Orphanages In Africa

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  • dib
    Aug 28, 10:25 PM
    I ordered the following iMac online yesterday and the ship date is shown as 9/12 (16 days from order date). Who knows what this means.

    MAC 20/2.0/SD CTO
    ATI Radeon X1600-256MB SDRAM
    2GB 667 DDR2 SDRAM-2x1GB
    500GB Serial ATA drive
    SuperDrive 8X
    Kybd, Mighty Mse & Mac OS X
    Country Kit

    Estimated Shipped By Estimated Delivered By
    Sep 12, 2006 Sep 19, 2006

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  • nagromme
    Oct 27, 09:40 AM
    So, basically:

    * Greenpeace takes actions that hurt their own worthy cause (the problems are real, but the ranking stuff is the wrong kind of attention-seeking) :o

    * Apple takes action to suppress the message and instead draws even more attention to it :o

    The fallout from the above missteps, we should hope, is that Apple AND other companies DO improve their environmental practices. For ALL our sakes. Apple should be praised for what they have done right (which is a lot--look at the shrinking of packaging in certain cases) and should not be let off the hook for what they still should do better.

    Still, there are always people looking for a reason to be pro-corporations and anti-anyone-working-for-good-causes. So that bandwagon has seating available :)

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  • jz1492
    Nov 13, 04:54 PM
    So I guess this puts every iPhone VNC client in violation of Apple's terms as it would be displaying Apple copyrighted images...

    I'm on RA's side on this one!

    You may be right, but we haven't seen the emails or the actual rejected programs.

    Furthermore, "The Client Is Always Right", not because they are, but as a matter of principle. The client is in command.

    And I insist, Apple's model makes them the client, which I have to admit brings many benefits to the end user and the platform in general -not so many to the suppliers or developers, except maybe for the fact that it makes the end user more confident to part with their money, of which Apple has the numbers to prove.

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  • Arcus
    Mar 23, 04:18 PM
    Oh god no I hope apple doesn't cave to this kind of Orwellian garbage. I feel for all of the victims of DUIs and know that I have personally called the police on a car that was very obviously had an impaired person behind the wheel but as a non drunk driver if I want to avoid being hassled I should be able to.

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  • asdf542
    Apr 22, 11:52 AM
    It doesn't happen because what they should really be putting is Blu-Ray.
    If Blu-Ray was going to happen it would've been in the refresh of 2011 MBP's. I can't imagine the optical drive being around much longer in anything other than the Mac Pro.

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  • owengot
    Apr 14, 02:01 PM
    I have a Rev D MacBook Air (11") and also think the Ivy Bridge will be a worthwhile upgrade. There is now no reason why that one shouldn't have USB 3.0, or Thunderbolt, plus Ivy Bridge, unlike Sandy Bridge, will have a GPU as fast as the NVIDIA 320m.

    Amen to that :cool: As well as official support for OpenCL.

    So when will Ivy Bridge be released?

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  • Wolfpup
    Jan 13, 01:11 PM
    Explain how to set UAC up correctly to eliminate that issue with online games?

    There's nothing to set up. You should increase the setting to maximum when you first install Windows 7, but other than that it has nothing to do with playing games online.

    Because the cumulative vulnerabilities of third party software such as Flash, Java, and etc included by default in Mac OS X inflate the count for Apple. Vulnerabilities are attributed to the vendor if included by default. Most of these third party softwares have worse security in Windows.

    Flash, Adobe, Java, etc. all have virtually identical issues under all three OSes. It's rare you see something that only affects one, unless it's a significantly different program.

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  • Maddix
    Apr 22, 06:45 PM
    I would also prefer AMD, but I don't think there will be Llanos low-powered enough for the MBA.

    Look at the Zacate E-350. It's 18W, and CPU-wise it's at a dual core Atom level.
    OK, it's bulk 40nm, and Llano is 32nm SOI, but the quad mobile Llano I've seen is supposed to be 45W. MBAs are at 10W and 17W.

    Llano is still a Stars+ core. Maybe next year with Bulldozer Fusion.

