bobby kennedy autopsy photos

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  • old-wiz
    Apr 1, 09:28 AM
    Why you ignore my post you wankers!!!!?:mad:

    Perhaps not everyone is awake when you posted. Asking for advice then calling people names doesn't encourage people to help you.

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  • Daveway
    Sep 23, 03:09 PM
    I thought Apple Confidential 2.0 was great. I used it for a research paper and found it very enjoyable.

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  • Poop Boy
    Feb 22, 05:18 PM
    People still use Infinifolders?

    FolderEnchancer ftw.

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  • Hilmi Hamidi
    Nov 1, 03:57 PM
    Link? Thanks!

    Here you go.

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  • Ceebee1980
    May 4, 01:21 AM
    Is this a cheap attempt at an ad? Your english is terrible, yet the link you so blatantly slap on the bottom of the page is for two english-fluent losers. WTF

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  • groovebuster
    Oct 17, 04:28 AM
    Don't underestimate the power of javascript.
    I can second that... Most people underestimnate the potential of JavaScript. The software company I have a contract with at the moment writes their whole player software in JavaScript. It is jaw dropping what the guys do with "just" JavaScript!


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  • luminosity
    Oct 24, 05:16 PM
    didn't apple officially say that intel processors would be out in the summer of 2005?

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  • beetsman
    Jan 23, 03:23 AM
    If they had them, and consequently added probably $100 or more to the price of the display, would you actually commit to buying one... today?

    Possibly, but that's a limitation on LCD tech in general which will get better with time, but Apple LCD's at present are probably among the best computer LCD displays available. I don't know what else you'd do until the tech itself improves... except to say this: Those who are really serious about color, clarity and contrast should stick to CRT's for the time being. Nothing beats a Trinitron in this arena.

    Probably... but the greater likelihood is that graphic designers who tend to buy the higher end Apple LCD's don't. Matte displays are far better for accurate color and contrast. Glossy displays falsely enrich the image, which is a problem if you're trying to maintain a color match from prepress to proof.


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  • zorblaz
    Oct 13, 11:08 PM
    Hmm. I'm actually impressed with the fact that Apple is totally ditching the 15" monitor so soon. It seems to me that they should keep a lower end model (one that could sell for under $999) at least until after the holidays- It'd be perfect for a gift- esp. with that Dell all in one piece of garbage on the market. Apple'd sell loads of 'em. Casual users don't really need a bigger monitor and it seems that's who Apple is after with their "switch" commercials.

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  • RBMaraman
    Sep 29, 11:33 AM
    I thought "Commander And Chief" was terrible. Geena Davis has to be the worst actress on the face of the earth. The pace of the show was way too slow, the supporting cast was decent (they could have been much better), the story was OK. I thought the only good thing about the show was Donald Sutherland.

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  • arn
    Jul 31, 09:54 PM
    Forums server is having issues...

    sorry, we're moving to a complete new server soon, bear with the instability until we can get fully moved.


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  • flopticalcube
    Mar 14, 03:48 PM
    Makes sense. So long Zune...

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  • patrick0brien
    Jul 21, 12:55 PM

    Can anyone recommend a cheap - but passable (hotmail and yahoo accounts don't work with this) email provider?

    Why? I need a dummy account I can use in online signup forms so that all spammers send there, instead of my real account.

    Boy, it'd be nice if DOTmac would provide something like this - a 'shadow' account.

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  • sivaprakash
    Apr 6, 09:39 AM

    I am trying to load an URL in WebView and I am getting an error "Browser not Supported. Please try a more recent version, or a different browser."

    URL that I am trying to load (model)*****

    Code that I am using to load is

    NSString *urlText ;

    urlText = @"*****";

    [[webView mainFrame] loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:urlText]]];

    Can someone help me what is wrong in my code ? Or do I need to Upgrade. I may machine Safari is the default browser. But if use the browser to load this URL works fine I am facing issue only with the WebView at the same time other sites like and others are working well.


