Hereditary Multiple Exostoses

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  • kiljoy616
    Apr 11, 02:47 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    The marantz one is, you have to pay $40 to uPgrade firmware to get AirPlay working at all. At least you did with early versions, not sure about current versions, AirPlay may work without upgrade with those.

    Ok this makes no real sense to I figure Apple is behind it. Merantz and Denon both have upgrade and both same price. Are they for real, come on Airplay upgrade WTF. I smell Apple crazy behind it. :rolleyes:

    I guess its a software upgrade to their internal chip, but I still think its stupid, if your going to buy a 1000 plus receiver this is just dam bad PR to me.

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  • aegisdesign
    Sep 11, 07:28 AM
    Do you realize that Mail uses 100% of a core ALL THE TIME? If I leave it open I only have 3 cores to work with. I mean it's rediculous. I have to QUIT Mail to do my work. Absurd.

    What? There's something screwed with your

    Think about it. If used 100% of a core ALL THE TIME, people with single CPU machines wouldn't be able to do anything.

    Mail on my G5 iMac is sat there at 0.0% CPU utilisation when it's not doing anything.

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  • OwlsAndApples
    Oct 27, 08:12 AM
    It's about time Apple got rid of some of the rubbish materials in their machines, it's not that the campaigners are trying to brusie Apple but encourage them to be better than their competitors. I mean, Apple already has many advantages over Windows, so surely 'Green' can be one of them.

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  • DrFrankTM
    Sep 12, 05:02 AM
    Does anyone think a slightly bigger version of this would be a fantastic desktop?

    I, for one, would be happy to spread the Word to the ignorant masses if Apple came out with a cute little white tower to match everyone's cute little white iPod. :P The Mini's nice, and the new iMac is nice too, but I think this thing could help Apple a lot in the desktop segment. I'd say something like that's bound to come out at some point, but when is the big question.

    Also, it's probably been mentioned earlier in the thread, but does anyone know how long after Kentsfield Clovertown is supposed to come out? I heard "early 2007" a while ago, but with Kentsfield coming out so early, I would think Clovertown won't take that long.

    P.S. Is it my connection, or is the Mac web starting to slow down as it struggles to handle all the traffic generated by the upcoming Apple event?

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  • macintel4me
    Sep 5, 07:58 PM
    ok, just made a quick mockup of what i would like to see announced next week :cool:

    and make shure it also works with video_ts folders and avi/divx files (maybe via a front row API for third party developers like VLC?) ;)

    this would perfectly complement that itunes movie store
    That with a built-in iPod dock that syncs wirelessly. SWEET!!!! :D
    That way you could stream wirelessly or play with whatever is on the iPod.

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  • Stella
    Apr 4, 12:12 PM
    The suspect was killed? Good.

    Western society is far too soft on crime.

    I feel sorry for the security guard for what he has been through / will go through.. but not the suspect.

    American Tax payers money has been saved for the suspect's jail time, who will probably re-offend again after he gets out.

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  • andiwm2003
    Oct 12, 03:53 PM
    Ha ha, You are nuts. Let me tell you how it works.

    Nobody gets rich by curing a disease. That is why diabetes, AIDS, HIV etc are all treated with "Keep you alive but not cure you drugs" that you have to buy for the rest of your life. The government and drug companies are in it together and are pure evil. Ain't nobody going to cure anything unless they can keep making money doing it. Get it? Good.

    total BS and an insult to any scientist and doctor working overtime like crazy to find cures. sounds like a conspiracy theorist or a 13 year old speaking.:rolleyes:

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  • kiljoy616
    Apr 4, 12:41 PM
    Meanwhile, the robbers are shooting at him...So what if a robber got shot in the head.

    So when was the last time that you heard of a person killing an animal for food. :eek: We are not just politically correct but so out of touch with reality. Its an exercise in will power to actually take an animals life with your own hands.

    People just want the world to be a utopia :rolleyes: where the security guard pulls out his phaser :cool: and stun them but first he had his personal shield up just in case. :D

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  • n-abounds
    Sep 8, 09:00 AM
    Because I don't know much about computers- can Leopard run on just Core Duo processors or does it need to be Core 2 Duo?

    Leopard will even run on PowerPC macs.

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  • tbobmccoy
    Apr 14, 07:03 PM
    They wouldn't have to add more hardware. USB3.0 is backwards compatible with 2.0. They would only have to disable 3.0 protocols somehow or artificially speed limit it to 2.0 speeds. I wouldn't put it past them. I KNOW if they got Blu-Ray drives somehow included with their hardware (i.e. only thing available), they would STILL not support it except in DVD/CD mode. Apple will do what they think is best for them NO MATTER WHAT. They don't give a flying rat's hind end about what the consumer wants. Steve thinks he knows better than anyone and he has a whole army of groupies telling him he's right so how on earth could he ever imagine otherwise?

    I think this is a bit paranoid. Blu-ray just isn't that great of a tech for Apple to justify the increased cost of adding it to the MacBook Pro. Yes, there is some bias due to their DLC, but I doubt that's the ONLY reason blu-ray isn't available. Plus, I'd rather go without a drive period on my next MacBook. Give me the space savings, extra battery life, etc and let me have a thunderbolt drive, since I never use the drive outside of... installing software, and even that's rare these days.

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  • 1984
    Sep 14, 04:51 AM
    My wife busted her phone today, and called me for a recommendation. All she wants as a Mom is a phone with a long battery life and great reception.

    She left the Cingular store with a crappy phone with a million features she will never use.

    It's too bad the Motorola MOTOFONE ( isn't available yet. It would have been perfect. A phone where battery life, reception and ease of use are the main features? Finally some gets it.

