Generics In Java

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  • miller218
    Aug 28, 08:24 PM
    of course that would be useful and by all means wait another year if you must, but personally i'd rather just buy now and then upgrade later as if it's really that amazing then the sockets are still compatable and an easy upgrade.

    Well, you won't be upgrading laptops because the chip is soldered in
    I'm sure there isn't a slot to put the flash memory in
    Your old chipset won't support it

    It all comes down to if you NEED it.

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  • ericmooreart
    Mar 30, 01:21 PM
    What about the Container Store, which is trademarked? Seems like the difference is whether or not the term is in common use before the trademark is filed.

    Thats a pretty good point. But After some research I found they trademarked the phrase "THE Container store" not Container Store.

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  • Tom Sawyer
    Apr 30, 07:54 PM
    Then I wouldn't plan on ever going back to an iMac.

    Definitely no plan to. Apple (SJ) is far to enamored with glossy screens to give anyone options on the large displays/iMacs. I'm still surprised they actually brought the matte option back to MBP's.

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  • dondark
    Sep 13, 11:22 PM
    I dont like touchscreen, we will make it dirty very easily.

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  • Vegasman
    Mar 30, 01:09 PM
    The real question is why MS is so bothered about Apple using 'App Store'. Historically MS (almost) never used the word App, instead using the word Programs. Surely MS can come up with many alternatives that describe their own store equally well, if not better. Why fight with Apple over this? I can only conclude that it is to spite Apple, or to ride Apple's coat tails yet again.
    Even if MS is right, logically, linguistically, I find their attitude over this rather puerile. PR-wise it says to me "Apple, if we can't imitate you, we'll sue you"
    MS sinks lower in my opinion by the day.

    They are bothered because they want to be able to describe their app store. They want to be able to say:

    "We have this thing called Marketplace. What is it? Well, it's a place where you can by apps. Think of it as a grocery store for apps. You know, an app store."

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  • 0815
    May 3, 10:58 AM
    Good to see the Magic Track Pad only option - I Loved my Magic Mouse a lot ... but I love my Magic Track Pad even more, it gives me all the same gestures that I'm used to from the MacBook - I am done with mice and will always go with the TrackPad option. For those that never used one: It does not compare the the good old windows TrackPads, it adds so much more usability since it is a true multitouch device.

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  • addicted44
    Apr 22, 10:16 AM
    The idea must delight at&t. Data charges will be very high

    What about those many places where 3G is not available
    ....weak reception areas reception areas
    ....airplanes, subways,...

    Use the album that you downloaded, and synced onto your phone/iPod.

    There is NO indication that Apple will not be letting you still download your music. This is a service in ADDITION to what you can already do.

    Why is this so hard to grasp?

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  • notabadname
    Apr 19, 12:42 PM
    Well of course they will respond "strongly". As if they would respond with a; "Yep, you got us on this one, where do we send the Billion dollar check".

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  • cube
    Apr 23, 02:08 PM
    I am curious about something. Intel is apparently having difficulty dealing with ATI, which is owned by AMD. Is this a problem for Apple that is limited to notebooks only? It seems like the new MBP doesn't have this same problem, except in the 13" model. Is this problem going to affect Apple's desktop machines? Or is it only limited to the very small laptops and perhaps the Mac Mini? I am just curious because it doesn't appear that the MBP 15 & 17" are effected. I do hope that this makes sense. I have been waiting to see the next versions of the Mac Book and the iMac. I would like to have a portable and I don't care or need a laptop that is a quarter of an inch in thickness or if it weighs a pound more than a Mac Book Air.

    Intel doesn't have a problem "dealing with ATI". The problem is that the integrated graphics in Sandy Bridge are inside the CPU, so if you put an alternative chipset with integrated graphics you're paying for stuff that you don't use, and the whole point of integrated graphics is to reduce costs.

    Also, NVIDIA is prohibited by Intel to make new chipsets for Intel CPUs that have an integrated memory controller.