    AMD would be producing better CPU's via increased profits if Apple chose them over Intel from the start.

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  • WildCowboy
    Aug 23, 10:04 PM
    If apple paid 100 million, they should then sue their lawyers for fraud. This suit would not even come close to 100 million.

    Do you mean the cost of litigation or the potential award had Apple lost the case? It does seem like Apple wasn't very confident that they could win the case...after all Creative did file the patent before Apple, Creative was awarded the patent, and Apple was denied their patent. The iPod has brought Apple billions of dollars in revenue...a judgment against them could easily have cost them much more than $100 million.

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  • macquariumguy
    Mar 23, 04:18 PM
    Don't do it Apple!

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  • Vegasman
    Apr 19, 08:51 AM
    If they try shafting apple on parts i'm sure another crippling law suit would occur. Isn't apple now capable of making it's own chips didn't they buy up something ? Lot's of telephones and all the tablets are mac copies to some degree i suppose it's the best form of flattery, most people see this.If i'm right all these items are at a lower price point than apple ? I mean come on you would never pay more than an apple product for an item which is heavily influenced right ?

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  • LagunaSol
    Apr 20, 01:50 AM
    The logo on the center of the record, not the album artwork.

    The logo on the center of the record is an apple sliced in half. Again, it looks nothing like Apple's logo.

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  • asdf542
    Apr 14, 01:02 PM
    You mean like FW was faster than USB and USB2? And yes, it will work with any USB device. You think that is an incentive for drive vendors to invest in it? Really? They might decide to stick with USB3, since consumers know the brand and it will work with the Macs that have TB.

    I guess that's why we've seen so many PC manufacturers announce support for TB already. Right?

    I think a reading comprehension class would be good for you. That's 2 or 3 posts you have misread. He did explain how the two situations differ. Obviously they do. There are also some commonalities. I guess it might be a bit much to expect you to see those, given your demonstrated limitations with reading.
    Speaking of reading comprehension class, maybe you missed this part:
    "Not only"

    You want me to throw some more incentives for you? It's four times faster than USB 3.0, will be even faster later down the road. I'd love to see you do this on your USB 3.0 device: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCz_c_rDAXw

    Maybe for your rinky dink Toys R Us peripherals that don't require any real bandwidth USB 3.0 is perfect for you. Go take a look at some of the stuff shown off at NAB.

    Uh... who cares? You missed my point.

    The "world" isn't going to support ThunderPants as Intel now embraces USB3. You're left with basically only Apple to beat the TB drum.

    Hence, TB dies or at best fades away slowly. It will never sweep the land aka "firewire" style.
    Who cares? Well Intel does since it's going to be supported natively on their chipset. FireWire wasn't. There's no real USB 3.0 adoption, just a bunch of FUD.

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  • dsnort
    Aug 31, 08:23 PM
    Now, I may be wrong, but if they roll out iTunes movies in Paris or London, won't they be introducing the product in a locale where it won't be available?

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  • jsw
    Oct 28, 07:35 PM
    I'm not going to wade through all of the posts here and delete another few dozen off-topic ones, but it's clear that this thread is incapable of staying on-topic, which is a requirement in the news forums, and so it's being closed.

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  • AidenShaw
    Mar 29, 02:42 PM
    I think he is. Too bad IDC isn't one of them.

    Why, because IDC isn't like David Pogue and Walter Mossberg - simply republishing Apple's latest PR dementia?

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  • guywithabike
    Aug 31, 12:58 PM

    You aren't a graphics professional, I take it.

    Glossy screens are, indeed, typically better than the "diffused" screens. Diffused screens prevent glare by adding a layer of diffusing material that scatters light to avoid the "mirror" effect. The problem with this is that it also scatters the light coming from the monitor. This reduces color contrast and vibrancy greatly. Put a diffused and glossy MacBook Pro next to each other. The difference is immediately obvious.

    With glossy screens, the image from the monitor isn't diffused, which gives you a virtually wider gamut with much better color contrast and quality. Of course, because it's glossy, you'll have to make sure your environmental lighting doesn't interfere with it.