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  • SirROM
    Aug 31, 09:53 PM
    If Apple is planning to introduce a video iPod and movie service on the 12th, might it makes sense to release updates of some products, such as the MBP, the previous week, giving the full spotlight to the new products. There really doesn't need to be a special press event for an updated laptop, even if it does have a new case (as I don't expect it to be too different). It would certainly give Apple lots of positive press about the updates and fuel even more talk about what was coming the following week.

    Just my usual 2� worth....

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  • Multimedia
    Sep 9, 01:30 PM
    That's because the second pass only uses one core.No. it's still using more than one core. More likely because of the speed limitation of the hard drive writing the mp4 file.

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  • Rootus
    Apr 15, 09:48 AM
    It's be a good idea if Thunderbolt was capable of handling USB 3 as well, like the thunderbolt port in the MacBook Pro can also do mini display. It can, of course.

    I guess that way it'd at least be used more, but also nobody would be uncertain about getting Thunderbolt because they know even if it is a flop the port is still useful... Perhaps education is key. The fact that TB is a PCI-E orifice is a key difference from add-on technologies like USB3.

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  • cwt1nospam
    Mar 19, 01:25 PM
    I hope you're getting paid well to post this crap. Still, don't you feel dirty having to post references to obsolete "malware" like Leap-A and Inqtana-A that were never successful even before the OS was patched years ago?? And while no OS is completely secure, hence the need for software updates, those updates mean that AV software can at best be helpful for a few weeks, and that is very optimistic.

    You need to face the fact that AV software adds no security benefit to the Mac OS. On the contrary, it can be used against the system because it needs to be trusted by the system. There simply is no point in spending time or money using a "security" product that makes your system less safe.

    As for USB3 vs Lightpeak, your pitiful response makes me think you were one of the pinheads criticizing Apple for dropping floppy drives at the turn of the century. Sure, there are few Lightpeak drives at the moment, but so what? Lightpeak will be cheaper and much faster. When merely depends on how quickly it's adopted. If it were up to your logic we'd still be using parallel ports and scsi drives.

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  • Jackie.Cane
    Sep 13, 09:11 PM
    Dear god, enough with the phone rumors already!:mad:

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  • skunk
    Sep 1, 08:01 AM
    I;;,m drunkn as a skunk. Oi! :mad:


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  • jaw04005
    Nov 14, 08:01 PM
    I�m not sure if anyone�s mentioned it yet, but Rogue Amoeba has posted an update that explicitly explains the API calls and what�s actually going on. It�s not just Apple�s icons that are in play here.

    None of these icons are shipped in our apps

    On the iPhone side, Airfoil Speakers Touch just displays a generic �album art� image that comes from Airfoil. On the Airfoil side, both the Mac image and the application icon are fetched using public Cocoa APIs.

    The call we use to fetch the computer image is [NSImage imageNamed: NSImageNameComputer]. Behind the scenes, the system has a store of machine icons stored away in the /System directory, and matches up your computer�s model identifier with their artwork to return an icon.

    The call we use to get the target application�s icon is -[NSWorkspace iconForFile:], which can be used to obtain the icon for any file on the system. Applications such as the Finder would use this call to display the icons of files and applications on the hard drive when browsing its contents.

    The code is not specifically designed to send Apple�s icons

    The code is fully generic and simply sends the icon of whatever application the user chooses on the Mac side. Apple applications are popular audio sources for Airfoil, but it�s entirely possible to send third-party applications like Firefox, Spotify,, our own Pulsar, and others, and many users do just that.

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  • freedevil
    Nov 14, 12:31 PM
    Boo Hoo Rogue Amoeba. How stupid? Devs need to grow up.

    Apr 30, 03:12 PM
    Sounds good! New iMacs May 3rd, new MacBook Airs, maybe June 7th, MacOS-X 10.7, Lion, later in June. Keep it up!

    Chris Bangle
    Aug 31, 01:44 PM
    LONDON,why would they do it in London? obviously so that tv shows and films to be made availble to all of europe except for France. Its so simple. I cant wait. And films in USA of course. Thats whats gonna happen. Its soooo obvious.

    Come on top gear on itunes.

    Oct 12, 03:44 PM
    I admire your commitment to the evolutionary approach. I would just like to point out that evolution has also created the compassion (or at least social conscience) that inspires this sort of effort. Perhaps this compassion is a trait that increases the survivability of our species in a way too. (I'm not suggesting that all traits increase survivability, but evolution has been going for some time now, and compassion has been a human trait for some time as well, so perhaps the two are friends for some reason).

    digressing to the point of no return..:D

    Compassion I think is an emergent phenomenon and I think there is an simpler explanation to your "quest" or debate here. What about individual wanting to create a nurturing environment (society) and helping others in time of need is a result of this behavior. Consequently, we construct a positive nurturing environment that is the "best" environement to raise our children (offspring). I think the new field of evolutionary psychology provides a very useful tool of looking human behavior.

    Apr 25, 02:55 PM
    Those who don't want the superdrive have the option of an air. People in the music industry will always have a use for CD's. I just think no superdrive makes it an air varient not a pro.The optical drive doesn't make it "Pro" it makes it "outdated" and "unnecessary." If you need an optical drive by an external one, there is no need to hold up the majority that never use them.

    Apr 20, 11:29 AM
    I'm personally of the opinion that anyone that thinks they have any privacy in this digital age is lying to themselves. There is no privacy, every single time you do anything on the internet or cell phone, some device somewhere is keeping a log of it. This is just one more way. But like other people mentioned, unless you're a criminal or the victim of a highly sophisticated stalker, then no one really cares about your private data.

    With that said, if Apple is in fact storing location data when you specifically turn location services off on your iPhone, then this is a big problem that needs to be remedied. Their TOS specifically states that they are not collecting this data when you turn location services off and that is a flat out lie.

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