broken arm bone

broken arm bone. from the roken bone and
  • from the roken bone and

  • Doctor Q
    Jun 6, 01:25 PM
    I believe that there has to be a "cooling off period" - at least here in the UK - after making a purchase at which point you are entitled by law to return the product. Normally that period is 7-14 days but individual stores may be even more lenient than that.
    That would be a problem for the iPod touch apps that tell you the secret for doing a magic trick. More seriously, there are a lot of apps you might use on a vacation, e.g. finding restaurants or transportation or people in another city. It wouldn't be fair to their developers if you could buy their app, take it on vacation, then return it when you get home in a week or two.

    Perhaps return policies should be based on how many times you launch the app, not on elapsed time. You could return any unused or one-launched app for a full refund within a certain number of days, assuming the iPod touch could keep track of that.

    broken arm bone. Image of an arm bone caption
  • Image of an arm bone caption

  • Exana
    Apr 19, 05:20 PM
    The point, though, is that the Sandy Bridge MacBook Air will have a much better CPU, but a worse GPU unless Apple does something surprising.

    Yeah ! Going with some brand new AMD's Llano APU. :D

    broken arm bone. with roken arm looking at
  • with roken arm looking at

  • AndroidfoLife
    Apr 14, 12:20 AM
    Apple has it all down to a science. They probably have algorithm's for getting the most possible money out of you.....if you don't see this your blind...Wait for something that actually makes a difference...not just a different color. As if they ever intended to release the white iphone at the same time as the black one hahahaha :rolleyes:

    You do seem to have a point

    broken arm bone. walker walkers roken arm,
  • walker walkers roken arm,

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 15, 02:47 PM
    Ahhh.... Google bought that. And given Android is based on open source, don't you think your argument on OSX is rather weak?

    Apple bought OS X too. :D

    I'm arguing that both were massive undertakings by both parties. My OS X example was tainted with sarcasm if you didn't catch the little :rolleyes: there.

    Both OS X and Chrome OS (and Android, and iOS) borrow heavily from others, either through acquisitions or from the open source community. To claim Google is any inferior here is just trying to stir the pot, especially calling the poster Troll, that is just insulting and uncalled for.

    Both companies deserve props from providing the software they do, neither deserves scorn that some posters here like to dish out.

    ChromeOS has pieces of Linux...I'll give you that. But Google didn't do much...
    Android is Linux. They didn't make that either.

    So what ? OS X is Mach/XNU, Apple didn't make that. It's also a GNU/Berkeley userland, Apple didn't make that either. Again guys, drop the non-sense competition, this thread is about a release of OS X, not some type of Google bashing contest.

    broken arm bone. Caption: Broken arm.
  • Caption: Broken arm.

  • bep207
    Jul 24, 06:41 PM
    anyone know how long it usually takes from FCC to retail?

    broken arm bone. Broken arm car accident
  • Broken arm car accident

  • NYC Russ
    May 3, 08:51 AM
    And yet prices in the Australian Apple Store are still 25% higher than the USA Store. How rude, Apple.

    Top end 27" iMac = US$1999, or in the Australian Store, AUD$2299 which at the current exchange rate is about US$2500. Why should we pay more, Apple? If anything, we're closer to China so should pay less on shipping!

    Whilst it's slightly better than yesterdays prices, I'm still seriously not happy.
    I'd buy one if we got the USA prices.Does Australia have a VAT? The U.S. doesn't.

    broken arm bone. Birthdays and Broken Bones
  • Birthdays and Broken Bones

  • bcharna
    Jul 11, 02:46 PM

    The buttons look VERY similar, otherwise its pure Micro**** ugliness...

    broken arm bone. Forearm Fracture
  • Forearm Fracture

  • MacRumors
    Apr 13, 07:21 PM (

    broken arm bone. How to Heal a Broken Clavicle
  • How to Heal a Broken Clavicle

  • HLX
    Mar 31, 10:42 AM
    The rest of the design is not so bad but I wish Apple would get over the urge to make things look like their physical incarnations. I know there is a name for this but it escapes me at the moment.


    It is a bit like that, though maybe not fully, it's more visual as opposed to functional (for example in address book you don't have to 'turn' a page on the screen).

    Anyway it is a bit odd, and bound to be super polarising. Personally I think I'd live with it for a while as it does help it stand out from the other dozen+ windows I tend to have open.

    broken arm bone. Caption: Broken arm.
  • Caption: Broken arm.

  • hayesk
    Mar 29, 08:08 PM
    3. A scalper bought a huge portion of the tickets to resell. Apple does not let you transfer tickets. You must check-in at the registration desk with government issued ID (4th year attending).

