black celebrity hairstyles 2008

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  • Reach9
    Mar 18, 05:22 PM
    ... another thread turned into a bash fight.

    Welcome to MacRumors!
    not literally, because you've been here longer than me.

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  • MBPLurker
    Mar 17, 11:02 AM
    Were this true, you would realize that there are fifty states each with their own crimes and with unique elements of those crimes. It would be difficult to make a blanket statement that OP committed "retail theft."

    But what do I know - I'm only the President of the United States. :rolleyes:

    Retail theft is on the books everywhere and rooted in old common law. The States only vary on degrees (ie classes of misdemeanors).

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  • twoodcc
    Aug 15, 12:51 AM
    104c wow! :eek: might need to get a bit more air movement in there hey!

    yeah i'm not sure if its the card, or that slot in the motherboard

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  • maclaptop
    Apr 16, 12:33 PM
    Yi don't even know why people bring up the apple ecosystem.

    Its simple really.

    The Apple ecosystem is very good and quite convenient. Yet it's dictatorial, heavily censored, and some truly great apps are rejected because Apple is afraid that customers will embrace these apps and wonder why Apple failed to incorporate the functionality into the native iOS.

    Quite to the contrary of the view Apple Evangelists hold, Apple's iPhone is not the best smartphone on the planet. Excellent? Yes, The best? Not so much.

    Oh sure they currently have massive sales volume, but so does, toxic highly fatty fast food.

    The realty is the general public wants what most others have, an iPhone - they're a dime a dozen and everywhere, a fad that will eventually fade.

    Stay tuned, this movies not over. :)

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  • ghostface147
    May 2, 09:56 AM
    Any word on whether there'll be an update for iPhone 3G users? The highest version of iOS they can use currently is 4.2.1, which presumably has the location cache problems too?

    Since the 3G is considered end of life, no. I also believe that the 3G doesn't have GPS, just used triangulation solely.

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  • Mexbearpig
    Apr 8, 10:56 PM
    Portenzo case finally came in as did my beats that I got for $80. <snip>

    How did you get beats for $80?

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  • takao
    Nov 15, 07:04 PM
    my personal gripes/opinions:

    single player:
    * so far graphically it's more on the miss side comapred to bad company 2
    * game design: pop up enemies and respawns in plain sight: get a grip this is 2010 calling
    *frustrating check points where you respawn directly with an enemy 1 step behind you
    *i like the story etc. especially some of non fighting scenes .. of which there are simply too few so far... for my taste it's simply too much nonstop shooting and too little actually tense moments
    *on the negative side i can only take so many "my character lies on the ground and get's kicked/punched in the face scenes"
    *also i didn't get big point being made about <20thcenturyvilliancountry> secretly having developed <plotdeviceWMD> in <lastyearofwarXYZ> when in reality they had developed other <sametypeofWMDs> even before they started the war ? also why make up artificial <WMDs> when real ones could have been easily used ?

    * lots of things to collect and customize .. which is great
    * apart of that: average at best:
    * many guns essentially worthless: shot guns having a range of 5 meters, machine guns being no more powerfull than assault rifles but way less accurate, and game being too fast paced for sniping rifles...
    *knife connecting from ridiculous angles and distances: if _I_ can hit somebody else with a knife when he is standing next to me then there is something wrong
    *lots of game modes of which perhaps only 1/3 is actually fun on the actual maps..which for some modes are way too small
    *ridiculous bad net code : connection problems, host migrations (working in 1/4 of al lcases), random disconnects, lag, voice echoes and problems, and sound issues

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  • iShak
    Jan 13, 11:39 AM
    jobs was being over the top cuz he knew he was taking a risk ..

    he has a hit product in his hands, the iPod, he knows it will sell ..
    and now he has a new product .. possibly risky and you never know how it will sell .. so what do you do? bundle it with the hit product and force it upon the customers ..

    so now if i need the widescreen ipod, but dont like the phone .. i dont have the choice .. either stand outside apple outlet and drool all day or go in and pay extra for the phone that comes with the ipod that i want.

    i dont want to pay extra for the phone cuz i dont want it but would have bought the ipod .. apple loses a customer

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  • dime21
    May 5, 11:15 AM
    Why are you using fear as part of your argument? I shouldn't have to have a gun on me to feel safe in my community. It's not saying I feel immune to crime, but fear of crime shouldn't drive a person.
    Not fear of crime, but rather, the desire for self-preservation. Is someone else providing that safety for you? Or are you providing it for yourself? It sounds like you're taking option 3, and not providing it at all. FYI- the supreme court ruled that the police have no legal obligation to provide for your safety. Their job is only to catch the criminals during/after a crime - not to prevent it, and not to "keep you safe". Do you also choose not to wear your seat belt in your car, because that's for people who always fear collisions, and fear of an automotive collision shouldn't drive a person?

    Yes, I own a few guns and I carry a hand gun on my person anytime I leave the house. To run errands, to pick the kids up from school, you name it, I'm carrying. I look it at the same way as the fire extinguisher I have sitting in the corner of my kitchen. I really really don't want an occasion to use it. Ever. But should that occasion arise, I absolutely want to have immediate access to it. Without that fire extinguisher, all I could do is stand in the front yard and watch my home burn to the ground waiting for the fire department to arrive. Carrying a hand gun is no different that that fire extinguisher in my kitchen or the airbags in my car. I don't ever want to use them, but having them can mean the difference between life and death. It doesn't mean I'm being driven by fear of kitchen fires or vehicle collisions.

