Stepmania Anime Songs

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  • Small White Car
    Apr 25, 01:17 PM
    Oh boo hoo. No new case since 2008?

    We Mac-Pro user are so very sad for you.

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  • toddybody
    Apr 22, 11:51 AM
    It should be a dual-core Llano, not Sandy Bridge.

    Yeah, but Im pretty sure Apple is gonna follow their MO of matching the MBA with the guts of the 13 MBP...just like we had a C2D and 320m.

    Gosh dangit! If only they didnt handicap the 13 inch MBP with that horribly archaic display res. I dont know why people arent more "up in arms" about that. Why didnt they just give it the 1440x900 of the 13 MBA!!!!!!! Grrrrr!!!!! :mad:

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  • ehoui
    Apr 30, 01:31 PM
    Why do they want OS X users to feel as if we were on an iPad!!!???
    If I wanted/needed one, I'd buy one. What the hell !!!???????:mad::mad::mad::mad:

    Anger management is a good thing.

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  • supmango
    Mar 29, 01:33 PM
    This is laughable at best. I would not want to be the one who decided it was a good idea to make a prediction this far out. Far too many unknown factors will happen between now and then.

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  • logandzwon
    Mar 30, 01:13 PM
    Right... but your still using iTunes, an Apple 'application'. I think I would understand your point and your point would be made clearer if you showed a Windows program/software or any third party program/software that describes the file type as an "Application." If there are any, because I haven't used a windows in a few years. I'd boot up the old PC and check myself but I rather not.

    XP shows them with the same names, but it's irrelevant to the discussion at hand. There is no "App Store" in the screenshot.

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  • Forensic111
    Apr 4, 12:44 PM
    The author wrote this was a hold-up, but he did not mention "Who" was held up. All he said was a security guard caught the suspects smashing the windows of the store. This is not a hold-up, it's a burglary. No store employee was involved. Also the author did not say say the suspect/s fired at the security guard. If they did, then the security had the right to defend himself, if it was just a burglary and the suspect/s did not fire on the guard, then he had no right to use deadly force. The author also stated it was a "Head-Shot", apparently the author has never had a gun pointed at him, nor been in a fire fight. The fact that the suspect was shot in the head is a tough shot to make at a moving target. The author just wrote it that way to attract attention to his story. He should find out the facts and use the proper terms and don't elaborate. If the guard was a retired or off duty police office, he would have aimed for the X-10 ring...not the head.

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  • Hastings101
    Apr 19, 11:47 AM
    What's the point of these lawsuits, nothing ever comes from them lol. Publicity?

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  • ucfgrad93
    Apr 24, 11:45 PM
    Today I was doing 90mph+

    That is not safe. It is a shame you didn't get a ticket.

    I seriously wish that .50 cal guns would be options on cars so that I could just blow up people like her.

    So do I. I would use them on people who think it is safe to travel 90+ mph on the freeway.:rolleyes:

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  • Chundles
    Oct 12, 12:39 PM

    If it is a 4 GB iPod, it has to be a Nano, right???

    What else, could it be??

    You have to link to the images, not the flickr page.

    And that's just the U2 special edition iPod.

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  • Machead III
    Oct 27, 09:45 AM
    Whilst I think it's highly unlikely Apple are the 4th worst for environmental damage of any electronics company in the world, I imagine just like every other major corperation on planet earth their playing their part in the destruction of species, and so I have to side with Greenpeace every time.

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  • macnulty
    Aug 24, 07:51 PM
    Huge win for Apple, hands down.

    $100m is not chump change but for a company with Apple's size it comes close.

    On top of that Apple gets to recoup at least some of that if Creative decides to license the technology in question.

    On top of that Creative is entering the "made for iPod" market, which only adds to the iPod allure.

    On top of that iPod interface doesn't change.

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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 23, 02:42 PM
    It's just not up-to-date anymore. At least for a company that claims to be on the bleeding edge.

    Uh ? My MBA is perfectly up to date. 3G is not a "bleeding edge" feature, it's just a way to create more SKUs uselessly. You need a carrier to get online, the carrier you choose will have the appropriate 3G option for your laptop.

    My iPad is not locked into a specific carrier

    Yeah, I guess it's not. Which model do you have, the CDMA or GSM ? Is it the one with T-mobile 3G frequencies or AT&T 3G frequencies ? So many SKUs, so little time...

    I also do not intend to abuse my iphone as a modem - I don't see why I do have to keep two devices going to get *one* of them online. That iPhone workaround sounds like a real bad excuse to me

    Abuse your iPhone ? Apple just made the feature even more easy to use in 4.3 with Personal Hotspot that provides WiFi on top of both USB and Bluetooth for iPhone 4...