    So, for instance, if you're a filmmaker with a PowerBook for on-site video editing, you might want a diffused screen if you do a lot of outdoor work. If you're a designer that uses a desktop screen in a controlled studio/office environment, you'll want a glossy screen.

    Of course, regardless of coating, LCDs have a much wider color gamut than print, so it's really not that important whether or not your screen is glossy or diffused, as long as it's a quality monitor if you're a print designer. For true precision color work, DTP pros go with insane monitors that would make your wallet cry. Most of those screens have glossy coatings. TV work relies on insanely expensive "reference" monitors for emulating the "average" TV with precision.

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  • musiclover137
    Aug 23, 05:19 PM
    This is slightly disheartening news. All the info seems to suggest that Apple wanted this to end quickly so they made an offer to a small company that wouldn't cost as much as they may have lost in the lawsuit.

    Makes me wonder how different they were really thinking...

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  • flopticalcube
    Apr 16, 10:34 PM
    Paying higher taxes in Canada is well worth the benefits here IMO. There are still those groups who take advantage, but it seems to a lesser extent here. Aside from wait times everyone seems content with paying taxes for what they receive. There are some things I disagree with where the government oversteps their bounds (and others where they don't step in enough, cell phone companies/Internet suck up here due to no competition)., but the election system is also much better IMO. I don't know 100% how the system for election works here but it seems the government was challenged a couple months ago and they are already voting for pm. No year long campaign.

    Vote of non-confidence. Yeah, short campaigns are the best and the cell/Internet situation sucks balls but there are a few ways around it with some restrictions. No waiting lists outside big cities. Good to see you are settling in, ZA.

    Sep 18, 06:44 PM
    A 10megapixel phone will record more clearly the low quality picture that comes from these tiny lenses.

    It will be a much larger file, and won't look much better than a 3MP. Still, as the lenses improve this will change.

    There IS a limit as to what can be done at a given price point. Eventually the cost of a good lens for it will outweigh the benefits.

    Sticking a 10mp sensor in a phone to me is ridiculous. Very few people ever need 10mp, and if they do they get a real camera instead. Not only does the phone have a very limited set of potential lens features, but the lens will generally be low quality and poorly corrected unless you spend a significant amount of money for a good one. Even then size will become an issue.

    All a 10mp phone will do is be unusable in anything but superb light. It'll probably have even worse dynamic range than existing phones, record murky detail, and have the poorest signal to noise ratio on the planet.

    Apr 4, 12:19 PM
    I'm as pro gun rights as anyone, but this sounds like a problem for the security guard. Unless that guard's life was in danger, there was no reason to shoot anyone, especially in the head. The placement of that shot was no accident.

    That being said, I'm sure there are a lot of facts we don't know. Innocent until proven guilty, of course.

    According to SD news , camera shows the guard took over 10 rounds directed towards him before returning fire, over 40 shots fired by by all 4 present 1guard 3suspects, so I would think deadly force was indeed needed, and FYI he was not a "Mall Cop" he was working for a privet security firm that ear all licensed to carry guns....

    Sep 9, 07:42 PM
    I think we all knew that Merom would only bring modest performance gains.

    Core 2 is a significantly different beast architecturally from Yonah to Merom. Merom has Intel's clone of AMD's cloned/extended x86 instruction set*, 64-bit instructions as well as long overdue changes to handling of old instructions, allowing this generation of CPUs to better utilize registers.

    There are other enhancements in Core 2 as well, so I doubt that the current compilers are getting the full performance potential. It may be several months before updated compilers can properly optimize code for Core 2. Stay tuned.

    * Sorry about that - x86 architecture is not pretty to look at. I sure liked the elegance of the PPC instruction set, but guess what $$Billions$$ can do?

    Apr 19, 07:59 AM
    The normal reaction... Counter lawsuit, however Samsung will have a hard time justifying it given it's "deep" knowledge of Apple products to which it provides displays...

    Oct 12, 01:13 PM

    I wonder if I have room in my iPod collection for such a device :D .

    If this is true, I would be happy to see this come to life, not because of the color, but because of the charity aspect.

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