    Violent criminals frequently use guns to kill people. That is a fact, and there is absolutely nothing you can do to change that. Nothing. All you can do is arm yourself to level the playing field.

    Given the choice, I'd much rather have the robber hold me up with a knife, than a gun.
    Yes, because violent criminals give you a choice. lol. Next time you're in that situation, be sure to voice your opinion to your assailant. Please sir, if you are determined to rob me, please kindly exchange your hand gun for a knife. lmao. Oh wait, you may not even have the chance to ask, because now you're dead. He shot you because he felt like it, and there was nothing you could do to stop him.

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  • daneoni
    Aug 9, 09:12 AM
    UK specs have been updated.

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  • miggyb
    Jan 6, 01:22 PM
    Google Video + YouTube + Myspace + Apple's Servers = enough bandwidth?

    If not, could someone put up a torrent? From what it sounds like, the torrent would download quicker than the quicktime stream. Especially once you start getting 100+ seeders.

    The question is, how many hardcore mac users know how to forward their ports? I'm making a guess that the average point-and-click user isn't also the one to know the exact date of the yearly keynote. Isn't it more of a developer/advanced user thing?

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  • Retrosonic
    Dec 18, 08:15 PM
    Super interesting thread here. Very enjoyable reading, at least for most of the messages. (except for the ditzo who cant see why Apple would have two seperate iphone upgrade dates, one in Jan and one in makes complete business sense).

    The minute I saw Verizons announcement out of nowhere about rolling out the LTE network in 1/3 of the country on Dec 5, my ears went up. I mean why do that if there isnt something following it soon after? It sure SEEMs like they are "setting the table" for something.

    I guess we'll find out soon enough.

    I just really hope the Verizon Iphone is available in White from Day One. The white is sharp looking.

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  • Ommid
    Apr 25, 12:45 PM
    If that is a guy holding that phone he needs to cut those nails...Damn hippy!

    He forgot to get his morning manicure

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  • Lyle
    Sep 8, 11:27 AM
    His ignorant comments cost donated money to the victims plan and simple.I agree that his comments were inappropriate for that particular venue, but I'm doubtful that people decided not to donate money to hurricane victims.

    Edit: I forgot which thread I was posting in. I assume that jarednt1 was referring to Kanye West's comments during the fundraiser show last Friday night, or whenever that was. Of course, I don't imagine that Kanye West's comments (if any) at the Apple Keynote had much impact on donations to hurricane victims either. ;)

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  • scottnj1966
    Apr 25, 03:20 PM
    Fake. Display looks like paper / printed.


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  • suwandy
    Oct 4, 12:14 AM
    I'll shoot you for mentioning PowerBook G5! :D

    I'm hoping for MBP update before MacWorld!

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  • quigleybc
    Sep 9, 12:16 PM
    The chart topping hip hop rapper star who used a network hurricane fundraiser to charge "George Bush doesn't care about black people" was loudly and lustily booed during last night's NFL kickoff show.

    The appearance of Kanye West, who was beamed into the Boston stadium via remote from Los Angeles, received a strongly negative response from the crowd.

    "The boos were thunderous and lasted for much of his number," reports the BOSTON GLOBE.

    That's so sad. Kanye stood up and put himself on the line by expressing something that needed to be said. America "the land of the free, say whatever you want, unless it upsets people" Kanye West has made himself a hero to all the people that were stranded on their rooftops, by directly challenging the administration, in a way that was blatant and obvious. No beating around the BUSH "He doesn't care about any of YOU" Bush didn't cut his vacation short for a few days into the tradgedy, Personally I think Bush is the anti-Christ and I am so glad that I got the hell out of the States and moved (right after he got re elected)

    Those football fans are pathetic, If all those fans had the balls to do what Kanye did.....

    it's a sad day to be an NFL fan. too bad i am one of them, but I would have been applauding as loud as I could.

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  • LightSpeed1
    Apr 12, 01:13 AM

    mmmmmmMan, now I have the taste for one.

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  • 2 Replies
    Apr 6, 12:34 PM
    "iAd Gallery" .... HA!
    Advertising for this just writes itself! ...

    "Want to know exactly how much of an Apple whore you are?
    Interested in downloading an app with no functionality beyond JUST feeding Apple advertising revenue?
    There's an APP for that!".

    Jan 9, 05:08 PM
    No, I mean a link to the actual file, not the streaming version. Some people know how to figure that out. Then it can be watched without choppy streaming when millions of us are watching at the same time.

    Jan 11, 02:57 PM
    No white iphone4 and no slim slot! Yay for iPhone 4 on Verizon!

    Marky Mark
    Sep 28, 03:15 PM
    Is the update available now?

    Just ran software update and there are updates for all the iLife apps.

    It specifically states 'avoid incompatibility with Aperture 1.5". I guess they're adding the Aperture integration so it can't be far away!

    May 4, 10:42 AM
    I really like the tone of these commercials.

    Also, I enjoy that they keep saying magic or magical; only because I know how angry people (trolls, mostly) here get about it.

    Ha ha ha!!!

    May 5, 10:02 AM
    The better question here, is why do you feel so immune to violent crime?

    What makes you think he feels immune to violent crime?

    The opposite is probably true.

    The fact that guns are so prevalent in America makes it more likely that any one of us will find ourselves on the wrong end of one.

    Given the choice, I'd much rather have the robber hold me up with a knife, than a gun.

    I shouldn't have to a gun on me to feel safe in my community.

    I agree.

    The old saying, guns don't kill people, people do, has a logical extension ...

    Guns don't protect people, people do.

    We need to rely less on bullets, and more on each other.

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