Angler Fish Cartoon

Angler Fish Cartoon. the humpback angler fish,
  • the humpback angler fish,

  • andiwm2003
    Aug 28, 12:08 PM
    not that it really matters. but they stole apples thunder.

    and since steve compared osx to windows and the mac pro to dell and made lot's of fun about both they'd better stay on top of the game.

    Angler Fish Cartoon. Deep-sea anglerfish, which are
  • Deep-sea anglerfish, which are

  • supermacdesign
    Sep 19, 01:35 PM
    Studios are scrambling and re-evaluating there offers right now to get on board.

    Angler Fish Cartoon. Big Fishes cartoon 9 - search
  • Big Fishes cartoon 9 - search

  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 19, 10:54 PM
    As I mentioned in the other thread, you might actually want to take a look at the Apple Records logo before you make silly arguments that the Apple Computer logo is a copy.

    And as cmaier clearly explained to you, this is a different scenario entirely as they were in two completely different industries at that time.

    Oh, and what do the Beatles have to do with partnering technology companies turning around and stabbing their partner in the back? Nothing.

    So the Beatles didn't use an Apple? And Woolworths Australia does? Don't be so biased.

    Angler Fish Cartoon. angler fish facts
  • angler fish facts

  • Piggie
    Apr 22, 07:56 AM
    Clean your glasses.

    I take it, you do not see this ahead?

    A world without Books, CD's or DVD's for sale in charity shops to help fund services in need.
    A world there you cannot give a CD, DVD, Book etc that you no longer want to a family friend as a gift.
    A world where you cannot sell on a Book, CD, DVD, Game to get a little bit of money back, perhaps to buy a new thing you want.

    This to me seems where the industry wants to take us.
    Everything is purchased by the individual, can only be used by the individual and locked totally to them, so it can never be passed on, given away, or sold by yourself to anyone else.

    Can no one else see this is where it COULD go if we all just "go along with it"

    Angler Fish Cartoon. angler catching fish from
  • angler catching fish from

  • dejo
    Nov 13, 02:52 PM
    Just to be clear, if RA had made an application for a Macbook that displayed these images, that's ok. Because they made the application for an iPhone instead, it's not ok.

    Does that make sense to anyone?
    In a sense, yes. The rules for iPhone development are different than for Mac OS X. I may not always agree with it but there you have it. :)

    Angler Fish Cartoon. Filed under: angler fish,
  • Filed under: angler fish,

  • MacAddict1978
    Apr 30, 04:08 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Neither will be redesigned next year. Look at the length of time Apple stuck with the previous design. There are still a few years left to this "look."

    No offense, but it's rather likely the following revision will launch a refined design. (It's usually done in the fall refresh historically.) This design is rather old and still fashions the old poly carbonite white i-Mac design. Changing the material to unibody aluminum was just a material change that gave it a "newer more modern" look, but it still wasn't a full on redeux. The last major complete redesign was when it went from the iLamp to this form factor.

    Though maybe 1 more year.... not quite sure what more than can do with the design except maybe ditch the entire bezzle for 21.5-27" of sexy screen.

    Angler Fish Cartoon. Monster Fish cartoon 1
  • Monster Fish cartoon 1

  • LarryC
    Apr 30, 11:04 PM
    Two words: Future-proofing.

    Macs are expensive, and many Mac users cannot afford or do not want to buy new Macs frequently. Such Mac users want to buy a Mac and have it work with the latest software and peripherals for as many years as possible. For such users, it makes total sense to want a Mac with Thunderbolt, even though there are isn't a single Thunderbolt peripheral on the market.

    I absolutely agree. This is the same reason why I was hoping the USB 3.0 would be on this version. I realize now that is almost certainly not going to happen. I just thought that with so many PC's (including some PC laptops) already offering USB 3.0 that maybe the brand spankin' new iMac might be so equipped.

