desk tidy wood

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  • DucktapeFanboy
    May 6, 04:07 AM
    That's so true! I really wanted to go ultimate this time and that's what i did :cool:
    But i have to admit the cheapest iMacs are the best deals this time

    One thing i'de like to add. If video editing for you means doing some cuts, arranging your material and maybe doing a quick colour correction you don't need a powerfull machine. Actually i'm doing this with 1080p DSLR and Sony EX Cam footage on my two year old mac mini without problems.
    The reason i'm ordering a new iMac is that i hit my computers limits when doing extensive compositing in After Effects.
    Hope that helps

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  • balamw
    Apr 4, 07:48 AM
    Weird. All three of my W7 boxes (DIY PC desktop, 2009 MBP and 2008 uMB) installed W7SP1 perfectly via Windows Update.

    Have you tried downloading the update as an ISO?


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  • Beanoir
    Apr 25, 04:45 AM
    Can't be done for a number of reasons. Which i've outlined before but can't be bothered to go into again. But the answer is "NO"

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  • GGJstudios
    Mar 8, 08:04 PM
    Are you talking about Forum Spy?

    Issue with Forum Spy? (

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  • Play Ultimate
    Nov 8, 11:56 AM
    i love macs i love the simplicity but theres nothing out there
    that will topple microsoft office period.

    As of now, you are correct.
    However, don't forget Lotus 1-2-3, dbase IV and others had there day in the sun as well.
    At this point, Apple does not need to "overthrow" Office, just provide as alternative.

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  • Mr.PS
    Jan 16, 02:33 PM
    it's not that ugly, and the screen is truly something to behold.

    That would never happen...

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  • kiwi_the_iwik
    Jul 20, 04:29 PM
    Hi there...

    Now that I've talked most of my friends into getting a Mac - and now iChat - we're finding it really easy to communicate.

    Until recently, it's been dead easy to transfer files between each other, by just clicking and dragging the document onto the text box, and pushing <enter>.

    From there, the files are sent to the recipient, where they are saved to a folder on their computer. I can SEND data OK - it's just the receiving of data that has been disallowed. The error I get goes something along the lines of:

    "The downloads folder is Read-Only, or you do not have sufficient privileges to do this."

    The problem has just occurred - I've just upgraded my Hard Drive to 120Gb, and did a straight data transfer between the old and new drives, so all my preferences had not been changed, so THAT couldn't be the reason. I have, however, upgraded to iChatAV - which may be the culprit.

    Has this happened to anyone else? Does anyone have a solution?

    I've already tried repairing my preferences (to no avail), and I can't find any of the documents that were downloaded to me previously - and doing a "Find" search of the drive has come up with nothing.

    Is there ANY way of changing the DESTINATION of my downloads for iChat? I have a specific Downloads folder for internet downloads, but (as far as I can see) there is no way to change the destination for iChat...

    Cheers, all.

    Hope you can help...


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  • cere
    Apr 12, 12:12 PM
    i think what cutyoursim is doing is quite legal.

    My local vodafone charges 100euros (was 200euros last year) to unlock any iphone & get it registered on apple's servers.

    It is not legal if they are doing it via illegitimate access to Apple's database/servers. That would be illegal.

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  • gman901
    Apr 23, 08:39 AM
    Those 2 mentioned were the lower default resolutions and I believe the others were 1280 x 720, 1280 x 768, 1368 x 768. I like the 1280 x 720 but most recent games only get maybe 8 - 15 fps at that resolution.

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  • Rigby
    Mar 30, 12:08 PM
    Thanks for the review! Have to say I'm a little disappointed that they overlooked the light sensor. Seems like the case is otherwise just what I am looking for, but this is a serious flaw.

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  • mrapplegate
    Apr 22, 06:32 PM
    So with Dev Preview 2 update 1 I am having collabd constantly crashing which makes crashreporter launch and take up a good portion of CPU. It is stuck in a loop and keeps trying to reopen. Is there any way to remove the server portion of Lion entirely(as I can't keep collabd from trying to start)?

    I don't think it is possible without a reinstall. Why don't you just stop any service you don't need?

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  • Mitthrawnuruodo
    Jan 12, 07:27 AM
    ...or, as I did, just enable time zone support in iCal and make an event on the 15th from 0900-1030 PST with alarm set to go off 15 minutes before (or whatever warning time you need). ;)

    Nice overview, though. :)

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  • Moyank24
    Mar 16, 02:57 AM
    It's a secret. I'd tell you but then I'd have to llik you. :D

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  • macfan881
    Sep 6, 09:53 PM
    Yes with Game Center this has the chance at competing with 360 and PS3/steam etc and now that Unreal engine is ported to the iOS Gaming on the i Devices have no where to go but up.

