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  • canderton
    Apr 5, 03:17 PM
    Apple better watch who they pick fights with, especially with one of the largest corporations in the world. I love Apple but I honestly wish Toyota would just tell them to F off.

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  • Astronomical symbol, greek

  • -aggie-
    May 3, 09:37 PM
    EDIT: Read above. Don't panic got it.

    Not according to the OP he didn't. In the example the hero had one AP and the monster had one AP. Sooooo how did the hero win?

    artemis greek goddess symbols. Artemis was the Greek goddess,
  • Artemis was the Greek goddess,

  • andythursby
    Apr 18, 04:41 PM
    Oh come on, we aren't really going to resort to the "there's only one way to design a mobile device" argument, are we? You're telling me the only way to design the Galaxy Tab was to make it look identical to the iPhone 3GS?

    My iPhone 4 doesn't look anything like my wife's iPhone 3GS, so apparently there are at least two ways to design a mobile phone.

    None of the other Android phones or tablets I've seen look like iPhones either. Only Samsung's.

    +1 for great common sense that some people are lacking on here so far...

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  • Artemis, Greek Goddess of

  • Eidorian
    Jul 22, 11:04 AM
    Nearly the entire line of majot Apple products is in need of an update.

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  • guzhogi
    Aug 4, 01:54 PM
    without software, not much
    Duh, I mean what advantage would 64-bit processors & software over 32-bit?

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  • symbol Than the greek gods

  • Rot'nApple
    Mar 29, 04:41 PM
    It would be something if the brains at Apple could find a way to utilize and harness that high level of radiated water Japan has since trying to cool down the reactor cores and create some kind of supercharged liquid powered battery with a runtime describe in half-life versus 40 hours music and 7 hours video that the iPod Touch currently has... :eek:

    Japan get's rid of that juiced water and Apple's iPod Touch gets some high energy liquid juiced batteries. Of course, there's the issue of health... But Ives can redesign it using lead encasement instead of aluminum pronounced, Al - U - Men - Yum...

    Besides, by the time your doctor tells you of any health issues, you're deaf anyway form iPod earbud listening and you wouldn't hear the bad news. :rolleyes:

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  • mrxak
    Apr 24, 07:01 AM
    I'm with the future-proofing crowd. As cool as retina displays would be, I just don't think we're gonna see it for another few years.

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  • notabadname
    Apr 18, 02:57 PM
    It really does look like a clone, but more importantly (I'm guessing), Samsung, as Apple's screen supplier, has an inside angle on replicating the all-important touch screen interface.

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  • Apollo+greek+god+symbols

  • Benjy91
    Apr 25, 09:55 AM
    And remarkably inaccurate when I looked myself up. It has a bit of correct information on my parents. I'm actually surprised at how wrong they were since I have a fairly large internet footprint (of course, these guys probably don't have Google's database since they're just skimming).

    It's inaccurate because it doesn't track YOUR location, just the location of your nearest Cell Tower.

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  • Artemis+greek+god+symbol

  • spacemanspifff
    Mar 31, 03:44 AM
    I for one am not really that bothered about Lion or any OS updates - I love to have the latest thing and all improvements are always good. However, in my opinion they need to fix the OS I have before they release another one! For example with the last "update" [10.6.7] my Open type fonts are now playing up and the wonderful new Mac App Store takes about a minute to launch!

    I get very worried when I hear El-Jobso talking about post a PC world as if he has decided already that the PC is dead. I for one could not make a living using an iPad and an iPhone.

    Macs have always historically been used by content creators and designers [like me]. If, sometime in the future, Apple plan to lock down the system like they do with the iOS then I will simply stop upgrading my system. I could carry on using the system I have now until I retire, so it makes no odds to me if they want to stop making "proper" macs. I would imagine the rest of the design community would feel the same.

    Don't get me wrong, I have an iPad and an iPhone and I can see how for the vast majority of consumers these would fit the bill for all your computing needs. However, if these consumers are going to have something to look at or play with or listen to, then us designers need the tools to create stuff with and that means powerful PCs.

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  • the greek goddess artemis

  • Hellhammer
    Apr 21, 02:34 PM
    Just don't make it obsolete by removing any features. SP version could easily be smaller but the DP version is already small compared to others.

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  • artemis greek goddess symbols

  • damarsh
    Mar 29, 02:18 PM
    Can I just say I am amazed at some of the responses on this thread. Typical American and often I must admit British protectionism coming straight out like a bad smell. Without these so called "3rd world" workers Apple would be a lowly player. Firstly Japan is not "3rd world". It is one of the most developed countries in the world, and has some of the most adept and intelligent people on this planet. Secondly, the term "3rd world" and "1st world" is offensive. The proper term is developing and developed world. Thirdly, I am sure that we will all be fine if we dont get a few iPod batteries or glue. People have died over there and continue to die because of this tragedy. This is surely more important than a load of old microchips. Sorry. Rant over.


