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  • Vegasman
    Apr 28, 11:06 PM
    I've always wondered what Windows's market share comes from pirated copies of Windows. There's a lot of pirated copies out there.. a lot..

    And they still managed to sell 350 million licenses of Windows 7 in 18 months. That's insane! I am telling you... I would like to sit in that room in either Redmond or Cupertino where you see the profit tote board being updated every second, or every minute or whatever. It must just make someone dizzy. It's like 45,000$ a minute. Of profit! Ridicurous. :)

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  • cr2sh
    Sep 5, 01:34 PM
    Hah... this is so funny.

    Apple sends out invites that seem to indicate a moviestore, rumors abound about new nanos... and what do the forums turn into:

    "I hope they release a phone."

    "New macbooks please!"

    "Apple DVR!"

    :confused: :o

    Where do they come up with this stuff?

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  • AidenShaw
    Sep 9, 11:46 AM
    Wanna bet that Napa64 is 100% identical to ordinary Napa, apart from the fact that the CPU is Merom, instead of Yonah? Since Napa is a platform, just chaning the CPU to something else would mean that the platform has been refreshed.
    You may be right.

    I couldn't find anything in the Intel technical documentation on the 945 to show a new revision or stepping of the chip - in fact most of the 945 docs at the Intel website don't mention the Core 2 at all....

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  • miles01110
    Apr 20, 12:55 PM
    Innocent until proven guilty ... what happend to that? You cant just claim 'Apple has a centralized database with all your location information' when the only thing that is know is that it is stored locally on your device.
    Well it's a good thing that's not what I claimed, isn't it then?

    Just claiming a stupid thing and say it is true until you prove it's wrong does not work. There is no evidence whatsoever that it is stored somewhere else.

    Did you even read the post I was responding to? I made no claim other than it is impossible to say whether or not the data is stored somewhere else unless you have some sort of evidence to suggest that it isn't. Since it's on an Apple (a company that's all about data collection) device and the data itself isn't particularly useful stored locally, it's not unreasonable to guess that it is indeed being stored somewhere else.

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  • cube
    Apr 22, 12:17 PM
    Regardless of whether or not there are BDXL notebook drives, do you really think Apple's issue with Blu-Ray is the size the discs can hold? :rolleyes:

    I'm not about to sit here and list off reasons why an internal optical drive is useless today. It's pretty clear that if Apple were to keep the optical drive in their machines they would've upgraded to Blu-Ray a long time ago but they haven't so it's quite clear that they have the intentions of removing it in all of their notebooks in the not so distant future.

    If it were OK to remove the optical drives they would have already done so.

    They are fighting against Blu-Ray. But that's where the notebook market has already moved into.

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  • alent1234
    Apr 29, 03:22 PM
    that was in 2005 when it first came out. by now they are on a revision that costs a lot less to make and they have sold a lot of games and XBL subs to make up for it. back when the 360 first came out it had an attach rate of 8 games, higher than Sony. figure at $10 licensing per game that's $80 per console on average plus XBL. so i don't know if the isuppli numbers are accurate.

    a lot of companies in the console market have been doing it like this for years. take a loss the first year or two, sell break even or small profit later in the cycle and make it up on the games. except for nintendo which is doing the opposite. make money early in the cycle and start losing money at the end of the cycle.

    2011 the division will probably turn a profit of $3 to $4 billion or so due to kinect. 2010 was also profitable. if the Nokia partnership works out 2012 will be even better.

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  • stroked
    Apr 4, 12:32 PM
    Was It really necessary to kill him?

    Anyone who is trained with a hand gun, is told to shoot to kill. This scum deserved to die.

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  • sammyman
    May 3, 02:52 PM
    "Macworld has confirmation from Apple that the new iMacs will support Target Display Mode but only when the device they are connected to is also a Thunderbolt equipped Mac."

    Is that true?

    But hooking it up to 2 apple cinemas (24") is ok, right?

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  • Multimedia
    Sep 12, 03:33 AM
    Multimedia, in the Sept.12th thread, you said:

    "I now predict a 50% chance the C2Q Mac will be unveiled tomorrow. And if not tomorrow no later than early November."

    I guess that's what people disagreed with (although I haven't finished reading the whole thread yet). I agree with you that it is indeed really big news and I still can't quite wrap my mind around the idea, but I'd be extremely surprised if Apple announces anything Kentsfield later today. (It's already the 12th here in South Korea.)I agree. I let my enthusasm for the surprise Core 2 Quadro would be ready for retail shelves mid October swept my logic away. I've changed that post since coming to my senses.

