Sofitel New York

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  • blahblah100
    Apr 20, 10:13 AM

    Interesting, this was less than a year ago.

    Steve Jobs "...we take privacy very seriously. As an example, we worry a lot about location in phones..."

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  • ripfrankwhite
    Sep 5, 01:15 PM
    The planets are aligning.This IS the big one!

    *(fingers crossed)* Oh, please, oh please, oh please...:D

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  • ChazUK
    Apr 19, 11:36 AM
    This doesn't look like an iPhone 3GS? :confused:

    I say again Laguna, are you really liable to get these two pieces of hardware (manufacturing branding and all) confused?

    I simply can't see it, especially with the huge size discrepancy.

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  • freebooter
    Sep 14, 12:14 PM
    A camera isnt only about MP. The weakest link of the camera in phones is the optics. You just cant get good pics from a camera phone due to the limited formfactor, even if you had 3200 MP.
    So yes, in a foreseeable furture, the cameras in phones are crap.

    There are software solutions that promise a different future than what you envision. DXO Optics made an announcement recently about using software to drastically correct cell phone camera pictures. Shouldn't be long...

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  • cr2sh
    Sep 5, 01:34 PM
    Hah... this is so funny.

    Apple sends out invites that seem to indicate a moviestore, rumors abound about new nanos... and what do the forums turn into:

    "I hope they release a phone."

    "New macbooks please!"

    "Apple DVR!"

    :confused: :o

    Where do they come up with this stuff?

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  • dethmaShine
    Apr 20, 11:02 AM
    Fail. It says I can withdraw by turning off location services. It still collects even though location services are turned off. Try again Apologist.


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  • Wonder Boy
    Aug 24, 09:06 AM
    I see Apple stock going up on this news. $100 Million is getting off easy. Could have been a LOT worse.

    I agree. 100 million doesn't seem like a big deal to me. Now that Creative will sell iPod gear, Apple will get it back. Plus everyone can put this behind them so they can release the damn videoPod.

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  • ciTiger
    Apr 11, 07:52 AM
    Apple will fix it soon...

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  • munkery
    Mar 16, 02:45 PM
    The client and server releases of OS X already have some form of software based anti-malware protection.

    The Snow Leopard client version includes xProtect to detect most of the trojans that compromise OS X.

    The Snow Leopard server version includes xProtect and Clamav (email scanning but database does include OS X threats as well).

    I would be surprised if both features were removed from Lion.

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  • Silentwave
    Jul 14, 05:22 PM
    Wow, that seems pretty darn reasonable.

    I was considering putting a 2.16 Core Duo in my currently Core Solo Mac mini. But now I'd much rather put the 1.83 Core 2 Duo in there for less than $200!

    You can't, unless you wait for the Merom version later next month which will be more expensive. Conroe (Core 2 duo that is out now) uses a different socket from Yonah. Merom is the pin-compatible one.

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  • cmaier
    Nov 13, 11:51 PM
    Which law firm please. We'd all like to know for future reference, who to not trust our cases with. While most law has to do with the letter of the law, jury trials often are won or lost based on what the jury believes to be the intent or spirit of the law.

    The british common law legal system was never intended to be like this. The lawyers have destroyed and twisted it beyond all recognition. It was originally supposed to be based on judeo-christian morals and ethics. There is not supposed to be a grey area. You are either deliberately infringing on the rights of others or you are not. The original intent was to have a court case as the last resort where parties would first try to solve the problem by talking to each other, then go to arbitration and then court as a last resort.

    Wow. That's quite a diatribe. Historically inaccurate, too. English common law descends from the Roman system of laws that predates christianity (and which was not based on judaism) and from Saxon law, which also has nothing to do with judeo-christian ethics.

    And juries are given instructions to follow the letter of the law as explained to them by the judge. Further, in the U.S. system, only matters at law, not equity, are subject to jury trial, and, in many cases, only if the defendant demands a jury trial.

    You say:

    "You are either deliberately infringing on the rights of others or you are not."

    Ok. So when your third grader copies a few quotes from a book for his book report, he is infringing the copyright statute. But, of course, you complain that it's not the letter of the law that matters - it's the spirit. That's why judges came up with the fair use defense (later codified into the statute).

    But what if the third grader copies 10 quotes? Still okay? A chapter? How about now? Where's the dividing line? What if instead of a third grader, it's another author who copies a few of the best quotes and competes with the first author? How about then? Gets more complicated, huh?

    And that's why the fair use defense has evolved into a complicated legal test involving multiple factors. Among the factors:

    the purpose and character of your use
    the nature of the copyrighted work
    the amount and substantiality of the portion taken, and
    the effect of the use upon the potential market.

    Let's look at these.

    1) the purpose and character of your use

    This is often called the transformative test. Am I creating something new and different and worthwhile to society, involving my own creativity? Many people say that the use in this case was pretty creative and useful, but let's assume no. So this factor weighs against fair use.

    2) the nature of the copyrighted work

    Published works, such as these icons, are entitled to less protection than unpublished. Also, factual or representative works, such as icons, are entitled to less protection than creative works like novels. So this factor weighs for fair use.

    3) the amount and substantiality of the portion taken, and

    A handful of icons out of an entire operating system? Seems small to me. Weighs for fair use.

    4) the effect of the use upon the potential market.

    By using these icons, is the "infringer" somehow preventing Apple from selling this sort of software, or preventing Apple from selling these icons? No. Again, weighs for fair use.

    You simultaneously argue that things are black and white (you either infringe or you don't) and then you argue that the spirit of the law matters, not the letter. You argue for a bright line test, then for shades of gray.