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  • rovex
    Apr 22, 11:42 AM
    I think the building consensus is that PC gaming is wearing. Intel's graphic chip shouldn't detour many with the much improved CPU to boot. I'm totally happy I skipped the 2010 refresh.

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  • mlrproducts
    Jul 14, 04:20 PM
    Wow, that seems pretty darn reasonable.

    I was considering putting a 2.16 Core Duo in my currently Core Solo Mac mini. But now I'd much rather put the 1.83 Core 2 Duo in there for less than $200!

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  • mlrproducts
    Sep 13, 11:26 PM
    MR should be happy, as it seems there are plenty of new, naive and ignorant noobs running around.

    1) Read the darned article before you spout off about "well hows'I gonnda call wichout me dile pad?"

    2) There is a slim to none change this will be any type of smart phone. Scratch that, there is no chance. I would post numbers but I don't have to, because anyone with common sense could put together that the number of non-smart phones outsell smart phones to about a billion to one. (However aside from the obvious mp3/aac playing abilities, it will be "enhanced" in the sense that it will have bluetooth and sync seamlessly with iSync.)

    3) Touchscreen would be nice, but it seems as if Apple's patents never materialize. That, and 3b) any type of touch device [that already gets skin/hair oil on it] would be too dirty with fingerprints all over it.

    4) Quit complaining about a slider. 4b) They are popular (which for the economically challenged=they sell well=more money for Apple). Also, I would ask that you really think about how often you use your "most recently dialed" list or phonebook vs. new numbers.

    5) Technically the artist's rendition is not "nano-like," it is now "vintage retro-1st gen nano-like." ;)

    6) While I don't want to challenge Arn's sources, it would be difficult to make the back true "chrome" as the iPods, due to signal issues (unless an external antenna was used, which is unlikely based on a whole slew of reasons I won't go into).

    7) The phone will more than likely be GSM. You MIGHT get a CDMA version poor other folks, but not likely (and if so, perhaps only carried on Verizon, and not at release).

    8) And #7 leads to real issues re: business. These include: will Apple become a virtual carrier, will the release the phone GSM unlocked and only Apple branded, will it be produced by another manufacturer (ie: Samsung) and attributed as such (unlikely), or are they going to go with the obvious Cingular release (and the possibility of adding to T-Mobile after a Cingular exclusive period). Lastly, worldwide release/availability issues.

    9) Quit asking about live iChat video chat, it AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN. A possible related item would be iChat texting (similar to current AOL, Yahoo, ICQ).

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  • Morod
    Mar 23, 05:15 PM
    The police should not be able to detain you without probable cause. PERIOD. If you are doing nothing wrong the cops should not stop you, EVER.
    This. Otherwise we live in the old USSR, where you are guilty until proven innocent.

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  • cadillaccactus
    Sep 19, 02:51 PM
    I was satisfied with the image quality on my 20" Dell widescreen, but sitting at my desk to watch a movie instead of my couch isn't the movie experience I'm going for.

    This is precisely why other companies' attempts to "bring the PC into the living room" have failed (and will continue to do so). Think of the logistics of this (if you will) from an interior design perspective. Are you going to put your media center PC on a TV stand in your living room across from the couch to watch movies/TV? Are you also going to have a desk chair sitting right in front of it for those times you'd like more PC than TV? People (families) do not use computers in their living room and they do not watch movies/TV sitting at a desk.

    This is why iTV is brilliant. Living rooms are for content, not computing. Content is the only aspect of your computer that is necessary in the living room, and it is all iTV delivers.


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  • cube
    May 3, 12:46 PM
    DP 1.2 has up to 17.28 Gbps.
    TB has two 10 Gbps channels.

    Only one channel is for DisplayPort.

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  • BenRoethig
    Sep 26, 09:55 AM
    No iPhone for me neither. But really, unless it was out-of-the-park good, there was no change I get one anyway.

    Is anyone else getting a bit tired of all this apple branding outside of the computer space? I mean, a phone? Why o why SJ? :confused:

    Okay, more Apple products out there means more brand recognition. More brand recognition means more people will be willing to check out Apple's hardware offerings. Got it?

