emma watson 2011 photos

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  • janellelk
    Apr 20, 10:25 AM
    I just bought the iPhone 4 and to be honest, I don't even feel an ounce of disappointment that I could've waited a 5 months for the iPhone 5. I am so thrilled with the iPhone 4 and its capabilities. I've never run into any issues with the external antennae.. I dunnno. I'm a long time diehard apple fan.

    Sorry if this seemed a bit irrelevant, just wanted to throw my two cents in.

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  • Multimedia
    Aug 3, 12:30 AM
    Wow, measuring battery life by cities. Sounds amazingly scientific. I'm gonna say "You're wrong" just because you cited such a field report. That's disgraceful... :oTwo reporters sitting next to each other with same Notebooks Except For The Processor. Doing the same things. One makes it to 3 hours while the other makes it to 5 hours. Did you watch the video on my revised post with the link to it? These guys were at the Core 2 Duo launch last week. You gonna call them liars?

    What's with all the anti Core 2 hostility here?

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  • MarkMoseley1
    Mar 28, 12:02 PM
    All this hype can make anyone get upset and want to bash things. But its not worth it. Just keep your shirt on and be patient! I've been stuck with my iPhone 3G. I was gonna upgrade to the iPhone 4 last summer but lost my job and had to wait. I got married and had to jump on my wife's Verizon plan to save money. When the iPhone 4 came to Verizon I was so excited I was gonna do what I could to get it, but still had to wait. Yeah, I got caught up in the hype, but after calming down and thinking WISELY, waiting just a bit longer is not gonna hurt anything. In fact I really want a White iPhone 4, and Im glad I didn't waste money on a black iPhone just because its there.

    In the mean time, paying attention to the rumors is good. Seeing some of the odd stuff posted in the forums by members is comical at times. But if we all just chill out and check the main page every few days we will see more stuff leaked.

    Just remember, there are people out there that just might leave there iPhone 5 test mule sitting on a bar stool for someone else to find and post about it on the internet....

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  • jmcrutch
    Apr 18, 04:17 PM
    While I don't care who sues who - in the end the laywers win. ....

    Actually, YOU win. The United States provides for patents to "promote" and "further" advancements in the things that we all come here to discuss everyday. One can argue the merits of such a system but that is one of the purposes of the patent laws. Basically, incentive to make the world a better place for all.

    Take away the incentive and there might not be as much innovation.

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  • aye5882
    Aug 11, 08:08 PM
    i thought i read somewhere that you needed like 4 gazillion gigs of ram to actually run 64 bit programs... so wouldn't merom be more for bragging rights than actual usability?

    i've been waiting since may for merom to come out so i can buy a mbp... but now i'm actually thinking of waiting til santa rosa comes out... when does it come out btw? i know its sometime next year... anyone know if its like jan/feb?
    and it would be nice to see a new enclosure when the santa rosa chips come out... :D

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  • Caliber26
    Mar 29, 01:47 PM
    I'm glad to see that not everyone is super excited about this cloud stuff. I thought I was starting to get old and narrow-minded, by not embracing this new direction technology is heading in.

    I don't feel data providers (particularly the wireless companies) are reliable enough to ensure a stable experience 100% of the time. Your content would only be as good as your data connection, basically. No thanks. I have no problem investing a few more dollars on devices that provide enough local storage, thus eliminating my need to worry about data caps and connection.

    Also, WhyTF would I want my personal files, pictures, documents, movies, etc on someone else's server??? DropBox suffices my clouding needs, to store those occasional files I like to share between my computers and phone. No way in hell would I feel comfortable putting anything important or of real value in the hands of another person/entity. I don't care what all they delineate in their TOS/EUA's, it doesn't mean jack to me. Call me paranoid, but none of it comforts me and guarantees me any privacy. Since when is any large corporation a pillar of integrity? Ha! My **** stays with me.

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  • ThunderSkunk
    Apr 26, 04:04 PM
    Are we going to be alerted every time one of these companies comes out with something new and surpasses the other? Is this really news anymore? Is it really a rumor about things we care about? I wonder.

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  • MacBoobsPro
    Aug 2, 11:20 AM
    What time is the QT stream likely to be uploaded at Apple.com?

    BTW I know its not a live feed!

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  • Popeye206
    Mar 29, 04:27 PM
    Link please.



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  • SiliconAddict
    Nov 22, 11:23 PM
    You took the words right out of my mouth.

    I remember when Napster and Rio laughed at the iPod and iTunes, and 5 years later.:rolleyes:

    The difference? For all intents and purposes the iPhone is a toy. phone + music. there is nothing wrong with catering to the average consumer. But the simple fact is businesses will not give it even a half second thought before they move on. Yes admittedly we have yet to see the final specs and features but without a touch screen and without a thumb keyboard the business world will pat Apple on the head, tell them that "awww isn't that cute", and walk away. Its not a business tool its a consumer product. A product that will sell like mad in traditional phone vs. iPhone markets but Blackberrry/Treo vs. iPhone? Not a chance in [bleep].

