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  • Blakeasd
    Apr 17, 08:43 PM
    GNOME 3 looks like more of an OS X copy than Windows 8

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  • ashlee-simpson-dark-rown-

  • BHP41
    Dec 13, 08:28 PM
    Yeah, that would be a complete disaster. Everyone knows after christmas, people are broke and unwilling to spend a dime until hopefully April.

    Depends on your business but I get what your saying. Apple announces in January, this gives time for people to save and create hype over the white model.

    brown with blonde hairstyles. dark natural rown hair in
  • dark natural rown hair in

  • fivepoint
    May 4, 03:34 PM
    Because being a homosexual is just like owning a gun. They're both choices. :rolleyes:

    Being a choice has nothing to do with it. Having African American genes in your bloodline isn't a 'choice' but it does make you at higher risk for certain diseases. Maybe the NAACP wants to sue and prevent doctors from asking if people have black heritage?

    How about we just let the doctors do their freaking job and let the customers choose doctors that they feel do the job right? What a crazy notion. Let the free market figure it all out instead of the sickening bureaucratic mess displayed in the quoted article and many others we could dig up if we tried. We should just realize that government isn't the solution, it's the problem.

    brown with blonde hairstyles. Long Oiled Hair With 2009
  • Long Oiled Hair With 2009

  • Fraaaa
    Mar 24, 07:52 PM
    Your response makes it rather obvious how much thought and research you put into it.

    Better luck next time.

    Windows has been downhill since DOS. /jk

    But I thank Windows XP to make me switch to the Mac.

    brown with blonde hairstyles. hair color chocolate rown
  • hair color chocolate rown

  • marksman
    Mar 29, 04:53 PM
    This will be a real boon the Mac Developers... First it makes it easy for Apple to determine who is eligible, if you are in the App Store, you are in.

    Secondly when they announce the awards, the benefit to the developers will be more significant as people will be able to link right to them in the Apple App Store and download/install them.

    I think it will end up being a real good thing for those developers partake in it.

    I don't have much confidence in developers who eschew the App Store for their applications anyways, as in almost all cases it is a bad business move. I appreciate the business savvy of developers and companies who realize what a real advantage the app store model is, especially if you have a strong product.

    MMCC, excuse me if I don't buy that gross and volume of your niche has gone down with the introduction of the app store. It seems pretty much impossible that volume sold for products in your niche went down... Perhaps your volume went down, but what that most likely tells me is before you were better at marketing your product than competitors, but now given equal footing as others, people are choosing some competitors over you instead.

    The idea that your whole segment was moving 100000 units before the App store and now are moving 50000 units just seems impossible, unless something else effecting the segment happened. It is not because of the Apple App Store. Again though with your own words you used to capture a lot of volume off google adwords. Which means you were likely much more successful at marketing than your competitors because being successful on PPC is not easy for any product. I would focus on your product and its features and place in the market and see what you can do to improve your offering. Feedback from the users and the rest.

    Someone else is getting the sales you are not getting and the new sales as well. Figure out how and why.

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  • a new londe hairstyle.

  • twoodcc
    Apr 29, 10:47 AM
    I already have 2 4u cases and 650 psu's for them, no gpu's right now I just ssh into them. Would a 650 psu be enough power for a single GTX480 on one of these? I have 1200 watt psu's running the 2 machines with 3 gpu's each. I could swap out one of the GT260's for the 480 and put it (the 260) on the new board; when I have the change for the GTX480 that is.

    This of course will delay the purchase of a new Mac Pro somewhat, maybe... but I couldn't wait any longer for the Mac Pro's...:o

    Our team output is up again to just under 2 mil pts for the last week.

    i'm not sure the 650 psu would be enough for a GTX480. i doubt it would be.

    yeah lyzardking is really stepping it up lately!

    well my third machine has to be down based on my output. so i'll be working on it this weekend

    I keep on hearing these sick setups, I need photos now ;) Show me your f@h setup please :)

    i would, but i'm not at my apartment now. i will be this weekend though

    Thanks for posting, looks scary but I like it! You planning on getting GPUs for the AMD systems? How do AMD processors go at f@h? Imagine if you got some GT260s on the 4 AMD systems :eek:

    AMD processors aren't near as good at folding as intel, mainly i7s.

    brown with blonde hairstyles. Blonde Hairstyles,
  • Blonde Hairstyles,

  • MOFS
    Mar 13, 12:18 PM
    So you mean computing won't be "Input, Process, Output, Storage" but something else ?