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  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 22, 11:36 AM
    I wonder if it will include the tracking software? :D

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  • zep1977
    Apr 28, 03:38 PM
    I bet ballmers goal is $5.99 billion profit next quarter.

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  • cmaier
    Nov 13, 05:13 PM
    No, VNC displaying the entire screen from the computer and Apple has a built in VNC server in their OS. This is a matter of taking the icon images themselves and using them for another purpose in a client/server application rather than in an app running on the mac itself. It is a clear case of copyright infringement. RA could have avoided all of this by simply providing their own licensed icons.

    @guet: You should read what you wrote. You are proving yourself wrong with your own points. They are licensed for use on a mac, not for distribution to a client machine be it an iphone, Blackberry or Android.

    You say that but it's not necessarily true. One of my apps was rejected for depicting an image of an Apple product. Not a copyrighted file, mind you. Just a little icon, drawn by me, that looked like an Apple product. It was rejected for depicting an Apple trademark.

    Apr 19, 09:09 AM
    LOL even the clock icon look the same, that's just cheap copying.

    Sep 5, 02:22 PM
    I don't usually speculate, but I find it interesting "Showtime" is capitalized. Could the downloads be part of some partnership with the cable channel? Just wild speculation on my part.


    Showtime is owned by Viacom,who also owns the movie channel and a cable company.

    Apr 4, 12:11 PM
    I'm as pro gun rights as anyone, but this sounds like a problem for the security guard. Unless that guard's life was in danger, there was no reason to shoot anyone, especially in the head. The placement of that shot was no accident.

    That being said, I'm sure there are a lot of facts we don't know. Innocent until proven guilty, of course.

    If there are a lot of facts that you don't know, how do you know that the headshot was no accident?

    May 3, 11:55 AM
    Any instances and hardware where this is carried out?

    You can hook 3+3 displays from some AMD 6000-series PCIe cards. I am not sure if it also works for 4+2 or 5+1, which would allow for different screen configurations (eg: 4x24"+2x30" or 5xSmaller+1x30"3D).

    Machead III
    Aug 31, 01:38 PM
    Alright well, it's the Movie Store, and AppleInsider are porbably right about what they have said about it.

    Meaning: Disney is the only one on board from the start.

    However, don't **** your pants yet, that does not means we're stuck with Bambi and Mickey Mouse for 6 months.

    The Walt Disney Company is about as expansive as they come, and they're particularly devious when it comes to branding. For various PR reasons they like to set up studios with different names and "tones" so that their cuddley flagship brand isn't trodden on by gritty adult movies.

    If Disney are on board, that means as well as the "Walt Disney Pictures" movies like Toy Story and Aladin etc., Touchstone Pictures and Miramax are in (and also Hollywood Studios, but that's about to merge, it's not nothing notable since The 6th Sense, and nothing notable before that).

    So you've got films like The Insider, Cinderella Man, The Royal Tenenbaums, Sin City, Gangs of New York, The Hours etc. etc. right off the bat.

    Probably 1/5 of an average "movie fans" diet will consist of flicks produced by a branch of The Walt Disney Company, with another 5th being from WB, another from Universal and the rest from others like Sony and independants like Lions Gate and the Sundance groups.

    You really wan't Universal in there eventually, as they're the ones with the big library. And Warner are the dudes holding all the old time classics, so you wan't them too.

    Lions Gate make great films but the medium sized studios like them you can probably survive without, for the beginning, though it looks like Lions are in anyway.

    Sony would be nice, they often hold the key to the films responsible for the recent surge in popularity of foreign films. Particuarly in Europe, Chinese and Spanish-speaking films have become really quite popular, with Zhang Yimou's Hero and House of Flying Daggers huge hits.

    Of course, I'm hoping FilmFour get in their quickly, as they are responsible for really some of the most exciting cinema in recent years; Trainspotting, The Motorcycle Diaries, the list goes on...

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