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  • edifyingGerbil
    Apr 22, 09:44 PM
    Proof sufficient for their own self, or for those they can convince of it.

    Insufficient for those who require some form of evidence.

    This same argument has been going on for thousands of years. No one has been able to provide tangible, testable proof that God exists.

    No one.

    It's believed that the Higgs Boson exists but as yet there is no proof of its existence. Despite this respected physicists continue to try and prove its existence.

    There are many things we believe in the existence of despite lack of tangible proof.

    jigsaw puzzle template. stock photo : Jigsaw puzzle
  • stock photo : Jigsaw puzzle

  • Nermal
    Mar 18, 04:51 PM
    Second, it's a violation of DCMA.

    Why? He's not breaking copy protection, because the protection wasn't there in the first place.

    I can't believe that people think this is a bad thing. Don't you like freedom? :eek:

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  • Themes: Jigsaw Puzzle

  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 26, 10:39 AM
    128 cores by 2010... That might be a little ambitious. I'd definitely buy one though. ;)

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  • Own jigsaw puzzle template

  • pmz
    Mar 18, 09:14 AM
    Wait, you have evidence that AT&T has zero evidence?

    Didn't think so.

    For all you know, they're doing the same deep-packet inspections on their data network that wired broadband providers have been doing for years.

    Oh, is that in the contract too? Is that legal? NOPE.

    All it would take is one class action lawsuit to destroy everything this company has done for 5 years.

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  • toddybody
    Apr 21, 08:22 AM
    Fandroids: the most annoying fanboys on the planet.

    "Which is why I frequent an Apple users community discussion forum."


    Your profile name/avatar/signature shows how unbias you are...shame on these crazy Android users who can't see the merit of a different OS :rolleyes:

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  • skottichan
    Apr 15, 12:12 PM
    Right, because civil marriage is required for gays to have sex with each other. Nobody is forcing you to do anything. You can have sex with whomever you want to.

    We're talking about gay Catholics here, who ostensibly value being Catholic more than they value satisfying their sexual desires in a manner compatible with their sexuality. There is no theocratic regime forcing them to live as Catholics in good standing - it is a personal lifestyle choice, if you will.

    The problem is, I can't get married. I'm not allowed. Adopt? Not allowed (and the Catholic church has fought some very public battles to stop gays from adopting).

    Plus, the Church does not recognize gay marriage where it is allowed.

    I miss the good old days where I was sent to a parochial girl's boarding school, to "help me come back to God", by my step-father. Probably the best thing he unintentionally did for me. Thankfully, I suffered no bullying in school, since most of the other girls were there for similar reasons.

    I am a gay woman in her 30's, and I was devoutly Catholic until about 25 (my grandparents still hold leaving the Church against me).

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  • sdunlapa
    Oct 7, 09:18 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7C144 Safari/528.16)

    Wait a minute, windows mobile is on multiple phones. Why won't they take over iPhone's market share? Everything is always so pie in the sky. I remember when the iPhone was supposed to be a disaster and a sure failure. Something sure went wrong there.

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  • shape jigsaw puzzle template

  • dejo
    Oct 8, 09:34 AM
    The need of first buying a Mac and then learning how to use it, the SDK and Objective-C will stop too many great developers from giving it a try.
    Great developers are not inhibited by things like that. In fact, they often consider it a challenge. It's lazy developers that don't welcome the opportunity to embrace different technology and just too-quickly dismiss it.

    jigsaw puzzle template. stock photo : Jigsaw puzzle
  • stock photo : Jigsaw puzzle

  • ezekielrage_99
    Jul 11, 11:27 PM
    I wonder I they put a Xeon in a Mac will it come with Intergrated graphics :confused: ;)

    I sure hope Apple don't put intergrated graphics in the Mac Pros as ANY sort of an option......

    jigsaw puzzle template. blank jigsaw puzzle template,
  • blank jigsaw puzzle template,

  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 27, 07:20 PM
    Homosexuals have a right to live the same lifestyle as anybody else, under the Constitution and under the UN Declaration.

    Maybe with better furnishings, though...

    So skunk is talking about legal rights.

    jigsaw puzzle template. 6 PIECE JIGSAW PUZZLE TEMPLATE

  • killr_b
    Oct 25, 10:48 PM
    I can't really decide what to think of an 8 core mac pro.

    Right now FCP barely uses all four of mine.
    It seriously seems that they a) haven't updated software pending an OS update, ie; leopard, to take advavtage of them or b) more cores really only helps the multi-tasking.

    In any case I think my mac pro isn't quite as fast as it could be sighting the activity of my cpus during a render.

    HDV render = 60% on every core. WTF?

