Quotes And Sayings About Me

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  • Mac Fly (film)
    Sep 4, 08:04 PM
    I hope the movies are available in HD. Ever since apple started offering HD movie trailers I've been drooling over the idea of downloading a full length movie in that quality.
    I know what you mean, cause that quality is delicious. :)

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  • Mac Fly (film)
    Sep 4, 08:04 PM
    I hope the movies are available in HD. Ever since apple started offering HD movie trailers I've been drooling over the idea of downloading a full length movie in that quality.
    I know what you mean, cause that quality is delicious. :)

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  • milo
    Sep 6, 08:03 AM
    Either way, what are you going to do with a HD version of the movie on your computer?

    HD is not going to happen, at least not next tuesday.

    Worth revisiting.

    The raw uncompressed bitrate for 720p = 1280*720*24bpp*30fps/(1024*1024) = 633 Mbps for 1080i it's ~711 Mbps 320x240 it's more like 53 Mbps.

    720p compressed in H.264 with 5.1 sound seems to work out to about 1100 MB for your typical 45 minute drama show (i.e. compressed down to ~3 Mbps). This compares to 200 MB for the same show from iTMS in 320x240 H.264 (700 kbps). Not bad when you consider that 720p has 12X as many pixels (1280/320=4, 720/240=3)

    Basically your typical movie would be about 2GB.


    So what would be the size for a decent encoding of 480 (p or i)? Basically about DVD quality, but with a more efficient codec, which is the most likely format for release next week.

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  • Leej
    Sep 26, 10:12 PM
    Already have a Cingular deal. Sweet!

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  • sfwalter
    Sep 10, 03:39 PM
    ...I would like to be able to purchase a machine without an integrated display (aka iMac). This machine would have a graphics card in a standard slot so that it can upgraded. It would be great also to be able to remove and upgrade the hard disk, space for a second hard disk is would be a nice to have.

    Currently I'm stuck in the middle between an iMac (I want a separate display, and some upgrade paths) and Mac Pro (too upgradeable for my needs, and way too expensive).

    Apple really needs a pro-sumer box.

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  • kryca
    Apr 23, 02:31 PM
    Yes, built-in 3G is more costly to buy, usually locked into a particular carrier (what do you mean I can't switch my 1500$ laptop to a new carrier ?) and with the Rev D's 2nd USB port being next to a display port, the "extension" cable is moot.

    So you are quite missing tons of things. The current scheme of "get a stick from your carrier" is the best as far as costs and carrier non-attachment go. I tether to my iPhone using Bluetooth anyhow, making the USB thing even more moot.

    Built-in 3G is overrated.

    It's just not up-to-date anymore. At least for a company that claims to be on the bleeding edge.

    My iPad is not locked into a specific carrier and it's a officially fully supported configuration. So it's not really alchemy involved. Same could be done for the MBA. I also do not intend to abuse my iphone as a modem - I don't see why I do have to keep two devices going to get *one* of them online. That iPhone workaround sounds like a real bad excuse to me - it's just a way of keeping carriers happy (because phones usually are bought directly from the carriers with a 1+ year lock-in and for computers I assume people would rather turn to the AppleStore).

    For my laptop I also want to have a different carrier and price plan.

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  • spob15
    Mar 23, 04:42 PM
    I am not sure about other states, but in CA, Law Enforcement is specifically required to announce DUI checkpoints and provide an alternative route. Asking to have these applications removed from app stores contradicts the law regarding DUI checkpoints. Gotta love Politicians. Write a law then contradict it. Awesome.

    Same here in NJ...The local papers always list the upcoming check points...Legally obligated to

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  • brepublican
    Sep 19, 03:39 PM
    This is a great start for Apple and should help sway studios that are still on the fence. Doesnt mean I'm biting though, only thing that'll get me to seriously think of buying a movie would be nothing less than a 720 x 480 reso. I might get impulsive if there are more offerings. Maybe.

    I think Apple should seriously consider offering rentals too. Its dumb not to try it out :)

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  • rileyes
    Mar 29, 03:38 PM
    When Windows starts to come close to SL in terms of ease of use and functionality let me know ;)

    hey, this is me letting you know.

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  • jpg
    Apr 25, 01:36 PM
    I don't care anymore about speed of the processors. All of the newer generations are faster than what I need - the only upgrade that is worth it for me is going full SSD. I upgraded one older MacBook with an SSD and it's the best upgrade I ever did - worth more than any other upgrade, it is amazing who that old MacBook got from 'good too use' to 'feels insane fast'. Application startup time can't be measured anymore (some apps took >15sec before, now it's less than one second). From that experience, I would rather take a slower processore but the best SSD I can get.

    I know, there are some use cases where the processor speed counts - but just for compiling code and running other apps, I don't care anymore. The big bottleneck these days is the harddrive.

    Thanks for the advice but I think I will wait until I can get a 512GB hard drive for under �200.

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  • cvaldes
    Mar 22, 02:02 PM
    What about the Mini?
    No one knows. These are just rumors anyhow. The absence of Mac mini rumors means nothing.

    In terms of CPU and graphics, the Mac mini is most similar to the low-end MacBook rather than the iMac.

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  • Veldek
    Sep 14, 02:14 AM
    screen is scaled 16x10 format (don't know if that's right or not) - key shape/layout is unknown.

    again, these are renditions, not the product itself. Although, I'd buy one...I think the buttons would be way too small to use them. But the overall looks would be quite nice.

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  • autrefois
    Oct 12, 06:20 PM
    100% confirmed.

    via Chicago Tribune:


    Sheesh, Apple couldn't even spring for one of those audio splitters so they could each connect a pair of headphones instead of having to share?!?


