checks and balances examples

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  • clintob
    Oct 26, 05:23 PM
    Am I the only person around here who doesn't see an issue with scratches on this (or for that matter the current iPods)?

    I know the plastic scratches, but does that honestly affect your use or viewing at all? The few scratches that are on my 5.5G iPod (and before that, my nano) have absolutely no effect on my viewing of the display whatsoever? If the backlight is off, or you hold it at a weird angle maybe, but otherwise who cares? Why do phones and iPods and other handhelds always have to look shiny new?

    I personally scuff up my sneakers and jeans as soon as I buy them. Same idea here... I kinda like when stuff is broken in. Feels better to me. If it affected viewing in some way I would understand, but it really doesn't?

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  • Philalbe
    Dec 17, 10:21 AM
    Many of them will have inhouse teams to develop their bits and pieces.

    Considering lead and production times, I would have also thought that large-scale holiday-specific artwork production would need to be signed off in June-August in order to accommodate any special repro processes and finishing... and then getting product to point of sale.

    So, if this idea appeals to you, try aiming for next year and put together a lo-res sample sheet to try some cold calls with... but don't get your hopes up, there could be other more productive and lucrative ways to further your career.

    Hi. Thanks for the thoughtful reply. I too was thinking a lot of that type of work is probably done in-house. I suppose I could just make it a side hobby; something to help keep my vector skills sharp and maybe it will even yield some possible portfolio pieces? Thanks again:)



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  • JollyJoeJoe
    Apr 26, 06:28 AM
    Put the Windows disk on the ICH (system's SATA ports), as the card cannot dual boot like that in a MP (been tried before and has never worked).

    Other than the Windows disk, it will work.

    Is this something specifically to do with the Areca 1880 series cards and the Mac Pro 2010 or does this ring true for all other 3rd party RAID controllers?

    When you previously said this is because one does not have access to firmware/EFI settings and can't change the boot device I am wondering why this is required, wouldn't there be a loader\boot menu that one can bring up? How would I then select between the primary OSX install on SSD1/Areca and Win 7 on SSD2/ICH if there wasn't a boot menu? Or is it simply some kind of limitation that will not allow the Mac Pro to detect and display in the boot menu stage any drives attached to the Areca controller other than the one that was set as boot drive in OSX?

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  • williamw
    Oct 7, 04:51 AM
    Upped ante to $370

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  • Daedalus256
    Dec 13, 02:20 PM
    I have no idea if you can even get lower than Jaguar anymore but anyway I'm looking for a copy of Jaguar.

    "Well Daed!" you might say, "Why would one need Jaguar when there are amazing updates like Panther and Tiger?" Read on pondering soul!

    I'm going to need Jaguar specifically because it's the higher form of OSX my beloved G3 Pbook can take without me having to mess with XPost Facto. So! does anyone have this wonderful operating system? Also, I need it in CD-ROM form because back int he day, none of those crazy laptops had DVD drives! So yes! Get back to me!

    Still have an ancient copy of OSX 10.1 if it even exists? Well then send it my way! I'll pay for it! Just let me know what you have!

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  • yellow
    Sep 12, 11:03 AM
    I was listening to NPR on Sunday morning and there was a spoit about the Rolling Memorial ( that a fellow had put together for his big rig. He said in the interview the reason he did it was for about 6 months after 9/11 everyone in the US the he met was so polite and friendly to everyone else and now, years later we've forgotten all about it and gone back to our old ways. He wanted to try and remind people of what had happened.

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  • cyclingsessions
    May 6, 08:00 AM
    Can someone tell me why the Mac is so finicky about what kind of memory you upgrade with?

    I have been ok with Corsair 8gb upgrade memory, which many on this forum had suggested, for a while but noticed lately that I am getting the dreaded restart box lockup when I am trying to back up with time machine a ways into the process.

    I put the OEM 4gb back in and it is working ok.

    Can someone explain to me why it passes 30 minutes of memory testing on Techtools Pro software but freezes once in while on handbrake video encoding and always on the backup???:mad:


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  • old-wiz
    May 5, 06:02 PM
    How can you expect OSx to install applications to an Android phone?
    If it works on windows then the installer is written for Windows and obviously isn't going to work on oOSx.

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  • nuclear MnMs
    Feb 19, 12:57 PM
    Hello, I have been trying to import songs from my iTunes library to my Garageband to edit them and take sections out as loops.

    However, when I import the song (either by dragging or using the media import), Garageband automatically converts the song and removes all the bass. Is there a way for Garageband to not convert my music?

    Thank you so much.

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  • flopticalcube
    Apr 20, 10:40 AM
    Yes. Switches are generally transparent "black boxes" that require no configuration. Make sure you pick up a gigabit switch if you need the speed.

