how disputes were supposed to be dealt with.
    1. You go to the person in question and try to talk it out.
    2. If that does not work, you meet in front a mediator such as as priest, local official, magistrate or arbitrator.
    3. If that does not work, you hire an advocate and make your case in front of the community.
    4. If that does not work, you take your case before the court which would usually have been a king back in the day.

    Now you are just making things up. And are you even aware of the difference between law and equity, and the role of the chancellor in old English common law? There were no "arbitrators." What on earth are you even talking about?

    I hate to rely on wikipedia, but http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_law might be a good place for you to start. You'll note the section on the influence of Roman law. You'll also see quotes like this:

    "Well into the 19th century, ancient maxims played a large role in common law adjudication. Many of these maxims had originated in Roman Law, migrated to England before the introduction of Christianity to the British Isles, and were typically stated in Latin even in English decisions."

    You'll also note that "arbitrator" and "arbitration" doesn't appear anywhere in that article because these are not principles of English common law. The word "Christian" appears only in the above quote.

    And I'm not a historian, but lawyers are actually taught about the history of common law, since we rely on precedent dating all the way back, and we still have distinctions and rules that come from the 1400's.

    You are just making stuff up.

    p.s.: and where in the bible does this come from:

    To put in a modern context:
    1. Go for coffee.
    2. Arbitration.
    3. Public Hearing.
    4. Court case.

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  • skunk
    Aug 23, 07:06 PM
    Smooth Move � Willingness To Admit They Are Right When They Are Right Is Smart Biz. Long Term it's cheap insurance. :)Huh? :confused:

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  • mi5moav
    Oct 12, 04:19 PM
    I hope somehow apple creates forum software with spotlight search so as soon as I start typing something it searches through 500 pages of posts and on the right side of the screen will show similar comments, who posted it, and on what pages similar comments are/where posted.

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  • Multimedia
    Sep 10, 05:01 PM
    You might just get your wish; I saw this article/link while surfing over the MacNN website a couple of days ago (I'm still waiting for new MBPs myself, though! :( ):

    Ultra compact computer arrangement Apple Patent Filing - Looks Like Cube II (http://www.electronista.com/articles/06/09/08/new.apple.cube.patent/)

    Hope this isn't old news for everyone; this is my first post, although I've been following the forums ever since I started thinking about replacing my old Powerbook (should finally have the money by next month!).Excellent find and an award worthy first post. Thank you very much and welcome to the forums.What about the patent designs that were just shown of the Cube 2?

    From Unwired View - Apple Cube reborn (http://www.unwiredview.com/2006/09/07/apple-cube-ii-computer/)This is very encouraging. Perhaps this is what Steve has to talk about on Tuesday. I am a Cube lover - still own two.

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  • berkleeboy210
    Aug 31, 10:04 PM
    If Apple is planning to introduce a video iPod and movie service on the 12th, might it makes sense to release updates of some products, such as the MBP, the previous week, giving the full spotlight to the new products. There really doesn't need to be a special press event for an updated laptop, even if it does have a new case (as I don't expect it to be too different). It would certainly give Apple lots of positive press about the updates and fuel even more talk about what was coming the following week.

    Just my usual 2� worth....

    Completely Agree. I think there were also rumors of releases on Sept. 5 so that could be for the laptops.

    The complete refresh of the iBook (now macbook) line didn't get any media fanfare, so I don't see why an updated MBP should be any different.

    just do a quiet press release on the website, and save the *new* products and download services for the press event.

    Then if they wanted to at the event, just say that the majority of our computers now have the Core 2 Duo processors and were introduced last week, and have begun shipping today. or something to that effect

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  • retroactiv
    Mar 29, 11:33 AM
    I think this could very well be true.