    PS- That being said I WANT to be proven wrong. I want Apple to provide an expierence that covers music\contacts\calendar\todo\e-mail all in one sexy device but watching Apple over the years I've lost faith they they will try anything daring. Anything that really does take on the big guys. I'm willing to bet that whatever is released will be music\phone and if you are REALLY lucky limited calendar\contacts with no way to imput info. Prove me wrong Apple. Please.

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  • Vulpinemac
    Apr 25, 11:31 AM
    People claim the iPhone saves cell location data on the phone, and also saves this file during iTunes backups. This is TRUE, and can be verified by reading your OWN iPhone database, which shows where YOUR phone has been. That would be impossible if it didn't save that data.

    SOME people (not most!) also claim that the data is sent to Apple, rather than just kept on the device. THIS, however, is unproven and may well be false.

    As it stands, though, I don't see how "The info circulating around is false." is not a lie. It's very easy to verify that "the info" that this data is indeed saved is true.

    While the data is being saved may be true, the info that Apple is tracking its users is false, and this is what is being spread so widely in the news. As such, the statement that "The info circulating around is false" is subsequently true.

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  • ravenvii
    May 5, 08:49 AM
    ravenvii, correct me if i am wrong, but wouldn't the points remaining be 2, and not 3, since in the turn he summoned and placed the goblin he would not be collecting any point?
    vR1T1:collect 1 point, TP=1
    vR1T2:use point for goblin, TP=0
    vR2T1: collect point?. TP=1?
    vR2T2: collect point?, TP=2?

    Assuming the goblin costs one point, let's say the villain does this:

    R1T1 Collect 1 point
    R1T2 Collect 1 point, summon Goblin
    R2T1 Collect 1 point
    R2T2 Collect 1 point

    Villain now has 3 points left, see?


    Loras turned around and regarded the room they found themselves in. As the rest of the group walked around the Goblin's head to join Loras in the middle of the room, they found that their torch was barely enough to put the entire room into view.

    It was a empty room, with decrepit walls and cracks along the once-magnificent floor. All they could see on the floor is the body of the Goblin near the far wall, it's head near the door they came through, and unfortunate Wilmer's body lying near another door.


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  • tobefrnk
    Nov 22, 09:22 AM
    Ok...and the MSRP for that phone would be 800 bucks with a 10 year contract with cingular.

    People need to realize that apple products are somewhat overpriced so I can see a great apple phone with great features but with a contract the phone is going to be extremely expensive.

    Nokia already has phones (their N series (http://www.nokia.com/nseries/index.html?lang=en&country=US#product,n93)) capable of 640x480 30fps vid at $800 unlocked. I don't see an Apple Phone with these capabilities being THAT much more and certainly cheaper if Apple is the provider for the phone service as some people are speculating.

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  • SheriffParker
    Aug 11, 09:04 AM
    It would be cool for them to keep the yonah in the low-end MacBook. That way with the price drop they could get back to a $999 entry-level notebook.

    Merom definitely in the Black Macbook though, if this is true.

    Great News! Still hoping for a case redesign in the MBP for mine. :)

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  • Old Muley
    Apr 21, 06:33 PM
    Could this become the fabled "headless iMac"?

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  • ug.mac
    Jul 29, 10:40 PM
    This is bad, I mean BAD if it's ture:mad:
    I just finished with Fido and got a Razr V3c from Telus, I'm happy with it so far but if Apple really get into cell phone business I may let my GF get one of that if they won't make CDMA version and available to Canda.:p :p

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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 22, 10:08 AM
    Well I don't think anyone actually USED the Xserve in datacenters anyway... Why would YOU? Seriously you don't need a boutique operating system on a server that's on 24/7/365 serving html/php/mysql with the only downtime is an occasional reboot for software updates.

    The people who used Xserves had a few of them at most and could not even justify racking them. Most Xserves ended up on desks or maybe thrown next to a bunch of PC servers in a companies IT department for the "crazy Mac guys" in advertising/production. Really if you look at the Xserve in general you see the only real penetration was in the TV Station/Video Editing/Movie/Education/Advertising fields.. Not "Data Centers"

    So a 3u Mac Pro will work just fine in the TV Station/Video Editing/Movie/Education/Advertising "Server Rooms" where they can fill up a rack with their 10, 3u servers and do what they need to.