    I have a 3GS, so I'm stuck with Bluetooth or USB, either of which work fine, worked fine before 4.3. What abuse are you talking about exactly ? And "keeping 2 devices going", uh, I don't shut off my phone because I'm working on the laptop on the go. Since it's one, might as well just use it.

    Not to mention my carrier offers tethering free, but charges you 10$ extra to piggie-back 2 devices on the same data plan. Let me see... Free or 10$/month... Free ... 10$/month... Ah, I think I'll take free.

    For my laptop I also want to have a different carrier and price plan.

    Not a hurdle with USB sticks. With built-in 3G though if you want to switch carriers, you either have to switch to a USB stick for the new carrier or hope your 3G chipsets supports their network.

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  • ezekielrage_99
    May 1, 12:52 AM
    I'm looking at getting a new iMac fingers crossed for the following:
    - Bluray (I know... but it would be nice)
    - Thunderbolt
    - USB3
    - AMD Radeon HD 67XX-68XX with up to 2GB RAM (it wont happen though :()
    - Space for 2 HDD (I know, again it would be nice for two internal drives)
    - i5 and i7.. Hopefully no i3 in the line up.
    - Up to 24GB...

    Again if I can't get an iMac with beefier video card it looks like another Alienware with Linux...

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  • berkleeboy210
    Aug 31, 10:04 PM
    If Apple is planning to introduce a video iPod and movie service on the 12th, might it makes sense to release updates of some products, such as the MBP, the previous week, giving the full spotlight to the new products. There really doesn't need to be a special press event for an updated laptop, even if it does have a new case (as I don't expect it to be too different). It would certainly give Apple lots of positive press about the updates and fuel even more talk about what was coming the following week.

    Just my usual 2� worth....

    Completely Agree. I think there were also rumors of releases on Sept. 5 so that could be for the laptops.

    The complete refresh of the iBook (now macbook) line didn't get any media fanfare, so I don't see why an updated MBP should be any different.

    just do a quiet press release on the website, and save the *new* products and download services for the press event.

    Then if they wanted to at the event, just say that the majority of our computers now have the Core 2 Duo processors and were introduced last week, and have begun shipping today. or something to that effect

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  • cube
    May 3, 12:11 PM
    I understand that Eyefinity offers a single display per connector. The best example being the 5/6 Mini DisplayPort video cards on the market.

    What I have not seen are daisy chaining multiple displays from a single DisplayPort connector (via proper cabling) or from a passthrough based on a display to an additional monitor.

    You can see the multiple monitor setups for those cards in the usual hardware sites.

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  • Amnak
    Apr 22, 01:47 AM
    I do want this but, i actually want wireless sync more. And some other things i cant really think of at the moment. Maybe iOS5 :/

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  • katanna
    May 3, 12:18 PM
    Love the free upgrade to the Magic Trackpad... I already have an $80 mouse (the Logitech MX Revolution) so I don't need a Magic Mouse, but I would love a free Magic Trackpad!


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  • LagunaSol
    Apr 4, 12:47 PM
    I know. And heroics by gun toting civilians is mostly a product of fantasy as well. The idea of whipping your gun out to save the day is absurd.

    It's only fantasy because not enough law-abiding civilians are toting guns.

    Virginia Tech, Trolley Square, Columbine, Ft. Hood, the list goes on and on - someone trained, armed, and on location in any of those tragedies could have been a godsend.

    The fact an off-duty policeman was onsite at Trolley Square certainly saved many lives, but an armed, trained civilian could have done the same.

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  • ctdonath
    Apr 4, 12:57 PM
    The bullets passed through the door and killed the professor but he was a hero Or does he need a gun to be a hero?

    If he had one he might be a live hero.

    Apr 18, 01:27 PM
    i wonder if this all started because of the damned "green revolution" which increased crop yields dramatically using petroleum based fertilisers and of course caused the population to explode globally?

    it makes sense in a perverse way. job growth can't keep up with population growth...

    now, another awful thing is a lot of western societies have this strange sense of entitlement... that certain jobs are beneath them, so they all strive to be white collar professionals but that's completely unsustainable... this explains, in the UK at least, the gross number of students who go to university and have degrees but the poor employment prospects for graduates.

    so far so bad, right?

    add consumerism to the mix and it's little wonder that people are placated by taking out loans to buy things they can't afford normally. but to have these things the companies which produce them need a cheap source of labour, so they outsource, so areas which were traditionally big on manufacturing decay and shrink, the people moving to already congested mega cities.

    they should teach buddhism in primary schools, it might stem the consumerist tide.

    ugh, it's enough to drive anyone to suicide.