    The new Windows OS is surprisingly well thought out and have a lot of the features I miss in my standard iPhone 4 iOS - and only have because of Jailbreak :)

    I could very well see myself buying a windows based Nokia - if they get the interior in harmony with the exterior - I still think iPhone 4 is the best looking phone I've ever owned - but still think it lacks some basic features in the iOS - like a Lock screen with calendar and weather info, basic features like changing the mail alert tone and being able to use the outer buttons as dual buttons for a shutter button on the volume button for instance (which a camera app did have, but Apple thought their consumers were too stupid and confused to have dual function buttons, so they excluded this app from appstore until they removed the function)

    All the features I miss on my iPhone are very basic features, which could easily be fixed with a tiny small software update - since these features don't seem to come on the iPhone, I could see myself getting a HTC with Windows OS maybe in a HTC Desire DeLuxe chassis :)

    What really keeps me true to the iPhone is all the apps :)

    Very well put.

    I develop for all three platforms, and I must say that the Windows Phone 7 OS is already more user friendly than Android. I have owned 3 generations of iPhones, and 2 generations of iPads. While I won't leave Apple now, I can see a time where, once matured, the Windows Phone 7 / Xbox / Windows Tablet ecosystem will be the one to go with.

    Until then, I will show nothing but love for my MBP, iPhone, and iPad 2, but let's NOT be short sighted fanboys here... No one thought Apple could make a successful phone or tablet either - and looks where we are at now. It's foolish to think Microsoft won't compete.

    Sony didn't think they had a worry about their Playstation either, and now look...

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  • thadgarrison
    Sep 19, 03:33 PM
    So much so, it is Wal-Mart who is pressuring studios to shun iTS, and to a large degree it is actually working.

    Not for long.

    Wal-Mart is God in the retail sector. They have far more power over the success of CDs and DVDs than Apple could dream of. I doubt that is going to change anytime soon, especially not as a result of Apple movie sales.

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  • bradc
    Sep 10, 11:34 AM
    Not naming names, but I find it funny how everyone suddenly becomes an engineer.:rolleyes:

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  • Multimedia
    Sep 10, 07:45 PM
    Face it the Conroe Mac is coming.

    iMac 24" - $1999

    Mac Pro (downgraded to 2.0 Ghz) + 23" - 3198

    That is a $1k price gap.

    A high quality midtower would fit perfectly. They have another chip to differentiate the product matrix. It is coming!

    Mac Mini - Core Duo (yonah) - base entry machine. 2 RAM slots
    iMac - Core 2 Duo (Merom) - All in one basic to prosumer models, quiet operation and powerful. 2 RAM Slots
    "Mac" - Core 2 Duo (Conroe) - mini tower 1 optical, 2 drives, 2 PCIe, 4 RAM Slots - prosumer to low end workstation.
    Mac Pro - Xeon (Woodcrest) - Full tower 2 processors, 8 RAM slots, 4 PCIe, 2 optical, 4 drive bays. - Mid to high end workstation.

    Face it Apple left the biggest gap between the iMac and the Pro machine ever! There was no crippled tower to span the distance between the two. Apple wants to expand market share. They have a power processor that will not step on the toes of the machine above or below. Why wouldn't they use it. Before all the desktops ran the G5. It was difficult to provide product differentiation without gobbling sales up internally. Here the highest end Conroe cannot match the lowest end dual Woodcrest at highly threaded apps. This is a win-win situation. It will either come out on Tuesday or another special event in early october.I sure hope you are right. I totally agree with your analysis.It will be headless and upgradable to attract the Windows gamers. They already have monitors, keyboards and mice. A little BootCamp goes a long way.I want this to be where Kentsfield and Tigerton wind up for less than $2k. The existing base of over 25 Million Mac owners also already have this stuff. But they will come with a keyboard and mouse. :)

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  • TrollToddington
    Apr 23, 01:58 PM
    As far as you're concerned maybe, but as far as what's common or not, you're out of it. There's a reason every laptop out there has some kind of external display connector.

    But silly me, I must be a moron for using the mini display port right ? :rolleyes:

    You're doing it wrong. I plug in 4 cables. Power, Monitor, Speakers, USB. My keyboard/mouse/tablet/Printer/iPhone/iPod all get recognized instantly. That's what the USB hub on my desk is for. 1 cable, all devices.

    If Apple had docks, it would be even better. Just drop the laptop in place and voila. But I guess docks just aren't esthetic enough.

    There is nothing uncommon about it, so again, thank you for calling me stupid because I dare use a MBA as my only computer and I dare launch games on it, while connected to an external monitor of all things!