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  • MacRumors
    Sep 8, 01:46 PM (

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  • TheWitePony
    Jul 25, 05:57 PM
    I am trying to get my printer to work on my powerbook. It is a HP Officejet k60. On the HP site they don't have any drivers for MacOS, but they do have one for Linux. Will the Linux driver work on my Mac? I have tried installing it, and my Linux is a little weak, but when I try to run the make command it tells me I don't have a compiler installed. Now when I had Linux on my PC I rememeber I had to run the setup utility to install all the developer tools. Is this a similar issue? Is there a compiler on the CD that came with my Mac? If not, where can I download one?

    Am I going about this in the wrong way? I thought that OSX was supposed to eliminate the need to install drivers and such. Cause my PC can use this printer withouut any drivers at all installed. In fact, HP recommeds that you just let XP do its thing and not install a thing from the CD that came with it cause it was pre-XP drivers. Shouldn't OSX be able to do the same? I mean I can see it in the Print Center, but it says "Driver not installed" right beside it and it won't let me add it.

    I'm sorry, this is probly a retarded question, but I have had my Mac for less than a week now. And with school around the corner I kind need this printer working pronto.

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  • BenRoethig
    Oct 12, 02:36 PM
    Why on Earth would you expect Apple to ship iWork with it's machines for free? iWork is not MS Works - it's already far superior, and it's still a baby. In one or two more revisions, iWork will be a better overall suite of Apps than Office (which frankly, isn't saying much). It's unreasonable to expect Apple to give that away for free.

    I don't know maybe because prior to January every consumer machine shipped since about 1990 has come with a consumer productivity suite and maybe I don't apple to lose sales because of sure stupidity. And yes iWork is like MS works. It is not an office suite, it was never meant to be, and it never will be one. It is the replacement for Appleworks. Hence the name iWork instead of Work Pro. Apple is smart enough to realize that it can't beat Microsoft in the office environment.

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  • infine0n
    Apr 2, 01:12 PM
    Hello all,

    I have an iPad 16GB. I tried to jailbreak with PwnageTool, and everything went smooth with restoring with custom firmware in iTunes, so it seems!

    After the restore is complete, the iPad stays in Recovery Mode, and all I get is a black screen (as if the iPad was off), but when I plug it into my Macbook or PC, it shows up as in Recovery Mode in iTunes every time!

    I have spent hours trying to get it to work. I've tried 4.2.1, 4.2.1 custom jailbreak, 4.3.1, then back to 4.2.1. Still nothing! I am stumped at this point. I have tried holding the power button, holding the power button as well as the home button, and the iPad will not do anything unless it is plugged into a computer.

    I have tried TinyUmbrella's "Fix Recovery," which brings it to a white screen, then says unable to find gbdevlist etc. etc.

    I have tried a soft reset, nothing works...

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  • ender land
    May 3, 11:33 PM
    A. Which version of Xcode?

    B. What kind of file are you pasting into? .cpp, .mm, something else?

    C. If you disable syntax coloring, does the problem disappear?

    A) 3.2 (or whatever the latest on 3 is)
    B) it is a relatively lengthy .cpp file
    c) I am not sure, I will check that

    How much free space available on the boot drive, and what size drvie, before the paste operation?

    Some 40GB worth of space (getting to the point I need a new drive!)

    If this is an issue with the syntax highlighter, then it wouldn't be this code per se, but the context in which the code is being inserted. I notice that it's really deeply indented (or at least for my style it is).

    Yeah it is fairly nested unfortunately as a result of a lot of logic :(

    It is possible that the use of "i" as an iterator was causing problems as this was nested in another larger loop using the variable "i" in an alternate iterator.

    Maybe xcode just goes insane trying to track the variables if you do this? STill seems weird to lag that badly.

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  • Sydde
    May 2, 02:16 AM
    What different types can a subscript be? For example, when I was learning BASIC (we use stone knives and bearskins in those days), and expression like "A(X)", where A was the array and X was the index, was verbalized as "A sub X". X was the subscript.

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  • MacNut
    Mar 7, 02:34 PM
    Everyone who pays you doesn't withhold Social Security. Only if you're an official employee. How is it withheld from your ebay or other income profits or if you're freelance? You have to turn in quarterly returns if you're freelance. When you sell items you pay on your profit minus expenses.How many people file when they sell something on ebay. Do they go by the amount you sell or every transaction? I am sure ebay could set up a system to track sales.

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  • cere
    Apr 12, 01:45 PM
    See Apple? Do you see this? Offer the damn iPhone unlocked everywhere, including the US, and people will buy them. I won't buy any newer iPhone unless it's unlocked.

    I am sure if Apple was able to, they would do so. They don't benefit from locked phones. If their contract with AT&T prohibits it, they can't.