    It's nice that Apple is giving 5% to charity. Hopefully this is the start of a trend with Apple.

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  • Hellhammer
    Apr 24, 06:56 AM
    My flat mate has one of those new Fusion based Netbooks. Seems pretty good. Could see the next gen of them in an Air. Considering getting one myself when I find one not made by Acer.

    AMD E-350's CPU is noticeably worse than the C2Ds in MBAs. It is better than Atom but can't fight against Intel's premium CPUs, especially if we take Sandy Bridge into consideration. The IGP is wonderful though.

    Llano will hopefully change this since Zacate is meant for netbook and other cheap laptops. Llano will hopefully bring low-voltage chips meant for ultraportables like MBA. So far there are no news though.


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  • markw10
    Sep 14, 11:33 AM
    I would imagine with all the competition coming out with Core 2 Laptops Apple is going to have to move soon and it would be in the MBP, not Macbook. yet if there's limited supplies it's not much they can do but I'm kind of shocked they put it in the imac first. Does anyone know of a breakdown in sales of how they sell (the different product lines). Maybe the imac is the largest seller.

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  • EagerDragon
    Sep 10, 08:22 PM
    Please stop these chip rumors, it will only spawn new "MacBooks this Tuesday" threads:(

    No, PowerBook G7 on Monday's keynote

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  • aegisdesign
    Aug 23, 08:45 PM
    So, in summary...

    Apple pays Creative a one time fee of $100M to licence their patents.

    Creative joins the 'Made for iPod' program making accessories for their competitor, Apple, who gets money for 'Made for iPod'.

    Creative still HAS to defend it's patent against other competitors - that's the nature of patents - or licence it to them. If they do, Apple takes some of that money too. In a round-a-bout way, Apple is getting money back from it's competitors. Nice.

    Creative have a much better case because Apple settled.

    Creative still owns a valid patent. If Apple had won, there would be no patent so anyone could copy the Creative/Apple style interface.

    Apple continues on as if nothing has happened. No long court case delaying sales. No injunctions to halt imports.

    Explain to me why people think Apple lost here?

    Creative knew it was about to get reamed by Microsoft's Zune which it's players aren't compatible with. They knew to get out of the market. Instead of legitimising Microsoft's offering, they've tied up with Apple. It might bug us that Apple have legitimised a bogus patent but it's otherwise very, very smart.

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  • anim8or
    Aug 28, 01:15 PM
    It makes more sense for Apple to wait for tomorrow, anyway. This way, they can avoid being drowned out by the other manufacturer's announcements and simultaneously steel their fanfare. They'll probably do something like "New, with Merom, and more..." and add on another fancy feature or two to each thing to outdo the other laptop guys.

    Though, I still think they're coming on the 18th of sept.

    Every time i read a post like this i cringe a little!

    There are so many rumors about a new ipod coming in the next few weeks/months/etc, most likely announced at Paris (maybe).

    Therefor if apple were to release a new ipod they would want to try and get rid of some older models! Thus i conclude that even if the new MBPs are announced or even shipping tomorrow then more people would buy one with the ipod offer... ...getting rid of sed older models!

    So why would they wait til after the promotion?

    Apple dont needhelp shifting notebooks but if they announce a new ipod you would bet that not many people would want the original ipod video over a new improved one!?

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  • valexa
    Apr 20, 10:47 AM
    Is the Program to read it Mac only or is there a PC version??


    A Mac is a Personal Computer (PC), so is a desktop running some Linux flavor.

    Mar 24, 07:23 AM
    Yawn. This thread is still alive? :rolleyes:

    Yep. Or it's a bad dream. There isn't anything left that's worthwhile to say or that hasn't been said. I suggest that people quit responding to the needling posts of the two main provocateurs (you know who they are; one even claimed several posts back that he was "sick of this thread"-- not.)

    Apr 19, 11:21 PM
    The logo on the center of the record, not the album artwork. The Beatle's logo looks like an apple to me, Apple's logo looks like an apple to me. We both know if the sides were reversed, Apple would have filed a suit.

    Apple Corps (owned by the The Beatles) did sue Apple.

    So there you have it.


    Sep 5, 03:36 PM
    The one more thing would be the airport. If they introduce airport with video, they eliminate the need for a mac media center. The airport IS the media center, and you can use *any* mac to power it.
    While I agree, I disagree. I am not totally sold on wireless video networking. Filesizes are very large and god forbid it get interfierence with while you are watching a movie. Audio is OK because of very small birate. An airport "media center" is just not a good solution in some cases.

    Apr 30, 03:28 PM
    delete. sorry.

    Sep 26, 09:04 AM
    Well, here in western NY,(USA) this would be bad news.
    You could drop a bomb on the cingular stores here and not hurt anyone. Here, Verizon is king. Everyone has Verizon, and they have Verizon here because of two things....they are the only one who has coverage, and because everyone is "in network", you call everyone else for free without using minutes.
    In my job, if I miss one phone call, it costs me $500 bucks. I cannot afford to lose a phone call, and a few years ago when I had Cingular, I lost a lot of calls.

    Don't get me wrong....I have no great love for Verizon, but the sad fact is that at least here, they are the only viable option. My friend was visiting the other day, and had "no service" at my house, less then one mile from our "city". He has T-mobile. (Only one I know who does) At work, the city manager made a great decision to get nextel for all of our rigs because he thought the walkie-talkie feature would be "cool".......they die going 15 miles from our "city". no one even uses them. They are dusty.

    It is too early to get worked up over this.....too little real info. If it works with verizon....great, i'll be the first to get one around here. If not, I love my nano, and have more then one pocket. Don't sweat the small stuff.

    Frank D.

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