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  • TMRaven
    Mar 19, 10:14 AM
    I know iTunes can definitely do it. Not sure about sonos.

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  • Spades
    Oct 26, 10:01 AM
    Specifying sizes in mm and inches would have to be the worst way to do web design. I have good eyesight so i want my webpages to be small, my parents have worse eyesight so they like to scale everything larger, their solution at the moment is to decrease the screen resolution, this is very crude on an lcd. When resolution independence becomes standard they will be able to make everything larger while still maintaining the default resolution of their monitor, but if everyone designs webpages in mm or inches then the webpages wont become bigger, completely defeating the purpose.

    No, this is still a good thing. If web pages are designed in inches and millimeters, then your parents will not have to change the screen resolution to increase the size. Instead there should be a method of scaling the page so that it will be, say, 1.5 times bigger. After scaling, the page will still be as sharp as it is at the normal size. That's significantly better than reducing the resolution on an LCD.

    Now this is dependent on this scaling method being available, but if Apple doesn't provide it you can bet somebody out there will come up with a utility to do it.

    Resolution independence has no downsides.

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  • iMeowbot
    Oct 30, 03:34 AM
    I know the recording industry are a resistant and mercenary group of individuals, but how much $$$ would they want for just the lyrics, considering you have bought the song already?
    That is right where it gets messy. The labels generally don't hold the rights to the lyrics, and the rights needed to get lyrics and sheet music aren't quite the same ones needed to use a song in a recording. :(

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  • simsaladimbamba
    Apr 29, 11:30 AM
    :D ! naiga esnes gnikam er'uoy won

    .sseug I yad dleif a evah dluow enryB leirbaG .snoisses eht lla ebircsnart dna enilno og ot deen yehT .elballys neve ro drow a dnatsrednu t'nod ohw ,stsigolohcysp yranigami ym ot taht lleT

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  • Vlade
    Feb 17, 06:33 PM
    Nice set up, if only imacs could have replaceable video cards I might get that same setup (17' + ibook)

    Apr 15, 03:23 AM
    Almost certainly the bottom case is wrong - that is why the heatsink screws have nowhere to screw into. There are 3 bottom cases - you need version 2.

    I suspect you have v1 or v3. Check the part number - should be in the bottom left corner of the optical drive bay. The part number for the bottom case for your model is 815-9744.

    Aug 7, 07:03 PM
    Let's face it, Microsoft can't compete.

    See, here's the problem.
    They really can't compete. Microsoft's best guys are on the XBox project.
    They are screwing up ACROSS THE BOARD.
    - Their newest release of Exchange is a CRASH Nightmare.
    - IIS 6.0 can be crashed with a Large Sql Query to a DataGrid.
    - Their development staff couldn't handle "Checked Exceptions".
    ( Too lazy for Error Handling? )
    - So, with something as Complex as Virtual Pc,
    you have to wonder, how deep is the bench?
    Not Deep Enough.

    Microsoft, soon to be the: "Microsoft Game Company".
    In games they're fairly competent.

    Aug 7, 06:53 PM
    Well, glad I just sold my copy of Virtual PC for $130 yesterday. :cool: :)

    On another note, the AI article adds this:

    Sometime later this year, Microsoft said it will release its first Universal application, Messenger for Mac 6.0.

    Now that's just sad that MS can't get Office universal before 2007. Bet they are pretty sore about Apple's latest cracks against Vista. :(

    Apr 27, 01:52 PM
    Well, at least it shows he can code a GUI. I mean he could have thrown some fake padding in there to make it a realistic size.

    Apr 30, 06:35 PM
    Have you tried running Windows 98 as virtual machine (VM) in Parallels Desktop or VMWare Fusion (both have demos to download) or VirtualBox? Windows 98 software is hardly that demanding, that it needs to run native, I could even run Command & Conquer via VM on my 2007 iMac once or twice.

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