    I was wondering why so many people are so opposed to Apple offering Blu-Ray as a BTO option. I have read where Steve Jobs spoke negatively about Blu-Ray, I wonder if these same people would be all gung-ho for BR if Jobs had spoken positively about it? I realize that he is a very smart man, but he isn't God! I always thought that BR would have been a great thing to have on a Mac for things like backing up your iTunes library. Imagine that, being able to back up your entire iTunes library on two or three BR discs. That would have been really nice. I read somewhere the other day that they either have or are getting ready to have BR discs that have a 100GB capacity. What in the world would have been wrong with that?

    Angler Fish Cartoon. angler fish illuminating the
  • angler fish illuminating the

  • Bubba Satori
    Mar 29, 03:24 PM
    Wow, the natives are restless. IDC are just haters.

    Angler Fish Cartoon. Hot Pink Angler Fish Bag by
  • Hot Pink Angler Fish Bag by

  • kresh
    Sep 14, 08:43 AM
    What is it with some of you guys? Does hope spring eternal, or what!

    Apple could be at a medical convention to promote the new artificial Apple iHeart and some of you would be jumping up and down screaming: "Yahoo, this means MBP updates".

    Angler Fish Cartoon. Finding Nemo fish tank Scar
  • Finding Nemo fish tank Scar

  • dukebound85
    Apr 25, 02:24 AM
    Well I will openly admit that I have a low opinion of those who get burned in investment scams. If you're stupid enough to think you're going to get the kind of returns promised to you by the likes of Madoff, then you deserve to lose your money. But that's off topic.


    Why are you so cold hearted?

    Why do you feel you are somehow better than everyone else?

    Why do you not feel you need to abide by society's laws and furthermore, why do you not have any sense of ethics or morals?

    I am especially shocked that you have these views after stating you have volunteered 2500 hrs (or over 100 continuous days) in the last 2 years...I would think that this experience would have you develop a sense of compassion, not make you more cold hearted...

    Angler Fish Cartoon. it down: Anglerfish
  • it down: Anglerfish

  • Piggie
    Apr 22, 08:14 AM
    This is a good thing in my opinion, better for the environment, and technology is taking us in directions that we not have been able to imagine years ago.

    I pity the children of the future when I think back to how I am my friends used to swap Video's, CD's and Computer games with each other, as we only had enough Birthday/Christmas money to afford to buy so much, so we had great fun and enjoyment swapping what we had between friends.

    In the same way my elderly mother goes to her weekly meeting and they all bring books they have read in, so others can read their books when they have finished with them. Not everyone can afford to buy new every time.

    Angler Fish Cartoon. Fresh Fish cartoon 8 - search
  • Fresh Fish cartoon 8 - search

  • milo
    Sep 13, 09:16 AM
    I have never been more happy to be proven wrong. But now: Steve has been lying to us about the capabilities of this great iPod 5G for nearly a year now, just so we wouldn't anticipate the iTunes Movie Store.

    Lying? Come on. It already supported 640 in mpeg4, he never said it couldn't support other resolutions in the future with a firmware/software update. Did he ever say, "The hardware makes it impossible to ever support 640 with h.264"? No.

    Angler Fish Cartoon. fish cartoons,
  • fish cartoons,

  • Micjose
    Mar 22, 01:16 PM
    Finally some Mac rumors.. :D

    Angler Fish Cartoon. and scary Angler Fish,
  • and scary Angler Fish,

  • cmcconkey
    Sep 26, 12:45 PM
    I'm sorry you feel that way. I could write the same exact story, but replace Cingular with Verizon (and vice versa), but I don't believe this sort of FUD is on topic..

    Agreed i am happy for Apple to pair up with a company that will get their product out to a large number of people. I have been a die hard user of Apple products since 1993 ( I am only 28) and I will be a user for as long as Apple is out there.

    I also know that everyone has the horror stories about cell providers, it is going to happen because there are bad customer service reps at all businesses, or CSRs that are having a bad day.

    I just hope that the launch of the iPhone when/if it comes will be a great success for Apple.


    Angler Fish Cartoon. Angler Fish, 2009
  • Angler Fish, 2009

  • boncellis
    Sep 5, 06:59 PM
    As far as the streaming video possibilities go, I think it would be cool for Apple to include the ability to "project" the entire desktop onto a remote screen, like a TV or projector. The tech is already there, and I think that kind of functionality would be that much cooler and more practical than simply streaming audio/video content. I would love to use my PB's lid-closed mode wirelessly with the TV.