    You failed to see any of my points. Tablets are not some kind of "future change to computers!", tablets are very much computing devices utilizing the same concepts and ideas that have been the very core of the industry for the last 50 years.

    Touch based computer ? It's still input and input is just that, input. It doesn't matter whether is touch, keyboards, mice, network, voice, biometrics. Input is input.

    A lot of you people want to see a massive change where frankly there isn't any. A new type of device doesn't somehow make everything different. It can just be a "new type of device", something the computer industry of the last 50 years has seen plenty of.

    Read my post again carefully, you'll see that I already addressed all your points. Don't just respond to me without even understanding what I'm talking about and at least trying to counteract my points if you're going to try to contradict me.

    For me, I do see the iPad (and actually the App Store) as a change in computing. By removing the complex processes that we go through in a computer (eg instead of downloading an app, moving it into a folder, deleting the dmg its a simple case of downloading the app), the iPad is changing our computer experience by simplifying it to the extent that it's only the part we want to use rather than need to use. The iPad and the App Store process have the potential to kickstart and similarly drastic change in computing as moving from a line based OS to a GUI. In this case, "input is not input": a GUI opened up computers to more than just programmers, and the simplified OSs of the iPad (and, as we can see, creeping into Mac OS Lion) will only help people using these actually really quite complex devices. It will happen, as we can see it happening as Apple and Google look to move the "computer" into phones and televisions. Some people will want different devices (servers etc) but increasingly I think the computer is moving away from the idea of a desktop PC.

    brown with blonde hairstyles. Light Brown Hairstyles,
  • Light Brown Hairstyles,

  • Doctor Q
    Apr 15, 06:10 PM
    Is the difference that Apple is more willing to talk to and play ball with the content providers? Is it that Google has been "changing its demands"? Is it about technical concerns? Are the content provides trying to guess who the winning horse will be?

    Or (my guess) is it all about the revenue sharing model?

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  • The londe hairstyles of today

  • nagromme
    Oct 4, 09:17 PM
    In fact, OS X is behind on being a full 64 bit OS as well.
    Meanwhile Vista will be behind Leopard in 64-bit support :) An optional install no less! :confused:

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  • Blonde And Brown Hairstyles.

  • leekohler
    Apr 22, 09:57 AM

    Oh no! It had to the Teh Gheys! :eek::rolleyes:

    People are so ridiculous. :mad:

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  • Timepass
    Aug 1, 04:26 PM
    I have always thought Apple would eventually open up it's DRM of their own free will. At this time, there is no serious competitor to the iPod/iTunes combo. Should serious competition arise, perhaps sometime Zune, the iPods inability to play music from other sources will be a competitive disadvantage.
    However, as a philosophical issue, I have a problem with any government interfering like this in a free market! Sometimes such interference is necessary to prevent harm to the public, but I don't see where this is the case with the iPod. It doesn't cause injury to the user, ( if you heed the volume warnings ), and there are alternatives. Those who don't like iPod/iTunes locking them in to one player are fully free to use the alternatives!]

    It is a fine line. But really apple is flirting with needing the goverment to step in. Goverment waits to long to do anything and the damage is permant and compition is hurt for years to come. A good example is M$ got nailed for it but that didnt change the fact that it made the software the domante force on the market and they didnt have to give up the market share they took.

    a completely free market is bad plan and simple. So is the other direction of the goverment controling everything. it has to be a balance bettween the 2. I am of the opinan that it is getting to the point in just DRM that it is getting close to the time where the goverment needs to step in and help clean up some of the mess before it gets out of hand and all they can do at most is damage control. Right now there is still time to prevent the damanage from happening. Apple got there market share power and now they are getting near to virtual monoploly standing in both the mp3 player market and online music store. Once you cross those lines and become a virtual monoploly in a market the rules change. No longer is using the power in one market to effect the other legal. (so Apple cannt use iTMS to effect ipod sales and ipod to effect iTMS sales as it does now.)