    Unlocked phones are available in Canada and people still opt to buy the subsidized locked units, because they are subsidized. The pressure needs to be on the legislators to bar locking of phones (or at least mandate reasonable terms for unlocking). How carriers can get away with what amounts to restraint of trade is beyond me.

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  • AJ.G
    Apr 2, 09:27 PM
    Just when i thought i was set on the Macbook Air, i checked out a review about the new Macbook Pro 13" and i realised how many bells and whistles, aswell as improvements, i can get, for possibly cheaper.
    I'd be using my new mac for the usual, iTunes, Chrome, Safari, Word Processing, but most importantly, or the decisive fact, Photoshop and Illustrator CS5. Now from checking out mroogle, and Macrumors threads, i came to the conclusion that the MBA would be just about adequate for my needs. But then i realised how much more comfortable, and just for peace of mind, id be with a Macbook Pro. i think i went into buying an 11" ultimate for the wrong purposes.

    My two options would be:
    Macbook Air 11" Ultimate-
    1.6GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
    4GB 1066MHz DDR3 SDRAM
    128GB Flash Storage

    which comes to a grand total of 10648HKD/8,965.10 CNY/1,368.99 USD


    Macbook Pro base 13"-
    2.3GHz Dual-core Intel Core i5
    8GB 1333MHz DDR3 SDRAM � 2x4GB
    320GB Serial ATA Drive @ 5400 rpm
    SuperDrive 8x (DVD�R DL/DVD�RW/CD-RW)

    which would come to a grand total of 10648HKD/8,965.10 CNY/1,368.99 USD

    so for the same price i get double the RAM, some ridiculous amount of better processing power, which if im correct, is necessary for photoshop, aswell as is the RAM. I also get just under 3 times the storage capacity, which also adds to the peace of mind, plus i get a bigger screen size to work with.

    Aswell as an SD card, thunderbolt, and disc drive.

    What im losing is the SSD and thinness of the macbook air. The thinness isnt all that important, because i find the MBP to still be rather portable, and the SSD, whilst it is lightning fast and everything, it doesnt quite compensate for the processor difference.

    i think im pretty much set on the MBP, and i know that i should buy aftermarket RAM, its just i dont know where to buy the screwdrivers, so if anybody could give me heads up to either a link for the screw drivers, and possibly RAM? that would be great!

    Also, any recommended sleeves/ bags? i dont want to put a case, for i find them ugly, but a sleeve would be nice.

    So do you guys think i should go MBP or MBA?

    Am i missing anything?
    If anybody wants to share their experiences between picking between the MBA or MBP feel free to share. I want to see what others think.

    all the best,


    P.S. im a student, and this is all my money, which ive been saving for the last year.

    Aug 20, 01:53 PM
    very helpful. thanks a lot for the info

    Aug 8, 01:26 AM
    The reason MacBU has had to abandon VBA is that the Mac compiler won't work on Intel Macs. And Microsoft has already announced that VBA is being deprecated on Windows (it will go on working for a few years, then will end). So there's no point devoting enormous efforts to making a new compiler only for it all to go away shortly afterwards. There is some reason to believe that eventually VB.NET will work on the Mac as it does on Windows, as a cross-platform solution. Until then, VBA macros need to be translated to AppleScript. There can be no better signal that MacBU is committeed to the Mac than to see the huge investment they have made in AppleScript. Office's AppleScript is already working as of Office and it mirrors the VBA model identically: macros can be translated to AppleScript _now_, and will then "just work" in the next version of Office too.

    I was actually wondering about just this, if MS is going to a new open standard for documents, and apple also does in their own products, wont word be just another nice frontend that performs the same functions as most other apps. Most people, me included, use Office for mac for compatibility, if thats out of the way I wont use office anymore. Will the new open format (ODF I believe) use its own scripting language, or what?

    Queen of Spades
    May 4, 09:40 PM
    Well I may just be a fool but I thought that all WD hdds had the same connector pins. I've just taken apart my mbp only to find the (SATA?) connector inside is a different type than the WD's.
    I'm just curious is there something I was missing that should have warned me that this would happen? Is there a way I can modify the WD so that I can make it my internal HDD?

    That's all I really want.

    My MBP:
    15 inch Unibody (late 2008)

    My WD:
    I think this is it but mine is black.

    Thank you in advance!

    On a side note this is an extremely solid external drive and I recommend it to anyone who needs a reliable terrabyte.

    The 1TB and 750GB drives of that particular model are not industry "standard" SATA drives. That Micro-B connector is attached directly to the mainboard of the hard drive. Instead of having a SATA interface connected to a USB board, it just skipped the SATA interface. This saves cost for WD and means you cannot take this drive out of the enclosure and use it in your MBP.

    Dec 20, 12:10 AM
    im still a bit mad that he ripped off my 'tar.

    Mar 2, 06:50 AM
    They're screwed.

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