    To be fair, you can transfer WWDC tickets before they're activated. There are some on eBay right now. Otherwise, a company couldn't buy them for more than one employee.

    broken arm bone. We#39;ve got another roken arm
  • We#39;ve got another roken arm

  • JRM PowerPod
    Jul 11, 08:19 PM
    If Microsoft try to undercut the iPod in price. Steve will get revenge. He will start bundling all new macs with his pirated version of Windows XP Pro and Office Pro. hehe cop that Bill

    broken arm bone. has healed and the plates
  • has healed and the plates

  • plinden
    Oct 19, 02:25 PM
    ... try bringing a white MacBook ... into a corporate office meeting...
    I brought my wife's white MB into work last week to test out our webapps on a Mac (because the cheap b'staards won't even pay $600 for the cheapest Mini) and I got a lot of interest from the rest of the developers ("What? They got you a Mac? How'd you manage that?) - 95% of whom are males in their 20s and 30s.

    broken arm bone. Fracture of the Collar Bone,
  • Fracture of the Collar Bone,

  • zenvision
    Oct 24, 08:07 AM

    ordering a 2.33ghz/2gb ram/160gb hd/matte 15.4"

    been waiting since july for this :D

    broken arm bone. Caption: Pinned roken arm (2
  • Caption: Pinned roken arm (2

  • pernst
    Apr 23, 08:40 PM

    I thought AT&T's buyout means T-Mobile is going bye-bye?

    408 area code, that means cali. is that steve jobs' personal number? :P

    No such place as "cali". Please try again.

    broken arm bone. bw me roken bones broken
  • bw me roken bones broken

  • Lennholm
    Apr 22, 08:36 AM
    If you clear your cache and refresh, you'd see the image you are hotlinking to isn't displaying. ;)

    Its just a low res image saying go to "my digital life".

    Oh, I see. Yeah that's what I saw in the quote of my post but I saw the correct one in my original so I thought that worked. Haha huge fail on me trying to get a point across.
    Oh well, if you don't know what the WMP play icon looks like, this one should work:

    broken arm bone. Fractured Bone or Bones of
  • Fractured Bone or Bones of

  • theheyes
    Dec 2, 01:20 AM
    After the Month of Kernel Bugs, are you concerned about Mac OS X security?

    No - 62%

    See, that bugs me. Everyone should be concerned about security. I believe OS X's overriding security feature is obscurity, and once that situation changes I can see the OS falling over very quickly.

    One of the weakest links in the chain is the user, and if the user is not concerned then you have a problem.

    Dont get me wrong, I think OS X is great, but it just hasn't been "weathered" in the wild like Windows has. If OS X becomes a viable target then we're in for a bumpy ride.

    broken arm bone. that he had a roken arm.
  • that he had a roken arm.

  • Waybo
    Apr 3, 09:41 PM
    While I am happy with it for myself, I know it is rather (ok, very) cliche to post a duck shot (
    IMG_3102 ( by Rusty2192 (, on Flickr

    Sorry, but what's wrong with duck posts??? Especially one that's as good as this? Nice "head room." I like it!

    broken arm bone. Caption: Pinned roken arm (2
  • Caption: Pinned roken arm (2

  • deloreanz
    Mar 16, 08:35 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    4th in line at South Coast Plaza. Anyone in the front of the line at another location want to make a deal - if my store gets them in you can buy my second, and vise versa?

    broken arm bone. humerus roken arm bone
  • humerus roken arm bone

  • MorphingDragon
    Apr 23, 08:54 AM
    I consider lack of hardware recalls unethical. They always try to hoard as much money as they can.


    I don't think those are really ethical issues. More like a corporate form of...

    It's something also not exclusive to Apple.

    Apr 15, 08:22 AM
    Why would i buy the white iphone 4 when i already have one

    Apr 28, 05:01 PM
    Surely by now there is someone out there with a White iPhone, a messuring tape or calipers that can just tell us these photos are nonsense? Please? Pretty please? Xxx

    Yes, everyone carries calipers or measuring tape with them everywhere. Get a grip already.

    Mar 31, 09:52 PM
    Chill people. This is simply an adoption of the iPad calendar which hasn't really raised any objections of this scale before. Now in an attempt to unify the look and feel, whether you like it or not, this move is going to happen.

    I for one, asked for this on the very first day I got my iPad � I couldn't wait for when my desktop calendar would look that polished and pretty, but yet with all the features if not more. Glad to know it is coming soon.

    Oct 24, 07:52 AM
    Nice update. Some really nice to have features, but I'm not totally depressed about buying my 2.16ghz MBP 3 months ago (not that I could have waited, really).

    Apr 22, 05:24 AM
    This settles it:

    Image (

    This cracks me up. By the time that most Android fanboys and mainstream media outlets picked up on this one it had already been debunked. Can we let it die already? Kind of embarrassing to use a proven inaccuracy as your strongest argument.

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