    I don't think your post is quite accurate. For large deployments of Mac clients, the Xserve was a wonderful integrated management solution and it fit in the data center along with all the other servers uses for other purposes. No one really wants homogeneous environnements in a data center and Xserve served as diversity, filling their niche well.

    Use them to serve HTML/PHP/MySQL ? A waste of an Xserve. Use them for SUS, netboot, Opendirectory ? Wonderful. Also, many of those TV Station/Video Editing/Movie/Education/Advertising fields have data centers in case you didn't know. It's not like everyone operates out of a closet.

    Heck, a few lifetimes ago when I worked small businesses, we were selling racks and properly wiring and racking systems for businesses with 50 employees and 5 servers. We were adding in UPSes and redundancy. I built a site-to-site VPN between our own surveillance network and everyone of our customer's networks to monitor services remotely using a Cisco based solution. Yes, about 1k$ worth of networking equipment for small business that did nothing else than check that their filesystems weren't full or that the database server didn't go down. And they paid monthly fees on that of that for the service.

    Size of a business means nothing, it's the value of the data that a business manages that dictates their server needs. If a company has 5 employees but their data is worth over 10 million $, they aren't going to host it on a 1k$ PC thrown in a corner with a failing fan on the CPU. They are going to invest in a proper solution.

    You have to have worked in IT to understand the implications here. This is not a Xserve replacement and if Apple goes through with a "rackable" Mac Pro, it's not going to be billed as an Xserve replacement nor are the buyers that bought Xserves going to be using that. It's not like you couldn't just use OS X Server on Mac Pros before Apple introduced the joke of the "Mac Pro Server". The thing already existed.

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  • ~Shard~
    Aug 11, 09:55 AM
    I agree with many of the other posters here - if the MacBooks are going Core 2 Duo, then the iMac can't be far behind, especially since it's Apple's flagship consumer machine in many respects. I guess the only question will be whether the iMac receives a Merom chip as well, or Conroe. From a technical perspective, I do not believe there are any performance differences between the two architectures. Therefore, Apple could use either. Conroe is a desktop chip, so perhaps Apple will implement it in the iMac so that it can be similar to the corresponding Dell etc. machines which use it as well. On the other hand, Merom runs cooler, and with a confined, streamlined design such as the iMac's, it may make more sense to use Merom instead of Conroe. Merom will definitely be used in the Mac mini eventually IMO.

    As for the MacBooks though (which I suppose is what this article is actually about!) this is great news. My wife is wanting a new MacBook and I told her to wait for these Core 2 Duo updates. Looks like she won't have as long to wait as I initially thought, which is great. :cool:

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  • !� V �!
    Apr 23, 09:29 PM
    Doesn't OS X already support displays up to 2560x1600? Afaik that was the resolution of Apple's own (now discontinued) 30" display and the resolution of most, if not all, 30" displays available at the moment. 3200x2000 is nothing but the next rung on the ladder. This is just Apple future-proofing their OS a bit. If they release anything in the short term it will most likely be a big-ass iMac or a bigger Apple Display, NOT a laptop running that resolution. Just saying...

    I believe your comment is on the money. Considering they have discontinued the 30" ACD for the 27" model.

    Hopefully this brings in 32.5" ACD, and DisplayPort can handle the increase in resolution.

    Apr 7, 10:16 AM
    So you want Apple to be forced by the government to reduce its manufacturing, tell its customers "sorry, no iPad for you" because the competition needs to catch up? How stupid is that?:rolleyes:

    If Apple was found to be abusing its position... yes. But this is NOT my point, my point was 'countries start to investigate Apple due to a shortage of components due to Apple buying up the available stock for a prolonged period of time'. This is very different from Apple being found guilty etc etc.

    Aug 4, 02:16 PM
    I don't see why Apple would put a mobile chip into the iMac. I bought one for my work around a month ago and yes, its portable but not that portable,

    Well, there is a portable chip in it right now...

    Remember, a chip is not "portable" because it is less heavy, but because it takes less power. Conroe takes twice the power of Meron. There is a heating problem with twice the power in an iMac. I am not saying it cannot be cooled down, but it would be really hard to cool it down without making it louder.

    Apr 20, 09:46 AM
    I wouldn't mind a heavier phone, if it meant better battery life or a bigger screen.

    I think Apple are too obsessed with this "Thinner, Lighter" everything. It's a phone, it is no where near 'Heavy'

    Sep 11, 05:26 AM
    Not sure if this has been posted on another forum but have a look at the following links, especially the comments by sleepygeek

    hmmmmmm....i wonder.....




    Apr 5, 02:24 PM
    If this forum would allow me to rate this story, I'd rank the outcome as Positive!

    Here's one for those of us who to choose to play by the rules!!

    ...and I absolutely LOVE my iPhone, btw...

    TV = Tranny?

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