    Apr 11, 05:22 AM
    Should be public anyway, why can't we have cool 3rd party devices?

    Because the 3rd party device could be in your neighbours house so your neighbour can see or hear anything that is played through AirPlay from your devices without you knowing. And you might be playing stuff that you wouldn't want your neighbour to see.

    Sep 5, 01:51 PM
    Quoted from an older thread that has been left behind:

    iLounge have an invitation: Definitely new iPods of some form
    "Centre for the Arts Theatre": Most likely some sort of movie content
    iLounge have an invitation: Consumer event, new iMacs most likely.

    I get the feeling the purported MacBook Pro updates are going to happen externally to this event, most probably when Apple can get enough into the distribution pipeline to begin immediate shipping.

    So, I'm going to make a bold prediction here and say that it will be similar to last year's "One More Thing..." event but with a focus on "Bigger."

    Act One: Last year was the iMac with built-in iSight and Front Row/Photo Booth software. This year it all gets bigger with new Core 2 Duo iMacs now in 17", 20" and 23" models. All models get HDMI-in ports and Front Row gains a "TV" option. No PVR functionality, no worrying about differing TV formats and delivery systems, if you have a box with HDMI-out you can watch TV on your iMac too.

    Act Two: Last year it was the sales of iPod, iTunes Music Store and iPod accessories. This year, with the focus on "bigger" Apple announce the availability of feature-length movies on iTunes. iTunes 7 makes use of new Bit-Torrent style downloads from servers all over the world to ensure rapid download speeds, H.264 encoding allows for the smallest possible file size. $9.99 for DVD quality, $14.99 for HD.

    Act Three: Last year was the new 5th generation iPod. This year we go "bigger" with the new 6th generation iPod sporting a 4.5" full-colour LCD screen at a resolution of 720x480. Incredible screen, more detail than ever before and you are able to download your iTunes-purchased movies onto it and watch them in bright, sharp, full colour. Available in 40GB and 80GB models and sporting a revolutionary new touch-control interface with hints of Apple's Front Row software the new iPod is shipping today.

    Rip me apart if you will, I don't think Apple should make an iPhone. The global mobile phone system is too complex. The US are only just getting 3G whilst we're all looking down the road at 4G but that is Apple's biggest market. Maybe a US-only iPhone will appear but as it stands, other more-established phone makers have the market sorted globally.

    MacBook Pro to be updated when Core 2 Duo production hits peak. Late September.


    Somebody cast doubt on the HDMI thing, I don't know - just seemed like the easiest option to get video into an iMac. You don't have to worry about all the different methods of getting TV (free to air, digital, cable) because if you have a HDMI-enabled receiver it would just plug into the back of the iMac. You'd need to use the receiver's remote to do all the channel changing but Apple could offer some sort of recording program. EyeHome could do something with it too? I'm no expert, just trying to look at a simple solution for a complicated, fragmented problem.

    Mar 23, 09:59 AM
    LOL! You might want to ask them what the data rates on the actual hard drive (or drives) in the case is. LaCie makes nice stuff, but it's quite gimmicky to only talk about interface transfer rates when the real performance is dependent on the hard drives.

    2.5" laptop hard drives, at that, for the 1TB model.

    In RAID-0 no less, so the probability of failure is doubled.

    ETA: Two 500GB 7200RPM RAID 0 drives should be pretty fast. Quick check on a random such drive and kicking around some numbers gives around 2GB/s sustained. Fine, you win, we can transfer that HD movie in 2.5 minutes instead of 30 seconds ...

    Do you mean 2 Gb/s ? No laptop drive can sustain 1 GB/s - few can sustain much more than 100 MB/s.

    Mar 24, 06:32 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Nice to see a substantial rumor to keep us going for the next few weeks. I've been waiting to upgrade from my 2008 C2D iMac for the last 6 months.

    I have a plasma running off my iMac for home theatre purposes, and I must say it really struggles now with 1080p content. iMovie is unusable and my big iphoto library freezes constantly. When trying to access My 1.5TB iTunes library the beachball greats me with every click.

    Still this iMac would be perfect for your average user.

    My biggest wish would be the SSD for a quick start up, I just hate to see 1k worth of kit being sluggish!

    I also love the way the apple displays look, if apple could somehow rid the iMac of the aluminium chin it would look so much better

    They should also come with 8gb ram as standard, especially the i7

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