    I also like to point out as people say pull out of those country you have to rememeber that they are just the first countries to pass these laws and THEY WILL NOT BE THE LAST. So should apple pull out of every country that pass those laws. Some how I think that is stupid idea. I expect in the next few years to see all of the EU have laws forcing open DRM and now you are talking about a large enough market that it really will effect the bottom line. And at some point the US is going to pass laws forcing open DRM. Now think about it. Apple can burn there bridges now or releliez this is where the market is heading weather they like it or not. Now either move now and deal or pay the price in permate damage down the road.

    brown with blonde hairstyles. Brown Blond Hairstyle
  • Brown Blond Hairstyle

  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 8, 04:24 PM
    Glad to see not everyones an Apple sheep..

    Apple Sheep Rule!

    That's sarcasm in case you don't get it.

    I imagine your declaration that there are "apple sheep" and that you are not one of them makes you feel very good about yourself. A respectability self injection! LMAO

    brown with blonde hairstyles. Cavallari#39;s Kristin
  • Cavallari#39;s Kristin

  • The Scotsman
    Jan 12, 06:16 PM
    Just to join in on this thread, Yes I agree that Steve was smug very smug to be precise but he was just very proud of the product he has worked on for a long time and believes that it is the best thing that is going to be on the market. I think he has a right to be smug.

    I just hope his smugness is warranted when the iPhone is released (or whetever it will be called by then) I think the iPhone although brilliant in looks, functionality and UI has several short comings and hope that these will be ironed out quickly in time for the 2nd gen iPhone.

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  • 2009 | Blonde Hairstyles,

  • rtdgoldfish
    Apr 5, 12:34 AM
    Alrighty, since this thing got way too popular on Digg, I've had a lot of people trying to offer advice. A great deal more are saying this is all fake.

    First of all, I am not breaking into my neighbor's house. I will not stoop to their level. I will not trash their place, spray paint their living room, nor leave dog droppings in their fridge. I will either let the police deal with this or let the stupidity of the criminals catch up with them in the end.

    Second, I am not getting a lawyer. The amount it would cost me to get a lawyer would be way more than the cost of the 360 and games. This just doesn't make sense. The only reason I would get one is if they catch the guy and there is some sort of trial. Even then, I don't think I would need a lawyer, it would just be me testifying in court or something.

    And finally, I don't really care if you think I am making this all up. The burglar broke in, took an Xbox and some games and left a good deal of other expensive stuff in the house. If you read the rest of my posts before saying "OMG WTF LIARZ WHO STEALZ JST A XBOX AND LEAVES A MACBOOK" you would know the situation. The cops have been following any leads I have given them, and things have happened.

    If I get my Xbox back, wonderful. That is money that I don't have to spend replacing it. If I never see it again, oh well, life goes on.

    I guess what I really wanted by getting this on Digg and all was some actual advice on what I should do now. Again, all I have gotten was advice from 15 year olds saying to throw bricks at my neighbor's house. This is not exactly the advice I was looking for and if anyone has any REAL advice to offer, that would be wonderful (such as names and numbers of someone at Microsoft).

    I posted this on Macrumors because of the great community we have here. People are always friendly and open to discussion. Sometimes issues get solved, other times they don't. If getting this story on Digg brought some new (and unwanted) members to the forums, I am sorry.

    Anyway, thanks for reading my post and I'll continue to update as things progress. :)

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  • Cute Emo Girl Blonde Hairstyle

    Apr 6, 01:17 PM
    Well, take the superbowl ads. Many, and I mean mean are lame but you know what people flock to them every hear like flies on scat just to watch. Why? Because there is a hype around the superbowl event and we have been conditioned over time to tune in.

    There is no event going with the app except that apple's iAd company developed many of them. Its just a collection of ads to being public awareness in what is being developed in advertisements. You don't have do download all the apps to see the content, just the one and you can review, browse all you want. Kind of like Macrumors and the articles. You don't have to read these things, but you do and you rate it as postive and negative or you leave your comments like you did before.