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  • i_am_a_cow
    Mar 19, 05:51 PM
    Just because a man can do a thing does not mean that he should do that thing. Whether or not you will get caught breaking the law is irrelevant to whether what you are doing is or is not legal. I can go to the supermarket or gas station and steal a bag of ice from outside without getting caught, but it doesn't mean what I'm doing is okay. You might say it's not a big deal--it only costs a dollar, and anyway the supermarket makes tons of money off the other things that they sell, and they probably don't deserve all that money because they underpay their employees.

    Moral relativism and justification might make you feel fine about doing it, but it's still wrong and it's still illegal. If you don't care, that's your thing.

    He just wants to play his music on Linux, is there something wrong with that? Are you saying that Linux is bad, and Apple is good? Do you think that Apple is doing the right thing by not preventing these issues in the first place (by failing to open up technology standards or port multimedia software to other operating systems)? I really don't think that it would be terribly difficult to port iTunes or Quicktime to Linux.

    jigsaw puzzle template. +jigsaw+puzzle+template
  • +jigsaw+puzzle+template

  • aristobrat
    Mar 18, 01:09 PM
    Who cares?
    I dont give a crap. My speeds are great even with all that.
    Oh, OK. You're one of those "hey, everything is great for *me*, so what the hell are YOU complaining about people". Cool.

    I work in a decent sized office building where 3G speed isn't consistently great. I also know of at least four people that bring their personal laptops and torrent via MyWi here during the day so that they don't get the DMCA notifications (and risk of getting their service canceled) from their home broadband provider (Cox Cable).

    If these people want to pony up and pay for the bandwidth that they're using here, that's fine. But I bet they wont. And I also bet that overall speed for the AT&T 3G coverage where I spend the majority of my waking hours increases if they don't.

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  • +jigsaw+puzzle+template

  • deannnnn
    May 6, 10:04 PM
    i really don't understand all the people in NYC who have dropped calls multiple times a day.

    i live in brooklyn, ny and work in manhattan. i have NEVER experienced the amount of dropped calls as some people on macrumors (who live in the nyc area) have.

    i want to know how many calls for those who have all these "problems" with AT&T make a day. i do not have a land line, so my iphone is the only phone i have. i have owned an 1st gen iphone and i have had a 3Gs for almost 1 year.

    i make, on average, about 5 - 20 calls a day. i may experience a dropped call or a call that didn't go through about 3 - 5 times PER MONTH.

    the only annoyance that i have experienced more often than i'd like has to do with visual voicemail. sometimes, when i try to play my messages via visual voicemail, it never connects. so i have dial my iPhone's # and check my messages the old school way. but that doesn't happen that often.

    for all those people who have dropped calls every day, are your iPhones jailbroken? i am not sure that would have anything to do with it, though.

    I'm jealous.

    I walk from the village to Gramercy every day, and during this time, I usually chat on my iPhone. The call usually drops 1-2 times... and that's outside. In my apartment? Forget about it. 50% of my calls are dropped.

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  • thejadedmonkey
    Sep 12, 04:24 PM
    It needs DVR recording for this price point. As someone else mentioned earlier, I can use a $5 cable to connect my computer to my TV. It need something else that will make me want to spend the extra $244 on it. Either that, or apple needs to stop touting the iMac as a media PC because the TV will compete with it.

    jigsaw puzzle template. stock photo : Jigsaw puzzle
  • stock photo : Jigsaw puzzle

  • dcranston
    Sep 21, 04:30 AM
    I'm glad to see at least a few people get it. Obviously iTV isn't for everyone. But let's take a look at the 6 most common complaints on this board:

    1. I can already do this with a Mac Mini!

    This may be true, but remember those are the same arguments against the iPod when it was released in 2001. You could already use a Creative MP3 player. Last I checked, the Mac Mini was still $300 more expensive, and is way overkill for a TV setup, not to mention the fact that you have to maintain a machine designed for mouse & keyboard use. Software Update comes up? Looks like you need to plug in that keyboard and mouse. Sure you can get most (if not all) of the functionality of the iTV on a Mac Mini, but who wants to spend $300 extra, lose some nice features like HDMI, and have to system adminster their living room!?

    2. I don't need another box cluttering everything up.

    First of all, perhaps you missed the size part of the presentation. This thing looks like a small hot plate. Second, if you don't have a need to get content from your computer to your TV, don't buy this. If you have a need, you're going to be forced to plug *something* in...

    3. It doesn't have DVR functionality. I'm so mad.

    I own a TiVO and I love it. And for the forseeable future, will continue to use it. But the point that needs to be reinforced over and over on these forums is that a TiVO fills a need because content is not delivered how customers want it. As this model adapts, TiVO will become irrelevant. It seems silly to try to enter this market late in the game with a product that would be comparable at best. Remember, iTunes sells content, and this market is just beginning to come out.

    4. Apple wants to lock you in to their proprietary iTunes world.

    While I'm sure Apple would be more than happy if you bought all your content on iTunes, I don't think anyone realistically expects that to be the case. Does anyone here think that iTV would only play iTunes content? I'll eat my left shoe if that's the case. You will still be able to subscribe to rocketboom and rip your dvds and make your own iMovies... I'm sure they'll play on iTV.