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  • bousozoku
    Oct 24, 08:12 PM
    Well, it's still the most annoying, continuous issue with OSX. Steve keeps saying it has finally been improved, but it still sucks. :p

    Remember when they released the Finder with the side panel on the left side? Man, where were we without that? I can't even remember how bad Finder was in 10.2.x :o

    We used the Favourites folder.

    so... new macbooks wont have this yet.. :(

    After Leopard is released in the new MacBooks will have it.

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  • tehreflex
    Apr 14, 02:08 PM
    That'd be cool except people will be breaking that high tech glass left and right.

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  • JulesNYC
    Apr 23, 05:14 PM
    OK, so a couple of months ago I started noticing that I wasn't receiving email reminders on events I created in my Google calendar. I of course google'd the problem and found out others had the same issue. The popular suggestion was to go to Calendar settings and remove the email notifications and then add them back. Sort of like rebooting the calendar and its reminders, I guess. It actually worked....until now.

    Of course the day I had a credit card payment due is the day the email reminders failed to work again. I received no email reminder whatsoever (I always have two set up). I'm frustrated. I did the "reboot" thing again so I hopefully don't miss another upcoming event, but I'm seriously thinking of ditching google calendar all together and using something else. The thing is, I have no idea what's a good alternative.

    Any suggestions on a good online calendar? What do you guys use?

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  • ifjake
    May 14, 02:46 PM
    eh, i'm getting sick of or maybe i'm getting sick of people who won't stop trying to imitate him. yeah... that's probably right.

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  • tristangage
    Mar 12, 05:32 AM
    I don't think this is the way to get music recommended. You really want to trawl through my collection of 14,000 songs? On top of that, other user's libraries as well?!

    Either you have too much free time, or you'll realize how pointless this is.

    I will just mention artists who I'd recommend - John Mayer, Newton Faulkner, Damien Rice (if you like acoustic), Joe Satriani, Paul Gilbert (instrumental rock), Deadmau5, The Prodigy (electro/dance), Pete Rock, CL Smooth, LL Cool J, Jedi Mind Tricks (Hip-hop/Rap), and some Ministry of Sound Chilled albums if you wanna relax.

    Mar 14, 07:34 PM
    As I posted in a more obscure thread,

    Never forget that the zune brought us this:

    I still find it a little disturbing but I think it's also possibly the single funniest thing I've ever seen involving Microsoft.

    I have never actually used a zune. They looked ok really, except the brown one (IMHO).

    Aug 28, 06:46 PM
    Most of us didn't need an Apple rep to tell us it was a fake. Spymac will always be disreputable in my mind because of that incident.

    Oct 4, 09:30 AM
    Yep, I'm with you on that. It already bugs me that my Prius has a black box for accidents and a GPS built in (for the nav system.) Why do we *trust* this government to not ask companies to turn that information over (just like they asked for our phone records) and for these corporations getting billions in tax incentives to eagerly comply? Now if you carry a GPS, government will be able to know where you are at any moment. I'm not buying it unless Apple includes a pledge with the product that they will fight to protect my legal rights if any government agency asks for these records without probable cause.

    Most (if not all) new cell phones in America have built in GPS as a result of an FCC mandate for Enhanced 9-1-1 capability in mobile devices. Apple may simply be taking this required expense and turning it into a way to get more value in their device by linking it with a built in camera/iPhoto/GoogleMaps. This certainly seems like one of those "why didn't anyone else do that?" sort of (in retrospect) obvious moves that Apple is great at.

    But the fact remains, most new cell phones in the U.S. at least already have GPS built in so the location of the phone can be tracked by emergency responders. It's hardly something new being developed by Apple that will make the iPhone any more subject to governmental data-mining abuse than any other mobile phone.

    Apr 14, 01:19 AM
    I've had this thing since December and after about a month of sort of using it I haven't really touched it since. I have Dance Central and its a great game, but to be honest, I just don't feel like dancing my ass off at the end of the day.

    I have plans to buy more Kinect games and use the thing more, but lately, I haven't. You?

    Apr 28, 04:22 PM
    The retail discs will work in all Macs (assuming they meet the basic requirements of the OS), while the grey system restore discs are only for the specific model, i.e., you can't use a grey iMac restore disc on a Mac Mini or Power Mac, even if it is the same OS version.

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