    Keep your insults for yourself next time.
    I kindly ask you to not put words in my mouth I've never written. I've never called you 'moron' or 'stupid' or using foul language about you. 'Keep your insults for yourself next time' is not a very kind thing to say, and I am actually wondering whether I should report you to the moderator.

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  • pavetheforest
    Sep 15, 10:01 PM
    I would ditch my verizon plan the instant it came out...

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  • ipoddin
    Aug 31, 06:30 PM
    Just guessing (obviously), but I just can't see where processor upgrades to MacBooks and/or Mini's and/or iMacs and/or MacBook Pros warrant a big ol' SF > London-streamed Stevenote.

    Nah. This feels bigger. Smells more of an iPod/Movie Store announcement to me.

    My crazy/he's hitting the rock again call of the day would be that on the 12th, Steve shocks the world with a redefinition of the whole mobile phone experience. Announcing the new iPod phone.

    Where's my pipe?

    You're probably right. An event isn't the place to only announce processor upgrades to the current line. Something bigger is to be announced and the processor upgrades thrown in for good measure!

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  • PeterQVenkman
    May 3, 10:29 AM
    Two high end screens from dual thunderbolt on a 27 inch iMac? Wow. That is bad ass.

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  • MattyMac
    Oct 12, 08:49 PM
    The red is looking very nice in that Photo! Hopefully I'm not tempted.

    Mar 20, 02:53 PM
    Let's re-read them together, shall we?

    Those are two different arguments of the same coin and one can infer a lot by the attitude of what is said. Besides, I notice you didn't quote anything by cwt1nospam as I mentioned (given his direct flaming nature, I don't blame you since it proves what I said).

    Again, this problem only exists in pirated software or software from less-than reputable sources. As has been said many times, you can avoid trojans by being careful where you get software and what software you install. No antivirus is necessary to protect against trojans; only some common sense and prudent thinking on the part of the user.

    It's been said you can avoid STDs by being careful as well. It's no substitute for protection, IMO. You can't undo what's been done sometimes.

    Really, I'm sick of this thread. You're turning mountains into mole hills here all just to defend the status-quo while all I originally said is that the "it can't happen to me" attitude most Mac users have towards all forms of malware is a definite weak spot. No one is saying OSX hasn't been a great place to avoid the problems of malware. It's one of the reasons I continue to keep OSX machines around despite my distaste for Apple as a greedy company and their pathetic lack of hardware options and high prices. That doesn't mean I stop being careful when using it. Something like Web of Trust for Firefox isn't a bad idea regardless. Visiting sites that do harm to Windows machines isn't a great place to be no matter what OS you're using and I'm going to leave it that.

    Sep 8, 02:01 PM
    I think Core Duo aren't 64-bit processors or whatever. That might be where the confusion came in.

    Right. You won't get the full 64 bit native benfits of Leopard without either a G5 or a Core 2 Duo processor.

    It'll still run on a G4 just fine.

    Manic Mouse
    Sep 10, 05:03 AM
    There's going to be a problem when PC manufacturers get a hold of this if Apple doesn't realease a mid-tower to compete. Conroes are faster than the Meroms in the iMac as it is, but with quad cores they'll wipe the floor with them at multi-tasking.

    Surely Conroe needs to go somewhere in Apple's lineup? Great value, fast and soon to be quad-core.

    Oct 12, 01:02 PM

    Since there are no formal announcements schedule. Apple will just bring down the store, and the new products will appear.

    They've recently done this when they announced the Mac Book, and the updated iMac Core 2 Duo's...

    Apple always keeps us on the edge, because we just don't know how they will announce their new products...

    Sep 27, 01:50 AM
    I mean, if Motorola can sell 50 million of their stupid RAZR phones, then Apple should be able to sell as many iPhones as they can ramp up to manufacture in the next couple of years!!

    The RAZR was a smash because it was very stylish (which the Apple iPhone will certainly be, too). But it also has been huge because every carrier has had it available on subsidy, and it's been available in more than one color. Something I don't expect from the iPhone.

    It's also been such a huge seller because they are junk inside. I imagine every time a carrier has to replace a RAZR because it was insured Motorola counts it as another "sale".

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