    Its just a marketing exposure thing dude, get over it.

    haha this is as lame as a tv station bringing out a half hour of the most "unique" and "fascinating" ads, wow.

    also, maybe if they were some good, funny ads it would be ok, but no. The ads shown in the pic are just "EAT MCRIB" and "MAYBELLINE"...

    brown with blonde hairstyles. Chris Brown Blonde Hairstyle
  • Chris Brown Blonde Hairstyle

  • camelsnot
    Apr 8, 02:18 PM
    What a surprise, Tech Crunch got a story completely wrong

    and more importantly the mentally blind apple zealots on these forums blasted Best Buy any way they could because of the story. It's pathetic how some people act like sheep.

    brown with blonde hairstyles. Not judging the hairstyles,
  • Not judging the hairstyles,

  • iMeowbot
    Oct 28, 05:44 PM
    Isn't a healthy chunk of OS X based on FreeBSD?
    Yes, big parts of it come from the BSD world.

    A free, open source Unix distro? In a sense, if they use FreeBSD and do not contribute back to the very open source community they're borrowing from, doesn't that make Apple a thief?

    The BSD terms specifically allow derivatives to keep their sources closed, as long as credit is given.

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  • rown and londe hairstyles

  • JackAxe
    May 2, 05:35 PM
    Hopefully it'll fix the bug I get when I want to have a song on repeat, seems to ignore the first song played and then it works on the second :(

    You should submit that to Apple here;

    And keep on it everytime there's an update and no resolve. I sent them several feedbacks about Apple Lossless skipping, which they eventually resolved.

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  • cute londe hairstyles 2010.

  • Markleshark
    Sep 12, 06:29 AM
    I think/hope it will be included in iTunes. Not that it matters to me I guess, I wont buy films off it.

    Oct 19, 09:55 AM
    Always a good sign!

    yes it is! great news for Apple. I'm excited :D

    Aug 1, 08:43 AM
    Ohhh :( everyone should be able to benefit from the beautiful iTunes music store... But i wish apple would hurry up in getting tv shows to the other stores!!!

    I would buy buy buy its so simplistic! LOl

    toke lahti
    Jan 15, 04:03 PM
    These I'm missing:

    1) No blu-ray
    2) No eSata (with bootable + s.m.a.r.t.)
    3) No hdcp+hdmi
    4) Not breaking 8bit barrier with screens (16bit dvi, hdmi, udi or display port)
    5) No 17" mbp with led backlight
    6) No acd with hdcp/16bit dvi/hdmi/udi/display port

    oh well, I was waiting for these also a year ago...

    MBA seems to be quite cool, but display resolution is so low.
    It has less hardware than MB, but higher price...

    They crippled TM to work with APextreme + usb-drives and reason seems to sell TimeCapsules.
    Btw, upgrading TC from 500GB to 1TB costs $200, upgrading MP's harddrive from 500GB to 1TB costs $300. Well, maybe MP's drives are not "server grade"...

    Jan 9, 09:17 AM
    Okay here goes:

    - Movie rentals in HD
    - Updated Apple TV software and new higher capacity drive available. Download/Stream (you watch while still downloading) film straight to Apple TV.
    - DVDs ability to copy over film to mac.

    - Refresh MacBook Pro line - New processors, new keyboard, updated look
    - MacBook Pro small version - A pro line like the 12inch Powerbook was. Flash memory, External CD drive (who needs one anyway?)
    - All with Track Anywhere pads (The traditional trackpad is no more with an invisible pad underneath the surface of the laptop) - you can click anywhere and drag anywhere..and it will ignore palms.

    - No changes to iPod or iPhone hardware
    - Introducing a few new third party apps for the iPhone - Maybe a dictionary, translation tool, wikipedia app.
    - Announce 3rd party sdk - ready to take-away today

    - No changes to MacBook line, although may add the Track Anywhere pad, update processors, screen.

    - No more Mac Mini

    - New cinema displays with iSight and IR (glossy?..hope not!)

    Thats It!

    Apr 13, 02:24 PM
    It was so obvious that the little girl was carrying a weapon of mass destruction.

    How much discretion should a TSA screener be given as to who should be given a secondary screening should something go "Bing". Six years and under, get a bye. How about seven years old? Is eight too young? How about VIPs and corporate CEOs? Should Randy Quaid get screened but not Charlie Sheen, because the screener has the discretion and a fondness for 2 1/2 men?

    Here's an interesting video.... by the by....

    It's just a game... admittedly. Link ( [Warning-mute your sound, it's very loud even at the quietest volume click]

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