    Well, the answer is a little of both, but men and women far smarter than you have come up with the best tests they can to figure out how to deal with these fuzzy situations.

    You can go to church and pray instead of going to court, if you'd like, but for those of us that believe in the legal system, we take solace in the fact that things really aren't black and white, and yet there is a framework in place that let's us try and figure these things out.

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  • aiqw9182
    Apr 30, 06:25 PM
    Sooo looking forward to this! I'll probably get one from the Apple Store the following day maybe. Highest stock model for me! Well, unless the price jumps up from the current one. Oh and a bad GPU will make me buy a new PC that day. So come on good GPU!

    The GPU offerings will most likely be the following:
    Low end 21.5" - 6490M rebranded as a 6450
    High end 21.5" and low end 27" - 6750M rebranded as a 6570 or 6670
    High end 27" - 6950M rebranded as a 6750 or 6770

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  • Evangelion
    Sep 9, 10:29 AM
    The fact that the new iMacs can't address more than 3Gb of memory and are therefore operating on a 32bit logic-board makes me doubtful as to whether or not these systems are really 64-bit capable... It seems like some kind of hybrid 32/64bit system.

    Will the C2D iMacs be able to run 64bit code, despite not having the 64bit address space (and being able to access over 4Gb or RAM)?

    Uh.... The CPU is 64bits, and it DOES have 64bits address-space. And it runs 64bit code just fine. It just happens that the rest of the system it's hooked up to does not support 4+GB of RAM. But that has NOTHING to do with the "bitness" of the CPU. C2D is a 64bit CPU, period.

    Hell,there has been 64bit CPU's and machines for long time (SGI and Sun comes to mind), yet back in those days even 1GB of RAM would have cost an arm and a leg. Yet those machines were 64bit machines.

    As to logic-board being 32bits... Uh, no. There might be various reasons why it doesn't support 4GB of RAM, and it isn't due to "bitness" of the logic-board. And pray-tell: what exactly is a "32bit logic-board"?

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  • Gem�tlichkeit
    Apr 20, 01:26 PM
    Just read the licensing pdf posted in this thread.

    The bold part of section 4 is what this is talking about. You can opt out of it collecting location data if you turn off location detection. It's collecting data based on you agreeing to it.

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  • JGowan
    Apr 19, 09:33 AM
    Between Samsung on the hardware and Google on the software, I can't believe anyone in their right mind actually saying with a straight face that the Samsung phone in question is not stealing from Apple. Get a grip.

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  • bluewire
    Sep 9, 09:11 PM
    Driving 1.5 hours to the Apple store this morning and the same on the way back. But I am not buying yet, just looking and getting a feel for the entire line. Oh I forgot.... and turning green with envy. Boy is going to be hard.

    I've been calling around, there are 3 stores near me but none have a 24" iMac for me to look at yet. :( I'm looking to see what the annoucement is on Tuesday is...Cube redux? :eek:

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  • Freyqq
    Apr 25, 05:57 PM
    I hope they make the anti-glare screen standard, or at least the same price as the uber glossy one.

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  • HecubusPro
    Sep 14, 12:01 PM
    Prior to the date being given out for the press event I was fully expecting a new MBP at Photokina.

    However now given that it is on a Sunday I see no hope of an update. They wouldn't take down the store on a Sunday whereas the Apeture update will either be a free download or a preview of a 2.0 App therefore needing no major store changes.

    PS Is there any precedence of hardware updates on a Sunday?

    This is also another reason why I believe MBP updates will happen this Tuesday the 19th.

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  • SiliconAddict
    Jul 14, 06:12 PM
    Woohoo! 3GHz here we come. As was mentioned before, though, a mid-sized tower priced at the iMac level (but upgradable) would be the final logical step in the Apple product line. That would leave Woodcrest to the high end MacPro with its quad configuration.

    Try 4Ghz...Anandtech in their review ( overclocked their X6800 to a stable 4Ghz. :eek:

    Apr 22, 11:26 AM
    As my first post to macrumors, I just purchased a 13" refurb 30 min ago. Oh well, still good technology. I can finally sell my 2007 macbook.

    Im running a 2007 MBP17'' with a nice SSD - Its a 2.33C2D and im happy its lasted soo long.. I had to replace the disk as it wasnt enough...

    Apr 30, 01:37 PM
    THANK CHRIST....sorry :o

    Steve has been called all kinds of names, but...

    Nov 13, 01:42 PM
    the tide is turning against Apple here, they need to clean up their act and get this whole thing working better.

    i understand the walled-garden approach and respect that, but they also need to get the store cleaned up/organized and they need to work better with developers - which might just mean hiring more people to work with them on a daily basis.

    Not to be an I TOLD YOU SO type of guy BUT.... :D

    I've been trying to get people to understand that the Apple's doctoral grasp has over the App store was something that NEEDED to be addressed and people kept drinking the koolaid saying... It's ONLY one or two Apps.... we don't need to worry... then it was HEY its ONLY google and Apple has every right to axe their Apps cause they are getting too BIG...

    Well now other developers are starting to pull back.. Developers who people FINALLY seem to care about... Well all I have to say is welcome to the party nice to see you're finally seeing the light. :confused:

    Mar 29, 11:34 AM
    If they load it on every free, **** phone out there. Actually sounds very possible. Race to the bottom.

    Aug 28, 12:58 PM
    I just want them to bump up the Macbook so then I can go ahead and buy my fist Mac. I just want to buy it when its the most current.

    Ya, that's that I'm hoping. For the same reason too. I've used macs forever, but never owned my very own (other than an old PowerMac 7500). I also hope they update the ipod soon, I want to get the latest and greatest but I need to order by wednesday :-p

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