    5. There's no hole that needs to be filled with this product.

    Perhaps your habits are strikingly different than mine. I have an entire hard drive full of content: photos, movies, music, podcasts, and every free tv show iTunes has ever given me. But didn't I just spend $800 on my new TV in my living room? I did! I want to share this content with my friends, my family, and just have a better viewing/listening experience myself. The living room is designed for sharing and passively intaking content. The computer is designed for actively managing, organizing, and receiving. This product marries the two concepts.

    6. iTunes downloads aren't economically sound vs. TV

    Obviously this statement depends greatly on the user. For myself, I watch only a few TV shows. I love the Daily Show, I enjoy Monk, I recently got into 30 Days, and I enjoy the occasional mythbusters. Daily Show is $10 for 16 episodes, or about a month. TDS is often in re-runs, which I don't have to pay for. It comes out to around $70 / year. Monk has only 4-6 shows per season, and 2 seasons / year, or about $20 / year. I've watched maybe 5 episodes of 30 Days at $2 each or $10 (in the last 4 months), and I've purchased 7 mythbusters this year, or $14. So if I continue at the same rate, I'll spend $140 this year on TV shows through iTunes. My basic cable bill with Comcast was $60 / month or $720 / year. (And I know many friends who pay over $100 / month for cable, including HBO or Disney) Whoa! I cancelled Comcast and feel very liberated to only spend money on shows I find interesting. The free shows allow me to check out and be engaged by new series as well. I'm sure many of you watch much more TV than I do, but I have to say, you'll be surprised at how much crap you're paying for, and how nice it is to choose what you want only. Again, if you watch 4-6 hours of television / day (excluding old rerun shows or just turning on broadcast television), perhaps this model is not for you. Even still, multi-pass like Daily show/ colbert at $10 /month (or less) could give you 3 hours a day for $60 / month. Sweet. Time well spent :)

    So is this the be-all-and-end-all of devices? No. But if I can walk into Best Buy, and walk out with a $300 no-hassle device that lets me play all of my content passively and easily in the living room, that lets me manage and choose content in an interface designed to do that very efficiently (iTunes), and without the need for any other support hardware, installations, hours of configurations, or monthly subscription, I'll be pretty happy.

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  • r1ch4rd
    Apr 22, 10:05 PM
    In some areas of the US people look down on if you admit that you don't believe in God. People can be very vicious about it and at the work place it's best not to voice your opinion or the Christians will gang up against you. I've seen this happen several times.

    That's a real shame and I hope that improves for you. I am proud that we appear to be more open minded on this side of the pond. I have had plenty of people disagree with me, but we can agree to accept our differences.

    I was once pointed to an interesting indication of the difference in culture. In the USA I believe the $1 bill contains the phrase "In God We Trust". In the UK, we have Charles Darwin on our currency! He appears on the �10 note and a recent �2 coin. The �2 coin changes fairly regularly though.

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  • shape jigsaw puzzle piece

  • stcanard
    Mar 18, 05:23 PM
    The main purpose of iTMS is to sell iPods. iPods are the only players at this time that can play iTMS purchased music, due to the DRM. Tell me how the DRM has nothing to do with iTMS's business model.

    Do you really think it's DRM lock-in that's fuelling those sales?

    Because personally I think it's the integration and "it-just-works" aspects, combined with a superior product.

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  • blank jigsaw puzzle template,

  • dpaanlka
    Oct 20, 01:43 PM
    So the high end will no longer be at 3ghz?

    How hard can an extra 333mhz be to attain? Especially with these cool-running Intel chips.

    Apr 24, 03:04 PM
    Dissection time!

    A woman's witness is worth half of a man's: [6]

    Blue Velvet
    Mar 12, 03:46 AM
    The main island of Japan, the complete land mass, has moved sideways by eight feet (about 2.5 metres). And the earth, the entire planet, has shifted on its axis by about four inches (10cm)... according to geophysicists reported over at CNN. (http://edition.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/asiapcf/03/12/japan.earthquake.tsunami.earth/index.html)

    Jul 11, 11:27 PM
    I wonder I they put a Xeon in a Mac will it come with Intergrated graphics :confused: ;)

    I sure hope Apple don't put intergrated graphics in the Mac Pros as ANY sort of an option......

    May 2, 10:00 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-gb) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    WOW! Malware that requires the user to do a Google search, then download, and install. For all of this, it asks for your credit card number.

    How can we ever defend our computers against such a diabolical threat?!

    Most Malware requires direct user intervention, people are idiots.

    Mar 24, 06:52 PM
    The Vatican, and the Pope by extension, is rapidly becoming "Captain Dunsel" in the ST-TOS vernacular.

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