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  • GGJstudios
    Mar 23, 04:13 PM
    ...You will now predictably reply with yet more BS nonsense about how great your arguments are and how stupid everything I say is. Sorry, but I'm done playing your games.
    Thanks! I needed that laugh! :D

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  • Sabenth
    Aug 23, 05:31 PM
    So dose this mean ms can sue apple if they decided to use wifi in ipods ????

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  • toddybody
    Apr 22, 11:33 AM
    As long as it doesnt shudder with the OS X animations and it plays 1080p smoothly, why does it matter? Do people really game on an Air?

    Your words disgust me sir

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  • dejo
    Nov 13, 03:54 PM
    Exactly. Losing the maker of the Facebook app and Rouge Amoeba in one day is really bad.
    But it's been more than one day. Joe Hewitt resigned Wednesday (

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  • Cooknn
    Sep 11, 10:10 PM
    hoping for downloadable movies to own at either $9.99 or $14.99How many movies a month do you watch?! $14.99 * 10 pays my cable bill with internet included :rolleyes:

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  • mKTank
    Dec 31, 01:57 AM
    Yes, this sticky obtrusive and uninstallable piece of junk that constantly plagues people in the PC world (not to mention it radically slows your machine down. I recently installed Flash player on the PC side and without my permission McAffe was installed....ARGGGHH. Now they want to infect the Mac world....PLEASE NO!

    Hurf. There was a checkbox for installing a trial version. You didn't uncheck it.

    Maybe this is why you're using OSX then. It makes choices for you. Not yours, but you know...

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  • DrFrankTM
    Sep 12, 02:47 AM
    Multimedia, in the Sept.12th thread, you said:

    "I now predict a 50% chance the C2Q Mac will be unveiled tomorrow. And if not tomorrow no later than early November."

    I guess that's what people disagreed with (although I haven't finished reading the whole thread yet). I agree with you that it is indeed really big news and I still can't quite wrap my mind around the idea, but I'd be extremely surprised if Apple announces anything Kentsfield later today. (It's already the 12th here in South Korea.)

    New Mississippi State Logo. %IMG_DESC_17%
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  • Kingsly
    Sep 13, 10:38 PM
    Wow, what a day. First I set off to buy new phone after waiting for any potential announcements on the 12th. To my disappointment the phone I wanted (and had been researching for at least 6 months) has been suddenly and without explanation dropped from Cingular's lineup. Come home to grieve and study up on blackberries and find, to my surprise/delight this story! :)

    I, for one, believe the iPhone rumor. There is wayyy too much evidence pointing toward it. I've talked to people who work at 1 infinite loop who say that is commonly accepted knowledge that an iPhone is imminent. Thanks to Apple's compartmentalization, nobody knows exactly when or what. :mad:

    (of interest, my source says she sees always Steve walking down the halls holding all kinds of gadgets nobody has ever seen before – always in a hurry to whatever department the gadget presumably came from)

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  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 19, 09:30 AM
    There are people trying to paint this as though any tablet or mobile phone is similar to the rest so Apple has no case. Not true. Apple is suing one company for a copy so close that it is hard to see the difference.

    Looks like Apple copied palm just changed the background to white and the icons to a square!


    LOL - right. And that pinch and zoom feature on the palm was tremendous.

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  • orangephoto
    Oct 12, 04:44 PM
    all political and humanitarian concerns aside.. I have been waiting for a red iPod since forever.

    Red is my fav color lol

    and the fact that it helps somebody is amazing. i dont care who it is. everyone deservs help. so everyone should stop complaining that men dont get it or whatever. shut up please


    and red. i mean omfg amazing.

    sorry if i sound stupid.

    Apr 25, 09:49 AM
    IMO, progressive does not equal big government. In fact, progressives and conservatives probably want the same overall size, but weighted in different directions. Social vs Defense.

    Then you can look to the future when computers/machines have taken over a vast amount of the tasks that humans used to do to earn a living. What kind of system will work then? My guess it that it will be closure to socialism the capitalism. ;)

    Oct 28, 04:08 AM
    Maybe a new user title: double talker.
    Damned if I can make head nor tail of the last few posts. Maybe I'm stewpid. :(

    Sep 14, 07:09 AM
    a ipod nano with phone function really isnt anythign amazing and would be well behind current technology, they should be fully going for that crazy multi device that was patented lately. at least that would be up with or infront of other technology.

    2 iPhones,
    - iphone (nano) base phone and cheaper, limited abilties
    - iPhone (multifunction device) more expensive and more pda like.

    Mar 29, 11:38 AM
    So IDC is projecting that Nokia is crowding other WP7 vendors of the market, or it will be losing market share.

    Sep 5, 12:04 PM
    iLounge has received the same invitation (

    Looks like it's now for definite going to happen. Only one week to wait...

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