    Angler Fish Cartoon. Crazy angler fish and red fuzz
  • Crazy angler fish and red fuzz

  • WiiDSmoker
    Apr 22, 07:18 AM
    Clean your glasses.

    Nice response. :rolleyes:

    Angler Fish Cartoon. Eating Fish cartoon 10
  • Eating Fish cartoon 10

  • infidel69
    Apr 14, 05:36 PM
    Glad to hear it:D

    Im really stoked to see the Ivy Bridge benchmarks...the i72600k blew my mind:eek: I feel bad for the enthusiast folks who bought a 980x :(

    Enthusiasts had the 980 for atleast 6 months now and it's still faster than any sb cpu. Alot of those guys already had x58 mobo's anyway. Now if you purchased a brand new 12 core Mac Pro then then I agree with you.

    Angler Fish Cartoon. Woodcut Styled Angler Fish
  • Woodcut Styled Angler Fish

  • mac-er
    Aug 23, 06:41 PM
    Yup. how much does Jobs saying "Creative is very fortunate to have been granted this early patent" say to you? Pissed off is the roundabout answer!

    It says.."Yep, we stole their patent"

    Angler Fish Cartoon. How the male angler fish gets
  • How the male angler fish gets

  • monaarts
    Apr 4, 11:58 AM
    Seems unfair to kill someone for robbery. Yes they're breaking the law, but only deserve a prison sentence. Do you really really think someone should be shot and killed for attempting to steal a few laptops and smash a few windows? If you do then man you have issues.

    I don't think the "deserve" to be shot but if they get shot and killed while doing it, they should have known better. What if someone broke into your house and mentally harmed your family? They only deserve to be locked up for a couple of months, right?

    - Joe

    Apr 22, 11:33 AM
    As long as it doesnt shudder with the OS X animations and it plays 1080p smoothly, why does it matter? Do people really game on an Air?

    Your words disgust me sir

    Apr 11, 02:21 PM
    Not completely on topic but...

    Is it possible to stream audio and video from a mac to the iPad? If so, is the feature included or does it require an app?
    Refer to my post just before yours. Both solutions will work for streaming videos to your iDevice from iTunes. My previous post had a link to the iTunes instructions for Home Sharing, but here are the iOS instructions (

    It isn't 100% free, but not too pricey. Air Video (iOS app) ( will allow you to watch movies, in nearly any format, that are stored anywhere on your computer -- not just iTunes. Air Video Host software for Mac OS X and Windows (

    lord patton
    Sep 19, 09:31 PM
    As for where iTunes puts it's content... the original poster had a good point - how to have the content synched between the external/networked storage device and the local machine, for example a laptop

    Oh God yes this is what I want.

    I've read where iTunes 7 supports multiple libraries, but it's not the solution we're waiting for.

    I want to rip a CD onto my powerbook and have iTunes sync it with a master library on a partition of my external drive next time I hook it up. Right now, I'd have to remember to copy the new files onto the external... no good�I want it to be automatic and just work (Apple has spoiled me).

    Apr 11, 01:11 PM
    The US Government bailed out Wall Street and the Auto Industry. Then, they almost shut down themselves... :eek:

    The US Government almost couldn't even bail itself out... :eek:

    Yes, it is getting worse, you can tell, the media says we are no longer in a recession... ;)

    Yes, my friends did find work, but they can barely make ends meet and a 1/2 car ride each way turned into a 1.5 hour car/train/walk each way.

    They're not happy... (2 hours extra of commuting for a job where you need to whip out the credit card for essentials like food and gas).

    It will definitely be interesting how things will churn out...

    Sep 10, 05:44 PM
    Then I'll be right back here complaining about how 8 cores isn't enough either.

    I'm with you there. Although I don't do video compression but Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign work, I'm sure Adobe will manage to deliver a version of CS3 that still feels sluggish under 8 cores.

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