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  • At artemis, question what

  • portishead
    Apr 26, 03:05 PM
    My friend brought his Xoom over to show me. I was excited to check it out since I had never seen one. He ended up returning it and getting an iPad 2 (online order since they aren't in stock). I didn't even try to sell him on the iPad but his Xoom couldn't even play video without dropping frames and audio sync.

    I'm not a huge fanboi or anything. I wish iOS was more of a real OS as opposed to mobile, and had less restrictions, but it's still way more usable than the Xoom.

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  • Greek Goddess Artemis middot; Facts

  • Applejuiced
    Mar 26, 11:11 PM
    Change the thread title!!!! Whats with all these crappy/misleading titles lately!!!

    Just to get attention that's all.
    I doubt iOS 5.0 or the next iphone will be delayed.

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  • Greek Goddess Artemis middot; Facts

  • mdriftmeyer
    Nov 23, 01:36 PM
    Apple doesn't need to deliver a revolutionary phone-like device to grab marketshare. It's more about integrating a device within the system... and that is something Apple is good at.

    Phones, new features, and additional functionality are a dime-a-dozen. New bells and whistles are added all the time, that's not what the market needs. Someone (hopefully Apple!) needs to take some of these advancements and deliver a products that integrates them in a logical and intuative way.

    I second this insight. The market has been exposed to the gimmicks and now that the package has worn thin they are looking for an intuitive, durable and reliable phone that has some features you'd expect in a computer but mostly a phone that can be used with any carrier and doesn't need to be updated every 9 months.

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  • Duke&tank
    Mar 27, 01:01 AM
    I'm starting to wonder if a Iphone 5 is even going to come out this year i mean with the Verizon IPhone launched in February "kinda close to June - July IMO" so they might wait tell june of next year where we get AT&T and a Verizon IPhone upgrades.

    just my thoughts on it. of course Apple is a secret company so we won't know tell it happens:)

    artemis greek goddess symbols. ARTEMIS GREEK GODDESS SYMBOLS

  • cr2sh
    Dec 4, 02:09 PM
    it's a ******** phone! why does palm ceo opinion count?:confused:

    One word for you: Treo.


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  • Apollo+greek+god+symbols

  • Unspeaked
    Aug 11, 01:41 PM
    Man, I tell ya... 2 years+ ago when I wanted a new laptop, that's ALL I ever heard... I think Apple should build a one-off G5 laptop just to appease us crazy people in here, LOL! It would be an awesome tip-of-the-hat to us, don'tcha think? ;)

    Yeah, and it would really put all those heat issues MB and MBP owners are complaining about in perspective...

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  • for Artemis+greek+goddess+

  • Vylen
    Apr 22, 09:27 PM
    Some designs changes i'd like to see (all the rest i'm fine with):

    - Dust filters
    - Thunderbolt ports, front and back (instead of one of the firewire ports)
    - Usb 3.0 replacing usb 2.0 ports
    - PSU on bottom to keep it cool
    - HD's on bottom to keep them cool too
    - At least one dedicated SSD bay

    How does having the PSU on the bottom keep it cool?...

    Hot air rises, so the heat generated by the PSU will just rise and fill up the case.

    Unless I'm missing something or the laws of physics have changed in recent years?

    Apr 26, 04:16 PM
    Big deal. I use two platforms (Mac OS X and iOS) that aren't dominating the market, yet I feel that both have the superior user experience and the superior software. As long as both keep providing those two things, I'll be a happy customer.

    Nov 28, 02:23 AM
    what do you mean by dual boot?

    You mentioned Boot Camp, so I assume you run Windows on the partition? That's what I mean by dual boot, 2 OS's on one hard disk.

    Nov 26, 04:32 PM
    Transmeta black hole sucking.

    Ehe... I had no idea... Then again, (I hope I'm not starting a flamewar here :D ), the G4 kinda "sucks", performance-wise, when compared to a C2D...

    I'm not saying that the OQO is a top performer. I never tried one and haven't seen benchmarks on the Trasmeta, so I'll take your word for it.

    But, I mean, just look at the *size* of that thing! Apple could conceivably produce a product like that with an ULV processor, and with similar (or even better) specs, right?

    World Citizen
    May 4, 03:03 PM
    I want my Lion on a stick with a ThunderTail!

    What else do I use my Tunderbolt port for... :p

    Apr 7, 10:24 AM
    So you want Apple to be forced by the government to reduce its manufacturing, tell its customers "sorry, no iPad for you" because the competition needs to catch up? How stupid is that?:rolleyes:

    If Apple was found to be abusing its position... yes. But this is NOT my point... 'countries start to investigate Apple due to a shortage of components due to Apple buying up the available stock'.

    And just how could Apple be found to be absuing its position by buying what it needs to supply its customers whith product? Maybe if the iPad wasn't selling all that well but Apple can't keep up with demand as it is. Arguments like yours don't even make sense and I'll bet you some serious money that no one can produce a single instance of a company "found to be abusing its position" by buying what its needs to produce and sell its products. It would appear people like you are just angry that Apple is successful and want to take it down somehow. Stupid, just stupid.

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